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Forum - TZM anarchists propose hijack OWS and install a new government.


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JimJesusPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 02:41

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3

I uploaded a commentary with the clip included under Fair Use. This can't be taken down. Well it can, but I'll just counter file. (said clip starts @ 1:51)

Anarchy Burger: Hold the Zeitgeist Please.
#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 07:59

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
Yet another mass public awareness campaign? Why? Merola's tried that already. It failed. Is proselytizing all these people have? Talk about a one-trick pony.

It appears Kush is also still paranoid about global government. I'm all for blasting on TZM, but that dude does it with the flair of a paranoid wingnut.
#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 08:33

Level: 6
CS Original
A parallel government? He can't be serious, it's hard enough to find good people for the real one, try doing it with no funds and a blurry mission statement.
#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
james kushPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 09:35

Level: 0
CS Original
"It appears Kush is also still paranoid about global government. I'm all for blasting on TZM, but that dude does it with the flair of a paranoid wingnut."

Paranoid? Yeah im soo scared Peter and the NWO will take over the world lol please. Peter says stupid stuff, he gets exposed, it has nothing to do with any paranoia, you're starting to sound like a zeitard matt lol
#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 10:09

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
I'm not on board with your weird concerns about global government and New World Order junk, sorry.
#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 11:05

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
If some Zietard comes to my house asking for tax money, I won't pay. Nor will anyone else.
#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 11:06

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
I wouldn't worry about it. TZM isn't as organized as the Jehova's Witnesses.
#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
james kushPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 12:50

Level: 0
CS Original
"I'm not on board with your weird concerns about global government and New World Order junk, sorry."

lol whos concerned? i dont believe in that stuff, i think you are confused. Peter Joseph announced the Zeitgeist transition plan: a new parallel government. Im putting that out there, doesnt mean im concerned its actually going to take place lol. It means I find the idea and concept ridiculous and the zeitgeist clown act must be exposed, so people can see just how far fetched their ideology is. So, rest assured, I do not believe in a nwo, nor do I even care about a "nwo" tbh.
#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 13:03

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
Well then I stand corrected. Your blog post about TVP's connections to the UN smacked of patriot-movement paranoia. I don't know whether you're trolling with that kind of stuff or actually believe it.
#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 15:25

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
I types out a rundown of Peters 9 minute which is the longer version of James Kush video posted on youtube as well as my thoughts on Peter reinventing the Representative Democracy wheel on the global scale.

I watched the whole 9 minute video Peter made on this and it doesn't at all fall in line with what OWS is all about. For the first half of this video, Peter basically borrowed concept already presented on the OWS website. This would include re-explaining why the media isn't paying attention to OWS or why the media is downplaying OWS, Police beat the tar out of peacefully protestors, re-explaining that you must get away from violent protesters if their around you, etc...

2/3rd's (3:30) into the video Peter talks about solution in which he starts off with that the video is to not to promote the Zeitgeist movement (around 3:58) yet after saying that he goes in to how technology can create "true sustainability" which is TZM rhetoric. He developed a added appendage to the Resource source based Economic shtick by adding 'Model' (4:29) at the end of RBE so now it's called a Resource Based Economic Model. Just because Peter calls it a model doesn't make it. A model requires that something has been built and has been proven, a RBE is not a model as it has not been even tested it's nothing but a Utopian fantasy land. Then after that even though Peter said this wasn't about TZM he yet again says that if TZM's views are accepted how exactly do we transition over to it.

Towards the end of Peter's boring rant Peter goes into what I would define as hilarity insanity. I couldn't stop laughing at how insane his idea is. Starting around 5:11 Peter suggest a transition, in which he borrows concepts from his movement hierarchal structure such as he suggest OWS to

1. 'Unify into regional movements into a global entity through representatives' and to have meetings with representatives at which to reinforce global unity.

2. To keep or reform the current system or to basically remove it as a whole. Then to have a world occupy conference for which to get exposure from the media and where reform issues are presented as to push recognition by the political establishment and the public.

Then Peter talks more about TZM and it's reform process. (6:45) which he explains in depth. Peter comes up with a "parallel government" in which a new government is formed at this table of the representatives made up of OWS individuals of each region. Eventually suggesting this will form a global institution at which Peter suggest the current system will be going on and eventually fail. He rambles on for a bit that doesn't make sense around 7:40.

Peter plugs the Zeitgeist Movement even though he said he wouldn't plug it (look back at 3:58) (at around 7:22 he plugs TZM), as Peter also throws out big numbers that he has a 1,000 chapters in his TZM cult yet on the TZM website their isn't even close to 1,000 chapters it's a complete bogus number to make them seem bigger than what they are or basically he's lying.

Peter Joseph: Message to Occupy Wall Street & The World | The Zeitgeist Movement

My response to Peter's video is that he's talking out of both ends. I can of imagine Peter jumped into this mindset that somehow he is all knowing and decided to graciously offer advice to OWS as because Peter is the only one who know the twoof and how to run a successful revolution. Even though Peter had really nothing to do with OWS and OWS formed after TZM did yet was able to accomplish it's goals within a few months. Yet Peter who I would define as delusional thinks he still has advice to offer to OWS? That in a way would be looked at as offense to individuals who started OWS and at best laughable.

Peter attempts to say he's with OWS and he's not stomping on their movement and then he in the video proceeds to stomp all over OWS ground and even plugs his TZM cult crap towards the end, spitting in OWS face by saying TZM is better and has a 1,000 chapters world wide (funny sometimes TZMers say they have 1,500 chaps, to even 2000 chap). As having 1,000 chapters (doubt it's even close to accurate number) is suppose to give Peter and his cult group some-type of clout.

When Peter refers to RBE as a RBEM (Resource based Economic Model) I started to laugh. This reminds me of the people who associate open source with a RBE. To say a RBEM, it would be suggesting that it's somewhat tangible and that their really is a working model. The problem being is that a RBE has no model so the added appendage Peter added doesn't make it true. I even went to google and googled a Resource based Economic Model and added such search appendages to RBEM such as and What I found out is that no where on the website or the website does it ever referred to a resource based economic as a model or even call it a RBEM (I could be wrong, if someone finds out otherwise post it up). I did find TZMers saying it's a model but not officially on both TVP and TZM mediums which shows the type of deception Peter is willing to go to push is communistic values system because of course he knows the answers and if he has to twist things up to get people to believe in his crap that's not based on science then so be it.

I had mention up top that Peter is reinventing the wheel and that Wheel is a Representative Democracy. When Peter gets into his parallel government crap he's basically taking a note from how the current way our representative Democracy works as of right now. He's not come up with something new he's basically made newly appointed leaders that supposedly will have clout in their region now. Peter fails to meet the goals of what OWS is about as OWS does not want to reinvent the wheel, OWS wants transparency, OWS wants a flat structure where everybody can contribute, and if their is structure it has to be justified (a little anarchistic value I suppose), and to get Washington hands away from the wall street among other problems.

To emphasize two important problems that Peter has failed to focus on when he talked about his very unoriginal to say the least transitional plan is that he includes no transparency when reinventing the wheel of a Representative Democracy, and neglects what OWS wants which is Democracy in that all people will be involved therefore representatives would go against their cause in the first place. This shows Peter cares not about OWS and it's wanting of transparency, nor does he care about everybody's involvement in the process getting their ideas expressed in the Democratic process. He only really cares about restructuring the government that which Peter Joseph will have control and say over because after all Peter knows the twoof.

Peter Joseph is bat shit delusionally crazy. I can imagine if Peter doesn't get his way like everything else he will deem OWS a government funded group that's out to get him and his cult. I support TZMers as much as Democrats, tea party, Ron Pauls, Republicans, or anybody else to go out and occupy wall street or occupy whatever is nearby, but I do not support ideas not based on science such as a RBE, or just bat shit crazy ideas being pushed by a very delusional person.
#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 15:29


Level: 6
CS Original
James, do you really think that the people in OWS hate america? I mean, no offense, but that reeks of a kind of reductionist thinking that is the breeding ground of bad arguments. I really don't think you can say the OWS people hate christians with any degree of certainty or precision. I think this is where matt got his impression, and I have to say I got a similar impression. I think TZM and TVP is a huge fucking joke, but totalizing the OWS movement is such polarizing terms seems really problematic. This isn't meant to be any sort of attack, but rather a point of disagreement. When people say "that group hate America" it always seems theres some fictive america at play such that you can make anyone an enemy if you really want to. A Facebook status of yours, recently, seemed to suggest as much, and I'm just curious if this is really your position.
#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 16:10

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
If OWS hated Christians, I might actually support them rather than ragging on them constantly.
#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 16:15

Level: 5
CS Original
This is why I refuse to associate with the right just to make fun of OWS, TZM, or any other moonbatty shit. While I may think extreme lefties are idiots, I have nothing but animosity towards the right.
#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
james kushPosted: Oct 18, 2011 - 19:04

Level: 0
CS Original
Kaiser, really on my FB post I was looking for a reaction, testing the waters with a perspective. I wasnt sure how to approach TZM working with OCCUPY on my blog so I wanted to see how OWS supporters responded to being so closely associated with ZM cult on my fb. It was an extreme association, but in my blog I do not reflect that position, rather I just show how involved TZM is with OWS, and i point out how unreceptive OWS is towards Zeitgeist Cult.
#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Oct 22, 2011 - 12:14

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3

Original video was DMCA'd along with 3 other mirrors. So, I uploaded a commentary with the clip included under Fair Use. This can't be taken down. Well it can, but I'll just counter file. (said clip starts @ 1:51)

Anarchy Burger: Hold the Zeitgeist Please.
#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]