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Forum - VTV and Thunder completely ignorant about open source but yeah...

Tags: zeitgeist, VTV peter merola, zeit, geist, thunder, open source, opensource, free, peter, merola [ Add Tags ]

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The Burger KingPosted: Apr 05, 2010 - 20:41

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

~~Ventrilo txt chat copy~~
Vent date recorded around Dec, 24, 2009 [/b]

'cappy' has left the chat.
VTV: Have you guys ever listened to this stuff Hominey Grits said to Azzy?
VTV: I am muted right now so I can't hear you.
Plosmephere: nope
Billll: nopers
Thunder: yes, I have heard it
VTV:<br /> VTV: I am absolutely astounded that anyone ever defended this nutjob.
Diogenes: haha
Thunder: oh it gets good with about 20 mins left
Plosmephere: holy shit
VTV: It starts out slow.
Plosmephere: this is 1 hour long?
VTV: Yeah, it's worth listening to.
VTV: He's such a little child who is angry at his dad.
Plosmephere: lol
Thunder: i am astounded that he is still allowed to spew his poison on mumble
Diogenes: hahaha
VTV: I am tempted to go tell this guy what I think of him.
ENZ0: lol
Thunder: good luck with that
Thunder: we'va tried
Diogenes: do it with compasion VTV
Diogenes: empathy brother
Diogenes: hear his needs
VTV: I don't have any compassion for this guy.
Thunder: he doesnt listen to anyone but himself
Diogenes: behind his emotions
VTV: This is one of those people who is doing this because they like it.
Billll: ah great
Billll: this is the reord with me Azzy and grits in it
Diogenes: ask him questions before saying stuff that is behind your emotion that may sound moralisticly judgmental
Billll: record*
Diogenes: idk
Plosmephere: O_o
VTV: You know I betcha if anyone showed up at his house and confronted him he would piss his pants.
Billll: Iz will not comment weii
Plosmephere: lol
Plosmephere: especially if they were wielding a machete or something
Plosmephere: \m/
VTV: Yeah.... so Azzy creates divisions in the movement.... right....
Plosmephere: Lol
VTV: Seriously.... I hope this guy didn't hvae any kids.
VTV: have*
Thunder: lol
Plosmephere: i don't think he'd know where to stick it
Thunder: he's a piece of work for sure
VTV: And it's funny, because he keeps calling Azzy a child because he is 17. And on this recording Azzy sounds like he is twice his age.
VTV: His maturity is like middle school at best.
VTV: It's funny that he goes on and on about how people shouldn't have authority, and how Azzy is a Tsar and all that.
VTV: But he talks like a bully the whole time.
VTV: Telling him he needs to "dissapear" and all that.
Thunder: mhm
VTV: I so wanted to just say "Or what?"
VTV: Just call him on his impotence.
VTV: What could he do to Azzy?
VTV: Nothing.
Plosmephere: holy crap
Plosmephere: impotence used correctly in a sentence
Diogenes: blary stone?
Diogenes: Blarney stone
VTV: I am so happy that Tanktop has finally had enough of this guy.
VTV: I just hope that we learn from this.
VTV: "This chump"
VTV: Seriously.... my bully sense is tingling.
Thunder: what did tt do?
Plosmephere: LOL
Plosmephere: at 9:25 things heat up
Thunder: oh u havent got to the good part yet
'cappy' has joined the chat.
VTV: Well, he made it clear that if they want mumble to be recognized they are going to have to ban him.
Thunder: wait till he starts on his "alex jones" type rant
VTV: Otherwise he is removing any mention of mumble form the wikipedia.
VTV: Our wiki, that is.
Thunder: good
VTV: This turd in the shape of a human being says to Azzy "your always so negative"
Plosmephere: jeez azzy is really quiet
VTV: And that he is in the movement...
VTV: Wow....
Plosmephere: who is
VTV: He just totally projects.
Plosmephere: hominy?
VTV: Yeah.
Plosmephere: roflcopter
VTV: You gotta listen to this crap.
VTV: Seriously.
Plosmephere: i am
VTV: It's astounding.
Billll: I tend to agree
'Jean Paul AZZURRO' has left the chat.
VTV: I mean all silliness aside.
VTV: This guy is a total nut.
Plosmephere: that's putting it lightly
Thunder: he's very sick V
Thunder: mentally
Plosmephere: it sounds like he's always chewing tobacco too
'cappy' has left the chat.
Plosmephere: =/
Diogenes: nevada?
VTV: No, Homine Grits.
'cappy' has joined the chat.
Diogenes: where is this recording?
VTV:<br /> VTV: Seriously, this guy is an example why some people are simply not worth it.
Plosmephere: ll
VTV: "What weve got here is...failure to communicate...some just can't you get what we had here last week...which is the way he wants it...well....he gets it..."
'Anonymous2972' has left the chat.
Diogenes: you can reach everbody i believe
Diogenes: it just takes lots of work
VTV: I believe that's possible. But they have to want to change.
VTV: And I also feel that we are not babysitters in the movement.
VTV: It's not our responsibilty to deal with people like that.
Diogenes: muble and teamspeak are both active now?
VTV: Jacque is the one that told me I would have to cut people like that loose.
Diogenes: i can't dehumanize anybody
Plosmephere: Lol.
Diogenes: that is a high level of vulnerability
Plosmephere: LOL
Diogenes: MattG do you like Susan_Boyle
VTV: It's funny that people like this say there needs to be no laws. (And he says exactly that in this recording) when people like him are EXACTLY why we need laws right now.
Plosmephere: YEA IT HAPPENED. what happend? well whatever you're talking about
Plosmephere: lol what
MattG: who?
VTV:<br /> Diogenes: some scottish singer i downloaded a album from
Diogenes: Susan_Boyle-I_Dreamed_A_Dream-2009
Plosmephere: Busan Soyle
'T-Bird' has joined the chat.
Diogenes: blame and shame don't work
Diogenes: we need to not be making evaluations but stick to how we feel
Diogenes: and what happened to unmeet what needs
'worrywort' has joined the chat.
VTV: Wow....
Thunder: lol
Thunder: toldya
Plosmephere: O_o
Thunder: toldya it gets good
VTV: Now I have to resist the urge to put this in a show.
Plosmephere: sounds like he got it in the pooper
VTV: Who is this person who is trying to defend him saying that we should not be "following the rules"?
Diogenes: 'it's really great that zeitgeist members can know when people stop playing world of war craft '
Diogenes: hah
Thunder: Bill
Thunder: who is in here
Thunder: right below u
VTV: Well, while he is being nice about it, I can't believe what I am hearing.
Billll: what?
VTV: I am listening to your part in this conversation.
VTV: You really think we should just have no rules?
Diogenes: we need to have groundrules that we all work on agreeing to i think
VTV: Seriously, as your arguing that we don't need any rules, this idiot that your defending is proving why it must be done.
Thunder: we do
Diogenes: if we are a humanistic movement being humanist would make sence
Thunder: sense
Plosmephere: wlel dio
worrywort: there was another incident i see..
VTV: Now your quoting Fresco... Fresco would NEVER go along with this idiots behavior.
Plosmephere: the important thing to realise about "rules" is they're not brick walls
Diogenes: it would be a waste of time for him
VTV: Fresco would also never get banned from the forums?
Diogenes: its 93
VTV: Where did you get this stuff?
Plosmephere: rules need to be able to bend
VTV: Ok, well someone calling someone a "cocksucking faggot" is not something I would ever bend on
Plosmephere: well i said bend
Plosmephere: not obliterate
T-Bird: wow...nor would i
Diogenes: it's important to have transparency i am glad for that and it is something to keep us all on our toes in how we behave
VTV: Seriously, listen to this.
Diogenes: the GOV is reacording US ALL
VTV:<br /> Diogenes: and knowing that is important
Plosmephere: Lol
Diogenes: be aware
Plosmephere: big brother!
VTV: I don't know how anyone could defend this person.
Diogenes: its true
Diogenes: if we want anonyminity we would use tools that offer that
Diogenes: darknets etc
VTV: I don't know how anyone could defend this person.
Diogenes: its true
Diogenes: if we want anonyminity we would use tools that offer that
Diogenes: darknets etc
Diogenes: encryption
Plosmephere: darknets = ?
Diogenes: yes
Plosmephere: what are they
Diogenes: Darknet (file sharing) - a closed private network of computers used for file sharing
Diogenes: Dark internet - machines unreachable by other computers on the internet
Plosmephere: ah k
Plosmephere: ..
Plosmephere: psychodramatic
Plosmephere: rofl
Diogenes: privacy?
T-Bird: wow VTV i'm listening to this and what an idiot.
Diogenes: oh
Thunder: primacy
VTV: Yep....
VTV: You haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet T-Bird.
T-Bird: i love WoW..infact I promote the movement and our ideas in trade :P and people are starting to realize :P even Wo
T-Bird: wow nerds*
Plosmephere: Lol
T-Bird: i'm gonna start promoting more and whispering people who have an agreement with what I say. It friggen works.
worrywort: well bill, he's letting people hear what happened
worrywort: i see no wrong in that
worrywort: that's not taking sides
VTV: What happens when you talk at the same time as someone on Mumble?
Diogenes:<br /> Diogenes: i jsut saw this
Diogenes: all the lectures in one torrent?
Diogenes: 1974 lary king interview with Fresco ?
Plosmephere: lol
VTV: "Keep an open mind..."
VTV: My god man...
Thunder: lol
VTV: Azzy didn't say a single bad thing to him in this entire hour long conversation.
VTV: And this guy doesn't say anything to him about it.
VTV: But is telling Azzy we don't need rules.
VTV: While this lunatic is talking in the background and yelling and cussing.
MattG: i would have muted him
VTV: Heheheheheheh
VTV: "I have recorded this conversation."
Plosmephere: i would have sent him a virus... if i knew how
VTV: And now he is like "who are you going to give that recording to?"
VTV: "That's my buisness..."
Plosmephere: LOL
Plosmephere: licking peter joseph's nutsack
VTV: It's like he didn't want him to give anyone the recording because it is the biggest example of why they are so wrong.
VTV: "Rules in this nature of this environment should be followed..."
VTV: Which is totally contradictory to what he said earlier....
VTV: Now he is saying he would of spoken differently if he had known it would of been recorded....
VTV: Wow....
VTV: Unbelievable...
Thunder: toldya
VTV: I hate to say it, but this doesn't look too good for Bill either.
worrywort: who got banned?
Diogenes: he gets mad about a ban on forum is how it started and got homophobic because he was outed
Diogenes: this gritz person
Diogenes: has a long record of being banned
worrywort: who got banned?
VTV: Nobody new.
Plosmephere: LOL
VTV: This is from a while ago.
Diogenes: long long ago
worrywort: oh
VTV:<br /> Diogenes: and several times
Plosmephere: he said he's 1.2 million seconds old?
worrywort: ok
Plosmephere: that's less than 4 years
Plosmephere: hahahaha
VTV: But he is still on mumble for the time being.
Diogenes: Teamspeak is the future?
T-Bird: oh ya
Diogenes: i need to get that beta7
T-Bird: ts3 is pretty sweet
VTV: Though if he is still there, Tanktop is going to pull it off the Zeitgeist Wiki.
VTV: This is embarassing.
Diogenes: azzy did set him up, it is embarasing
VTV: Yeah, but azzy didn't have to do a damn thing.
VTV: Azzy was polite to him the whole time.
Diogenes: i know
Diogenes: just being there set him off
VTV: Yeah, but that's further proof of my point.
VTV: Going to unmute now.
Diogenes: and caused him to get insulting
Diogenes: he speaks with out e-prime and it i
Diogenes: is 'epic fail'
Plosmephere: holy crap
Plosmephere: i found an epic time calculator
Diogenes: i would liek to work more on e-prime myself the language of science
Plosmephere: a blink of an eye = 25 milliseconds
Diogenes: other wise stuff is less accurate
Plosmephere: 1 blink of an eye = 25000000000000000 attoseconds
Plosmephere: =D
Plosmephere: 1 blink of an eye = 7.922191153853199e-13 millenium
Plosmephere: :O
Plosmephere:<br /> Plosmephere: mess with it
Plosmephere: fun
Plosmephere: jesus christ helium has a fast as hell degeneration rate
Diogenes: unmuted
Diogenes: its like saying we can't have capitalism, we do live in the system we have now
Diogenes: it is a dream to think we dont have the system we have now
Plosmephere: LOL
Diogenes: i would like to have the dream but we can't realize it at this point.
Plosmephere: 1 helium half life = 0.0024 attoseconds
Plosmephere: wow.
Diogenes: its important to share your feelings
Plosmephere: DUDE>
Plosmephere: 1 Bismuth Half-Life = 2000042716454701.5 Milleniums
Plosmephere: Bismuth is a beast.
Diogenes: there are tools i have one
Diogenes: its called fairstars recorder
Diogenes: you can record everyhing happening video or audio
Diogenes: it was
Diogenes: like i said it was a sting op
Diogenes: mumble is it's own dictatorship
Diogenes: any centralized system is
Diogenes: have you ever been on any IRc system?
VTV: It's just another dictatorship, only people bully their way to the top.
Diogenes: ya we need a transparent top
Diogenes: that is about the mission
Diogenes: and we have that more here than anywhere else
Diogenes: everything can be recorded i mean this is
worrywort: this is a funny recording
worrywort: he talks like a military man
worrywort: funny
Plosmephere: decisive overmatch?
Plosmephere: LOL
Diogenes: it's hypothetical
Plosmephere: oh wow
VTV: Right, all the time talking about how nobody should have any authority.
Diogenes: billl just stop bro
Plosmephere: 55 minutes
Diogenes: we all know
Diogenes: how can we have a authority currently that is accountable and can be accepted and a process to have a proper redress againa in a way that can be accepted by all
VTV: The authority doesn't go away.
Diogenes: hypocrit to be anarchist in politics
VTV: I am not an anarchist.
Diogenes: neither was he
VTV: He certainly talks like one.
Diogenes: nobody can be
Diogenes: ya faulse representation
Diogenes: he could use anachist tactics but in a way that was tragic and not representative by other people who do
Diogenes: and truley as you said in a hypocrical way
VTV: Yes, but he is an example of why you can't do it.
Diogenes: as feminist ally is a #1 perspective to have
Diogenes: ya
Diogenes: i get that
Plosmephere: wat
Diogenes: my suspescion is grits does the coke he steals
Plosmephere: lol
Diogenes: as this 'special ops' person he makes himself out to be
Thunder: very possible
Thunder: or meth
Diogenes: there are hypocricies in EVERyTHINg
Diogenes: its a principle of DUALITY
Diogenes: he did it seems
Diogenes: ya he gave her a TIme out
Diogenes: like the emotional appeal people try to debunk science with
Diogenes: its flawed
Diogenes: we police ourselfs
'T-Bird' has left the chat.
VTV: Yeah well, some people don't do that. And won;t.
Diogenes: people are all sensative
worrywort: i totally didn't understand why she said that
Diogenes: it could been any number of reasons
Diogenes: hormones? sidism.
worrywort: but i'm here for like 2 days
Diogenes: mumble sucks
Diogenes: not only do the menus not work...
Diogenes: billl i would leave it
Diogenes: or for them to hear you
worrywort: wow that's so true i never thought about that
Diogenes: welcome worrywort
worrywort: hi
Diogenes: i remember my 2 day point
Diogenes: a few weeks ago
Billll: could be the position of power one has as well
Billll: :D
worrywort: what point?
Diogenes: 2 days old on here
Billll: two weeks old here
Billll: err maybe more
Billll: maybe a month or so tbh
Diogenes: Pest is this guy right ?
Thunder: no
worrywort: i'm here for 2 days
Thunder: grits
Diogenes: yup
Diogenes: oh
worrywort: tha's what i said
worrywort: that's*
Diogenes: only win win id hope
worrywort: matt did you feel like VTV said something wrong?
Diogenes: other wise the cycle can go on
Healingnow4u: Just becasues someone does not love you ...has nothing to do with you is what i see is going on..they just don't
Diogenes: in another room?
Billll: wouldn't it be great if I recorded this discussion
Billll: :D
ENZ0: yes
Diogenes: about process
Plosmephere: balls.
Billll: yeah
Plosmephere: time to naturally hallucinate
Diogenes: for not at least so we can get on the happy talk about how to spread awareness
Plosmephere: cyas
Billll: thank you thank you
VTV: Well Bill, if you were recording it, there wouldn't be anyone saying "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WILL BEND NOT ME!"
'Plosmephere' has left the chat.
Diogenes: billl let me give you the tool
Healingnow4u: right click on the persons name you want to record and see "view" then you will see record
Diogenes: tool to record everything on your audio card
Thunder: actually, u right-click on the channel u want to record, not the person
Healingnow4u: VTV your the pusser not the
Healingnow4u: oh ok
Healingnow4u: pusher*
Billll: VTV: Well Bill, if you were recording it, there wouldn't be anyone saying "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WILL BEND NOT ME!" <--- I'm not rly just saying
Billll: =P
Diogenes: cops encorce unjust laws
Diogenes: but peoples over reaction to them does no good to the person
VTV: Not all laws are unjust.
Diogenes: like if they put you in jail for not voting, would you vote?
Thunder: if I may ask, how old are u Bill??
Diogenes: like this new health insurance bill
Diogenes: if you dont get health insurance you will get 750$ fine
Billll: never said laws are bad their are some exceptions to banns
Diogenes: take the fine or get the insruance
Diogenes: its a hard decision to make for a person in the hard spots
Diogenes: like me
Diogenes: ;)
Diogenes: like is said ignorance to the law is not an excuse.
Healingnow4u: they will allow those that can't buy to file a "indegent" form to aid them Diogenes
Diogenes: i know it is a HARD job
'MattG' has left the chat.
Healingnow4u: then the fine is waved
Diogenes: its also no reward beyond just feel good that you did something to further th emovement
Diogenes: the fine line will still be there
Diogenes: those taht maybe cant file indigent
Diogenes: imean i get unemployment
Diogenes: i cant get health insurance
Diogenes: because UI is 100$ toomuch to get it
Diogenes: what do i do?
Diogenes: i have to pay the fine
Diogenes: and UI will be over
Healingnow4u: that's why they have the Medcaid avenue
Diogenes: maybe i have to wait till i am even more empoverished or even homless to get health insurance that way?
Diogenes: i dont have that ave
Diogenes: denied because you have to make max 906$ a month
Diogenes: to get it
Healingnow4u: it falls under the "income" level
Diogenes: and UI is 1000
Diogenes: ya
Diogenes: every situation is unique but the gov prescribed forumla is standard for all
Diogenes: no exceptions
Diogenes: to be poor on purpose sucks , shall i cry and file disabilities because my wrist doesnt work?
Diogenes: i mean shit
Healingnow4u: unemployment bens. will fall under the income level assistance will see
Diogenes: i have seen and have been denied
Diogenes: i even said i would only take 3 months and was denied on that
Diogenes: 3 weeks i mean
Healingnow4u: now's changing ..the House has not voted on it yet ...right.
Diogenes: ya so it might go back to senate?
Billll: nono I'm pissed I'm recored and it's being spread around the net
Billll: >_<
Diogenes: and obama might not sign it and the house could say lets do that other way that only takes 51 votes
Diogenes: and do get the public option
Thunder: get over it Bill
Diogenes: i doubt it al very much either way we are fuxored
Diogenes: by the Corporation
Diogenes: and this is jsut oen small short term fight
Billll: also the sneaky tactic by Azzy
Billll: to record it question the basic foundations of the Zeitgeist movement
VTV: Bill, if you stand by your convictions in what you said, who cares? Why should you care? Your not getting sound bited or anything.
Thunder: ur victim mentality is disgusting
Diogenes: breaking people by forcing them to accept losses over and over and to think that people get hopes up
Billll: that's not the case
Thunder: get the hell over it
VTV: Thunder don't do that, or you are making him a victim.
Billll: the sneakyness of it
Billll: to find the communist\
Billll: to wire tap the phone lines
VTV: I put myself on the net all the time.
Diogenes: we dont live in teh system we want yet
Diogenes: and accept that
Diogenes: the GOV is wire tapping too us all
Healingnow4u: yes...for years im sure
worrywort: Bill could you step away from the mic a bit?
worrywort: your hurting my ear with that P
worrywort: thx
Diogenes: i mean forreal if you want to help suck azzys dick other wise you just make trouble for ourselfs
Diogenes: i mean as hard as it may be to swallow
Diogenes: its the situation we are under
Diogenes: if anybody eneds emapthy and you want to be empathetic is is him
Diogenes: and i wll be ok with this
Healingnow4u: im recording right now is that an issue
Diogenes: to hold eachother to humanism and science any way possible will futher everything
Diogenes: no
Diogenes: its not
Thunder: no tony
Healingnow4u: ok
Thunder: ty for letting us know tho
MattG: since we are being recorded can I sing a song?
Thunder: plz no
Healingnow4u: just seeing if how to do it the way you said is working btw
Diogenes: i mean i would like to know more about azzy and i am sure he would be willing to give that id hope
Healingnow4u: and time
Healingnow4u: again
Thunder: yes
Healingnow4u: he's lonely ..he's said that he lives out in the country by himself
cappy: /> Healingnow4u: Hi Love..
cappy: hi baby
Diogenes: we are all lonley and scared i believe
Thunder: i dont believe him tony
Diogenes: this word is unpredicatable
Diogenes: world
Diogenes: i mean the energy put into this i feel is rediculous
Diogenes: we need to focus that in better goals
Diogenes: working against eachother is the same tactic used against any movement to harm it
Thunder: i'm not lonely nor scared...of anything
Diogenes: i am not listening to the 'talk
Thunder: Diogenes: we are all lonley and scared i believe
Thunder: i was debunking that belief
Diogenes: using stratagies to have connection and security elliviates this
Diogenes: not about debunking about stratagies nm i am just reacting to 1/2 information genearly
Diogenes: means little to nada
Diogenes: it seems like to me he addmited to the DOS attack
Healingnow4u: it's a cultral thing i think
Diogenes: there is no troll
Diogenes: people who use tragic stratagies to get what they need
Diogenes: would be a better term
Healingnow4u: it's also how he only knows how to talk with ppl.
Diogenes: his need is clearly communication
Diogenes: sure his communication skills need work but it's not fair on all sides
Diogenes: it's all power and control moves larger or smaller scales
Healingnow4u: it also runs in there minds for days on end also
Healingnow4u: they don't know how to let go of those issues....
Diogenes: needs him for connection as a idea to advance the movement , but as bill says we dont know and we all come as indivduals
Diogenes: to defened is not a need
Diogenes: its a stratagie
Diogenes: refer to non violent communication mods
Diogenes: please
VTV: I hope you lecture Hominy about non-violent communication tools.
Diogenes: seperating needs for stratagies to meet them is quite important
Diogenes: i will
Diogenes: and it appears it is a need for him to better communicate
VTV: Something that always annoys me a bit is that the "peace police" always open their mouths to the people defending themselves and not to the people who have started it.
Healingnow4u: yes..fully accepting All that is
MattG: right healing
VTV: I get that shit from Nanos all the time.
Healingnow4u: fully accept yourself and fully accept others
Thunder: dont even get me started on nanos
Diogenes: acceptance
MattG: but i struggle with that healing because I consider myseelf an individual first
MattG: ah ok
Healingnow4u: Just because someone does not love you VTV has nothing to do with you...see it that way will help
VTV: It still benefits the individual to do what is best for the group that he is part of.
Diogenes: just the tragic ways we all seem to go about it's not our own faults its societyes
Diogenes: the society we want to change
Diogenes: no
Healingnow4u: you can mute him so you don't get brought into his games
Diogenes: blaa blaa
Diogenes: humanism is a science .. lingistics are too
Thunder: yes tony, but that's a "band-aid" solution
Healingnow4u: yes.. and it helps for the time being
Diogenes: we all have deep wounds, healing them will be hard work and it is easy to reopen them
Diogenes: its not negative
Thunder: it enables and prolongs the inevitable
Diogenes: there is a outcome
Diogenes: we all are
Diogenes: and it takes those in power to admit the same
Diogenes: and we all hold eachother to a higher standard
Thunder: plz stop saying "WE ALL"
Diogenes: no
Thunder: speak for yourself
Diogenes: you cant be excluded thunder
Thunder: not me
Billll: lol
Diogenes: i am calling you out too
Diogenes: and i cant say x y and z with out thunder
Diogenes: because it is not so
VTV: I don't agree with all of it.
Diogenes: it is uncomfortable and needs to happen to get past
Thunder: well do what u want, just please dont include me in "WE"
Diogenes: true
Thunder: i dont appreciate it
Diogenes: i hear you say that but we are all saying the same thing
Diogenes: i just want to help make conflict resolution better where i hear i can
Diogenes: thanks
MattG: I think a solution may be in the form of shared decissions
MattG: shared responsibility
Diogenes: true
Diogenes: i take stuff away always from everything and hope i stay aware to not make the same mistakes in future
MattG: I think Billl is trying to help with the solution
Diogenes: me too and the more i hear the more i feel we all can be more sensative to eachother
Diogenes: hear as in the recording of grits
Diogenes: he was already so ramped up way before azzy talked with him
Diogenes: to wind down somebody who feels so passionate enought to DOS the server to stop a meeting...
Diogenes: and it would take group planning even
Diogenes: ya labeling is
Diogenes: it dehumanizes
Diogenes: and to be humanist it would go against all we stand for
MattG: maybe we banning instead of he banning would be more acceptable
Diogenes: so when i hear Mods lable
Diogenes: 'Troll' i get triggered
VTV: Yeah well that is not the focus we have in the Venus Project at this time. Direct from Jacque Fresco, we don't waste our time on people like that.
MattG: less power, more cooperation
MattG: when all else fails
Diogenes: saying what was done not x IS _____
Diogenes: that is not e-prime first of all
Diogenes: and it is static labeling
Diogenes: and it appears to be with my congnition not e-prime ;)
Diogenes: see even i can catch myself
Diogenes: truth is a ......
Diogenes: i hear you feel frustrated and you need order
Diogenes: what can we do to make you realize right and true and wrong and false
Diogenes: are not really great words to use they are too absolute
Diogenes: we all have it
Diogenes: i mean i have it too
Diogenes: as people in this mission we are all excited to hear about anti athoritarian tendancies..
Diogenes: he had an audience...
Diogenes: we all want to give and need empathy
Diogenes: its a given.
MattG: people can also have a mutual respect for one another
MattG: vtv
Diogenes: i don't know him and i ID too slightly
Diogenes: it would help too if i was also i bet...
Diogenes: and in all right your 2 cents count
worrywort: what was all the fuss about, what was the topic?
Diogenes: hahaha
Diogenes: see poor worrywort
Diogenes: he is new here and this is ALLOT to have to subject him to as a new person but i also think this is not the first time this will happen
Diogenes: mumble is a dead end
Diogenes: i cant even get it to work on win32
VTV: I don't buy all this "anti-authoritarian" crap. I am not about people abusing authority or power. But the world needs to change a lot before we can do that. I acknowledge that some people abuse authority. I have also seen a lot of people abuse the...

VTV: authoritarian label to protect themselves when they are justifying their own bullying.
Diogenes: post-authority ?
Diogenes: we all realize where centralized hiearchy leads to allot of the issues we face
Diogenes: i mean i see this and others i know do too
Diogenes: and have worked with in many aspects of my life
VTV: Well people start throwing around "authoritarian" to anyone who doesn't submit to them. And they tend to act like they are the one who was being victimized.
Diogenes: but i see flaws too
Diogenes: ya it is a trigger word
VTV: That guy I was talking about, that leader in the Libertarian movement talked about how bad "authoritarians" were all the time.
VTV: Then he went home, beat his girlfriend and made her drink his urine.
VTV: Not exagerating.
Diogenes: yup i hear it
VTV: That's real.
Diogenes: very real
VTV: And that guy is a text book example of why some people still need authority.
Diogenes: i like saying latley post-capitalism
Diogenes: rather than anti-capitalism
Diogenes: inherritied from the term post-leftism
VTV: I would be terrified of living in a world with people like him where nobody has any authority.
Diogenes: maybe it is my meme?
Diogenes: but i don't think my thoughts are original
Diogenes: i just installed the new teamspeak too
Diogenes: or ventrillo
Diogenes: that is an issue and i can see it and want to make sure i never be that person
Diogenes: and learn from that
Diogenes: not just in this but also in real life
VTV: Yes, but I see the pacifist thing empowering these people.
Diogenes: ya passifisim as pathology
VTV: If I walked in on him doing that, I would not be trying to "peace" him into stop beating his wife.
Diogenes: great book by ward churchill
VTV: Nor would it of been effective.
Diogenes: you would be ok in taking protective force
VTV: And in fact, if there was no authority, he would likely shoot me.
Diogenes: and she would also be part of letting it happen by not leaving him before it got that far
Diogenes: complexity...
VTV: Yes, and I feel protective force includes verbal confrontations.
Diogenes: so many issues inv.
VTV: As for her, I happen to know she couldn't leave him right away.
VTV: But she did.
Diogenes: ya
Diogenes: good
VTV: Because Mr. Anti Authoritarian dominated the money, the car, the phone, etc.
Diogenes: is vent limited to 100 ?
VTV: He made it very difficult.
Diogenes: ya part of this stupid system
Diogenes: we all want to get past..
VTV: Right.
Diogenes: post
VTV: I remember a line from "Man in the Iron Mask", good movie. One of them said "Some problems cannot be solved with a sword, and some cannot be solved without one."
Diogenes: it conflicts me personaly
Diogenes: and to be such a individual when working with other individuals and caring about their needs as my own
VTV: Well, even the Buddhists had warriors.
Diogenes: in the capitalist system
VTV: I remember talking to someone who was Buddhist and studied Ninjitsu. And I asked him how someone who avoids killing insects could be an Assassin, and he said that one has to consider how much evil they bring into the world by killing him, as opposed to
VTV: how much evil would be brought by letting them live.
Diogenes: comparative harm
Diogenes: ya thinking in potentials is important
VTV: Well it's not just potentials.
VTV: Most of the people they took out were also doing bad stuff.
VTV: At that time.
Diogenes: i like thinking in opposites too hypotheticly to make decisions
VTV: Not just might be.
Diogenes: to counter concentionaly taken ones
Diogenes: ya people taking tragic stratagies to meet their needs tratagies learned from others in the environment doign it to them
Diogenes: paradigm may have a view on that..
Diogenes: cycles that if broken could and will (optimistic thinking) help tremedously
Billll:<br /> Diogenes: in our survivial into a continued sustainable future , if possible, and i think it is
Diogenes: Pidgin ?
Diogenes: is for Linux too ?
Billll: eer C++
Diogenes: oh hes not in the chat
worrywort: what's mumble?
Thunder: lol
Diogenes: some open source voice chat
Thunder: dont ask
Diogenes: hah
Diogenes: it sucks for me
Diogenes: 1/2 functional
Diogenes: under xp
worrywort: is that the new thing we might move into?
Diogenes: no
Thunder: it sucks period, even if some wont admit it
Diogenes: something that was tried and didn't work out
Thunder: no worry
Thunder: we are moving to TS3
worrywort: oh
worrywort: when is that by the way?
Thunder: about 2 weeks
Diogenes:<br /> Diogenes: were any of these lectures good?
Thunder: the test server is up now if u wanna go there
Diogenes: besides where are we going part 2
worrywort: oh ok
Thunder: they're all good
Thunder: some are better than others
Diogenes: 2009_09_26-Jacque_Fresco_at_COP_Kreativ
Diogenes: how was that?
Thunder: as i said
Thunder: they're all good
worrywort: this was great. but its all very deep if your'e just into it
Thunder: u will have to decide for yourself how good
worrywort: just warning
Diogenes: that somebody upped this not just me makes me happy
worrywort: you won't get everything he says at the begining even if you think you did
Diogenes: because it means others are taking up a idealism in the movement on a site i originaly put the videos
Diogenes: and found more to share
Diogenes: i want to learn it all and be a generalist
Diogenes: but i am no coder
Diogenes: diversity of stratagies its called
Diogenes: enough space for us all
Diogenes: like polyamory
'worrywort' has left the chat.
'worrywort' has joined the chat.
worrywort: you guys rock :P
worrywort: lol

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 05, 2010 - 22:23

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

VTV: I remember talking to someone who was Buddhist and studied Ninjitsu. And I asked him how someone who avoids killing insects could be an Assassin, and he said that one has to consider how much evil they bring into the world by killing him, as opposed to
VTV: how much evil would be brought by letting them live.


#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 06, 2010 - 04:37

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

@Matt deep :S pffft

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 06, 2010 - 06:17

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

coming from peter Merola's mouth the zeitgeist movement does not support open source, something that actually works... This is the problem... Listen to audio below!

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:25

Level: 0
CS Original

Plosmephere: he said he's 1.2 million seconds old? said I was 1.2 million KILOseconds old...anyway I'm Grits, in case people in this forum didn't realize.

I encourage anyone who has even the slightest interest, to listen to the recordings of me talking to "Azzy". I think I handled him quite well, though he did delete quite a bit from the recordings, a couple of instances where he lied outright and some other stuff I can barely remember at this point. What do you expect, though, he's a child.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:28

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

What is the average age of ZM moderators?

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:32

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Grits is the guy Tanktop wont quit whining about.

Apparently you threatened tanktops life so he claims, he never shuts about that.
Whats the deal with all that ?

Did you mean it or were you just being an internet retard like the rest of the us seem to act like when provoked ?
or did you even say it ?

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:44

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Did you mean it or were you just being an internet retard like the rest of the us"

I resemble that remark.


#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:55

Level: 0
CS Original

tanktop is a faggot, I never threatened him, or anyone. The only thing I've said to any of them even remotely resembling a threat was on their deprecated Ventrilo server. I was discussing things there and being yelled at, insulted, told to leave, told to shut up, etcetera. I told people if they didn't want to hear me they could mute me. This one dude said "I want to just shut you off". I have PTSD and that was all it took to trigger it, if somebody said something like that to my face I'd take that as a prelude to violence (shut off = kill; knock out; etc). I told this guy "Here's a way you can shut yourself off: stick a knife in your jugular vein."

tanktop might be talking about my intention to participate in their recent "Zday" event. Billll was planning on going, he said he was going there to kick tanktop's ass, I said I'd love to help, and later said something along the lines of "I can't wait to be there when you meet tanktop". That was Billll's deal, though if shit kicked off, I would have been right there throwing bodies left and right.

I find it laughable when I read VTV saying things to the effect that if I was "in his face" I'd be meek as a mouse. He has no fucking clue. That tubby bitch is about as intimidating as a girl scout. Also, the moderator darkdancer told me if I touched anyone at their "Zday" event that he'd do more than dance with me. He claims he's a thai boxer, which is fine with me, I'm no thai so I'd probably be safe from him.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 11:57

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

Tanktop threaten me first or whoever I was talking to and I got into it with this individual, but I certainly do not want to hurt him horribly if we were to fight; It was out of defense since he said he was going to hurt me first, the logs are below. Keep in mind these chatlogs I have recorded happened on a freenode server in rbose chat. He was the one that came onto the freenode server into the rbose channel, he was the one who Pmed me or whoever it was, so this wasn't on any official zeitgeist server once so ever also keep in mind tanktop completely denies that this is him which could be true, yet uses this information as fodder to justify my banning even more. How can you use evidence that is on a third party server (freenode) not affiliated with Zeitgiest movement, Tanktop claims it's not him, and then come back and say I threaten Tantkop when in fact Tanktop was not threaten since it wasn't him and if it was him he threaten me first I merely defended myself... FYI I was making a statement with having Peter's name as mine on the freenode IRC in the RBOSE channel.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:03

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

k well I am sure you have seen him ramble on about it on the forums so I wont bother linking, I seem to recall him using the name billl , grits in correlation to this story many times, so it seems like he has a counter claim stating him not true.

I also have seen Tanktop discuss matters that were not rlated to him personally on the forum like he was there, and I have sat quietly laughing at him knowing full well that its not how it happened.

With him being a bit of a drama queen I think he likes to just make huge stories out of things sometimes.

Anyways thanks, I prefer horses mouth stories.

moving on

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:03

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that someone named "tanktop" is trying to save the world?

Where's "midriff" and "cut off jeans" ?

"<tanktop_> ... i'm going to beat your ass so bad, you can't come to zday your not eve part of the movement"

Successful troll is successful.


#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:10

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

no I always found it funny as hell. his image had him sitting with his white tanktop being all erm tough ?

There are a few ZM members whos avatars were them half naked looking coyly at the camera so to speak. Michi and me used to piss our pants laughing at them.

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:12

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
not sure
#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:13

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"There are a few ZM members whos avatars were them half naked looking coyly at the camera so to speak."

I've seen them. The guy who said his girlfriend had to have an abortion because the monetary system made them poor had one.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 07, 2010 - 12:17

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

lemme show you this one then: [VTV]</p>

do we have a winner ?

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]