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Forum - Zeitard brags about destroying some poor guy's equipment

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Agent MattPosted: May 03, 2011 - 19:30

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Two months ago, a small chapter of Earth!First and some anarchists including myself, went to a town to help the indigenous Indian population that lived to prevent the expansion of a golf course that would deforest an old native forest that they have a deep relationship with. Before all this, the small Indian community in that town petitioned, boycotted, picketed, and talked to their local "representative" to try to prevent this expansion. None of this worked.

So we all met up at the site that was going to be bulldozed and we engaged in direct action. About 7 people blocked the road that the bulldozers would soon come down with sand bags and scrap metal along with their own bodies. When the bulldozers came, some of the Earth!Firsters distracted the operators who got out of the bulldozers and this allowed a good friend of mine and myself to link our arms to the wheels of one of the bulldozers with 2 large metal tubes and handcuffs so that the bulldozer couldn't move without running both of us over. Some of the other anarchists either stole the keys to the other bulldozers or damaged the tractor controls in the drivers seat and broke the glass.

Soon the police arrived and my friend and I were arrested with minor charges and had to pay a small fine. They also arrested the Indians who chained themselves to the trees. It took literally all day to get us free because we hid the keys to the chains and handcuffs. I spent the night in jail and was out the next day. Myself and my friend.

We prevented that forest from being demolished and it still stands today. According to the police, we were "violent" protesters even though no one got hurt except me when they almost broke my arm.


You silly little tool, you were classified as violent because you destroyed some poor guy's property who was just there to do his job. I guess smashing glass and destroying controls is "peaceful."

I live in the same city this kid does. Let me tell you about the "indigenous indians" here: They run multi-billion dollar casinos. What a dork.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: May 03, 2011 - 19:36

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

^Not surprised. But oh no, the indigenous indians were at one with the earth, so they will be so all the time! Even if they run casinos! Zeitard can't even realize this.

Although, I will also admit that I personally would not support knocking down a forest to expand a golf course. That said, this is NOT the way to protest against that.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: May 03, 2011 - 20:00

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3

I wonder how he would feel if ELF took and hid his keys smashed the gauge panel to his car. I mean why not? Earth First, right?

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: May 03, 2011 - 20:03

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Peaceful direct action, man!

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: May 03, 2011 - 20:17

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

How much do you wanna bet this dork supports organic agriculture, which has much lower per acre yield than 'conventional' agriculture and thus requires the destruction of more forests for farmland?

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]