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Forum - Zeitards with no money will be boycotting WalMart

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Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 15:30

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I brought up this idea before, but just as an RBE will be, ever changing and emergent, so has my idea become. After talking about this a bit with my chapter and people I know, I now want to know what Global goers think of my plan.

My idea in a nutshell is a silent boycott.
Silent in fact being key to the success of this.
What essentially would happen is a group of say 20-30 people from each chapter in each state, all collectively choose a store or a set of stores to just never buy from again, regardless of need. Most likely a set of stores or a store that has a back up (ex: Wal-mart silently boycotted, K-mart and Target are back ups). By doing this, from my understanding is that, one, it's a personal stand, every little bit of non-contribution to this sick system is a personal advancement. Two, over time, just like raindrops on cement, dropping in the same place, we can make a dent as we gather more and more people to do the same to the same store(s). Numbers don't matter here, considering we have nothing to lose. Silently boycotting does not cost time nor money, it's just a personal choice. Only sacrifice is if you live in the middle of nowhere and the only store near you happens to be the store you were boycotting, that's it.

This could help, even if it's just a small way to help "weaken the wall" as it were, so that when it falls, it won't seem as sudden to people when it comes crashing down.

Also, by doing this silently, no protests, no media, no shirts or any publication of our actions, there is no backlash towards the movement. If we started to "bring down the system" and advertised that we're actively doing so, then we'll have quite a few people, not just the elite, who are upset with us, because, let's face it, most people aren't remotely ready for collapse. Basically, it'll be an anonymous protest, in which we don't put our name "TZM" or whatever on it. No need for notoriety, it'll be more the philosophy of "I dislike your company, I don't like what you do, so I won't buy from you and about 10,000 of my friends agree with me and are doing the same thing." as opposed to "I'm going to gather all my friends and their mothers to protest/boycott against your company and despicable dealings and business practices!!" It doesn't need to be a big thing. It's just something I don't think (to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong) anyone has done yet and could separate us a little more from every other movement out there, as at times we seem a little taboo or at a stand still, but that last part is just my personal opinion and what I call generally educated bias (meaning I don't have all the info I'd need to make a professional judgment or claim on the matter but I get a general idea through common knowledge).

If anyone is interested, has questions, comments or wants to totally correct me (I think we all need to learn that at times we can be totally wrong) feel free to email me or personal message me about it. I'm more then willing to get this going anyway I can. If it doesn't work, again, nothing to lose there, nothing really invested either in the commodity of time/money. I'd really love to get this small project going with at least 30 states, that way we have a chance to actually make them take notice and slowly take away their power.

I want to clarify I do understand that this movement is not causing the direction of an RBE and a new social paradigm, it is simply helping it along in the most widespread and to my knowledge effective way that is already prevalent in the trends of society and the world view (not the monetary view).

If people want to make an active stance towards this social change, with out too much taboo/backlash then I think this is the way to do it.


#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 15:38

Level: 5
CS Original

More MILF for me.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 15:49

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

As if Wal-Mart, KMart or any other similar store will notice when a few people stop going.

Also, I get angry every time they talk about collapse and come off as looking forward to it, as this zeitard does.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Real RoxettePosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 15:57

There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain.

Level: 8
CS Original

Fucking stupid.

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 15:59

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

One can only hope they extend this silent boycott to the internet too.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:10

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

If you click the link, Talon Silvertard goes on an insane rant about how horrible Home Depot is compared to small mom and pop hardware stores.

Well, I actually shop at Home Depot. Quite a bit, actually. I'm in the garden center so much they recognize me. Their prices are absolutely nothing like Silvertard claims and neither are the products. I'm skeptical that he's ever gone in the store.

"Mom and pop" hardware stores are shit. They're expensive, the selections are crap and so are the locations. Why should I travel further and spend more money just to financially support some vague concept like "mom and pop stores." Stupid. Its just anti-corporatism, it has nothing to do with "mom and pop stores" being any better. Because they're not. If they were, they wouldn't be out of business.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:17

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

^ I agree

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:28

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Here's my "mom and pop store" rant:

Close to where I work is a little plant shop run by an old hippie lady. She's a nice enough person, but sells all sorts of really stupid shit like healing crystals, "essential" oils and organic crapola. I go there because every now and then she'll have a rare type of begonia that I don't have. She has all these signs about "buying local," "buy organic" and "be green." Typical hippie shit.

Two years ago I bought a pot of sunflowers. It was late in the year, I never got around to planting any from seed so I figured what the hell. Basically, they sucked ass. They were the kind that make lots of tiny little flowers, not the mammoths that I usually grow. I blamed myself for not getting the seeds in early enough and shrugged it off.

I was surprised when they came back last year, actually, I was pretty impressed. For a little while that is. As spring turned to summer, I found myself wondering why the hell there weren't any blooms on these sunflowers. They were taller than I was and yet no fuckin' blooms. What the hell?

Well, turns out she sold me hybrid shit that blooms once and that's it. I was pretty annoyed, but again shrugged it off and just cut the fuckers down for compost.

So here it is two years later and those motherfuckers are back! I can't get rid of them! They just keep fucking coming back! I rip them out, more pop up. I rip those out, and more pop up. They absolutely will not go away. I have never, ever had this problem when buying sunflowers from Home Depot.

Lesson learned.

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Omni-SciencePosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:32

Ordo Ab Chao.

Level: 8
CS Original

^ Would it be safe to say her hippie hybrid plants are more aggressive than Home Depot plants, and therefore not as good for the environment?

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:36

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
shamsham1090Posted: Apr 20, 2011 - 16:58

Level: 0

I swear these Zeitguisters are like a religious cult

They read or watch their holy movie and and do everything it says.

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:00

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

@Omni, her plants are all natural and organic, so they CAN'T be harmful!

I hate the all-natural fallacy.

There's a mom and pop hardware store near the Habitat site I work at. It can be REALLY handy to have right there if we run out of something, like paint tray liners, staples, nails or other small construction items. But...the prices are stupid expensive, compared to Lowe's or Home Depot, which are a 20+ minute drive from the site. Say a set of 15 paint tray liners will cost $2.99 at the mom and pop store...99 cents at Lowe's or Home Depot. So we try to stock up beforehand so we don't have to get the same stuff for three times the price at the mom and pop hardware store. Handy for those little things, but as our regular store for most of our construction needs? Not a chance in hell. I don't think they give us a non-profit discount, as Lowe's and Home Depot do.

Another 'mom and pop' story. A new flooring store that just opened donated laminate flooring and tile to the site at cost to them. I think we got it $1.50 per square foot, which was a deep discount and cheaper for us than going to Lowe's or Home Depot. However, had they not done that at cost, we could've gotten the same flooring for cheaper at Lowe's or Home Depot.

As a side note, Lowe's is also the big corporate sponsor of Habitat for Humanity's Women Build program. They also awarded us a large grant for their store ($5000, I think) very recently, which will be very helpful in stocking up on tools for our new site. Several large corporations that everyone hates (DOW Chemical is a biggie) donate materials, sometimes very expensive materials, to Habitat for free, and it's available to affiliates through Habitat International's Gifts in Kind program. We recently ordered over $5000 worth of material from DOW Chemical...cost to us? Zip. Of course, we could've bought this stuff from our mom and pop stores and added $7000+ to the family's mortgage for the sake of being politically correct and 'buying local'.

Those damn evil corporations, donating expensive things like foamboard insulation to a charity for free!

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:38

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

^ No only are mom and pop stores expensive but mom and pop stores have weird hours their open it's not consistent like a HomeDepot or a Lowes. In that I value Home Depot more than a value Lowes I think the atmosphere is better and things are done more loser but professional there.

I dislike Lowes a lot for multiple reasons one being they seem to be more business like and I suppose not as friendly to me; I kind of like the redkneck atmosphere with homedepot if that makes sense. Lowes seems to hire very nice looking women who don't know much about DIY and seem to have maybe two people on the floor that may be able to help you find things or have an idea of what you want to do. Homedepot on the other hand has a lot more people employed on the floor that can help you, also asking some random contractors who hang out there is always nice as well.

The only reason I'd ever go to a Lowes is because it's open later on Sundays then a homedepot as Lowes closes at 8pm on and Home depot Closes at 5pm on a Sunday.

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:40

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Lowes has shit for selection and their prices are too high. I don't care who they support, I'm not shopping there.

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:50

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

Well, Home Depot sponsors Habitat as well, so either way, they're still a big evil company and damn them for supporting a charity.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:50

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

More stupidity from the Zeitard/Butthurt Movement:

"Most definitely. It should be a way of life for all of us to try and support our local communities over the corporate world, which deliberately perpetuates horrendous inequality."


I hate this mentality. People assume that just because something is a "local business," the owners are going to agree with their politics. What if the owner of the local mom and pop hardware store is a closet Nazi who spends his proceeds supporting horrible shit? What if the mom and pop hardware store owner drives to another county to spend his profits? Since he's a nobody, he could be into any sort of crazy shit imaginable and you'd have no idea what you were financially supporting.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 17:53

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

^Agreed. Admittedly I used to have that mentality a bit...then I became a skeptical asshole and I don't have it anymore. Local doesn't automatically mean better, and corporate doesn't automatically mean evil and perpetuating inequality. I think it's a logical fallacy akin to the 'all-natural' fallacy.

Every time we've tried to force equality it's failed. Miserably.

#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 18:56

Level: 3
CS Original

"Perpetuating inequality" bah thats bullstinky. It happens naturally in a society where equality is not forced as some people just simply do better than others, or make the right choices.

Some of these Zeitards give me the impression they aren't whining because they are poor, but more because someone else has more than them.

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 19:17

Level: 10
CS Original

Like my local offlicence had people in the area try and sign a petition to stop a Tesco Express being built nearby which would put it put out of business.

The thing is the shop is pretty crappy. Its overpriced, selling many low quality items, you have to spend over £10 before they let you spend on a card but the thing that pisses me off most is they are closed on Saturday! WTF! Isn't the weekend when people want to go to the local shop the most?

Tesco's is better, either tell me why I should support you or move aside. I mean if you're really nice and sell special goods like home baked bread or provide a special service fair enough, but if you just want me to support you BECAUSE you're local irrespective of the quality of your service then i won't be doing that.


#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 19:18

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

This thread is so politically incorrect it's awesome.

#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 19:26

Level: 3
CS Original

Well Ed in a way I can see the problem, especially if people's whole livlihood is based on their stores income. But the thing is that people have the right to choose where to shop and if a chain store opens up nearby that offers quality goods at a cheap price people have a right to pick the better product.

So it is fair really because the consumers decide which store to go to, the chain store just provides a better product and can you really blame a business for providing a better product?

#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 19:42

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Its the little shop's fault for thinking it controls the customer. It doesn't. The customers control the little shop.

#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Apr 20, 2011 - 19:53

Level: 5
CS Original

Also mom and pop shops aren't MILF friendly.

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
alexastormPosted: Apr 21, 2011 - 09:03


Level: 2

"Some of these Zeitards give me the impression they aren't whining because they are poor, but more because someone else has more than them."
@EZ I've been thinking that for months now. Probably because I've seen one or two examples of what sounds like nothing more than jealousy.

As for a boycott of Wal-Mart. We have one that serves a very large area, always packed full. I doubt they would notice 20 or so missing people. I don't think you could even find that many zietards around here. There were about 8 people at the last tri-state z-day.
I like the so called mom and pop stores. To a degree. There's one small grocery store in town that's got great prices. Most of the summer I buy produce from the local farmer's market. Again, great prices. Same with plants. $2-3 per plant, a few might go as high as $5. I just bought new kitchen cabinets. I tried a local business and they were closing in on 11k and then I went to Lowes and spent just under 7k. I've been wary of Home Depot since they screwed up my bathroom door. Not once, but three times. In a nutshell... I don't care what kind of store it is as long as I'm getting the quality I want at the right price.

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]