Tags: lol retarded, New Age Bullshit, zeitarded, 2012, zeitard logic, MDMA muncher loses his marbles, predicting the same shit again, watching youtube is not research, zeitard on drugs [ Add Tags ]
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Agent Matt | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 18:31 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Just a note I use YouTube videos as a source because that’s where ALL noteworthy videos are located. There’s no such thing as a 100% unbiased or even a 100% credible source, everything is formed from a separate perspective. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Doubt everything, but maintain your own curiosity! * If you already understand what I’m about to present, you are a part of the Illuminati, or at least to the standards of my current understanding. If you understand any substantial portion of what I’ve said, I’m anxious to indulge in conversation with you. I am going to form projects to begin moving humanity forward! Facebook me! * To my professors, this is what I’ve been doing as opposed to attending class. Give me an A…. please? It’s worth a shot, right? I suppose I hope that this post changes the way you think about what’s going on in the world today. I have found the motivation to write out my beliefs in one post. I will make this clear: I want to be wrong, I want to know the truth! I see failure as progress, as you all should. I’m not here to preach, I’m here in hopes to open people’s eyes. I am not here to scare you, I am here to empower you. I am not here to be better than you, I am here because I realize that I am you! I love you all unconditionally. If all of this is new stuff to you, I’m going to warn you…It will probably take an upwards of 4-12 months [if you’re lucky] to learn. If you have any questions, contact me or post on the Zeitgeist Movement Portland: ME Facebook page. I’ve been working on this for almost my entire life. I believe that I have connected all of the dots. You may be asking yourself why you would want to learn about this? Knowledge is power and power will set you free. To feel completely free is the greatest feeling in the world. I am not perfect by any means, but I am very, very happy. I want to share with the world everything I have learned and if you don’t care, then you can simply not listen to me.. and go back to a boring world full of suffering and confusion. (cough) sorry :) You must be a critical thinker! I will begin at the most difficult part to comprehend; those who are experienced with LSD, psilocybin and especially DMT or are naturally spiritual to begin with, will be able to somewhat follow. I believe we are on the verge of the greatest shift humanity has ever seen. I’m talking about something that only happens every 2,600 years! We’re about to evolve from homo sapiens to something even more evolved! I believe aliens are returning and they’re going to show us some fucking cool shit! 95% of this post is not this weird, I promise. This is what we have to look forward to IF we survive to make it to that point. I believe that when the bible says Jesus returns, and we all know that he will, this is a simple metaphor for this. Check out Jordan Maxwell, he may be a little nuts.. But he brings up some interesting shit! And hey, we’re all a little crazy! I may have thought this was too weird or too complex seriously just a few weeks ago. Things have been changing very fast in my life though and I feel that something very profound is happening around us. It’s fucking awesome, but also intimidating, as I’m also timid of the unknown. Basically by Dec 21, 2012, I believe there will be two races left on this planet: Those who are enlightened, and those who are not. Those who harmonize with the Earth’s higher frequencies, AKA open their mind up just a little bit to see what’s going on, they will be graduated onto a new level of understanding.. Possibly leading to the door of new dimensions. I only believe we will move towards a unified planet, unified language, unified beings, etc. Soon we will all realize that we all exist as one organism on this planet. I will now explain what this means and how it is going to change everything that’s going on in our life.. and when I say everything. I MEAN EVERYTHING. Warning: I bring up some very abstract thought, so keep an open mind and let the information in, don’t let someone else’s experience drive your life and don’t be scared. I do a lot of research, I know what the fuck I’m talking about, I promise you. So here it goes: Think about what’s happening with this new electronic music epidemic. It brings people together. If you lose yourself to a song in the same room as another person, you can’t describe what you’re feeling, but you’re sharing the same exact feeling as those other people, you are feeling unconditional love and it sets you free. During shows and festivals, you share it with up to hundreds of people… That itself is a form of telepathy. All types of music do this, it obviously isn’t limited to just that.. It is just electronic music has been blowing up lately with the new advances in technology. Anything is plausible. So we’re starting to see pockets of tight knit communities. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the coolest, most happy and attractive people you meet, love and breathe music (art of any kind too)?? Why do you think we’re attracted to celebrities? Our community supports and loves each other; if you’re a stranger we see it as an opportunity to make a friend, not an enemy. ________________________________ Now, I start with an optimistic paragraph, because it gets gruesome fast, but stick with it because there is a way out. I again, am here to empower you. Real life is fucking awesome, stress is not natural. Stress is not real. Now to something a little more somber: The systems we see are failing, and falling FAST.. It isn’t like this system works anyways. I’m not quite sure when Democracy and capitalism became synonymous for freedom. WAKE UP! Depression rates are up, our soldiers are coming back with PTSD, people are obese, cancer is everywhere, and war is never ending. 22,000 kids die every single fucking day FROM POVERTY. If you care about 3,000 killed from an airplane crashing into a building.. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THESE KIDS?!?! I’ll tell you why, you’ve been mindfucked. You’ve been mindfucked to the conditioned to not react to 22,000… WHY DO YOU THINK ECONOMICS ARE THE WAY THEY FUCKING ARE??? 28 trillion million dollars, fuck that.. Also these poor kids have been dehumanized, out of sight, out of mind. Sorry, I get excited a little easy. I will try to leave my emotions and ego out of this, however I’m a victim of conditioning as much as you are.. Did you enjoy the cute kitten? Sorry Bryan.. Lets keep moving -»> It’s only a matter of time until the US dollar collapses. The wars are getting worse and we’re seeing natural disaster after natural disaster. You don’t think Osama Bin Laden being found is a little fishy????? Anyone with half a brain knows this doesn’t mean SHIT! The government is about to pull off their “master plan,” people! Pay the fuck attention, this is important. You’re about to see a classic bad guy and good guy WWE style team up. The republicans and democrats are soon to come out on stage and join hands. They have been on the same team this entire time; they vote the same way anyways. They are puppets of the corporations, who by the way don’t give a fuck about us. Either way, with the dollar collapsing, WORLD economics collapses. And the dreaded super retaliation of Al Qaeda. We are going to be scared into a union between Canada, US and Mexico. And it won’t be long until we’re scared into a one world government, it’s not the NWO. It isn’t secret who these people are anymore. Go to you tube and watch Zeitgeist 1,2,3. The government knows exactly what is going on because they are, like me, apart of the Illuminati. I don’t know exactly how to explain it, it’s something like a minimum level understanding in every field of human life. It’s a whole new level of thinking and I’ve been this way for a few weeks. And let me tell you, it’s fucking awesome! At least this is my current understanding. As you can tell, I know a lot, but at the same time I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing…. Either way our beloved owners of this country.. Who by the way, all meet secretively, follow religion and scriptures very closely and actually worship the devil. The Mayans understood the world and our owners took advantage of this information and tried to systemically get rid of them. They burned most information about them so we don’t know shit about them anymore. We’ve had prophets predict events thousands of years before it happens. We can accurately predict the weather for months in advance! You don’t think that our owners don’t know about natural disasters??? You think the Bilderberg group didn’t know about Katrina? BTW they run our government, and every other government. THEY WANT US TO DIE SO WE ARE MORE CONTROLLABLE | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 18:50 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Wow that was an entire list of conspiracy theories all wrapped into one, he must think he has found the holy grail of holy grails with this badboy theory LOL. It does amuse me how these lunatics come out as if they are the first person on Earth to figure something out, when nutbars have been saying the same crap for a long time and everytime they end up being wrong. So yeah I love these beauties, the contradictory moments:
followed straight away by
followed by
And this next line is just totally brilliant, its the comedy icing on top of the comedy cake.
You also gotta love all the ranting about rave culture and how electronic music brings people together...nothing to do with the large consumption of MDMA going on though right. | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Caramel Color | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 18:50 |
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![]() hey sailor Level: 1 CS Original | I will begin at the most difficult part to comprehend; those who are experienced with LSD, psilocybin and especially DMT or are naturally spiritual to begin with, will be able to somewhat follow | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 19:03 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | I see a boob. No, not the guy in the suit. | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 19:07 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | "It's only a matter of time until the US dollar collapses" Just like in 08, 09, 10...nah, we'll just keep moving things back! Same with the NWO and the government's master plan! "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!" WAtch youtube videos all day like I do! Oh yeah...not a conspiracy movement, totally committed to science, etc. God, I hate 2012/mayanism shit. I also have to criticize his claim about predicting weather. Yes...we can sort of predict long term trends but we can't predict an individual system, idiot. Lastly...lol at asking his professors to give him an A for NOT attending class and watching youtube instead. | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 19:25 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | That post is an example of why he should not be skipping class and should be attending school. He clearly needs to increase his critical thought processes and youtube is not helping him formulate them one bit. Spending 4-12 months becoming an expert in youtubes debunked CT's is not something to be proud about. | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ez | Posted: May 04, 2011 - 23:30 |
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![]() Level: 3 CS Original | How can "the corporations" run everything? Does he not realise there are thousands of registered corporations in the US? There are like 5 major banks on Wall Street alone, its not like its a small group of people able to fit in a room together. With the mayan stuff added in, he sounds like a complete nutbar. And of course he brings up poverty, I assume he is not referring to the US as I doubt 22,000 kids die every day in the US from poverty. If he is talking about Africa, I bet he's implying the NWO are keeping them poor. And as usual he "does alot of research", whatever the hell that means. | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
alexastorm | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 00:02 |
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![]() Hybrid Level: 2 | "does a lot of research" means "watches youtube round the clock". | |||||
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 00:45 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | CT's don't read. | |||||
#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 08:47 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | I saw someone in the comment section of one of the articles on 2012hoax.org claim that the Mayans are preparing for doomsday, but the governments of the countries the Mayans live in are covering it up. When asked for a source, he said 'there are no sources, it's being covered up!' Then how the hell do you know they're preparing for doomsday, when there's sources saying they AREN'T? I know this Zeitgeister doesn't refer to doomsday, but I just wanted to mention that. Also, what the hell does 'harmonize with the universe's higher frequencies' mean? Does he mean the non existent photon belt? Last point: If 'the corporations' control anything, why do they want a currency they want so much of to collapse? Logic FAIL. | |||||
#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Joe | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 09:13 |
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![]() Level: 8 CS Original | He needs meds. | |||||
#11 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 09:31 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | He's already on meds Joe, MDMA, acid, DMT and ketamine. All the stuff that tunes you into the invisible world via extreme hallucinations and emotional imbalance. | |||||
#12 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 09:36 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | He is? Does he say that in another post? | |||||
#13 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 09:38 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Yeah. | |||||
#14 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 09:41 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | Oh, alright...is this the same guy who posted what you showed us in this thread? http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forums/topic/zeitard-sees-the-4th-dimension-on-acid</p> Just so you know, I absolutely believe you. The writing style and a lot of the terminology for his BS is pretty much the same. | |||||
#15 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 10:05 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Yes, its the same guy. | |||||
#16 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 10:08 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | Figures. Ha, this guy's sure connected to reality. | |||||
#17 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 10:10 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | You gotta love this twats title to his blog post: "This is no hyperbole: This is the most informative post humanity has seen" Now that is too damn funny ! | |||||
#18 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wolf Bird | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 10:13 |
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![]() I shoot you dead. Level: 9 CS Original | Informative to those with drug-addled minds. BADLY drug addled minds. | |||||
#19 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Olek_L | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 15:59 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | "THEY WANT US TO DIE SO WE ARE MORE CONTROLLABLE" Best. Non-sequitour. Evar. And Matt, I think it's an elbow, not a boob. | |||||
#20 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 05, 2011 - 16:17 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | The sleeves of the shirt are black. Look Polski, I know boobs when I see them! | |||||
#21 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |