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The Burger KingPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 12:06

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

Let's pretend to be Peter Merola and predict the answer to his cult questionswe will answer on June 30th. Since Peter Merola started the topic

Link: /> Title: Next Peter Joseph Radio Address: Wed June 30th 3pm EDT
Description: "submit below any attacks/complaints you have found regarding The Zeitgeist Movement & The Venus Project, no matter how irrational or ignorant."

Since I think Peter Merola is a complete and utter bullocks artist I think all of the questions his cult makes up (at least the members that are able to pass the TZM cult test to post on the forums for Peter answers) will have predictable canned responses by Peter Merola to keep his cult happy. As such I have made a topic to pretend to be Peter Merola and as such try and predict the bets you can how Peter Merola will answer a question. You can answer just one question or many questions from different individuals with that topic. You can also answer the same question in different ways.

For the entertainment factor if you want to answer the question not as Peter Merola but as yourself as pure satire or a real response to the question that's great as well! If you want to pretend to be Alex Jones, William Cooper, and answer the question or someone else or anything that is good. This thread it meant to poke fun but I think it be a bit funny if one of CS's responses were dead on to Peter Merola's responses when the show comes up it would show us that his responses are so predictable and canned that anyone including CS can see them a mile away...

Try to predict which post the leader of TZM Peter Merola will not answer because it violates his topics rules. Make up a question then pretend to be Peter or whoever and answer it possibly with a weird ass conspiracy theory answer (would be cool if it was a real CT, provide reference/link EX; UT comment, website etc.. if it's a real CT real LOL). Have at it, be creative, have fun

So I'll start it off


>>provided question Galaxycolonizer question:

4) computer government isn't possible and whish able because machines
could be manipulated by some high-tech elites (instead of money elites
like now).

Billll's response: I agree, if TZM/TVP were to be implemented right now their is definitely a possibility of the so called technocratic elites or how about just people with the know how in having easy control/access/technological means to control society since everything is central there is a ease of control (I am conspiracy theorist >_>). My first order would be to hack the robot central database on TVP and require fat tits VTV to lose weight.

Peter Merola response: *Reads question with a very smug and sarcastic sounding voice when reading* Then answers it in a smug tone, no that will not happen yadaa yaddaa yaddaa will make sure their are checks and balances. Wish you people would get it <-- Billll responce: so you'll need rules?<<

>>Question provided by frixospr

1. The ZM is dependent too much on the web and in case of internet regulation it can not function.

Peter Merola's response: No I do not think so we're doing a lot in the real world like handing out DVD's and pamphlets and meeting up in real life. Each chapter too my understanding does meet up in real life to hand out DVD's and pamphlets and to conduct other activates that may not necessarily be with the movements tenets. Whoever says we're just a internet group, just a internet group... Is just not seeing the bigger picture. We can't do anything at this stage in the game so we're all about getting members to eventually reach critical mass which we'll know it when we see it.<<

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 13:18

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Let's not.

Pretending to be someone else in order to make them look ridiculous is unethical, if not illegal.

I want no part of it and I urge everyone else on CS not to participate. Sorry Billl, this is going too far.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 13:35

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Muertos O_o To far how so? This topic is about putting down what may be a potential Peter canned response and to be pure satire at that. No need to be sorry, as that is of your opinion but as well as it's of your opinion to have no oen in CS post in here. Unfortunately I'm going to have to disagree with you until you can raise a better argument. As the topic says it's pure satire and it's pretty obvious I'm not Peter, Fresco or Alex jones...

I'm gonig to take it that you do not understand what the topic is as maybe you did not read it throughly I request you to read it again if you still think the same way. Please
inform me how this is satire how I am "Pretending to be someone else in order to make them look ridiculous is unethical, if not illegal.", as I am not and again I'm going to have to disagree with you a good analogy of this is if I were to dress up as uncle Sam, Santa Clause, or Richard Nixon, but it's obvious I am not in this thread so those are illegal acts too O_o

"I want no part of it and I urge everyone else on CS not to participate. Sorry Billl, this is going too far." That is of your opinion again and I do not under stand how "this is going too far." for a pure satire piece at that I think your think I'm actually going to pose as Peter Merola on the thread thats not what I meant within this thread on the TZm forums. If you honestly think I had an ill intention in this topic please put them out with evidence, look at my question I provide how is that in any way going to hurt Peter Merola or myself >_> Just because I put a hypothetical canned response that Peter Merola may potentially give on his radio show, that is somehow illegal when I blatantly state that I'm going to do it before hand and then *shock* do it O_o

FYI: your whole blog is of canned responses from users which includes links to their responses.
Title: Zeitgeisters' Greatest Hits: Confronting Canned Responses to Criticisms of the Zeitgeist Movement

So I'm wrong for putting hypothetical satire canned responses in this thread; That Peter Merola may potential say or Alex Jones may say in answering the question? Not to be mean but Muertos if people agree with your statement above than they would have to disagree with your blog on "canned responses", as well as you would have to.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 13:59

Level: 6
CS Original

I don't see anything wrong with predicting how somebody else will answer a question, except for the point that I'd consider it a waste of time.

I don't have anything against PJ as a guy, but he has his limitations, one of which being that he doesn't seem to be interested in any "solution" to global problems that puts the planning before the actual advertisement, and he also relies on advertising tactics that I personally find unethical.

He's probably going to give a short answer like:
- The shift won't happen overnight, so the details aren't important yet
- Elites won't exist in a society without social stratification
- The movement is still too small to do anything practical
or something about how humans have to respect the carrying capacity of the earth, which - again - doesn't say anything about my tribe killing your tribe to make scarce goods more available to my tribe, as we now got 2x the amount per person.

I've discussed this stuff so much, I don't wanna anymore. Somebody explain it to PJ and Jacque and Neil and whoever.

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:01

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Sorry Billl, I think I misread your initial post...I read your statement "I have made a topic to pretend to be Peter Merola" as not referring to THIS topic you made here, but suggesting you had done it on the ZM forums or somewhere else. That was a little unclear. I sometimes have a hard time following your posts (I don't mean that as a criticism).

I have no problem with satire or hypothetical canned responses obviously, it just looked from my initial reading like you were suggesting something else.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:04

Level: 9
CS Original

"He's probably going to give a short answer like:
- The shift won't happen overnight, so the details aren't important yet
- Elites won't exist in a society without social stratification
- The movement is still too small to do anything practical"

I think you hit the nail on the head CJ.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:19

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Muertos no even though I posed as Peter Merola on freenode IRC server not affiliated with TZM or anything else for comical purposes, I'd never really pose as the guy and pretend to be him at that time I was a bit pissed off and was making ironically satire canned comments Peter had made in the past in the IRC channel before Tanktop or whoever it was threaten to hurt me through PM. it's my bad for being a bit unclear unfortunately my time to edit the topic has ran out or I'd edit it to be a bit more clearer in context of what I meant. I realize from looking at the title "Lets Pretend to be Peter Merola" was for pure satire and to raise a eyebrow but in my details within the thread it's a bit more flexible than the title.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:32

Level: 12
CS Original

DrPeterMercola's questions:

1. Why was peterpan banned?

A: troll

2. What Edward Winston coming to you first have done?

A: troll

3. Why are you going to ban me for this post?

A: troll

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:35

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

No prob Bill, I understand where you're coming from now...I understand you are not suggesting an actual impersonation of anybody.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:53

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

1. TZM/TVP has not developed a transition strategy that is applicable right now. The world faces immediate problems that have real solutions right now - but the movement is focused upon education about some unrealized future possibility. This is like a doctor that is showing the cancerous patient nanotechnology and the way we will use nanotechnology to battle cancer in the future. But the doctor is doing nothing to help people right now. What is needed is doctors and teachers. We need doctors who are helping people right now and we need teachers who are helping to develop technologies for the people of the future. TZM/TVP is not approaching the problem efficiently.

2. Money will not disappear - it will evolve into something that is more scientific: designed to address goals of the community - like abundance. The concept of money evolves in an emergent fashion. Only the current implementation will disappear - perpetually. Everything that we create to replace the old with the new will disappear as well. This is the pattern of emergence.
- Because the members and leaders unite against illogical implementations of a goal, they risk abandoning the goal itself. It is illogical to unite against the concept of money - which is at its core: a means of accounting and exchange. Science would be nowhere without accounting and exchange of realistic information.
- Unite against the current implementation of money: a centralized banking system that is based upon fictional debt. The centralized banking system disconnects communities from the source of goods and services and creates interdependent, inefficient, and unsustainable communities. The centralized banking permits exploitation by those who are closest to the source of the money creators. And because of these effects of centralized banking - there is a dependence upon the availability of money itself.
- The intermediate solution is decentralized banking practices where people are free to create their own money that is based in real goods and services. People can implement banking systems that are catered to address the goals which they deem important - allowing for infinite employment. When people are free to create their own currencies - they can deter all of the things that are deemed undesirable... by design.

3. The movement is similar to religious people who await Armageddon in that many members believe that the transition will be dependent upon an essential Collapse. The danger in this belief is that many people do nothing to prevent Collapse.

4. The movement's (and any teacher's) purpose is to coerce people into a desire to learn... becoming the embodiment of emergence. There are many people that are in the movement who are disgruntled with their current situation - and they dogmatically uphold the tenets of the movement with no desire to seek understanding. These people portray the movement as cult-like.

5. People who respectably oppose aspects of TZM are eventually kicked out of the movement. This does not align with the concept of emergence. The movement is removing the people who are best suited to facilitate the movement's embodiment of emergence. Fresco talks about the city of the future being an ever-changing thing. But how is it supposed to change if it kicks out people who advocate change? This is one among many complaints concerning hypocritical actions that the moderation team upholds. This also contributes to the perception that the movement is cult-like.

6. TVP is putting all of their eggs in one basket with their plan to create a movie and a theme park. Many people see this plan as inefficient at best. Why not implement multiple strategies simultaneously? Why not implement a strategy that empowers TVP ability to create change - like local currency and self-sufficient communities that target scarcity and education as some of their many objectives?

Peter Merola probably replies:

1: The movement is in its infancy we need to spread the word and get more members so we can use bio social pressure to make changes, unless we have the large membership numbers we can not achieve our goals, and fixing things now is just patchwork

2: The monetary system is the abhorrent system that creates division between the elites and the have nots. Unless we remove this system the eilte will always maintain ownership of the resources and can control the game. We must force the system to crash and remove this system so we can build our society.

3: The system is going to collapse it is inevitable, we are not a religion we uphold the scientific method for social concern.

4: The majority of our members do not post on the forum they are active in the community, our forum is not the movement, the members who post online are not the movement. We are not a cult and those people calling us a cult are mentally ill and have mind lock, and are using bogus claims to villify us.

5: The members who were kicked from the forum were all trolls, every one of them was arguing against the movement and were not here to be members. It is clear that every one of them only came here to cause trouble and prevent us from communicating about our positive goals and were never here to help us.

6: Jacque Fresco has spent 35 years working on his plan he has provided the only possible working example of a societal method for the benefit of all the world, The resources available are abundant and any other proposal does not take into account everything jacque has thought about. TVP is the only method that works.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:06

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

This person does not get it:

krazytim: New Poster :Posts: 9: said:

Peter, this sounds like it will be a fun radio show. A light-hearted laugh at the collective nonsensical misconceptions about our movement is exactly what we need.

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:17

Level: 12
CS Original

ban him for thinking this serious business is light-hearted.

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:25

Level: 0
CS Original

> Somebody explain it to PJ and Jacque and Neil and whoever.

They just don't get it :-)

Its my conclusion that some people are just incapable of understanding certain things, and no matter how much education on the subject they engage in, they simply never grasp it.

This is also a problem for democracy, as many voters are similarly handicaped and unable to vote for whats best for everyone, and isntead voting for whats best for them in the short term.

Quite how you divorce humanities stupidity from the decision making process I'm not sure, but if we don't, at some point we'll be treading in the footsteps of the dinasaurs whilst watching it all unfold on prime time television..

On the plus side, the internet communication era now means those lone voices of cooperation can more easily find each other and work together to fix the world more so than every before.

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:33

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Let's pretend to be Peter Merola"

*Begins to play a huge xylophone and throw pretentious art shows*

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 18:37

Level: 6
CS Original

Its my conclusion that some people are just incapable of understanding certain things, and no matter how much education on the subject they engage in, they simply never grasp it.

Well, I think you have to show them how stuff works, although it's pretty hard and you'll probably never get a 180° shift by telling them they're wrong, humans just aren't that "rational" to let go of wanting to be right.

I remember, when I started out, my first mentor taught maybe a dozen guys with more experience. He told me after a while that it was all a waste of time, the more experience they had the dumber they got and that I could use his material if I wanted to or just look for excuses like all other folks. Point being, some guys like being right more than making money.

I think the same applies to Jacque. He has made bad experience with Marxists, so he doesn't read Marx. He has made bad experiences with business men, so he builds up a huge fucking ego sitting in Venus instead of building a company and actually getting some leverage.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 18:41

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


Perhaps you are simply more intelligent than they are.

Everyone isn't really created equal. It sounds good politically, but that's about it.

Some people really are born as incompetent boneheads and will forever be incompetent boneheads.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Jun 20, 2010 - 19:36

Level: 6
CS Original

Well, I'm member of Mensa, so I can't be that intelligent...

But something that I'm kinda proud of doing is planning ahead.

I'd seriously like to contribute to some major change in society, but something that actually WORKS, not some wishful dream of teenage CTs.

So I sit down a few nights and make a plan, who would I have to become, what could happen on the way that I'd like to be prepared for - do I need money? Might speaking a fourth language be useful? Or more? How about self-defense if a former TZM member doesn't like my CJgeist Movement? Do I want to be popular or not? Which people should I talk to, who is a waste of my time, etc.

It kinda feels like plowing the fields while some other guys are picking berries (which only grow for so long to make my analogy work). Same works for "going to work" vs. "sitting at home blaming the environment while playing WoW".

#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jun 21, 2010 - 00:16

Level: 0
CS Original

> Perhaps you are simply more intelligent than they are.

Thats what I reckon.

> Everyone isn't really created equal. It sounds good politically, but that's about it.


> Some people really are born as incompetent boneheads and will forever be
> incompetent boneheads.


> humans just aren't that "rational" to let go of wanting to be right.


That is perhaps one of my greatest strengths, my ability to listen to advice from others, as I find that way I can rapidly develop solutions with peoples input who know far more about a subject than I do. I can either understand fully that they are right, or base it on probability if I don't know the subject that they are right and to go in their suggested direction, based on my ability to spot folk who appear to know what they are talking about. (I think as a kid, being brought up in a family of top notch professionals, I got to see firsthand the difference between ordinary and gifted, so now I don't accept the answer that its just one of those things that you have to accept your car not starting inthe morning, or your TV picture not being quite perfect/etc. as in my day they damn well was!)

As such, I'm always pushing the envelope of understanding, of trying to find better solutions, and for some reason, my ego doesn't get in the way of taking notice of others. (It might appear to at times as I defend positions, but thats just one lot of evidence I've gathered V another, being wrong doesn't matter to me at all, "Oh I'm wrong, so what is the right answer then?")

Perhaps it is because I have the ability to do so much, that I don't feel as threatened by being thought of as wrong about something, as I have so much more to fall back upon in inate skills and abilities that it concerns me not at all, and only interests me to find a better solution, even from those people I may not get on well with!

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jun 29, 2010 - 15:27

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


Post by: sofiah
"Peter, what happens if everybody wants to travel to the space? We don't have the resources for a space travel for everyone, and if a little group is able to go to the space other people may feel inferior because they can't.

That's why I think that Marx's "To each according to its needs" is unreal, you cannot satisfy infinite needs."

What Peter Merola would say:
this is true but I don't think we're going to be going into space anytime soon at least in large amount but of course if anybody wants to do such things as "go into space" they should be allowed to dependent on the resources the planet has already. Marx's concepts/ideas are not the venus project but it is true you cannot satisfy everyones needs that's why in the venus project everyone can choose who he or she wants to do and become, no more boring repetitive jobs.


Just thought I'd remind people on CS the radio thing is tomorrow and if you ant to answer try and answer the questions in the predictable manner that peter Merola does, to get them up asap, then I'll and others interested will reviews the answer to the question in this thread and see if anybody came close to a predictable answer peter Merola will be given on his radio shtite.

#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]