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Forum - venus project fact or fiction?

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The Burger KingPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 17:09

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

I had this topic up on my website at

My question is, is the venust project fact or fiction (or conspiracy theory)? I had raised this question on myo website as I needed to decide if TVP would be put under a normal category on the forums or the CS/fiction category on my forums. If one wanted to challege a conspriacy theory to put it into the normal section of the forum they would have to provide scientific evidence/peer reveiw in a topic called Conspiracy Challenge which all the evidenced would be weighed through a consensous before topic is moved to a none conspriacy theory section of the forum (more than likely the general topic section).

I decided not to post anything in CS as far as my beleifs until after a bit. This topic is free game so if you don't think TVP falls under anything or not under CS/fact/fiction, then make a new category you think the venus project falls under. I'd also like for you to give your reasonsings as to why you think this and that about TVP meaning if you think TVP is fact then give evidence through scientific data/method, peer reveiw, if you think it's fiction give reasons why etc...

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 17:17

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Fiction...there is nothing about it that is not in writing or in anecdotal stories.

If they had scientific peer reviewed documents and public open debate with academics and scientists and were formulating an active plan to do something then it would be in the realm of fact.

As it stands its nothing but fiction.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 17:24

Level: 0
CS Original

When I first heard of TVP I would have put it in the fact catagory, along with orbiting space stations, solar power beamed from space to power our planet and fusion reactors.

It was only since TZM arrived on the scene that it changed in my view from being science based, to conspiracy connected, and as such attracted a far difficult crowd on the whole than it had previously.

I rather enjoyed the old TVP forums where we might discuse the best range of toilets to use in a community to avoid them blocking up with large turds, rather than whether the magic 12 are behind Moore's Law and making sure we don't get powerful computers or we'll figure out whose really in charge!

Nowdays, I'd put it in..

Well, I first thought of Scientology, but they are rather successful money wise aren't they..

So, lets think..

A think tank.</p>

> Critics such as Ralph Nader have suggested that, because of the private nature of the
> funding of some think tanks, their results are biased to a varying degree. Some
> argue that members will be inclined to promote or publish only those results which
> ensure the continued flow of funds from private donors.

Though I'm more remarked by having known some thinktanks tend to be very ineffective in changing the world as they never do much beyond telling everyone else what to do..

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 17:25

Level: 0
CS Original

> public open debate with academics and scientists and were formulating an active plan
> to do something then it would be in the realm of fact.

That used to happen on the TVP forums once..

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 18:27

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original


The CT's are all ripped off from other sources, and the bubble cities/computers in charge stuff is ripped off from the movie "Things to Come."

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 18:29

Level: 9
CS Original


The CT's are all ripped off from other sources, and the bubble cities/computers in charge stuff is ripped off from the movie "Things to Come." "

Well to be fair, it's SCIENCE fiction. But still fiction... and no science.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Aug 08, 2010 - 15:29

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


The majority of the venus project stuff from memory metal cars to train hotels has not be implemented in real life and the venus project has been around for a few decades so they had time to do such things.

The venus project did not invented the internet, the computer, GPS, space ships, open source communities, cars, airplanes, etc...

Resource Based Economy (RBE) has not been proven on any level that it will work. RBE has not been proven to stop competition and at that stop crime. RBE has not addressed the issue of hoarding or collecting unique items.

For anybody to buy into the venus project believing that this stuff is happening now is a religion all to it's own much like the Christian religion at that. It's a bit sad when they say their using the scientific method yet one cannot see Fresco's schematics to his buildings to see if they hold any relevance. I believe Doug the NASA engineer said that providing schematics are not necessary, I have to strongly disagree, working with the military I do a lot of autocad, now I understand when things do not pan out on paper to real life and like so it's changed on paper to be more realistic. Any project that I've done that gets complex has schematics before hand for many reasons from pricing materials, to possibly supplementing materials for others aka enhancement. To not have those schematics is a problem all to it's own for many reason in the venus project case Fresco is full of shit and a con-artist (keeping other things aside). At The I think Doug is wrong in that people can't make shit in their garage I am good friends who made the NASA solar panels, specifically he made the solar panels that had the ability to be flexible among other patents he has out. I continue to talk to this individual and the majority of the things ha makes is in his garage but also he doesn't have a college education which he highly regrets.n But besides that my friend has been proven and owns a few companies. Venus project been proven?

Even the individual by the name of Michael Reynolds who makes houses out of Garbage has schematics on how to do it as well as credentials graduating from the University of Cincinnati Ohio with a BA in architecture. Reynolds has done more within two months than the venus project has done over several decades.

Another thing Doug says we need to start building bases on the moon because he's a die hard moonaic but to be honest we know more about the moon than we do our own ocean. It be cheaper and more of a technological feet if we started building bases within the ocean than to the moon. His statement that their is more iron ore on a asteroid or comet or whatever than on planet earth makes me think he's a good bullshit artist.

As Doug is going to pretty much be the new spokesperson for the venus project, this is the type of fictional imaginary starwars stuff he's going to try to sell to people.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AltonPosted: Aug 09, 2010 - 12:58

Level: 1
CS Original

Fiction...Jacque designs lack practicality. Where are the doors for buildings and homes? Where are the plumbing? How can memory metal designed cars and buildings be realistic using hing levels of heat over and over to reconstruct them. How can its economy last and resources be managed properly if no account or money system is involved? Where is the verification that society can function optimally with no rules and no personal property at all?

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Aug 09, 2010 - 13:48

Level: 6
CS Original


It's like coming up with the idea of an electric lamp. The guy who manages to build it deserves the praise, not somebody who thought that it could be done somehow somewhen.

Their conviction that all it takes to get rid of war, poverty and crime is "using science" reminds me of Death Note's "Kira", who thinks the just way to make crime disappear is to simply kill all criminals with his magic book.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]