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The Burger King | Posted: Apr 15, 2013 - 14:42 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I Received an e-mail from a individual who sent me a lot of information and documents on this. I decided to keep the information within this topic as neat as possible. There is to much information to post up in just one topic, as well as I need to read through all the document then put them up in a organized form. I may not have time to give a reference link to the documents when posted but I will go back at a later time and do that. Anybody wanting me to add to this topic contact me on my e-mail at cs2012ct at ymail dot com or hop on my mumble server If you want to know why I spent so much time on this topic click here for my thoughts. Why did I waste my time making this topic? I may include documents sent in e-mail that may not correlate with the topic starter, however I think for now it's best to have them up somewhere. David Z is a writer on "Spirit Of the Times" Magazine, which focuses on technology and what's happening within TZM. I Read through David Z debunking article on TVP and have to say I totally agree with it and on that it's pretty good. It basically gives a run down on how much TVP is making on their lectures, as well as well as informs individuals about how the TVP Big budget Movie money of now $200,000 "TVP Big budget Movie money of now $200,000" is not going towards what it was originally intended for which of course is to hirer a script writer. David apparently found out about TVP making $200,000 from Peter Jopseh I suspect Peter Joseph has been paying attention to my topic on SP called "The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction.". David apparently help plan the TVP world tour so he would know how much money they are making off it. David Zi had given Peter Joseph a rough draft of the TVP debunk article at which Peter OKed the TVP debunk article to be posted in the magazine. To my understanding (so far) the very person who is Peter Joseph who gave David information about TVP making $200,000 for the Big budget movie script writer, as well as Oked David to post it in the information in the magazine that went onto the debunking article, is the very person who was trying to get the debunking article off the Australian website after it was posted up as it caused a now non-repairable schism between TVP and TZM. Peter Joseph, and Gilbert (global coordinator for TZM) said to David and Kari McGregor (Kari is a fellow editor to The Spirt of the the times Magazine) to take the article off the website or the websites and the Australian chapter would lose it's official status. The members of the Australian chapter had a vote and decided through the democratic process that the magazine article would be taken off the site but with protest as they disagreed with Peter Josephs censorship as well as he took a lateral move or bottom down approach to deal with this issue rather than a diplomatic consensus on the topic. Some of the top Australian TZM chapter members reasoning were because they didn't like the intimidation tactics Peter Joseph and Gilbert were using, That if they didn't stand up to them that Peter and Gilbert could to do this to others, that it would give others a chance to decide what to do as well as get Peter to possible have honest dialogue with him On top of this TVP wrote a scathing response to the debunk. I'll need time to go through this. The best way I feel this can be organized is on a post to post bases on this site, with the first post being a control panel at which one clicks to read a particular topic (like the Rick Ross post). I will attempt to organize the articles in chronological order at times and other times by significance. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic A: Attempts at putting TZM Australian chapter events in chronological order with Peter Joseph. Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. 1. Peter Joseph was the first person to give David the information about How TVP was making $180,000, yet when David makes a debunking article on TVP Peter demands for it to be ripped own . Why Would Peter give information to such a individual yet demand him to rip it down in a attempt to save face with TVP? a. Peter giving David the information at which David used in writing the debunking article of TVP on Oct 17, 2012 2. Spirit Of The Times Magazine TVP debunk article November 2012 a. Debunking the Venus Project By David Z Made 3. TVP responds to Spirit Of The Times Magazine TVP debunk article December 4, 2012 a. TVP Response to TVP Debunk article 4. Peter gets others within TZM to intimidate Kari and David into taking down the TVP article. First instance where Peter demands the Australian chapter to take down the TVP debunk article on Dec 5, 2012. Some more prominent TZM members are in this e-mail which besides Peter are Brandy Hume and Ben McLeish which respond and seemed to be primed by Peter to support taking down the TVP debunk article. a. TZM community intimidation on Kari and David to take down article 5. Kari and David agree to take down the article but of course that wasn't good enough for Peter. How dare the Australian chapter have a meeting with the Australian chapter to VOTE on if they should keep the magazine and that article on the site. This also shows that Peter is the leader of TZM and does call the shots if you do not toe the line then your out. This happened on Dec 8, 2012. a. Australian chapter Agree to take down article but that is not good enough for Peter Joseph 6. Emergency Australian chapter Meeting held on Dec 8, 2012, about Peters ultimatum to remove the article or Australian chapter loses official status. Audio format of Australia chapters emergency meeting with important time stamps as well as .pdf of the meeting is within this document. The audio is of poor quality but it can still be understood. a. Emergency Australian chapter Meeting 7. Peter Joseph says for the Australian chapter to take down their DVD section which promotes Peter's TZM movies I, II, and III. Peter uses his Gentle Machine Productions company to force to legally intimidate them to take down the DVD section. Also including some extra information on how Peter makes his money as well as tax statement information. a. Peter orders Australian chapter to take down the DVD section containing his work on it on Dec 19, 2012 8. Kari explains what she was doing when collecting contact information from a trello board. Kari talks about how the Australian chapter has now been effectively cut off from TZM. She then ties up loose ends and will contact Peter to remove her zeitgeist.com email address. a. Kari Mcgregor ties up loose ends and requests her zeitgeist.com e-mail be removed on Dec 20, 2012 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic B: TZM resignation letters Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. 1. Kari McGregor writes their resignation letter from TZM Australian chapter. It includes personal experience of the type of intimidation tactics used by Gilbert, Peter, and other TZMers within the Spanish chapter and other hassles this individual has had to deal with in being a TZM volunteer. I included a statement by Kari on how Kari was prematurely kicked out of the TZM google group at which Kari had originally setup. As well as the TZM global public forum (TZM global forum is thezeitgeistmovementforum.org/) is in fact locked registration which Peter knowingly did which suggests that TZM is not as open as the TZM leader being Peter suggests it is as well as shows the amount of control and power has within the TZM environment. Added a link to Peter Joseph's response on Kari's resignation from TZM. a. Kari McGregor writes their resignation letter from TZM Australian chapter on Jan 1, 2013 b. Victor Mora responds on behalf of Peter Joseph through facebook on Kari's resignation letter to TZM on Jan 4, 2013 2. David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM in a Email on Nov 22, 2012. (long read! David and Cliff's resignations will be bold to stand out.). Nice but long read. They point out many flaws within TZM. Needed to break this up in two posts. Brandy Hume a prominent TZM member is responding within this e-mail as well. a. David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 1 b. David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 2 3. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter to TZM. He mentions his problems with Gilbert and his intimidation tactics against him. Talks about TZM linguistics team leaders who are Ray (gman) and Vixie. He mention how PEter stop projects called CND & Phoenix Project for not real good reason. Went into talking about a individual called Brian Johnson and how he has a Socialist political agenda within TZM. a. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter on May 6, 2012 b. Karin Mcgregor endorses and supports El Brujo on Dec, 12, 2012 c. Brujo permanent resignation from TZM in e-mail called "2nd. Open Letter to PJ" on Feb 20, 2013 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Problems/constructive criticisms, other conflicts within TZM written by TZM members. Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. Topic C: Anything about Peter Joseph's secret group called TZM core, that is not known to the rest of the TZM community. 1. Peter Joseph in this piratepad describes a secret group called the TZM core who he selects a groups of people and conducts privates meetings with this selected group of people. a. Peter Joseph describes a secret group he made called the TZM core on March 14, 2012 2. TZM global core is a secret group within TZM that Peter Joseph made for a selected group of people. Contains TZM global core emails regarding facebook. a. TZM global core emails regarding facebook on Nov 15, 2012 3. This is a Spanish translation to English. This basically goes into Depth about the TZM core team and how Peter Joseph is a hypocrite. a.In depth analyse discussing the TZM core group and TZM held on February 3, 2013 in a meeting Topic D: Anything Kari McGregor and David i wrote relating to problems within TZM. 1. In a e-mail Karin Mcgregor goes into talking about TZM chapter protocol and why actions are carried out by top tier that do not follow protocol. Kari talks about a secret group created by Peter Joseph called the global core that lacks transparency and that Kari says need to be known to the public . Kari goes into why TZM should actually should support groups that are actually doing something such as permaculture groups. a. Karin Mcgregor points out the many problems within TZM on July 4, 2012, as well as exposes Peter Josephs secret TZM global core group. 2. Kari McGregor and David Z writes constructive criticism towards TZM. David and Kari mentions many problems within TZM structure as well as criticizes zeitgeist movements linguistics team lack of organization. a. Kari McGregor and David Z writes constructive criticism towards TZM 3. Karin Mcgregor talks within a e-mail more about the structural problems within TZM on Nove 11, 2012. Besides Peter Joseph who is the leader of TZM prominent members responding within this e-mail is Brandy Hume. a. Karin Mcgregor talks with a e-mail more about the structural problems withing TZM 4. David Z talks about the issue of RBE VS RBEM. TZMer's are a bit confused as to which term to use to describe a RBE. From either using RBEM, or some other term they seem a bit lost as to what best describes a RBE. So why not use RBE? This e-mail communication to Peter Joseph goes into how much they believe in a RBE and how obsessed they are with the term to the extent of changing the term up a bit so it sounds less like communism as well as dissociates itself from the mainstream term which is heavily associated with communism. I had previously pointed this out several years ago in a post which is about "RBE VS RBEM On Oct 27, 2011 . Prominent TZM members in this conversation are Brandy Hume and Ben McLeish a. RBE VS RBEM VS Earth Economy VS Natural Law Economy on July 21, 2012 Topic E: TZM Colombian chapter Problems which lead to eventual closure of the chapter do to intimidation: 1. Summary: TZM Colombian chapter has been for years now been intimidated by Peter Joseph, Gilbert and others within other TZM chapters. Kari gets involved with there is a vote to dissolve the TZM Colombian chapter within TZM and from there even more problems occur. When reading through the links one will see the many problems within TZM as well as a top tier of people who make the choice for many others as well as the type of power and control Peter Joseph has within TZM. a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter. d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos Topic F: Any other problems/ criticisms towards TZM. 1. El Brujo TZM constructive criticism proposals for TZM linguistics team on Jan 21 2011 and TZM positions proposals on March 21, 2012. There was a proposal to change the TZM chapter protocol which the proposal are to chapter protocol and coordination protocol. These documents protocol proposals are very revealing as the proposals exposes what structure TZM clearly lacks within those areas as well as how unorganized TZM is when under the guidance of Peter and Gilbert. a. El Brujo TZM constructive criticism TZM proposals for TZM linguistics team and TZM position proposals 2. Simon Cole, Brisbane Chapter Co-Coordinator, writes about the many problems within TZM. One of the problems he points out is that Peter had approved the TVP debunk article the Australian chapter wrote before they put it up in their magazine, but then later on how Peter wants that article ripped down. Simon Points out good points as to why Peter Joseph is the leader of TZM. This include a response from Jen Wilding who is a more prominent member and a global coordinator of TZM. a. 2012 - 2013 TZMAu Crisis of Confidence Story By Simon Cole on Feb 11, 2013 3. G-man the leader of the zeitgeist movement linguistic team is creating another teamspeak server. It's revealing in that why would G-man the leader of Zeitgeist LTI want to create another TS3 server for a more open environment to conduct their activities. Isn't TZM a open and leaderless group? a. G-man creating another teamspeak server. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic G: Other... 1. Why did TVP try to trade mark the term RBE? After reading this document, in short it's for TVP to make money. a. Why has The Venus Project try to trademark the term RBE 2. Peter Josephs declares that he will no longer listen or pay attention to the CND project. In short Peter says he doesn't care about the power abuse and if someone has a problem with it then as Peter says "this movement is not for you". a. Peter Josephs declares that he will no longer listen or pay attention to the CND project on Aug 24, 2011 3. Similar internal problems have happened before with old TZM developers that broke off and started RBOSE. a. RBOSE Letter To Peter Merola b. Peter's Response to RBOSE 4. Eric Merola who is Peter Josephs Merola brother, took one from Peter and has started falsely DMCA'd a Burzynski debunk video by c0nc0rdance. a. The Burzynski Clinic DMCA video XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 15, 2013 - 15:57 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Spirit of the Times Issue 8 is out! http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/spirit-of-the-times-issue-8/ Direct link to pdf of magazine http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/11/Spirit-Of-The-Times-2012_issue8_web.pdf
Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Apr 15, 2013 - 21:10 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | Links to the TVP and Mallette response? | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 03:12 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | While it's nice that more ex members speak up, this guy is merely reiterating the points that critics [members,ex members, non members] have been saying for a long time. I feel his article is nicely squared off and bullet pointed, but the content could easily have come from this forum or my blog and comments. We all know how the hierarchy of the movement responds to things like this already, and it likely comes down to a few points they like to spam on critics. 1: They come at them with the lack of understanding of the tenets and goals. 2: They send out pre made emotional cut and pastes that they have sent out to previous critics who asked completely different questions of no relevance to the response they give [as she did with me when I confronted her about finances] 3: They target the critics for being on a personal vendetta, either troll, ex members disenfranchised, government/establishment maintenance. 4: They avoid the actual points that undermine them and bolster their fans with the tropes and key words that maintain normalcy. I think the guy did a nice job, but in reality it's all been said before and it falls on deaf ears when it comes to their membership and management. Not because his words are ineffective or incorrect, but because the membership don't have the capabilities to see past their own dogmatic need for the venus project to be 100% correct. And as far as getting Roxanne/Fresco to admit being wrong there is little chance, as they are unable to use the scientific method to update their plans and behaviour. Their apparent only goal is to keep the funds coming in for them to get by. Quote from JimJesus Yes these will be needed to maintain continuity. | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 07:20 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Quote from anticultist I'm wondering whether all the TZM criticism coming from members isn't just another form of slacktivism, in the sense that people are disappointed with the direction the Yeah, we've figured out that TVP doesn't do anything and Fresco's a chaotic-neutral loner who will only honor his promises as long as they suit him. Come up with something practical or move on like the rest of us. *(Yes, I'm aware that this post is just another form of bitching) | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 08:18 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I misspoke again, apparently the document I got was called Douglas Mallette's but it didn't really have anything to do with Douglas Mallette. Though Douglas has spoke out about TVP in the past, nothing in these e-mails indicates he did so in these documents so far. I'm reading through it now it seems to be just talk about TVP's $200,000 project. How Peter thinks TVP is a scam, and how it's a retirement fund for Roxanne before Fresco dies. If Peter thinks this way then why does he continue to support TVP? Maybe I just answered my question because then it would hurt the PR for TZM. Well I'll post the e-mails up then. Will take some time to read through all the documents and organize them. | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 11:37 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Quote from CyborgJesus I think it's quite possible being that the guy who made the post is still an ardent believer that a Resource Based economy is plausible and superior to what we have now. This kind of implies that he believes that while TVP have not got it right, their core beliefs are right and are in need of advancing and perhaps adapting. The problem is Resource Based economies as he even touched upon in his own article have some serious flaws, and are problematic in their own right. How he could still consider them to be a valid alternative even though he has scratched the surface of their problems might imply he is only disappointed with the leadership, and not the concept. | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 17:12 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter I thought it was important to note that Peter Joseph had informed David about TVP raising money as David has asked him how where he got the information from i suspect it was off my thread called "The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction.". Peter even knew that they didn't have a script writer. Communication between Peter and David happened on Oct 2012 about TVP, and the article written to debunk TVP was written on November 2012. So Peter inspired someone to hate TVP enough to debunk it yet Peter wants to have that facade that he respects TVP. What a fraud... My guess is Peter is jealous with TVP for making $200,000 in donations, that would of went to him if TZM was beneath TZM. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 6:41 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:34 PM, M iguel Oliveira <moliveira@thezeitgeistmovement.com> wrote:
On 17/10/2012 8:23 AM, Peter GMP wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Douglas Mallete and LLC From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 17/10/2012 8:39 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On Wednesday, October 17, 2012, David Z wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] Douglas Mallete and LLC From : David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> Date: Wed, O ctober 17, 2012 1:03 am To: peter@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com
Typed and sent through a mobile phone.
On 17/10/2012 6:13 PM, Ben M cLeish© wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Douglas M allete and LLC From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 17/10/2012 9:04 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
S ubject:RE: [TZM CORE] Douglas M allete and LLC Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:03:13 -0700 From:<peter@thezeitgeistmovement.com> To:David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org>
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 18:01 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Wooo those email interchanges are awesome. And what is even weirder is it like reading the comment section on my own blog back when these same people probably thought I was a fucking idiot for saying the exact things about TVP. Love it. I almost feel vindicated. | |||||
#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 19:05 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultist More to come LULZ I will get some more up as time goes on. Very interesting. I showed Jim something and he was LOLing at it as it vindicates what he had been saying as well. Normally I wouldn't care about this however I got so much stuff from a few people on this all about this situation I thought it was hilarious enough to start a thread for laughs and archiving purposes to add to the heaping pile we already have on TZM. One of the things that was interesting was when David didn't know that TVP actually made $200,000, and at that David asked Peter where he got his information on this from. I thought it was interesting in the sense of that before then David had no clue that TVP raised $200,000 and at that this e-mail (or google groups chat) took place on Oct 2012, and the TVP debunk article was made on Nov 2012. So because of Peter's jealously of TVP making all that money it inspired another individual to write debunk article on it. On Wednesday, October 17, 2012, David Z wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] Douglas Mallete and LLC From : David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> Date: Wed, O ctober 17, 2012 1:03 am To: peter@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com
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#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 20:06 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter TVP response to TVP debunk article seemed a bit lame. TVP AKA Roxanne talks about the script writer for a bit but I mean you can only take Roxanne word for what it's worth which there is no other PROOF besides her word. She even made a claim that she went out of her pocket to pay one writer which is of course going on her word alone. She apparently paid another writer double what they were asking for but again the same theme goes here as well which is we only have her word to go by and nothing else. Roxanne your lack of transparency with the TVP Big Budget Movie is the main reason there is so many speculation that your just going to pocket the money which in my opinion I think is the case. I also included a response from the Spirit Of The Times to the TVP response to TV P debunk article as well. They made a claim that they were going to include TVP's response in there next number 9 edition magazine but I checked and they did not LULZ. Shows how much they think of TVP. www.thespiritofcommunity.org Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TVP response to TVP debunk article originally posted on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/notes/the-venus-project-global/response-on-magazine-spirit-of-the-times/449393325124324
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The spirit of community editor responds to TVP's response to TVP debunk article. Subject: Re: TVP reply From: Kari <magazine@thespiritofcommunity.org> Date: 9/12/2012 11:49 AM To: Roxanne M eadows <meadows@thevenusproject.com>
On 5/12/2012 9:46 AM, Roxanne Meadows wrote:
#11 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 20:39 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Peter Joseph attempts to intimidate Kari and David by demanding they rip down the TVP debunk article or their Australian chapter will lose official status with TZM. Peter also primes TZM members about the situation and to also attack Kari and Davis to take down the article this includes more prominent members within TZM community who are Brandy Hume and Ben McLeish. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Peter tries to intimidate David and Kari by demanding they rip the article of TVP debunk off the internet. Nice read. On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
On 5/12/2012 3:47 PM, Peter GMP wrote:
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 01:18:18 +1000 From: david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian Magazine and TVP Hit Piece :(
Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] Australian Magazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Tom Williams <tomwilliams30@hotmail.com> Date: 6/12/2012 1:41 AM To: <tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com>
Doc 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 2 On 5/12/2012 11:06 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
On 5 Dec 2012, at 02:34 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
On Dec 5, 2012 8:37 AM, Ben McLeish <bjm2007@gmail.com> wrote:
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 10:04:15 -0600 From: tvpchallenge@gmail.com To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian M agazine and TVP Hit Piece :(
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Tom Williams <tomwilliams30@hotmail.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian M agazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 6/12/2012 4:30 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 3 Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 13:15:21 +1000 From: david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Fw:Re:RE: [TZM CORE] Australian Magazine and TVP Hit Piece :(
Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] Australian Magazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Tom Williams <tomwilliams30@hotmail.com> Date: 6/12/2012 11:56 PM To: <tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com>
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 4 On 7/12/2012 2:43 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 4:36 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> wrote:
On 7/12/2012 2:20 PM, Peter GMP wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian M agazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 7/12/2012 2:27 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 5 S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian M agazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 8/12/2012 5:45 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 6 On 6/12/2012 7:09 PM, BenM cLeish© wrote:
On Dec 6, 2012, at 9:07 AM, David Z wrote:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 7 On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
On 8/12/2012 9:01 AM, Brandy wrote:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Doc 8 On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Australian M agazine and TVP Hit Piece :( From: Brandy <tvpchallenge@gmail.com> Date: 8/12/2012 1:37 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#12 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Apr 16, 2013 - 23:19 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | All funds donated for the movie went directly to the non-profit organization "Future by Design", which is an official NPO 501-c-3 charitable organization. As such, all funds must be legally used for what they are designated for. Neither Roxanne nor Jacque can pocket or use any of these funds, nor do they or anyone else take a salary from the nonprofit, even though most NPO's pay out salaries to their directors and staff Can we get some hard data on this? I could only find their financial reports from 2011 and before, nothing since. How soon do charity tax forms get published? Future by Design's EIN is 352198777 if anyone else wants to investigate. I'll post the 990 forms I've found below. December, 2011 December, 2010 December, 2009 December, 2008 | |||||
#13 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 10:06 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Kari and David agree to take down the article but of course that wasn't good enough for Peter. How dare the Australian chapter have a meeting with the Australian chapter to VOTE on if they should keep the magazine and that article on the site. Keep in mind if you go back up top I have included dates to topics described. TVP wrote a rebuttal to the TVP debunk article on December 4, 2012, and Peter demanded the Australian chapter to take down the article on Dec 5, 2012. Seems like the Australian chapter were not given sufficient time to comply at that we can see how Peter is in fact the leader within TZM. The Australian chapter seems to of raised concerns with Peter and his intimidation tactics as said within these e-mails but Peter didn't even seem to care to address those issues but only addressed HIS issues of PR with TVP, even though Peter was the one to initially gave David the information about TVP to write the TVP debunk article. To note even though Kari said in the email that they would take down the TVP debunk article within the magazine, the magazine with the TVP debunk article is still up on the Australian website. Spirit of the Times Issue 8 is out! http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/spirit-of-the-times-issue-8/ Direct link to pdf of magazine http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/11/Spirit-Of-The-Times-2012_issue8_web.pdf Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
S ubject: Re: The Australian Chapter From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 8/12/2012 9:25 PM To: gmpfilms@gmail.com CC: Arts Fantasy <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org>
S ubject: Re: Australian chapter From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 8/12/2012 12:34 PM To: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com>
S ubject: Re: The Australian Chapter From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 9/12/2012 5:19 AM To: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> CC: Arts Fantasy <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org>
#14 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 11:27 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Audio format of Australia chapters emergency meeting with important time stamps as well as .pdf of the meeting is within this document. The audio is of poor quality but it can still be understood. A emergency chapter meeting was conducted by the Australian chapter because of Peter's ultimatum which was you either take the article off or the Australian chapter will lose official status in TZM. In the Australian emergency meeting many voiced that Peter does not have the right to take anybodies official status away, others said this is a form of censorship. The .pdf contains chapter members thoughts on removing the article as well as contains a e-mail Peter Joseph wrote that was to intimidate the Australian chapter to remove the article. Keep in mind if you go back up top I have included dates to topics described. TVP wrote a rebuttal to the TVP debunk article on December 4, 2012, and Peter demanded the Australian chapter to take down the article on Dec 5, 2012. Seems like the Australian chapter were not given sufficient time to comply which was 1 day. We can see how Peter is in fact the leader within TZM, as he has the power to intimidate people/collective to such extent to remove them or entire chapters official status within TZM. To note even though Kari said in the email that they would take down the TVP debunk article within the magazine, the magazine with the TVP debunk article is still up on the Australian website. Spirit of the Times Issue 8 is out! http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/spirit-of-the-times-issue-8/ Direct link to pdf of magazine http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/11/Spirit-Of-The-Times-2012_issue8_web.pdf Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Where audio recording is at http://www.chapterfiles.zeitgeistaustralia.org/recordings/ Audio recording is of poor quality but can still be understood. TS3 audio recording of ZM Australian Chapter Meeting 2012-12-08 Emergency Meeting about Peter Josephs ultimatum to remove the TVP debunk article. .MP3 Audio recording of Australian Chapter Emergency Meeting 2012-12-08 TS3 audio timestamp of ZM Australian Chapter Meeting 2012-12-08 Emergency Meeting 1:05:00 guy mentions that TVP is not putting funds up where they said it would go. In emergency meeting. 1:10:00 Someone says people have a lot of illusions on the way TVP lives. 1:43:00 some person talks about TVP not having solar panels or anything really. 1:52:00 makes argument that doesn't make sense that Australia chapter be removed as official chap because of 1 person. It's very terrorists like. 1:54:00 voting on editing the magazine. 1:58:00 members says he feels TZM is implementing censorship. Not sure how a group can promote open source but do this. listen through 1:58:00 to end as they start to vote to keep article or take it off. ZM Australian Chapter Meeting 2012-12-08 Emergency Meeting .pdf http://www.chapterfiles.zeitgeistaustralia.org/recordings/Australia/ZM_Australian_Chapter_Meeting_-_2012-12-08%20-%20Emergency%20Meeting.pdf mirro https://archive.org/details/ZMAustralianChapterMeeting20121208EmergencyMeeting
#15 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 12:54 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter A E-mail sent by Peter Joseph To Kari to take down the distribution of TZM I, II, III off the Australian website. This e-mail looked like a way for Peter to get revenge on the Australian chapter after they refused to be intimidated by Peter Joseph. Apparently though not revealed in the e-mail but on the Australian site itself it looks like they were legally threatened by Peter's Gentle Machine Productions to take down the DVD section which promoted the distribution of Peter's work of TZM movies I, II, and III. I thought this was really petty by Peter Joseph and shows the type of tactics he uses. I also see TZM material advertised on other TZM official related sites but I do not see Peter requesting them to take down any TZM material off those sites as well. I guess every TZM site should rip peter's material and stop passing out DVD's on behalf of TZM now? I doubt it, this was purely a tactic Peter uses to intimidate and to get revenge. Find it funny though that Peter rails against the system yet seems to use it when it benefits him such as in this way. I am not saying Peter shouldn't make money off his work, he has every right to (I'm for the free market), however I find it funny he's being a bit of a hypocrite when what he's doing is the very same thing TVP is doing but to a lesser extent. I've included screen grabs of what the original DVD section looked like on the Australian site along with what it is now. I've also included some of James Kush's blog where Peter has been making money off of of TZM promotional movies insides of walmart, Best Buy, Hulu, etc.... Edward L. Winstons on Zeitgeist - Cost of Movie and DVD cost http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/zeitgeist/cost/ Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: Remove M oving Forward and Addendum From: <peter@thezeitgeistmovement.com> Date: 19/12/2012 7:41 AM To: "Karin M cGregor" <karin@zeitgeistaustralia.org> CC: "David Z" <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org>
Originally http://web.archive.org/web/20130121115713/http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/ http://web.archive.org/web/20130122210204/http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/dvd-distribution-campaing/ http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/dvd-distribution-campaing/ ![]()
Australian gives notice as to why the no longer have a DVD section for TZM movies DVD's. http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/order/dvds/ http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/zeitgeist-series-dvds-no-longer-avaliabe/ http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/dvd-distribution-campaing/ What it is now ![]()
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX More information on Australian chapters DVD awarness of TZM movies on thezeitgeistmovement.com blogs. The Australia chapter is not making any money off of it. Australian Automatic DVD Distribution Campaign Outline (The Zeitgeist Movement top tier Peter Joseph and Gilbert made AU chapter take this video off the TZM Australian YouTube channel.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8kgCu0WiOY From: mason lee, mason.l at zeitgeistaustralia dot org Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 5:01 AM Subject: Automatic DVD distribution Campaign - TZM Australia
Comment by blog Author in the blog http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/masonlee/introduction-rbe-handout
Comment by blog Author in the blog http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/masonlee/introduction-rbe-handout
Comment by blog Author in the blog http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/masonlee/introduction-rbe-handout
Another blog on TZM site http://blog.thezeitgeistmovement.com/blog/masonlee/z-day-australia-dvd-drive
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I also want to note that Peter is getting free promotion within the Zeitgeist movement and is getting his work freely transcribed to other languages by the TZM linguistics team. These DVD's are then being sold inside online stores and on Peter's website with transcription inside them from the LTI team. Should the individuals who translated Peter's work for free that's now being sold, deserve some-type of profit? More information on TZM's linguistics team. http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5374/is-the-zeitgeist-movement-a-cult-part-2/#reply-9094d728 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX More information on Peter's enforced DVD policy and how he is actually making money off his DVD sales. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/qa.html ![]() you can even buy Peter's new web series called culture in decline T-shirt on his gentle machine production website. http://gentlemachineproductions.com/index.html#zdvd We should just give Peter a pass on making money in a simular way TVP is because after all he is the self-proclaimed savior of the world! Naw, not really Peter is more a self-proclaimed guru who profits off of gullible individuals who do not know any better. Welcome to GMP http://www.gentlemachineproductions.com/free.html
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I remember James Kush did a article on this on his website as Peter is selling the zeitgeist movement movie series in places like walmart here's his blog about it, as well as Peter saying it in TZM video II. However I'm not saying Peter doesn't have a right to make profit off his work he makes, as I am for the freemarket I just find it funny that he preaches against places like walmart, Best Buy, insert evil corporation here, yet these places he preaches against, he's using these venues to make profit from for his work. ZEITGEIST II Walmart is bad, money is bad! ![]() Time stamp os walmart and money being bad in ZEITGEIST II 57:40:00 Walmart is bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs&t=57m40s 1:45:00 money is bad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs&t=105m0s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Some interesting comments in James Kush's blog. Comment:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mario's responds to Peter's tax statement http://thezeitgeistmovements.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/pj-merola-shows-tax-statements/
Interesting Comments on Mario's blog Comment:
#16 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 15:09 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | ok well I got through it all so far and boy oh boy ! Peter trying to make out he is in trouble with TVP, when really he just wants to get them re involved with his movement. Bullying people to stay silent and not critique TVP based on things he stated in the email interchanges, reeks of hypocrisy. Also as we all knew he can't sit there complaining about TVP stealing profits from the members when he must have been getting income and cuts of proceeds from the whole situation. It just comes across as what is good for the leaders is only good for the leaders, and everyone else should either accept it or shut the fuck up. | |||||
#17 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 15:16 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultist Still more to come and I included some extra's on the last stuff I posted up about Peter's tax statement, as well as how Peter makes money off TZM movement through wal mart, best buy etc, even though he's against such establishments. I'm not against making money (I'm for the free market) but it seems Peter is a hypocrite when he says these things are bad but he's using those establishments to make profit from his TZM movies, the very movies that are against these establishments (LOL). | |||||
#18 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 20:56 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter a. Your currently on Kari McGregor writes their resignation letter from TZM Australian chapter on Jan 1, 2013 b. Victor Mora responds on behalf of Peter Joseph through facebook on Kari's resignation letter to TZM on Jan 4, 2012 Kari McGregor writes their resignation letter from TZM Australian chapter. It includes personal experience of the type of intimidation tactics used by Gilbert, Peter, and other TZMers within the Spanish chapter and other hassles this individual has had to deal with in being a TZM volunteer. Kari notes several times that TZM is losing members do to mainly the incompetents of people who are higher in the pyramid structure within TZM. Kari also goes into problems happening within the TZM Columbia chapter among other organizations. I want to give my sympathy towards this individual, as well as David and others who have been intimidated by TZM. As TZM is pretty dead I do not focus on it as much as TVP, mainly because honestly TVP is a bigger threat in my opinion due to it being more popular as well as the massive amount of money it makes through it's member base. TZM to me is pretty much dead, I also do not have a problem with Peter making money but I do find the hypocrisies in what he says then what he actually "does" very entertaining. Nonetheless I post up this material on TZM from time from time for entertainment and for others like you as a virtual Buoy for those who want to know the problems within TZM will be able to find it on this site among other organizations. Kari says that the new TZM global forum is "locked registration", which would be this site http://thezeitgeistmovementforum.org/ as the title of the sites says "THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT GLOBAL FORUM". Which is understandable why there isn't much opposing views on the site as well as TZMers having problems joining the site. This was a attempt by PEter to populate the forum to give it a appearance that it was active. This reinforces that TZM is not a open environment and how much control/power Peter the leader of TZM has within the TZM environment.
FYI SP on site and FB has locked registration because we do not claim to be open for everybody. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kari McGregor resignation letter from the TZM Australian chapter
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Wanted to add Kari was prematurely kicked out of the TZM google group at which Kari had originally setup. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 2:10 PM Subject: Re: [TZM AU] Fwd: Re: [TZM CORE] Douglas Mallete and LLC To: tzm-au-coordination-team@googlegroups.com, "tzm-asia-pacific@googlegroups.com" <tzm-asiapacific@ googlegroups.com>
#19 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 18, 2013 - 18:54 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter a. You are currently on David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 1 b. David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 2 Very long read. David, and Cliff make some very interesting points raised as to why TZM isn't working. Most of the problems raised seem to be around Gilbert not doing anything and actually being a obstacle within TZM. I have bold the resignation statements within this e-mail of Cliff and David so it's more easily seen. Gilbert gets very defensive from this e-mail against several people. On another note I know of Cliff also know to me as DaSquid I believe. He seems like a reasonable guy and who is very dedicated in whatever he does. He was able to express his thoughts very clearly even though I he was overlooking seriously problems within TZM. Cliff eventually made it around. I'm glad Cliff can see the leaders within TZM and has admitted in throughout this e-mail that there are leaders and that TZM is not leaderless. When no one is giving criticisms to TZM and there are no more "trolls" who care to criticize TZM, they had no more perceived "enemies" and began to see what their perceived "enemies" have seen YEARS ago. That in fact we were right. Nothing will change in TVP or TZM at that I've have yet to come a cross a organization that if corrupted that someone could come a crossed it and fix it. Organizations do not fix themsevles until the problems are removed and Peter, Gilbert and anybody else on the top tier are in fact the problems (this would include people within the TZM linguistics team) that do not seem to be going away and probably will not. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX From: David Z Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 9:51 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Zeitgeist Canada <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com> wrote:
From: Peter GMP Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 10:05 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
On 26/11/2012 6:13 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: Kari M cGregor <karin@thezeitgeistmovement.com> Date: 26/11/2012 4:34 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:53:44 +1000 > From: david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org > To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com > Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM > > On 24/11/2012 12:44 AM, james phillips wrote:
On 24/11/2012 12:59 AM, james phillips wrote:
On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 7:09 AM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 25/11/2012 5:01 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: "Zeitgeist Canada" <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com> Date: 26/11/2012 3:21 PM To: <tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com>
From: Zeitgeist Canada Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 3:27 PM To: thunder@zmca.org ; David ; gilbert@thezeitgeistmovement.com ; jen.il@thezeitgeistmovement.com ; peter@thezeitgeistmovement.com ; Mato Pure.Mind ; 'Nelson Eddie Alvarez Rivas' Subject: Infrastructure
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Gilbert Ismail Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 7:04 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
From: cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM Date: M on, 26 Nov 2012 19:49:20 -0800
#20 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 18, 2013 - 19:20 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter b. You are currently on David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 2 a. David Z from Australia and Cliff from Canada, Resigns from TZM post 1 Email continuation... Very long read. Cliff David, and Cliff make some very interesting points raised as to why TZM isn't working. Most of the problems raised seem to be around Gilbert not doing anything and actually being a obstacle within TZM. Gilbert gets very defensive from this e-mail against several people. On another note I know of Cliff also know to me as DaSquid I believe. He seems like a reasonable guy and who is very dedicated in whatever he does. He was able to express his thoughts very clearly even though I he was overlooking seriously problems within TZM. Cliff eventually made it around. I'm glad Cliff can see the leaders within TZM and has admitted in throughout this e-mail that there are leaders and that TZM is not leaderless. When no one is giving criticisms to TZM and there are no more "trolls" who care to criticize TZM, they had no more perceived "enemies" and began to see what their perceived "enemies" have seen YEARS ago. That in fact we were right. Nothing will change in TVP or TZM at that I've have yet to come a cross a organization that if corrupted that someone could come a crossed it and fix it. Organizations do not fix themsevles until the problems are removed and Peter, Gilbert and anybody else on the top tier are in fact the problems (this would include people within the TZM linguistics team) that do not seem to be going away and probably will not. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Tom Williams <tomwilliams30@hotmail.com> wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: Gilbert Ismail <salserogilberto@gmail.com> Date: 27/11/2012 11:23 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: Gilbert Ismail <salserogilberto@gmail.com> Date: 28/11/2012 12:27 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote: On 28/11/2012 12:27 AM, Gilbert Ism ail wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] My next 2 m onths and partial exit from TZM From : Gilbert Ism ail <salserogilberto@gm ail.com > Date: Tue, Novem ber 27, 2012 12:00 pm To: tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com
From: nelson@thezeitgeistmovement.com Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:20 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] My next 2 m onths and partial exit from TZM From : "Zeitgeist Canada" <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com > Date: Tue, Novem ber 27, 2012 1:56 pm To: <tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com >
From: nelson@thezeitgeistmovement.com Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 9:22 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: "Zeitgeist Canada" <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com> Date: 28/11/2012 3:33 AM To: <tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com>
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] M y next 2 months and partial exit from TZM From: "Zeitgeist Canada" <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com> Date: 28/11/2012 3:21 AM To: <tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com>
#21 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 18, 2013 - 19:20 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter This is something I had mentioned a few years ago when the concept of a RBEM first came about after the TVP and TZM split. When reading this Peter apparently changed the Resource Based Economy term to Resource Based Economic Model, and now apparently in a speech he calls it a Earth economy. Others call a RBE a natural law economy. Apparently having natural in a term means it's better to people (LOL). They discussed the origins of the term RBE, however they are a bit off. A RBE is a attempt at communism, as a RBE involves a moneyless, stateless, classless society. Look it up in wikipedia. You could call TVP's transitional period a socialistic type of transitional period that's meant to make the transition into true communism. I myself am not for communism/RBE as the free market system works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism
TZM admits that its just communism http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/2286/tzm-admits-that-its-just-communism/ The Venus Project is a cult that wants to get rid of money and have a resource economy instead. http://4chandata.org/g/The-Venus-Project-is-a-cult-that-wants-to-get-rid-of-money-and-have-a-resource-economy-instead-This-is-an-email-exchange-I-had-wit-a96759 I had previously point this out several years ago in a post which is about "RBE VS RBEM . I find it funny now how their is confusion over which term to use which basically means the same as RBE but to make it sound different for some reason. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] RBE or RBEM or what From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 23/07/2012 2:31 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 7/23/2012 12:30 AM, Brandy Hume wrote:
On Jul 22, 2012, at 3:17 AM, David Z wrote:
On 22/07/2012 12:09 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 21/07/2012, a las 20:38, "Kari" <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> escribió:
On 7/22/2012 10:53 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 21/07/2012, a las 19:18, "David Z" <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> escribió:
On 22/07/2012 2:20 AM, Kari wrote:
On 7/22/2012 2:14 AM, Kari wrote:
On 7/22/2012 1:54 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On Saturday, July 21, 2012 7:38:45 AM UTC-7, David Z (Arts Fantasy) wrote:
On 15/09/2012 2:11 PM, gmpfilms wrote:
On 15 Sep 2012, at 10:08 AM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
On 15/09/2012 9:38 PM, Ben M cleish wrote:
On 15 Sep 2012, at 01:41 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
El 15/09/2012, a las 7:52, "Ben M cleish" <bjm2007@gmail.com> escribió:
On Sep 15, 2012 11:34 AM, Andrés Delgado <jordel77@hotmail.com> wrote:
On 16/09/2012 5:04 AM, Brandy Hume wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: RBE or RBEM or what From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 16/09/2012 10:06 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
#22 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 06:42 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | That Luke Wonderly chump is trying to get access to the forum to voice his opinions on stuff he claims someone has mentioned about him specifically. Thing is I don't see any reference or mention of him in this entire chain of events [aside from this post I am making here]. The only thing I can come up with is that he is the person who typed up that Venus project response on behalf of Roxanne in response to David's article. If so, it seems that he wants to come on here and mouth off some more, defending himself and TVP. Although let's be honest, if he is responsible for the half assed reply to David, then the lack of content and specifics it delivered should be indicative of the lack of attention to detail he will give to all the points brought his way by members here too. I feel it could be nothing but avoidance from him when it comes to addressing specifics, and if anything nothing short of tedium. Plus if he is claiming responsibility for the Venus Project's inappropriate behaviour and use of funds, this seems like quite a strange thing to admit responsibility for. Seeing that he has no claim of the funds in legal terms, since the company [ profit and non profit sectors] are not even under his jurisdiction. He has no say in their running, or monetary applications, these are the sole responsibility of the shareholders, directors [Roxanne/Fresco]. So he probably has no rights to even speak about them in Frescos/Meadows eyes, and likely has no true access to all the finances of their companies, and the usage and spending of moneys. Therefore I can only imagine he is intending to come here and ball ache us all about how great he thinks TVP is, and how shitty everyone else who disagreed with it has been. | |||||
#23 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 09:16 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Checked out Luke's website it seems to scammy. Luke also reminds me of Nanos a lot with his crazy ideas... Their isn't really a mention about him anywhere on TZM of TVP so I'm not sure how he's connected to it at all and why he needs to defend anything. The only topics I found on him that seem relevant are actually on SP itself. http://other.skepticproject.com/forum/4035/tzm-forum-removes-the-tvp-section-and-puts-all-the-posts-mingled-in-another-part/#post-40309 http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/3492/tvp-vs-tzm-drama-yeah-get-the-popcorn/4/#post-35904 http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1059309169 http://www.zmca.org/forum/8-updates-a-press-releases/196-meeting-minutes?limit=6&start=6 http://tinyurl.com/cladd28 I will contact Luke by e-mail to explain his side. I do not mind if he comes on SP however I get the feeling he will try to promote his crap. | |||||
#24 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 11:04 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | If he has come to necro threads that are over 2 years ago that discussed topics long since buried what's the point ? That's like me wanting to join TZM forum to talk about something they mentioned about me years ago, totally redundant. | |||||
#25 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 11:25 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultist I agree. I did shoot him a e-mail requesting he present information on TVP and TZM. Did you checkout the link on the David Ike site (overlook that fact it's on David Ike's site aka the Reptilian promotor). Here it is http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1059309169 earthicastar wrote on 09-10-2010, 05:20 PM:
Looks like he took a drastic change in his life to promote TVP. I've actually heard of similar things other people were doing within TVP. A person called Shawn moves to Florida to be closer to TVP compound. I've heard a recent case where a individual in Australia almost lost his marriage because he spent so much time in TZM only to ultimately come to the realization that he and TZM are not really doing much of anything besides prompting Peter's work FOR FREE at which Peter makes money off of. | |||||
#26 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 11:34 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Not to get off topic but trying to consolidate TZM stuff into one topic Eric Merola who is PEter Josephs Merola brother, took one from Peter and has started falsely DMCA'd a Burzynski debunk video by c0nc0rdance. The Burzynski Clinic (c0nc0rdance Mirror) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tfvDRn1UEc Burzynski Clinic: The Merola-Friendly Version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUkON5hkCTY
Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#27 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 12:17 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter c. Brujo permanent resignation from TZM in e-mail called "2nd. Open Letter to PJ" on Feb 20, 2013 a. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter on May 6, 2012 b. Karin Mcgregor endorses and supports El Brujo on Dec, 12, 2012 Brujo adds more criticism to the ever growing pile on TZM. Brujo talks about how Peter treated the Australian chapter unfairly. Then how Peter is in fact the leader of TZm. Brujo then talks about how paranoid Peter is and how he keeps his meetings with the TZM global private as well as lack of transparency as the recordings of the meetings are not available to the public. Brujo towards then end indicates that he has resigned from TZM.
El Brujo resigns from TZM.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2nd. Open Letter to PJ - 20/02/2013
#28 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 12:47 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter a. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter on May 6, 2012 b. Karin Mcgregor endorses and supports El Brujo on Dec, 12, 2012 c. Brujo permanent resignation from TZM in e-mail called "2nd. Open Letter to PJ" on Feb 20, 2013 Brujo resignation letter consists of Peter being a leader, how the structure doesn't work, how people are incompetent. I thought it was interesting how he talked about the two main leaders with the TZM linguistic team whoa re Ray (Gman) and Vixie. He has told gman and Vixie to help him out at which they ignored him. He basically says that Gman and Vixie are incompetent, and completely disagrees on their approaches within TZM. How their isn't enough people to translate things and if things are translated their translated about a year later after put out into the public. Brujo has a record of Gman criticizing Peter and praising TVP. Brujo & Ray (edited) recording 13 June, 2011 http://archive.org/details/BrujoRayeditedRecording13June2011 More information on TZM's linguistics team. http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5374/is-the-zeitgeist-movement-a-cult-part-2/#reply-9094d728 Brujo into projects called CND & Phoenix Project, and how Peter shut both of those projects down. Then talks about a individual called Brian Johnson's and how he has a Socialist political agenda within TZM.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hi David & Karin, (copy is being sent to PJ too. I know he is not "a leader", but I guess he may need to know...)
#29 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 19, 2013 - 14:20 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter b. Victor Mora responds on behalf of Peter Joseph through facebook on Kari's resignation letter to TZM on Jan 4, 2012 a. Kari McGregor writes their resignation letter from TZM Australian chapter on Jan 1, 2013 Victor Mora responds on behalf of Peter Joseph on Kari's resignation through facebook. Peter's response was very critical of Kari and basically said if you have to question the structure then he must not get it. I bold the part where Victor Mora posts response on behalf of Peter Joseph towards Kari's resignations. I included the facebook comment to this post and the majority of the Spanish members. Translations from Spanish to English were done by google translation (my spanish is rusty) and their not exactly perfect as well as at time it gets kind of hilarious to read it. I think in general the idea of what they were getting at comes through. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX https://www.facebook.com/groups/group.zeitgeistlatino.org/ El Brujo:
El Brujo:
Pro Rbe:
Victor Mora:
Mari Posa:
El Brujo:
El Brujo:
Mari Posa:
Mari Posa :
El Brujo:
Javier Rodriguez:
Pro Rbe:
Javier Rodriguez:
Javier Rodriguez:
Pro Rbe:
Mari Posa:
Javier Rodriguez:
El Brujo:
El Brujo:
Mari Posa :
Javier Rodriguez:
#30 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |