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Forum - Douglas Mallette needs *pause* 1 million dollars, Muhahahaha!

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The Burger KingPosted: Dec 24, 2012 - 07:12

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Douglas Malletee needs *pause* 1 million dollars, Muhahahaha!

Doug changed amount to $485,000.00 from 1 million dollars. Link below no longer works

This link which Doug now wants to raise $485,000 dollars.

More information and my thoughts on this

" I know $1 million seems like a lot, but I cannot put a price tag on the lives that can be positively affected by CFS. With that said, $1 million is a fraction of what is typically needed by a technology startup company. Why is that? Mainly it's because I personally have done over two years of work in advance, with no funding, because I am passionate about what this can do for people. The groundwork has been laid, the initial engineering has been done, and now it's time to go to the next level."

CFS Funding Promotional Video

Dr Evil in 1 million Dollars

Check out Previous scams involving TVP, TZM and affiliates big money scams.

The Venus Project Needs $300,000 to write Jaque Fresco Biography!

The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction.

Justintempler Debunk On Douglas Mallette's Omega Volksgarden Scam on James Kush Blog


Again like TVP the reasoning for why Douglass will not put this project up on kickstarter is that not every person from another country can donate and kick starter doesn't allow startup's to receive donation. However I'm not familiar with kickstarters therefore I do not know if his claims are true.

I do find it interesting the Douglas took down his Omega wheel pictures off his facebook. Maybe because he was put to shame by Justintemplar on his Omega wheel.

Forum - Justintempler Debunk On Douglas Mallette's Omega Volksgarden Scam on James Kush Blog

Facebook site
Facebook page

cybernatedfarmsystems needs 1 million dollars backup incase it gets deleted

If you're having issues watching the embedded video, the direct link is here:


My name is Douglas Mallette, an Aerospace Systems Engineer who used to work with the NASA Space Shuttle Program, a published author of a book called Turning Point, which discusses in very simple terms why space exploration is valuable to mankind, and an accomplished public speaker who's been fortunate enough to travel the world and educate people as to how science, engineering and technology can be used to help ensure Global Sustainability.

My experience in the space industry has given me a unique perspective on what mankind can accomplish. We can do amazing things, and it's about time we use our abilities for humanitarian concern, so that all people have a chance to reach their best potential. You can help make that happen.

Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC, is a Socially Conscious company dedicated to the standards of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Our mission is to eliminate the gap between global production and distribution of healthy organic foods to the people of the world, using advanced technologies and automated systems to accomplish the goal of creating decentralized (local) high yield, small footprint aquaponic farm buildings that are ecologically sound, environmentally conscious and robust in performance and sustainability.

I know $1 million seems like a lot, but I cannot put a price tag on the lives that can be positively affected by CFS. With that said, $1 million is a fraction of what is typically needed by a technology startup company. Why is that? Mainly it's because I personally have done over two years of work in advance, with no funding, because I am passionate about what this can do for people. The groundwork has been laid, the initial engineering has been done, and now it's time to go to the next level.

So, what is the $1,075,000 for? Well, the $75,000 is the part IndieGoGo will receive for hosting this campaign, leaving us with what we need to do our work. The funding generated here will be used for prototype development, where CFS expands its staff to include subject matter experts in disciplines like Robotics, Automation, Aquaponics and Clean Energy Systems. Our mission is to detail and refine our product for immediate implementation, from testing all aspects of how the facility operates, to developing operating manuals in multiple languages, to fortifying our global relationships. When the prototyping is done, we plan to hit the ground running so we can save lives as quickly as possible. Every day that passes is yet another needless loss of life from something that should not be.

Beyond the internal satisfaction of helping do something positive for mankind, there will be added bonuses to helping CFS, depending on your level of contribution.

$10 to $500 contributors are Founding Donors who will be permanently noted (unless they opt out of public recognition) on the CFS website as important people who helped get us started.

People who contribute at or above the $1000 amount will not only be listed on the website, but will be considered Formal Investors that will receive contracts as investors in CFS, generating annual returns on their investments. So beyond the humanitarian concern, you'll be poised to make a financial return on your investment.

This campaign is being established as an "all or nothing" campaign. The numbers have been crunched, the lower limits have been set, and CFS cannot move forward with less than $1 million if we expect to do this the right way. It's our hope that over the duration of this campaign, the word will spread and people all over the world will be moved by what we're doing.

For those people who contribute at the Formal Investor level, assuming this campaign succeeds, I will be in direct personal communication with you to send the Investor Agreement Contract and finalize everything.


Douglas Mallette, BSET
CEO, Cybernated Farm Systems

Founding Donor
Thank you! Even the smallest contributions add up. You will be officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor.

39 claimed
Founding Donor + Pen
Thank you! In addition to being officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor, you'll also receive a CFS Pen!

10 claimed
Founding Donor + Coffee Mug
Thank you! If just 10,000 people around the world contributed like you, CFS would be ready to go. In addition to being officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor, you'll also receive a CFS Coffee Mug!

7 claimed
Founding Donor + Flash Drive
Thank you! In addition to being officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor, you'll also receive a 2GB CFS Flash Drive!

0 claimed
Formal Investor
Thank you! Congratulations, you're a Formal Investor in CFS! The perk to this is that you've set yourself up to receive an annual return on your investment (see contract for details). Additionally, all investors will have exclusive Investor Only access to our monthly video updates on the progress of our prototype development.

3 claimed
Formal Investor
Thank you! Congratulations, you're a Formal Investor in CFS! The perk to this is that you've set yourself up to receive an annual return on your investment (see contract for details). Additionally, all investors will have exclusive Investor Only access to our monthly video updates on the progress of our prototype development.

0 claimed
Formal Investor
Thank you! Congratulations, you're a Formal Investor in CFS! The perk to this is that you've set yourself up to receive an annual return on your investment (see contract for details). Additionally, all investors will have exclusive Investor Only access to our monthly video updates on the progress of our prototype development.

0 claimed
Formal Investor
Thank you! Congratulations, you're a Formal Investor in CFS! The perk to this is that you've set yourself up to receive an annual return on your investment (see contract for details). Additionally, all investors will have exclusive Investor Only access to our monthly video updates on the progress of our prototype development.

0 claimed
Platinum Investor
Thank you! You're a Platinum Investor, which means that in addition to the standard perks of being an Investor, our doors are always open for you to visit us any time and see first hand how your money is being used to help mankind.

0 claimed
Elite Investor
Thank you! You're an Elite Investor, which means that in addition to all the previously listed perks, you will have the ability to be in personal and direct communication with the founder and CEO of the company. Additionally, if you are the owner of your own business, CFS will showcase your company on our website as a way to promote and thank you for your contribution.

1 claimed
Do you think this campaign contains prohibited content?
Let us know.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 24, 2012 - 10:54

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
"I know $1 million seems like a lot, but I cannot put a price tag on the lives that can be positively affected by CFS."

I can only assume this dude is referring to his wife and kids here, because as Justins accounting for Malettes system shows, Malette is completely off target and unable to even look at the contradictory information presented that debunks his entire companies proposition.

In Malettes own words, the debunking of his claims and proposal are "I don't care what those people say. They don't even register on my radar."

This reply should be a warning sign for anyone who is considering investing in his company. Anyone who is unwilling to consider the monetary and production pit falls for his company as expressed by critics, well meaning or otherwise is a fool.

It is just embarrassing to watch, and if he gets this funding the likelihood is as has been expressed by others elsewhere, it wont solve world hunger, and could be used in order for Malettes personal hunger to be alleviated.
#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 24, 2012 - 19:49

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
@anticultist looks like he put his stuff in draft mode nowso I can't see it. Jim pointed out on SP FB that Douglas is not allowed to sell investment opportunities or stocks, that may be the reason it is down.

Now though, I can't see the information now besides "The page you are looking for is currently in "DRAFT" mode and hidden from the public. Please contact the campaign owner if you feel this is in error!". Well I backed up what was said on the site.

To add to this I beleive I found good reasons as to why Douglas Mallette and TVP would not want to start there crap on kickstarters. Kickstarter makes sure the creator of the project as accountability, if the project is not finished kickstarter actually advocated that donators go after projects that do not finish. Here are some of what's on the site when it comes to accountability.

Kickstarter as far as accountability.

Can Kickstarter be used to fund anything?
We allow creative projects in the worlds of Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, and Theater.

Everything on Kickstarter must be a project. A project has a clear goal, like making an album, a book, or a work of art. A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced by it.

Kickstarter does not allow charity, cause, or "fund my life" projects. Check out our project guidelines for details.

Does Kickstarter screen projects before they launch?
Only a quick review to make sure they meet our project guidelines. Kickstarter does not investigate a creator's ability to complete their project. Backers ultimately decide the validity and worthiness of a project by whether they decide to fund it. See the Accountability section for more.

Kickstarter Basics: Accountability

Who is responsible for completing a project as promised?
It's the project creator's responsibility to complete their project. Kickstarter is not involved in the development of the projects themselves.

Kickstarter does not guarantee projects or investigate a creator's ability to complete their project. On Kickstarter, backers (you!) ultimately decide the validity and worthiness of a project by whether they decide to fund it.

How do backers know if a project will follow through?
Launching a Kickstarter is a very public act, and creators put their reputations at risk when they do.

Backers should look for creators who share a clear plan for how their project will be completed and who have a history of doing so. Creators are encouraged to share links and as much background information as possible so backers can make informed decisions about the projects they support.

If a creator has no demonstrable experience in doing something like their project or doesn't share key information, backers should take that into consideration. Does the creator include links to any websites that show work related to the project, or past projects? Does the creator appear in the video? Have they connected via Facebook?

Don't hesitate to request information from a creator. You can always reach out before pledging via the "Contact me" button on the project page.

How do I know a project creator is who they claim they are?
Perhaps you know the project creator, or you heard about the project from a trusted source.

Maybe they have a first-person video. That would be hard to fake. "Is it really U2?!" Well, it is if Bono's talking about the project.

Still not sure? Look for the creator bio section on the project page. Are they Facebook Connected? Do they provide links for further verification? The web is an invaluable resource for learning more about a person.

At the end of the day, use your internet street smarts.

What should creators do if they're having problems completing their project?
If problems come up, creators are expected to post a project update (which is emailed to all backers) explaining the situation. Sharing the story, speed bumps and all, is crucial. Most backers support projects because they want to see something happen and they'd like to be a part of it. Creators who are honest and transparent will usually find backers to be understanding.

It's not uncommon for things to take longer than expected. Sometimes the execution of the project proves more difficult than the creator had anticipated. If a creator is making a good faith effort to complete their project and is transparent about it, backers should do their best to be patient and understanding while demanding continued accountability from the creator.

If the problems are severe enough that the creator can't fulfill their project, creators need to find a resolution. Steps could include offering refunds, detailing exactly how funds were used, and other actions to satisfy backers.

Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?
Yes. Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill. (This is what creators see before they launch.) We crafted these terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill.

What is Kickstarter doing about fulfillment?
As Kickstarter has grown, we've made changes to improve accountability and fulfillment. In August 2011 we began requiring creators to list an "Estimated Delivery Date" for all rewards. This was done to make creators think hard about when they could deliver, and to underline that Kickstarter is not a traditional shopping experience.

In May 2012 we added additional guidelines and requirements for Product Design and Technology projects. These include requiring creators to provide information about their background and experience, a manufacturing plan (for hardware projects), and a functional prototype. We made this change to ensure that creators have done their research before launching and backers have sufficient information when deciding whether to back these projects.

We've also allocated more staff to trust and safety. We look into projects reported by our community for guidelines violations and suspicious activity, and we take action when necessary. These efforts are focused on fraud and acceptable uses of Kickstarter, not a creator's ability to complete a project and fulfill. On Kickstarter, backers ultimately decide the validity and worthiness of a project by whether they decide to fund it.

Project Guidelines

Project Guidelines
Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects -- everything from traditional forms of art (like theater and music) to contemporary forms (like design and games). These guidelines explain Kickstarter's focus. Projects violating these guidelines will not be allowed to launch.

Note that as you go through the site you may find past projects on Kickstarter that conflict with these rules. We're making tweaks as we learn and grow. Thanks for reading!

Funding for projects only.
A project has a clear goal, like making an album, a book, or a work of art. A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced by it. A project is not open-ended. Starting a business, for example, does not qualify as a project.

Projects must fit Kickstarter's categories.
We currently support projects in the categories of Art, Comics, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film, Food, Games, Music, Photography, Publishing, Technology, and Theater.

Design and Technology projects have additional guidelines. If your project is in either of these categories, be sure to review them carefully.
View Design and Technology requirements

Not everything that involves design or technology is permitted on Kickstarter. While there is some subjectivity in these rules, we've adopted them to maintain our focus on creative projects:

D.I.Y. We love projects from the hacker and maker communities (weekend experiments, 3D printers, CNC machines) and projects that are open source. Software projects should be run by the developers themselves.
Form as well as function. Kickstarter is a place for products with strong aesthetics. Think something you would find in a design store, not "As-Seen-On-TV" gizmos.
Projects, projects, projects. As in all categories, Kickstarter is for projects that can be completed, not things that require maintenance to exist. This means no e-commerce sites, web businesses, or social networking sites. (Yes, this means Kickstarter wouldn't be allowed on Kickstarter. Funny, but true.)
Single Serving. Projects in the Hardware and Product Design categories can only offer one reward per pledge. A reward consists of either one item or a set of items (e.g., salt and pepper shakers or building blocks). Offering a reward as a single quantity AND a set is not permitted.
In addition, Design and Technology projects that are developing new hardware or products must show on their project pages a functional prototype -- meaning a prototype that currently does the things a creator says it can do -- and detailed information about their experience. Projects developing new hardware or products are also prohibited from using product simulations, photorealistic product renderings, and offering multiple/bulk quantities of the product as a reward.

Prohibited uses:
No charity or cause funding.
Examples of prohibited use include raising money for the Red Cross, funding an awareness campaign, funding a scholarship, or promoting the donation of funds raised, or future profits, to a charity or cause.

No "fund my life" projects.
Examples include projects to pay tuition or bills, go on vacation, or buy a new camera.

Prohibited content.
There are some things we just don't allow on Kickstarter.
View prohibited items and subject matter

Alcohol (prohibited as a reward)
Automotive products
Baby products
Bath and beauty products
Contests (entry fees, prize money, within your project to encourage support, etc)
Coupons, discounts, and cash-value gift cards
Drugs, drug-like substances, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, etc
Electronic surveillance equipment
Energy drinks
Exercise and fitness products
Eyewear (sunglasses, prescription glasses, etc)
Financial incentives (ownership, share of profits, repayment/loans, etc)
Firearms, weapons, and knives
Health and personal care products
Heating and cooling products
Home improvement products
Infomercial or As-Seen-on-TV type products
Medical and safety-related products
Multilevel marketing and pyramid programs
Nutritional supplements
Offensive material (hate speech, inappropriate content, etc)
Pet supplies
Pornographic material
Projects endorsing or opposing a political candidate
Projects promoting or glorifying acts of violence
Projects using Kickstarter simply to sell existing inventory
Raffles, lotteries, and sweepstakes
Real estate
Rewards in bulk quantities (more than ten of an item)
Rewards not directly produced by the project or its creator (no offering things from the garage, repackaged existing products, weekends at the resort, etc)
Self-help books, DVDs, CDs, etc
Community Guidelines

Spread the word but don't spam

Sharing your project with friends, fans, and followers is one thing, but invading inboxes and social networks uninvited is another. Spamming makes you and every other Kickstarter project look bad, and it puts your project in jeopardy of being suspended. Don't do it.

What's spam?

Emailing or direct messaging strangers about your project
Using email lists from third parties or soliciting backers of other Kickstarter projects
Sending unsolicited @-replies on Twitter
Link-bombing forums
Promoting a project on other projects' pages
Not sure if something is spam? If you have to ask, it probably is.

Be respectful and considerate

This means:

Don't harass or make personal attacks.
Don't post obscene, hateful, or objectionable content.
Don't post copyrighted content without permission. Only post content that you have the rights to.
If you don't like a project, don't back it. No need to be a jerk.
Violating these rules or our Terms of Use may result in your account being deleted and/or your project being suspended. That's not fun for anyone, so please follow these simple rules very carefully. Cool? Cool.

Projects: Fundraising and Commerce

Kickstarter is a platform where Project Creators run campaigns to fund creative projects by offering rewards to raise money from Backers. By creating a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, you as the Project Creator are offering the public the opportunity to enter into a contract with you. By backing a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, you as the Backer accept that offer and the contract between Backer and Project Creator is formed. Kickstarter is not a party to that agreement between the Backer and Project Creator. All dealings are solely between Users.

By backing or creating a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, you agree to be bound by this entire Agreement, including the following terms:

Backers agree to provide their payment information at the time they pledge to a campaign. The payment will be collected at or after the campaign deadline and only if the amount of money pledged as of the deadline is at least equal to the fundraising goal. The amount Backers pledge is the amount they will be charged.
Backers consent to Kickstarter and its payments partners authorizing or reserving a charge on their payment card or other payment method for any amount up to the full pledge at any time between the pledge and collection of the funds.
Backers agree to have sufficient funds or credit available at the campaign deadline to ensure that the pledge will be collectible.
Backers may increase, decrease, or cancel their pledge at any time during the fundraising campaign, except that they may not cancel or reduce their pledge if the campaign is in its final 24 hours and the cancellation or reduction would drop the campaign below its goal.
The Estimated Delivery Date listed on each reward is not a promise to fulfill by that date, but is merely an estimate of when the Project Creator hopes to fulfill by.
Project Creators agree to make a good faith attempt to fulfill each reward by its Estimated Delivery Date.
For all campaigns, Kickstarter gives to the Project Creator each Backer's User ID and pledge amount. For successful campaigns, Kickstarter additionally gives to the Project Creator each Backer's name and email.
For some rewards, the Project Creator needs further information from Backers, such as a mailing address or t-shirt size, to enable the Project Creator to deliver the rewards. The Project Creator shall request the information directly from Backers at some point after the fundraising campaign is successful. To receive the reward, Backers agree to provide the requested information to the Project Creator within a reasonable amount of time.
Kickstarter does not offer refunds. A Project Creator is not required to grant a Backer's request for a refund unless the Project Creator is unable or unwilling to fulfill the reward.
Project Creators are required to fulfill all rewards of their successful fundraising campaigns or refund any Backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill.
Project Creators may cancel or refund a Backer's pledge at any time and for any reason, and if they do so, are not required to fulfill the reward.
Because of occasional failures of payments from Backers, Kickstarter cannot guarantee the receipt by Project Creators of the amount pledged minus fees.
Kickstarter and its payments partners will remove their fees before transmitting proceeds of a campaign. Fees may vary depending on region and other factors.
Kickstarter reserves the right to cancel a pledge at any time and for any reason.
Kickstarter reserves the right to reject, cancel, interrupt, remove, or suspend a campaign at any time and for any reason. Kickstarter is not liable for any damages as a result of any of those actions. Kickstarter's policy is not to comment on the reasons for any of those actions.
Project Creators should not take any action in reliance on having their project posted on the Site or having any of the money pledged until they have the ability to withdraw and spend the money. There may be a delay between the end of a successful fundraising campaign and access to the funds.
Kickstarter is not liable for any damages or loss incurred related to rewards or any other use of the Service. Kickstarter is under no obligation to become involved in disputes between any Users, or between Users and any third party arising in connection with the use of the Service. This includes, but is not limited to, delivery of goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with campaigns on the Site. Kickstarter does not oversee the performance or punctuality of projects. The Company does not endorse any User Submissions. You release Kickstarter, its officers, employees, agents, and successors in rights from claims, damages, and demands of every kind, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and the Service.

What do I do if I miss my Estimated Delivery Date?
The Estimated Delivery Date is intended to set expectations for backers on when they will receive rewards. Setbacks are common to any project, and creative ones especially. When the unforeseen occurs, creators are expected to post a project update explaining the situation. Sharing the story, speed bumps and all, is part of the Kickstarter experience.

Creators who are honest and transparent will find backers to be far more forgiving. We've all felt the urge to avoid things when we feel bad about them, but leaving backers in the dark makes them assume the worst. It not only reflects badly on the project, it's disrespectful to the support that community has given and to other Kickstarter creators. Regular communication is a must.

Why do I need to enter my tax information?
Amazon Payments collects taxpayer information for all account holders. Completing the tax interview is mandatory to complete the account setup process.

When is my card charged?
If the project you're backing is successfully funded, your card will be charged when the project reaches its funding deadline. If the project does not reach its funding goal, your card is never charged. That's why we call them pledges.

What do I do if I have questions about a project?
Ask the creator! At the bottom of each project page there's an "Ask a Question" button. This will send your question directly to the creator.

If you are already a backer and you would like to make your question public, you can post a comment on the project. The creator will be notified by email when you do.


Lets debunk Douglas comments he made on youtube as to why he doesn't use kickstarter.

Douglas: Kickstarter is very limited. USA only, no outside the US contributions,

Not true as I went on kickstart FAQ it says

"Can people from outside the US or UK pledge to projects?
Yes! Anyone, anywhere (with a major card) can pledge to Kickstarter projects."

Douglas: and they don't allow startups.

Again the site is called kickstarter. It helps kickstart potential business, they actually deter anything commercial within the TOS to be allowed to be on kickstarter. Matter in fact kickstart states it's for funding of creative just starting off projects.
"Projects, projects, projects. As in all categories, Kickstarter is for projects that can be completed, not things that require maintenance to exist. This means no e-commerce sites, web businesses, or social networking sites. (Yes, this means Kickstarter wouldn't be allowed on Kickstarter. Funny, but true.)"

What's Kickstarter?
Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.

Since our launch on April 28, 2009, over $350 million has been pledged by more than 2.5 million people, funding more than 30,000 creative projects. If you like stats, there's lots more here.

Douglas is full of crap when he says that nobody from outside the U.S. can donate to his project or that kickstarter is in fact not a site used to help fund start up projects.


Douglas mroe than likelly made excuses to not go on kickstarter as a project starter is mroe accountble on kickstarts then indiegogo. On indiegogo if money is made but prject does not happen, the project starter is not required to give the money back. On kickstarter their is more accountability matter in fact kickstarter goes out of it's way buy including in it's guildlines that a project starter is accountable for finishing the project on it's deadlines and to it's backers. In 02. of kickstarters guidlines it states very clear that there must be a working prototype of orginal design, so you cannot claim a omega wheel a original design since it's not made by you, and 3D renderings of your product is not a working prototype.

In addition, Design and Technology projects that are developing new hardware or products must show on their project pages a functional prototype -- meaning a prototype that currently does the things a creator says it can do -- and detailed information about their experience. Projects developing new hardware or products are also prohibited from using product simulations, photorealistic product renderings, and offering multiple/bulk quantities of the product as a reward.

So 3D renderings like what's below on Douglas site will not work as it's simply not a working prototype

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 24, 2012 - 20:55

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Here's Doug's new revised indiegogo spiel

If you're having issues watching the embedded video, the direct link is here:


My name is Douglas Mallette, an Aerospace Systems Engineer who used to work with the NASA Space Shuttle Program, a published author of a book called Turning Point, which discusses in very simple terms why space exploration is valuable to mankind, and an accomplished public speaker who's been fortunate enough to travel the world and educate people as to how science, engineering and technology can be used to help ensure Global Sustainability.

My experience in the space industry has given me a unique perspective on what mankind can accomplish. We can do amazing things, and it's about time we use our abilities for humanitarian concern, so that all people have a chance to reach their best potential. You can help make that happen.

Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC, is a Socially Conscious company dedicated to the standards of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Our mission is to eliminate the gap between global production and distribution of healthy organic foods to the people of the world, using advanced technologies and automated systems to accomplish the goal of creating decentralized (local) high yield, small footprint aquaponic farm buildings that are ecologically sound, environmentally conscious and robust in performance and sustainability.

I know $1 million seems like a lot, but I cannot put a price tag on the lives that can be positively affected by CFS. With that said, $1 million is a fraction of what is typically needed by a technology startup company. Why is that? Mainly it's because I personally have done over two years of work in advance, with no funding, because I am passionate about what this can do for people. The groundwork has been laid, the initial engineering has been done, and now it's time to go to the next level.

So, what is the $1,075,000 for? Well, the $75,000 is the part IndieGoGo will receive for hosting this campaign, leaving us with what we need to do our work. The funding generated here will be used for prototype development, where CFS expands its staff to include subject matter experts in disciplines like Robotics, Automation, Aquaponics and Clean Energy Systems. Our mission is to detail and refine our product for immediate implementation, from testing all aspects of how the facility operates, to developing operating manuals in multiple languages, to fortifying our global relationships. When the prototyping is done, we plan to hit the ground running so we can save lives as quickly as possible. Every day that passes is yet another needless loss of life from something that should not be.

Beyond the internal satisfaction of helping do something positive for mankind, there will be added bonuses to helping CFS, depending on your level of contribution.

$10 to $500 contributors are Founding Donors who will be permanently noted (unless they opt out of public recognition) on the CFS website as important people who helped get us started.

People who contribute at or above the $1000 amount will not only be listed on the website, but will receive special considerations that will be disclosed in personal communications. Feel free to email CFS directly in advance if you have questions,

This campaign is being established as an "all or nothing" campaign. The numbers have been crunched, the lower limits have been set, and CFS cannot move forward with less than $1 million if we expect to do this the right way. It's our hope that over the duration of this campaign, the word will spread and people all over the world will be moved by what we're doing.


Douglas Mallette, BSET
CEO, Cybernated Farm Systems

Changed his reward system

Step 1: Perk & Amount

Pick a perk.

Founding Donor
41 Claimed
Thank you! Even the smallest contributions add up. You will be officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor.
Total contribution amount
Average contribution to this campaign is $199
Average contribution across Indiegogo is $71
Founding Donor + Pen
10 Claimed
Thank you! In addition to being officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor, you'll also receive a CFS Pen!
Founding Donor + Coffee Mug
7 Claimed
Thank you! If just 10,000 people around the world contributed like you, CFS would be ready to go. In addition to being officially recognized on the CFS website as a Founding Donor, you'll also receive a CFS Coffee Mug!
Founding Donor + Flash Drive
0 Claimed
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#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Dec 26, 2012 - 14:35

Level: 6
CS Original
The funding generated here will be used for prototype development ... subject matter experts in disciplines like Robotics, Automation, Aquaponics and Clean Energy Systems ... detail and refine our product for immediate implementation, ... developing operating manuals ... fortifying our global relationships.

Ambitious goal, but I'm getting the impression Doug doesn't quite know himself what this project is about.

What is the prototype exactly?
What's the MRD equivalent?
Who are those experts? What is their track record?

What is the "product"? Food? What are the estimated costs for developing the facility?
How much working capital do we need?
How much will each cm³/ton of food cost in production? If we're aiming for profit, what will it be sold for? To whom?
What are the costs for distribution?
Are there additional costs unrelated to basic operations (e.g. tax & legal council, food safety inspections)?

This isn't particularly unusual for startups. Some developers will spend decades on a project without having anything salable to present.

Also, Nanos donated.
#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 26, 2012 - 16:08

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
@ CyborgJesus I noticed as well that nanos donated. Nanos invented the solar power truck horn and the wooden frame tricycle. Those look like good question I'll see if I can contact Doug to see if he can answer them.

I'm a bit perplexed when it comes to Douglas donations as it says he raised over 15K but when I look at the donation it does not add up to 15K. At the $10 mark 42 donated which is $420.00 total, at $50 mark 10 donated which is $500.00, at $100 mark 8 donated which total is $800.00. He did not raise any money for the higher donation spots of $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000 donation spots. Add 420+500+800 and you get $1,720.00 not $15,426. So where is the mysterious $13,700.00 of the known donations of $1,720 coming from out of the 15K total donated to Douglas project?
#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Dec 27, 2012 - 20:31

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Quote from anticultist

"I know $1 million seems like a lot, but I cannot put a price tag on the lives that can be positively affected by CFS."

I can only assume this dude is referring to his wife and kids here, because as Justins accounting for Malettes system shows, Malette is completely off target and unable to even look at the contradictory information presented that debunks his entire companies proposition.

In Malettes own words, the debunking of his claims and proposal are "I don't care what those people say. They don't even register on my radar."

This reply should be a warning sign for anyone who is considering investing in his company. Anyone who is unwilling to consider the monetary and production pit falls for his company as expressed by critics, well meaning or otherwise is a fool.

It's not like Justin was making his case based on making fun of Mallette or TZM. He had a well researched and though examination of why his project with the Omega Garden was a bad idea. Mallette himself realized that he was wrong and discarded that project for those very same reasons. You'd think that if someone critiqued your first project and he turned out to be right, you'd at least consider his critiques about your next one, but that's assuming Doug is smart. Doug is not smart.

Quote from anticultist

It is just embarrassing to watch, and if he gets this funding the likelihood is as has been expressed by others elsewhere, it wont solve world hunger, and could be used in order for Malettes personal hunger to be alleviated.

He won't get the funding. there's not a million dollars in disposable income for all of TZM/TVP combined. A lot of people were struggling hard to get Fresco the money to make his vaporware film. If it doesn't reach it's target in 50 days, he'll get 0$. My prediction is he won't get past $96,000 USD. The only way he'll make it that far is if the current trend in donations continue as is for the full 60 days however that's highly improbable considering how they operate. TZM/TVP have a pretty solid (but small network. When something like this comes along they all see it about the same time and do what they can then. It peaks then drops off. in the last 6 days it only got about $1K getting it's first $15K pledges in right away. My personal gamble is it will just barely eek out 30K when it's all said and done.
#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Dec 27, 2012 - 20:41

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Also he's being misleading with the whole NASA thing again. He keeps saying he was an engineer on the space shuttle program. He wasn't. He was sub contracted by a company contracted by NASA as a warehouse tech. he was a BSET, not an engineer. Engineering support technicians are not engineers. It's like saying I am a key player in the implementation of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when all I really am is just a CNA studying for my LPN.

I showed this to a few people who know nothing about TZM/TVP and they all walked away thinking he worked for NASA. He pretends to be so vigilant about correcting people that he didn't work for NASA, but he always uses this shady ass wording when it comes time to ask for support or to propagate his work. I'm just going to start telling people I'm an economist because I read a few books on the topic, but VTV already does that for me. :/
#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 27, 2012 - 21:49

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
If Douglas has worked for NASA then I've worked for NASA as a engineer. For a time I worked for the military building and testing drones as well as I've contributed to satellite designs. So I guess I'm a NASA engineer as well, thanks Doug. I might as well make a claim I'm a astronaut since I helped build things that go into space. I mean why not? Makes sense right? If I'm a astronaut then the janitor who cleans up the NASa buildings is actually a NASA engineer cause he helps NASA.

See that's me right there waving
#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 27, 2012 - 22:16

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
Quote from 2012 CT

I'm a bit perplexed when it comes to Douglas donations as it says he raised over 15K but when I look at the donation it does not add up to 15K. At the $10 mark 42 donated which is $420.00 total, at $50 mark 10 donated which is $500.00, at $100 mark 8 donated which total is $800.00. He did not raise any money for the higher donation spots of $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000 donation spots. Add 420+500+800 and you get $1,720.00 not $15,426. So where is the mysterious $13,700.00 of the known donations of $1,720 coming from out of the 15K total donated to Douglas project?

There is a small funding option right at the bottom: No Perk, just a contribution!

This does not list how many have contributed with this method and how much. It is that one that gets used for people giving cash who don't want gimmicky returns for their donations. I suspect that is where most the extra donations are going through.
#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 27, 2012 - 23:03

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
@anticultist I'd agree with that but before I could see the donations of the big donors now I cannot after Douglas revised it. Take a look on the site I archived before the revised. I can see 1 $10,000 donation now after Douglas revised the site the 10K donation no longer there.

Before revision

After revision
#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 01:13

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Andrew said 8 hours ago
I support CFS. Its mission is critical to the next phase of human evolution.

Apparently, Doug making inefficienct automated greenhouses will bring about homo-novus. I'm chiping in 10 bucks for X-Men powers.
#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 08:27

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
Quote from 2012 CT

@anticultist I'd agree with that but before I could see the donations of the big donors now I cannot after Douglas revised it. Take a look on the site I archived before the revised. I can see 1 $10,000 donation now after Douglas revised the site the 10K donation no longer there.

Before revision

After revision

I can't imagine there are many zeitards who have access to a spare $10,000, if any at all. If there are some though, giving 10k to this project is such a fucking waste, that kind of money could have gone to provide a bore hole or two hand dug wells with hand pumps somewhere in Africa, which would provide water for 1,000 people to survive.

I suspect he used a loan/collateral of his own to invest in his own idea via the website ?
#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 09:34

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Quote from anticultist

I can't imagine there are many zeitards who have access to a spare $10,000, if any at all. If there are some though, giving 10k to this project is such a fucking waste, that kind of money could have gone to provide a bore hole or two hand dug wells with hand pumps somewhere in Africa, which would provide water for 1,000 people to survive.

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 09:50

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
@anticultist I missed the 3 donators who donated at 1K, no longer recorded on revised site.

I'm not sure I just think it's odd that the donations were recorded but is not recorded now. This may be because there is a rule on the site that doesn't allow for investment types of donations to be recorded as a donation? May also be possible that Douglas put down the 10K as a anonymous donor, along with the three 1K donation as well and whoever checked over Douglas stuff figured that out and didn't allow those funds to be recorded as a donor (not sure I'll read through the TOS of indiegogo).

If Douglas did donate to his own project it's certainly not the first time I've seen this. People want to raise donations will sometimes if desperate make it appear that others donated so as to entice others to give in donations as well which also gives the appearance that this is a legitimate project. Since Doug started this a few days ago I am doubting that those big donors were not anybody but his own donations. I'm also not sure if people pledging donations have to actually have the have the money in the bank to donate.

As Doug decided to go with the kickstarter model on indiegogo which is of course is as he has written a "all or nothing" campaign, I suspect his intention as of now for starting this was never to raise a million dollars but more or less raise publicity through TVP and TZM ranks as well as maybe a outside audience about what he's doing. He can't pull that off on kickstarter because of course it would require him to have a working prototype and of course people like me, Jim and everybody on SP would call him out for not following there guidelines however on indiegogo it would work out in the sense of raising publicity about his project without reaching the intended goal. On Indiegogo a person can raise money simply because they need money to pay rent for there house, which is what Douglas is doing in a way, that would never fly on kickstarter. I figure later down the road Douglas would want a house list of donors from these groups and will utilize those people down the road when he starts raising donations for his company.

This campaign will only receive funds if at least $1,075,000 is raised by Fri 15 Feb 11:59PM PT.

I do not believe a real investor would ever donate to Douglas's cause, at that there are professional websites
dedicated towards advertising business to potential investors. Kickstarter and indiegogo appeal in my opinion is that it does not require investors at which no investors, no investor returns which means you get to keep more of the pie. At that you only want investors in times of need, meaning you have proven yourself in the sense that you've proven the market likes this product and wants more of it and that is a enticement to investors. Douglas has not shown anything, I highly doubt the guy could report any income in the positive based on the two years he's been working on cybernated farm systems.

In the long run I feel like the guy is duping people who don't know any better into a scam. Either that or he's not as smart as he portray's himself as. It wreaks of your typical everyday scam investment, it's not even funny. I suppose in the long run my prediction for Douglas cybernated farm systems is that it's some sort of small scale scam to fund his lifestyle and sort of play around with equipment he buys with the money he receives. I figure he'll want monthly subscribers to secure this lifestyle as well.

The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction.
#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 10:08

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
Quote from JimJesus


Unless the charity is for making a movie asking for money to make another movie that asks for money to make another movie...on and on like Cartesian theatre.
#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Dec 28, 2012 - 22:59

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Quote from anticultist

Quote from JimJesus


Unless the charity is for making a movie asking for money to make another movie that asks for money to make another movie...on and on like Cartesian theatre.

You're giving them way too much credibility. Fresco begged for money to hire a screenwriter and didn't and will write it himself. That money went to paying for packs of Depends and misc. luxuries at his Star Trek houses. He's going to beg more once he gets it written and then end up directing it himself and having Zeitards act in it and edit it for free. I'm of the opinion that Fresco is just another Kevin Tredeau and Zeitards just keep making him rich.
#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 29, 2012 - 11:06

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
Oh no I am definitely not giving them any credit. I would never stoop to that level .

Just pointing out that all they do is collect money through charity and make movies ad infintum with that income.

Now of course the money is used to support fresco and meadows parasitic livelihood of travel, fully paid accommodation, energy and food, and assets paid for by fanatical followers. I have said this all along so in all honesty there was no need for me to mention that as it goes without saying in my opinion.
#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 29, 2012 - 17:11

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Just watched this video on CFS. Douglas is so scattered brained. Lets keep in mind on indiegogo as far as what I read on that site he has no clue/plan as for as what machine he will build to feed the world with yet he's asking people to trust him and give 1 million dollars to him. To any TVP and TZM member, you donate 50K to me and I'll get you your RBE 10 episode for 1 season web series, no BS.

Douglas Mallette Interview - Oslo Norway | Cybernated Farm Systems | The Zeitgeist Movement

I'm of the opinion that Fresco is just another Kevin Tredeau

For people who may not know the Kevin Tredeau reference

John Stossel Exposes Liar Kevin Trudeau
#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Dec 29, 2012 - 17:39

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
That Trudeau dude is a fucking horrible human being from the look of that news item. Not sure I would say Fresco is as bad as that dude, but he is seemingly in the similar business of selling snake oil and mirages to gullible people.
#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Dec 30, 2012 - 23:26

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Douglas disclaimer on is interesting. Apparently he has in his disclaimer that he can't reveal what CFS has done, that's a similar tactic TVP does when it comes to show building blue prints or about the TVP big budget movie. Irony is that on a post made by Douglas on October 2012, he says he would release blue prints and CFS will be open source but fast forward two months later I see no work, no project just begging for more money.

For legal reasons, at this time we are not in the position to give itemized details on every aspect of how every component or piece of the system operates. We apologize to those who want to know intimate details on how everything will work, but suffice to say that the whole point of CFS is to make it so that our systems will be self sustaining with no additional costs to the user. Thank you for your understanding.

October 12, 2012
Also, CFS will be open source, so people need to get off their paranoia about Patents and Copyrights. Before anyone makes an assumption about how I plan to operate my company, they'd be better served to wait and see how the thing will be set up, or ask questions, not just post in forum threads about things they don't know shit about. All the blueprints and information on CFS systems will be freely available for the world to see, but it's not easy to do all this alone. Thus CFS will offer consulting to help people do it. People/governments/etc will be able to either buy a system directly and we'll do it all, or they can get the blueprints, buy their own parts locally, and do it themselves. If it's too daunting a task for them, they can contract us to help them since we're the ones who designed it.


Douglas Mallete Oct 2012 CFS being an LLC on facebook

CFS being an LLC
by Douglas Mallette on Friday, October 12, 2012 at 8:28am ·
Okay, so it's already started...the wide eyed ideological purists are starting to complain because I'm not doing things the way THEY would like them done. This will likely be taken as a harsh retort, but to be honest, it's supposed to be. At some point...and this is it...I am going to stop playing pat-a-cake with unrealistic ideologues. Idealistic purists are blind to the fact that if we are going to change the world, we need to use the system to erode the system.

Although this note may seem otherwise, I don't care what everyone else thinks about how I go about my business. I just wanted to get this down so that in the future, people can simply reference this as my reply to people who are "concerned" that I've made CFS an LLC and not a non-profit.

First, this should not be a surprise. I have mentioned that CFS is a company many times over. Also, I looked into making CFS a non-profit, but it would have taken nearly two years just to become established through all the legal crap you have to go through to become a non-profit. And it would have had serious limitations when it comes to global expansion and partnerships with other nations. Being a non-profit also restricts what I can do with the money I do make (I'll get to that in a bit).

Making CFS an LLC (Limited Liability Company) not only protects me personally, but it also allows me to do a lot more in the world by using the existing system. On that note, before people complain, do some research on the differences between an LLC and INC and you'll see why I chose the former. One advantage about being an LLC is my ability to to use the profits I make as I want, like to start another business that will bring about global sustainability and abundance of something else....I energy? Steps along the ladder.

Also, CFS will be open source, so people need to get off their paranoia about Patents and Copyrights. Before anyone makes an assumption about how I plan to operate my company, they'd be better served to wait and see how the thing will be set up, or ask questions, not just post in forum threads about things they don't know shit about. All the blueprints and information on CFS systems will be freely available for the world to see, but it's not easy to do all this alone. Thus CFS will offer consulting to help people do it. People/governments/etc will be able to either buy a system directly and we'll do it all, or they can get the blueprints, buy their own parts locally, and do it themselves. If it's too daunting a task for them, they can contract us to help them since we're the ones who designed it.

I hate the way the system is, but I am also not overtly idealistic or stupid enough to think the world will change without having to use it to a certain level. There are certain things I won't make CFS a publicly traded company. Screw that. It will always be privately owned and operated by me, and staffed by RBE minded people who I know share the same vision for humanity as I do.

Statements like this make me laugh though, "Not good news for my ears and I don't think that this company should be promoted though our mediums anymore." I wonder if that person feels the same way about Peter Joseph and his media company, Gentle Machine Productions, LLC...the one making those awesome movies we all know about. Oh's an LLC too.

If people want to start questioning my integrity now, after all I have done, then screw them. They can be bitchy all they want, but I know what I stand for, I know what I'm doing, I know why I'm doing it this way, and if they don't like it...too bad. It is the height of arrogance to think that everyone must do things the way YOU want them done. FYI...I'm not on this planet to make YOU happy.

To those who understand what I'm doing and recognize the reasons for it, I thank you for your support. I can and will continue to work hard to contribute what I can to helping this glorious planet and the people on it shift to a better, more prosperous paradigm.
#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 02, 2013 - 16:30

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Doug's plan for 1 million dollars has been scratched and unlike Dr.Evil instead of asking for more money he's asking for less. So how much money is Doug asking for now? *pause* Doug wants $450,000 dollars.

Doug apparently was requested by some critics that they need to see his designs. So Doug said he apparently had designs but for some reason he can't upload them to the CFS website, "I did attach the business plan to the IndieGoGo Event to be downloaded, but for some reason I myself can't find a link that allows people to get it. I don't know why, but I updated the text of the campaign to let people know that they can send and email and get the Business Plan.". Just thinking out loud here but sounds like bullshit to me.

Well Doug says he will update his CFS website for the plans as he says," I am currently seeing if I can make it viewable on the CFS website.". I can't wait to see his work. I think Douglas is taking the old TVP approach with not showing his work or blueprints. I GOT NO BLUEPRINTZ, I GOT NO PROTOTYPE, BUT GIVE ME YOUR MONEY ON INDIEGOGO AND NOT KICKSTARTER CAUSE INDIEGOGO ALLOWS IT SO THAT I GET YOUR MONEY AND LESS ACCOUNTABILITY ON ME PLUS IF I DON'T FINISH I KEEP YOUR MONEY TO PAY OFF MY RENT; VERSUS KICKSTARTER WHERE I'M ACCOUNTABLE TO MY BACKERS IF I DON'T GET THE PROJECT DONE!

Some person: Honestly if you want investors to put money down you've got to have a clear business plan, a relatively specific design with costs of different components etc., and that is going to take a lot of unpaid work on your part, but in the hopes that it will pay off in the future. Not many people are going to give you $ and just trust that it will work itself out.

Some person: I agree with Alex. This is taken directly from the CFS website:
For legal reasons, at this time we are not in the position to give itemized details on every aspect of how every component or piece of the system operates. We apologize to those who want to know intimate details on how everything will work, but suffice to say that the whole point of CFS is to make it so that our systems will be self sustaining with no additional costs to the user. Thank you for your understanding."

We don't necessarily need "itemized details on EVERY aspect of how EVERY component or piece of the system operates," but it would be nice to have a general description of your product. The images posted aren't an accurate representation of an operational aquaponic system - from an investors viewpoint it looks like there's someone with a fantasy dream that gives no explanations of the systems proven functionality, nor a guarantee of the recuperation of funds with or without a profit. I won't go off calling this a charity campaign until I've seen this business plan that's for the first time been mentioned, but as of yet, that's what it looks like... and ranting won't help your case.

person: Then why isn't it available? I was looking to put money into this but I (like most people who would be interested) don't have a lot of it and I've got ideas of my own I'd like to implement, and if I can't see that someone else's is going to eventually pay me back and then some, there's just no sense in me putting my money into it. I'm not making assumptions and this isn't to discredit your work or attack you, I just can't find this information.

some person: Is there any other way that Business Plan could be shared?.. Like... mediafire, or something like it. : ]

Some person: You may need to travel a more conventional route with your ideas to gain funding and then create a crafty way of making sure the benefits reach the people you intend them to, this may give you a chance to develop your technological ideas and refine them to the point where crowd funding could make the difference by efficiency, resources, cost and connections for example, its about how you want to go about it.

Dougs response to his critics.

Doug: Please don't make assumptions. I have a formal business plan and I have done the ground work. I have a list of components needed, etc.

I've already put 2 years of work into what I'm doing. Thanks.

Doug: I did attach the business plan to the IndieGoGo Event to be downloaded, but for some reason I myself can't find a link that allows people to get it. I don't know why, but I updated the text of the campaign to let people know that they can send and email and get the Business Plan.

Doug: I am currently seeing if I can make it viewable on the CFS website.

Doug: What's your definition of "general description?"

In the video it states, "CFS is dedicated to using Systems Engineering and Integration practices (as used by NASA and other technologically sound entities) to develop highly automated aquaponic farm facilities that are self sufficient, grid independent, and require minimal technical support or human intervention.

A combination of solar, wind and battery power systems, in concert with water collection systems and automation, will enable a CFS facility to be placed in the middle of nowhere and still be able to produce food."

That is a general description. Most people know what automation is, anyone can look up aquaponics if they want to dive deeper into learning what that is, and it covers the desired energy and self-regulation systems.

As for the Business Plan, I mentioned above that when I made the campaign, I thought I uploaded the Biz Plan as something anyone could download from the page, so I never paid it any attention thereafter. However, in seeing that that is not the case, I have made an adjustment to the very first line of the text of the campaign letting people know that they can get the Biz Plan by sending me an email.

Doug: It would be different if I was single and only had to worry about myself, but I have a wife and daughter that I must factor into every decision I make. That does make it a special kettle of fish indeed.

On douglas FB about 450K he wants now and he's going to show CFS work on his website.
#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 03, 2013 - 00:53

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Douglas just reset his donation page to $485,000. So this is the third attempted to raise money for his project. As well as the project is still set as a all or nothing project "This campaign will only receive funds if at least $485,000 is raised by Sun 03 Mar 11:59PM PT.".

Parts of my prediction in this thread about Doug's CFS project have are been implemented. Doug realized he couldn't raise a 1 million dollars and has is making his new goal at $485K, at that he has developed a house list of contributors and has noted he will contact them to donate to the new project.

My prediction:

As Doug decided to go with the kickstarter model on indiegogo which is of course is as he has written a "all or nothing" campaign, I suspect his intention as of now for starting this was never to raise a million dollars but more or less raise publicity through TVP and TZM ranks as well as maybe a outside audience about what he's doing. He can't pull that off on kickstarter because of course it would require him to have a working prototype and of course people like me, Jim and everybody on SP would call him out for not following there guidelines however on indiegogo it would work out in the sense of raising publicity about his project without reaching the intended goal. On Indiegogo a person can raise money simply because they need money to pay rent for there house, which is what Douglas is doing in a way, that would never fly on kickstarter.

I figure later down the road Douglas would want a house list of donors from these groups and will utilize those people down the road when he starts raising donations for his company.


I figure he'll want monthly subscribers to secure this lifestyle as well.

Douglas Mallete restarts his project and indicates he can get in contact with his donors aka has a house list of people who donate.

Douglas Mallette Milan - No. What you do is hide the existing campaign and start a new one. I have the ability to contact all the people thus far who have contributed to let them know that this is happening. I can only hope it will be seamless. I think the drastic reduction in amount is worth resetting this campaign.

Douglas Mallette After much consideration, I may have to do a complete reset on the CFS IndieGoGo Campaign and start over. One big reason, I have figured out a way to literally cut the prototype development cost in half (staffing change and prototype scaling change as the biggest driver on that). Sadly, I can't just change the amount I want to get in the existing campaign. Once it's set, it's set. I hope dropping from $1 million to $450k will make a big difference on support levels. The bummer is having to start over and hope that the people who donated before will do so again.

Douglas Mallette Campaign Reset! Better goal, more access to info, Business Plan on the CFS website, etc. The adjustments I made warranted a new campaign.


Hello! :)

Before I begin, the formal CFS Business Plan is available on the CFS website for review:

My name is Douglas Mallette, an Aerospace Systems Engineer who used to work with the NASA Space Shuttle Program, a published author of a book called Turning Point, which discusses in very simple terms why space exploration is valuable to mankind, and an accomplished public speaker who's been fortunate enough to travel the world and educate people as to how science, engineering and technology can be used to help ensure Global Sustainability.

My experience in the space industry has given me a unique perspective on what mankind can accomplish. We can do amazing things, and it's about time we use our abilities for humanitarian concern, so that all people have a chance to reach their best potential. You can help make that happen.

Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC, is a Socially Conscious company dedicated to the standards of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Our mission is to eliminate the gap between global production and distribution of healthy organic foods to the people of the world, using advanced technologies and automated systems to accomplish the goal of creating decentralized (local) high yield, small footprint aquaponic farm buildings that are ecologically sound, environmentally conscious and robust in performance and sustainability.

I personally have done over two years of work in advance, with no funding, because I am passionate about what this can do for people. The groundwork has been laid, the initial engineering has been done, and now it's time to go to the next level.

So, what is the $485,000 for? First, IndieGoGo gets their part, leaving CFS with the $450k it actually needs. The funding generated here will be used for prototype development, where CFS expands its staff and where we purchase the parts and equipment necessary to build and test out the operational characteristics of our design. Our mission is to detail and refine our product for immediate implementation, from testing all aspects of how the facility operates, to developing operating manuals in multiple languages, to fortifying our global relationships. When the prototyping is done, we plan to hit the ground running so we can save lives as quickly as possible. Every day that passes is yet another needless loss of life from something that should not be.

Beyond the internal satisfaction of helping do something positive for mankind, there will be added bonuses to helping CFS, depending on your level of contribution.

$10 to $500 contributors are Founding Donors who will be permanently noted (unless they opt out of public recognition) on the CFS website as important people who helped get us started. Plus we have some perks you can opt for.

People who contribute at or above the $1000 amount will not only be listed on the website, but will receive SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS that will be disclosed in personal communications. If that person is you, please email us at

Lastly, this campaign is being established as an "all or nothing" campaign, meaning that if we don't succeed, nothing happens. This also explains why it's only 60 days long, which is the IndieGoGo rule for these kinds of campaigns.

With that in mind, crowd funding requires crowd support and sharing, so it is our hope that over the duration of this campaign, the word will spread and people all over the world will be moved by what we're doing. Avenues to pursue would be social media like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Contacting global and local news affiliates leading to interviews would be amazing, the blogosphere, or any venue where you think CFS would be noticed by a wide audience.

Thank you for your help, support and consideration. Together, we can make a difference.


Douglas Mallette, BSET
CEO, Cybernated Farm Systems

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 03, 2013 - 01:19

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Doug has a business plan! Reading it now!

.PDF download for CFS busness plan

Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC
Technical Solutions for Social Concern
· CEO is a former Aerospace Systems Engineer with the NASA Space Shuttle
· Existing relationships with key vendors, consultants and technical subject matter
· Global unrestricted market potential (Governments, NGO's, Humanitarian
Organizations, Direct Sale)
· Short turn around from R&D to market
· Contact Information: Douglas Mallette (Founder & CEO)
This Document is a Business Plan and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase. This
Business Plan, "the plan", is confidential and contains proprietary information including trade secrets of
Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC. Neither the plan nor any of the information contained in the plan may be
reproduced or disclosed to any person under any circumstances without the express written permission of
Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary Page 3
II. Business Dynamics
Business Description Page 4
Marketing Analysis Page 5
Competition Page 7
Product/Service Description Page 8
Organization and Management Page 14
CEO Profile Page 19
III. Finances
Funding Sources Page 21
Funding Request Page 22
5 Year Financial Forecast Page 23
IV. Appendix
Prototype Facility Details Appendix A
Executive Summary
Cybernated Farm Systems, LLC, (CFS), is a Socially Conscious company dedicated to
the standards of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Our mission is to eliminate the
gap between global production and distribution of healthy organic foods to the people of
the world, using advanced technologies and cybernated (automated) systems to
accomplish the goal of creating decentralized (local) high yield, small footprint
aquaponic farm buildings that are ecologically sound, environmentally conscious and
robust in performance and sustainability.
In the 21st century, it is unconscionable that any human being should go hungry,
especially given our advanced technical capability to assist in producing food with
minimal human labor input. One of the largest problems in the market, with respect to
food, is the centralized nature of production and the costly expense of distribution, as
evidenced by rising food prices that parallel rising gas prices.
Given the volatility of the oil market, coupled with the aforementioned discrepancy
between production and distribution, it is time for a revolutionary approach to food
production and distribution, especially in areas with arid land, inadequate infrastructure,
or inadequate climate for traditional farming practices, and where the costs dwarf those
who have little to no purchasing power.
What CFS aims to accomplish is to use Systems Engineering and Integration practices (as
used by NASA and other technologically sound entities) to develop highly automated
aquaponic farm facilities that are powered by clean energy systems, such that the facility
is self sufficient, grid independent, and requires minimal technical support or human
In conjunction with global partners such as governments and humanitarian organizations,
and with residential and commercial partnerships, our mission is nothing less than the
complete elimination of hunger throughout the world, not by buying food for people, or
even trying to rehabilitate their landscape for 17th century styled agriculture, but to
empower them with localized direct food production facilities that address their survival
needs immediately.
Given the methods on which CFS is built, the investment requirement to develop a
prototype system is $1 million. Investor return strategies are built upon a 25% return on
annual net income weighted by amount invested, over a 5 year period. Charts in the
Finances section of this report detail the ROI schedules and repayment structure.
Business Dynamics
A. Description
CFS is a company dedicated to solving world hunger by using science, engineering and
technology for the betterment of mankind, specifically with respect to producing highly
automated aquaponic farm facilities that are self sustaining, energy grid independent and
require (by design) minimal technical support or human intervention.
CFS will adopt several business models to ensure its stability and success:
1. Direct Sale of CFS Facilities: The primary source of business for CFS.
2. Freemium Model: The free open source availability of CFS blueprints and
plans for the public to use. From this we offer custom tailored paid consulting
and assistance packages to help people implement our designs.
3. Affiliate Model: Promoting and driving business to our suppliers. From this
we generate sales percentages from every sale that CFS drives to our
CFS Key Concept Definitions
Aquaponics: A sustainable food production system that combines aquaculture (raising
aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating
plants in water) in a symbiotic environment.
Automation: The use of robotics and computer systems as the main operators of the
facility. This includes operations like climate control, water collection, seeding and
Clean Energy: Hybrid systems of wind, solar and batteries for the energy demand for the
facility. Tapping geothermal, wave and tidal energy options will be considered,
depending on location and availability. The facility will be completely self sufficient,
giving it the ability to be placed anywhere in the world, regardless of the existing
Self Sustaining: The combination of Automation Systems, Clean Energy Systems,
Climate Control Systems and additional technologies will make a CFS facility highly self
sustaining, meaning it's minimally reliant on any external requirements.
Technical Support: Initially this will be provided by on-site CFS technicians in
partnership with humanitarian organizations, such as the Peace Corp. For the long term,
an included Training Program will train the local area people who wish to become
technicians/supervisors for their facility. This will eventually relieve the need for CFS to
provide outside technical support, and increase the independence of the people served by
the CFS facility. They will become their own technicians, having a real vested interest in
the success of their facility.
B. Market Analysis
As of a 2010 analysis by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations), approximately 925 million people are undernourished in the world (see chart
Albeit an improvement statistically, all it takes is one natural disaster to completely alter
the picture. Also, what must be factored into the equation now is the ever volatile cost of
food that virtually parallels gas price fluctuations. This will have a negative impact on
this positive trend, and it behooves mankind to act quickly to help rectify this situation
before the increase of suffering occurs.
As of August 2012: The FAO Food Price Index averaged 213 points in August 2012,
unchanged from the previous month. Although still high, the Index value is 25 points
below the peak (238 points) reached in February 2011 and 18 points less than in August
last year.
The following links provide additional information:
The purpose of CFS is to serve as a local area provider for one of the most essential
necessities for life: Food. To that end, our market is global and diverse (see map below).
No matter what race, creed, nationality, gender or religious affiliation, the biological
necessities of life are common among all people.
Our CFS facilities not only bring relief to those starving and in desperate need around the
world, but can also help those in developed nations as well. The high productivity of our
facilities will help reduce the cost burden of food, helping to relieve that component of
economic stress.
There are limits to our market when it comes to CFS facilities. Our CFS facilities are not
designed for individual use, but for larger scale groups. Our customers will be in the
form of collectives or cooperatives, real estate ventures (apartment complexes and
neighborhoods with our facilities built into the project), and governments and
humanitarian organizations who wish to use our systems in areas of need. Additional
future options extend to commercial space exploration companies who would need such
systems for long duration space exploration activities. However, there are no such limits
with respect to our consulting packages or our revenue from supplier sale partnerships.
C. Competition
To date, our concept has yet to be implemented in the manner in which we are proposing.
Hydroponics and aquaponics exists in small scale, and is still heavily dependent on
human intervention to maintain and operate those facilities. The concept of using
robotics and computers to aid in farming is not new, nor is the concept of creating highly
autonomous facilities, with a robust systems integration approach. The space industry,
and visionaries like Buckminster Fuller, have developed this concept in theory. What is
new is turning the theory into a practical working system with tangible real world
benefits, which until recent advancements in computer and robotic technologies was
difficult to accomplish.
The closest representation of competition to CFS would be the recently proposed selfsustaining
aquaponic facility in Vermont, provided by The Root Center, a small nonprofit
dedicated to a similar idea, but on a much smaller scale.
Additional similar companies do exist in the UK and India, but are also grid dependent,
designing themselves to operate within an existing infrastructure, like a city. This does
nothing to help the impoverished and under developed regions of the world that are in
such desperate need.
These systems do not take their concept to the next level, using advanced technologies to
ensure the facility can be rapidly prototyped and globally distributed quickly to any
location in the world for immediate implementation, which would also be advantageous
during Natural Disaster Emergencies.
At CFS, we are planning for a lead time of less than 60 days between sale and the
completion of construction of a facility. It is the intent of CFS to make our solution
options global and rapid.
D. Product/Service Description
The following is an analysis of what each CFS facility will incorporate.
Facility Components:
- Greenhouse Structure
- Advanced Climate Control System. This includes temperature, humidity, and air
content controls (CO2 and O2 levels)
- Plant Grow Beds and Supplies
- Fish Farm Equipment including pumps.
- MFS (Material Flow System). Conveyor system used to transfer fully grown crops to
the adjacent Access Center located at the front of the building, where people can access
the food.
- Automated Wash and Seeding Systems
- VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) Power System
- Solar Power System
- Industrial Battery Bank System for power storage and peak load utility
As mentioned before, hydroponics and aquaponics are not new solution options for
producing food, but what is new are the advances in technology that enable this method
of food production to be far more productive than traditional farming methods. Combine
this with our knowledge of robotics and automation and we have the capability to
produce vast amounts of food with very little human labor requirement, and all this can
be done locally, decentralizing food production and drastically reducing shipping needs
and the carbon footprint associated with shipping.
What foods will be grown will be greatly dependent on the geographical nutrient
requirements of the people being served. Dietary norms differ around the world, so CFS
will work with regional experts to try and grow foods that would be as nutritionally
diverse as possible. High protein foods like peas and beans, leafy greens like spinach and
lettuce, and fruits like tomatoes and strawberries are examples of the kinds of foods CFS
can provide.
The images on the following pages reflect what a CFS facility might look like. The
Systems Integration, Research and Development (SIR&D) Phase will help CFS
determine exactly what the final product will entail.
Exterior "Front" View
Exterior "Back" View
Vertical Axis Wind
Solar Panels Turbine (VAWT)
Interior View A
Interior View B
Fish Tank Plant Grow Rack
(Conveyor Belt)
Seeding System
Automation allows the facility to run with minimal human labor requirement, aside from
the initial construction of the facility. The aquaculture system provides sustenance for
the plants and is regulated by automated pumps and passive filter systems. The
movement of mature crops that are ready to be picked is governed by the computer
systems and the MFS, and the washing and reseeding of the grow beds is also automated.
The only human labor requirement is the actual pulling of the plants from the grow beds
and the oversight of the facility, which can be accomplished with a staff of just two to
three people.
Almost the entire process is computer controlled for high precision, up to the point that
people will know when the building will harvest and supply the next rotation of crops. A
monitor attached to the building will show the people the upcoming crop cycles for the
next few months, similar to the arrival and departure system used by airports.
Powering the Facility
The power requirements for the facility can be fulfilled such that the building is
completely self sufficient and off the grid. This allows the facility to be placed anywhere
in the world, to feed any people, any time. In short, the building will be a hybrid solar,
wind and battery powered facility, which can be seen in the above pictures. Overall, the
building will be a very low power passive facility, where many of the automated systems
lie dormant in sleep mode when not in use. The only constant power sinks would be the
aquaculture pumps and climate control systems. Initial calculations for power
requirements have been completed, but the details of the power requirements will be
determined during prototype development. This will be completed by a team of
engineers during this initial Systems Integration Research and Development (SIR&D)
Scalability and Yield Potential
The following reflects the yield potential of a CFS facility:
· 10 Grow Racks
· 15 Grow Beds per Rack
· 25 plants per Grow Bed
· Total Grow Bed plant production: 3,750
· Six species of plants will be grown in the Grow Beds, yielding 625 plants per
· The 7th specie of plant (tomatoes) will be grown on the far wall since they are
vine plants and aren't suited to be grown in the same manner as the rest of the
plants in the building
Therefore, a typical building can feed at least 625 people seven species of food each. The
yield is based on a plant per person for the six Grow Bed plant species and enough
tomato vines to yield enough fruit to accommodate the needs for 625 people.
An example customer cost break down is as follows:
- Facility Cost: $1 million (a one time cost that includes lifetime maintenance support
and the Training Program)
- People Served: 625
- One Time Cost Per Person Served: $1600.00
- Facility Minimal Operational Lifespan: 30 years
- Individual Cost: $53.33 annually, or $4.44 a month
Cost Comparison:
As per a 2011 United States Department of Agriculture report, "We also found that, in
2008, an adult on a 2,000-calorie diet could satisfy recommendations for vegetable and
fruit consumption in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (amounts and variety) at
an average price of $2 to $2.50 per day, or approximately 50 cents per edible cup
"How Much Do Fruits and Vegetables Cost?"
Using the lower estimate, that equates to $730 annually, over 13 times more expensive
than what CFS can provide. This example assumes a facility costs $1 million. Even if
the actual final cost were to be $500,000 more, it would still be nine times cheaper than
what's currently available.
Scaling Limits:
Energy demand is the largest limiting agent to the scale of a CFS building. There comes
a point when a building is too big to manage in a self-sustaining manner, which is why
CFS is being specific with the size limits of its facilities. If there is a need to have more
food, then the solution is to simply have more facilities to suit that need. CFS facilities
are not large, being just over 5,000 square feet in size, so having several buildings to
serve a region adequately will not require large plots of land.
However, not only will these details be developed during the Systems Integration R&D
(SIR&D) Phase of operations, ascertaining various load limits at various scales, this is
also a case by case analysis that will require individualized scrutiny based on customer
input and desires.
Future designs of CFS systems will work to advance and maximize our ability to grow
more in less space, without jeopardizing the quality of the food or the safety and
efficiency of the technical systems involved.
E. Organization and Management
Operational Development:
Phase 1 - Systems Integration Research & Development (SIR&D)
This phase determines the various operational characteristics of a CFS facility on a
prototype scale, ensuring all components operate as an integrated unit. This includes
ascertaining maximum scaling as restricted by sustainable power generation
capabilities, software refinement and/or development, hardware verification,
determining layout efficiency, developing operational procedure manuals, technical
specification documentation and developing the Technician training course materials.
Phase 1 Structure:
The SIR&D phase does not require a robust Business Operations department, as this
phase is about product development, not sales. Therefore, the structure of CFS during
this phase is more technical, as it revolves mainly around researching and developing
the Technical Operations that will facilitate the Business Operations. Aside from the
CEO and Vice President, the staff of CFS will mainly consist of scientists and
engineers to fill the departmental roles of the following Technical Operations
Systems Engineering
Mechanical/Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering/Power Systems
Computer Engineering (Hardware & Software Development)
Hydroponic and Aquaponic Systems
CFS Technical Training Program
Phase 1 - Prototype Development:
The prototype facility serves as the test bed to ensure that CFS systems will operate at
peak efficiency and sustainability. Here we will implement and test the climate
control systems, grow racks, fish farms, automated systems, power systems and more.
The purpose is to refine the operational characteristics and document controls of the
prototype facility, which will then serve as the scalable template for all future
This phase requires the R&D team. The staff will be comprised of subject matter
experts for each Technical Operation Department (previously listed) as needed. In
some cases, personnel will serve multiple roles. For example, the CFS Technical
Training Program department will be developed by the group as a whole, creating the
documentation for that department as R&D unfolds, therefore this department does
not require a dedicated staff member.
CEO / President
Systems Engineer
Mechanical/Civil Engineer
Electrical/Power Systems Engineer
Computer/Software Engineer
Robotics/Automation Engineer
Hydroponic/Aquaponic Specialist
Vice President
Accountant Lawyer
Phase 2 - System Sales and Ongoing Operations
After prototype development, sales operations can immediately begin, using
networking, contacts, public speaking and liaising with governments and
humanitarian organizations. Thereafter is an ongoing process to improve capabilities
and work with universities and other organizations to grow additional food items,
increasing the CFS staff as needed.
Overall Organizational Structure:
CFS will be departmentalized by Management and Technical disciplines, with a strong
emphasis on internal communications:
Business Operations: Including departments such as Human Resources, Public Relations,
Marketing, Sales and Finance.
Technical Operations: Including departments such as Systems Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Robotics & Automation, Computer Engineering (including IT and software
development), Electrical Engineering (including power system management), Aquaponic
Management, and Training.
Phase 1 requires a staff to support SIR&D of the prototype facility:
Phase 2 requires CFS to increase staff as needed to the appropriate level for facility sales,
construction, training, etc. as the company grows. The company will be divided into two
operational divisions, Technical Operations and Business Operations, each with its own
manager. During this phase, departments within the divisions will increase in size as
needed, with division managers reporting to the CEO directly.
The following two pages detail the operational divisions that report to the CEO.
Technical Operations Manager
Systems Engineering Manager
Mechanical/Civil Engineering Manager
Electrical/Power Systems Engineering Manager
Computer/Software Engineering Manager
Robotics/Automation Engineering Manager
Hydroponics/Aquaponics Manager
SE Staff
MCE Staff
EPSE Staff
CSE Staff
RAE Staff
HA Staff
Technical Publications & Training
TP&T Staff
Technical operation decisions are made in collaboration between all departments to
ensure scientific and analytical methods are upheld to the highest standards. Business
and Technical Operation decisions flow through the CEO of CFS.
Business Operations Manager / Vice President
Human Resources Manager
Public Relations Manager
Marketing Manager
Finance Manager
HR Staff
PR Staff
Marketing Staff
Finance Staff
Legal Staff
CEO Profile: Douglas Mallette
I am a former Aerospace Systems Engineer with the United States Space Shuttle Program
(2008 to 2011), giving me experience in a technical environment where multiple
disciplines worked together to facilitate the accomplishment of a very complex and
intricate mission. Prior to this, I have been involved with Project Management and
Systems Development & Integration.
In college, as the Project Manager of SEDS (Students for the Exploration and
Development of Space) I was the direct lead to a sub-orbital sounding rocket project
called Daedalus and coordinated the progress for future projects such as the Martian
Automated Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle (MAARV) and the Mars In-situ Resource
Project (MIRP). This role and previous work roles strengthened my experience with
personnel & budget management, supply procurement, inventory control, prototype
development including manufacturing & assembly, testing and documentation. My
military background developed my dedication to discipline, hard work, focus and mission
I have written a space advocacy book that was published in September, 2009 and have
been on Fox News and various web and radio shows promoting science, engineering,
technology and space exploration. To that end, I do not shy from public speaking, and in
fact relish the opportunity to talk about science, space and technology to any audience.
In August 2010, I spoke at the Caux, Switzerland Initiatives of Change International
Conference - Leading Change for a Sustainable World - where I discussed science,
engineering and technology applications derived from space exploration that can help
mankind live in a sustainable world with a humanitarian focus. In October 2010, I spoke
at the University of Illinois ACM Reflections|Projections Conference regarding space
exploration and development, and how such technologies benefit mankind. And most
recently in January of 2012 I completed a 17 day Scandinavian lecture tour where I
delivered 8 lectures that spanned 6 cities, from Stockholm, Sweden to Oslo, Norway to
Copenhagen, Denmark. These endeavors have afforded me the ability to build a global
network of contacts I can call upon to advance the mission of CFS.
My personal, professional and educational background and experience has culminated
into this venture with CFS, whereby I plan to marry my passion for science, engineering,
technology and humanitarian concern. I have a mission, I know what needs to be done, I
have laid the groundwork, and I will succeed.
● Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (Space Systems)
December 2007, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Additional Aerospace Engineering Courses not affiliated with BSET: Aerospace
Materials; Calculus I, II, III; Differential Eqns.; Flight Dynamics; Thermodynamics;
Ground Systems Design; Measurements; Stat. & Dynam.; Principles of EE; Solid
● U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School
● U.S. Navy Basic Training & Aviation Maintenance Training
● Microsoft Project Management - Level 1: Completed May, 2011
• GB Tech / GeoControl Systems - Systems Engineer: Configuration Management (CM)
for Boeing Space Shuttle Program, processing Engineering Orders, Mods, etc. in MRCS
Database System as OV-105 (Endeavour) Manifest Engineer. Participated in shuttle
mission flow meetings. CM website manager.
• Space Advocacy Author - Published 9-26-09: Turning Point: How Space Exploration
and Development Will Determine the Rise or Fall of Humanity.
• Public speaking and media appearances:
- Jan 2012: 17 day Scandinavian Global Sustainability Lecture Tour
8 lectures in 6 cities: Stockholm & Linkoping, Sweden; Oslo, Bergen &
Trondheim, Norway; Copenhagen, Denmark
- 6/25/11: Guest Speaker at Liverpool Hope Univ., Liverpool, UK.
- 05/20/11: China Radio Intl Panelist: Space Shuttle Ending & Commercial Space (Hr 1)
- 10/16/10: Speaker at the University of Illinois Reflections | Projections Conference
- 08/06/10: Guest Speaker at Caux IofC Conference
- 05/26/10: The Sean Ongley Show
- 02/09/10: Guest Speaker at SWAPRA Luncheon
- 01/17/10: The Jim Bohannon Show (@ 40 min mark)
- 01/11/10: Guest Speaker at Houston Galleria Rotary Club
- 01/08/10: China Radio International Conversation: Space Tourism (Hour 1)
- 01/06/10: Art in Action with Robin Ann Peters
- 12/30/09: Soma Time with Dr. Mark Filippi (Year End Special)
- 12/17/09: SpaceVidCast Appearance
- 12/2/09: Soma Time with Dr. Mark Filippi
- 11/13/09: Guest Speaker at SpaceVision 2009
- 11/10/09: The Space Show with Dr. David Livingston
- 11/5/09: Fox News with Harris Faulkner
- 10/6/09: The World of TJ McCormack on LA Talk Radio (@ 39 min mark)
• U.S. Navy - Developed, implemented and controlled an Aviation Ground Service
Equipment Maintenance Program at VX-1 Squadron. Qualified SH-60, S-3 & P-3 Plane
Captain. Performed Technical Publications oversight and updates.
• News America Marketing - Performed Customer and Client Service actions for contract
responsibilities and quality assurance. Personnel, budget and inventory management.
• Instructor Experience - Developed Ground System Design course for a UCF professor,
including lectures and exams.
• Project Manager: SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) at
the University of Central Florida; multiple project implementation and oversight
including Project Daedalus, the Martian Automated Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicle
(MAARV) and the Mars In-situ Resource Project (MIRP).
• Project Lead: Daedalus Sub-Orbital Hybrid Sounding Rocket Program with SEDS;
personnel & budget management, supply procurement, inventory control, prototype
development including manufacturing & assembly, testing and documentation.
A. Funding Sources
Initial funding for CFS will be via private investors. In the future CFS plans to work with
additional funding sources, like Grants for R&D, to help grow and expand our
B. Investor Return Schedule
For 5 years, investors will receive annual profit sharing returns based on their investment
percentage relative to the total investment required for CFS to get started. 25% of the net
income for every year during those 5 years will be set aside for investor returns. The
formula is as follows:
(Amount Invested/Total Investment)*(0.25)*(Annual Net Income) = Investor Annual
Example: Assume CFS needs a Total Investment of $1 million to begin operations.
Investor A invests $5,000 into CFS. Investor B invests $100,000 into CFS. CFS makes
$1,500,000 in net income for the first year of operations.
Investor A: (5,000/1,000,000)*(0.25)*(1,500,000) = $1,875
Investor B: (100,000/1,000,000)*(0.25)*(1,500,000) = $37,500
Investor A will receive a check for $1,875 for that year and Investor B will receive a
check for $37,500 for that year, and so on for every investor. The process repeats every
year for the 5 year duration.
B. Funding Request
Funding Requirements:
Phase 1A - Previously Invested Amount for initial startup: $5,000
Phase 1B - Required amount for Prototype Development: $450,000
Line Item Cost
Payroll (1 yr) $185,000
Warehouse (1 yr) $20,000
Prototype Facility Materials $160,000
Contingency Funds $85,000
Total Cost $450,000
Total Investment: $455,000
The following 5 Year Financial Forecast assumes starting sales of five CFS Facilities,
with a minimal annual increase of three sales per year, and Consulting Income starting
with three in year one and topping at five in year three. The Supplier Referral Fee
revenue stream cannot be forecast as it is highly variable and dependent on partnerships
yet to be determined, therefore it is not included. Payroll, R&D Budget and Operational
Costs modestly increase annually.
5 Year Financial Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
CFS Facilities Sold 5 8 10 12 15
Revenue Per Facility $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000
Facility Revenue Total $ 5,500,000 $ 8,800,000 $ 11,000,000 $ 13,200,000 $ 16,500,000
Consulting Jobs 3 4 5 5 5
Revenue Per Job $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000
Consult Revenue Total $ 300,000 $ 400,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000
Revenue Grand Total $ 5,800,000 $ 9,200,000 $ 11,500,000 $ 13,700,000 $ 17,000,000
Number of Employees 10 15 18 21 25
Average Salary $ (50,000) $ (50,000) $ (50,000) $ (50,000) $ (50,000)
Salary Total $ (500,000) $ (750,000) $ (900,000) $ (1,050,000) $ (1,250,000)
Facilities Sold 5 8 11 14 17
Facility Cost Per Unit $ (793,000) $ (793,000) $ (793,000) $ (793,000) $ (793,000)
Total Facility Cost $ (3,965,000) $ (6,344,000) $ (8,723,000) $ (11,102,000) $ (13,481,000)
Warehouse Rent $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (25,000) $ (25,000) $ (25,000)
R&D Budget $ (50,000) $ (100,000) $ (150,000) $ (200,000) $ (200,000)
Operational Costs
(Utilities, Phone, Etc)
$ (60,000) $ (60,000) $ (60,000) $ (60,000) $ (60,000)
Office Materials $ (12,000) $ (12,000) $ (12,000) $ (12,000) $ (12,000)
Advert and Promo $ (12,000) $ (15,000) $ (15,000) $ (15,000) $ (15,000)
Accounting and Legal $ (12,000) $ (15,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000)
Travel $ (15,000) $ (20,000) $ (25,000) $ (30,000) $ (50,000)
Total Expense $ (4,646,000) $ (7,336,000) $ (9,930,000) $ (12,514,000) $ (15,113,000)
Net Income Pre Tax $ 1,154,000 $ 1,864,000 $ 1,570,000 $ 1,186,000 $ 1,887,000
Investor Return $ (288,500) $ (466,000) $ (392,500) $ (296,500) $ (471,750)
Net Profit Pre Tax
(After Investor Return)
$ 865,500 $ 1,398,000 $ 1,177,500 $ 889,500 $ 1,415,250
Total Invested $ 455,000
Total Investor Return $ 1,915,250
5 Year ROI % 421%
Appendix A
Prototype Facility Cost Estimate
Components Units in
Unit Cost Total Cost
The Building
2400 Sq Ft Building 1500 $ 50 $ 75,000
Climate Control Systems
ClimateControl 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000
A/C Units 1 $ 2,895 $ 2,895
Garden System
Grow Tray 15 $ 100 $ 1,500
Tray Racks 1 $ 1,000 $ 1,000
Rack Motor 12 $ 500 $ 6,000
Reflective Material 2 $ 50 $ 100
Fish Farm System
Fish Tank 1 $ 3,100 $ 3,100
Level 1 Pump 1 $ 23 $ 23
Level 2 Pump 1 $ 31 $ 31
Level 3 Pump 1 $ 138 $ 138
Automation & Robotics
Tray Wash 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Seeding System 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Delivery System
Material Flow - 30' 1 $ 3,935 $ 3,935
Material Flow - 10' 1 $ 2,292 $ 2,292
Conveyor Lift System 1 $ 8,100 $ 8,100
Wind Power Sources
VAWT 1 $ 18,000 $ 18,000
Solar Power Sources
Panels 4 $ 549 $ 2,196
Battery Power Sources
Industrial Batteries 10 $ 1,087 $ 10,870
TOTALS $ 155,180
Contingency Funds $ 4,820
Grand Total $ 160,000

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Jan 03, 2013 - 22:31

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
"The page you are looking for is currently in "DRAFT" mode and hidden from the public. Please contact the campaign owner if you feel this is in error!"

#25 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Jan 04, 2013 - 00:50

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3

So he made a new one and is asking for half as much now.
#26 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 04, 2013 - 08:53

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Quote from JimJesus

So he made a new one and is asking for half as much now.

Of course asking for a half a million dollars is more realistic.
#27 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jan 04, 2013 - 13:19

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
Quote from The Burger King

Quote from JimJesus

So he made a new one and is asking for half as much now.

Of course asking for a half a million dollars is more realistic.

Perhaps he might end up settling for $32,000
#28 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Jan 04, 2013 - 18:33

Level: 6
CS Original
Do they accept donations in kind? I think I could part with Steve Blank's commendable "Startup Owner's Manual", a much less commendable Harvard guide on writing business plans and the first Season of Shark Tank.
#29 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JimJesusPosted: Jan 04, 2013 - 20:46

Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪

Level: 3
Doug's Facebook wall: "Well, the time has come that I am about to make my profile private, drive people to my Fan Page, reduce my friends list to a reasonable level, and stop interacting with the masses on such a regular basis. I never realized how many "critical thinking know-it-alls" there were out there, and it's enough to drive you mad. There's a difference between being a critical thinker and an obnoxious nit picking douche bag. I'm done. lol. Plus, having to filter though 50+ updates every day is getting ridiculous and it's diverting my attention from the things I need to focus on most."

Translation: I'm tired of you assholes telling me my green fantasy isn't realistic. You should of just let me dream with my OmegaGarden toy, but noooooo. You had to lay facts on my and when I tried to dismiss it, you had to get all more factual. Let me dream, damnit!
#30 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]