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Edward L Winston | Posted: Aug 14, 2010 - 15:54 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Don't forget South Park. | |||||
#31 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Aug 14, 2010 - 19:41 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | Obviously plenty of money to afford all those screens.. Though perhaps not enough to afford enough applications to run on them.. Me, I have to make do with thrown away monitors.. > trend analysis I like to do that as well, particularly having studied forums for the last 25+ years, I have to say the future for TZM forums doesn't look particularly rosy.. (After all, IRC is no longer operational..) > pattern trading. I'm a big fan of spotting patterns too. > human behaviour predictable. Yes, I have to agree that on the whole, people are far more predictable than I had hoped, many are slaves to their natural instincts and unable to break away from conflicts. PJ perhaps understands this, but seems to fail to understand the need to create environments to help adjust this kind of behaviour, environments such as suitable forums, or physical community building. > Couldn't make a full time income from it. I guess that might depend on what your living costs are, would be interesting to know just how much income one can earn from that kind of thing, though I can quite imagine its awfully complicated and difficult for joe average to make money from it. I sometimes worry that whilst PJ appears to have some smarts in some areas, he is not good in the listening department to correcting errors in his thinking. (Though this is a common problem with many people.) Its perhaps interesting to note that I've seen people like VTV able to adjust their thinking and listen to advice, but I don't think I've seen PJ do that yet. I guess he makes his main income nowdays from his music work ? | |||||
#32 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Aug 15, 2010 - 10:18 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Pattern Trading is laughable for anybody w/o right equipment and a big enough bank account - you are competing with high-end pattern recognition computers that scan whole markets 24/7, so you either have to look at it in a way the computers don't, or you have to wait for the right opportunity and instantly spot it. I highly doubt PJ has made any serious money from it. It's a nice hobby, and six screens surely don't hurt, I'm quite fond of my three guys over here. "he is not good in the listening department to correcting errors in his thinking" I'm coming to the conclusion that PJ isn't very creative, especially when having to apply creative solutions to the world around him. The whole strategy of the movement seems to consist of creating chapters and then he'll do stuff - instead of reading everything about movement leadership and guerilla/urban marketing he could get his hands on, creating action groups and "testing" strategies to find new members. Basically, you could turn the whole movement recruitment into "science" by observing and improving the methods used to gain new members and increase activity of existing ones. It would cost time, but so does creating 200 pages of pseudoscience. | |||||
#33 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Aug 15, 2010 - 12:33 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I completely agree with what cyborg said. Nothing to add to it I think the dude is incredibly smug. Even though you guys make good arguments I'm going to place money on it that Peter Merola makes all his money from dvd's and t-shirt I'd swear on it. When i was writing my blog spiel on conspiracy theorist history here I decided to google the zeitgeist movie site, seems a bit different than it was before was the ddv section always like this the prices seem upped I thought they were $5? Now their a bit more for the fancier dvd's. when they say a "ten pack" what exactly is in a ten pack to be worth $45? maybe the ten pack is inferring that for $45 you get ten copies of the same cd so they can pass them out to their friends... But of course, the movies are not the movement. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/order.html</p> I'm sure Special Ed can help me out with this but I think Peter was saying before that it costs around $5.00 for the ase and CD to be made and Peter receives no profits (also including shipping). Now ten cd's in a pack for $45, wouldn't that indicate he's making profit off of it now. even so I think he's rolling in money with the $5 cd's and t-shirts. | |||||
#34 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Aug 15, 2010 - 19:58 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original |
I really don't think so. How many of these DVDs is he realistically selling? Even a "ten pack" grossly inflated at $45 per year, you'd need to sell tens of thousands, year after year, to finance a full middle-class income (even outside of Manhattan). Zeitgeist isn't that popular. Even if every single one of the 400,000 members Merola claims he has bought one DVD and one T-shirt, the market would saturate at a pretty low level. In order to be a significant income stream DVDs and T-shirts have to sell millions over many years. There's just not a big enough market for Zeitgeist products. My personal view is that the emphasis put on speculation about how much money Zeitgeist products bring in is misplaced. However much it is, it's a pittance. To my knowledge, Alex Jones and David Icke are the only people actually making an easy living from the conspiracy business, and they aren't making money on T-shirts or DVDs. Jones gets a salary for his radio show supported by advertising, and Icke supports himself with speaking fees. It's not hard to make a little money by pushing conspiracy books or videos, but I think it is difficult to make a cushy living. Sort of like being an actor. 1% of actors make millions a year, 99% of actors are starving in cold-water flats in New York and scrimping for bit parts in traveling Broadway companies. | |||||
#35 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Aug 15, 2010 - 20:50 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Muertos I understand where your coming from and I would of originally thought that way if i hadn't of been involved in donation funded websites. A good example of donation raising is when vtv raised $500 to build his computer (which ended up still not working do to hardware incomparability that I had pointed out to vtv on rbose irc) and that was just off a few people that decided to listen to that bore and as well as people almost covered his utilities as well. With the Zeitgeist product you have two movies to sell out, and t-shirts of the two movies. I just can't imagine how much peter is making if vtv was able to pull some change from the zeitcult people. right now it's at $150 and apparently their is some sort of weird narcissistic logic to it from vtv. "Note: I upgraded my internet speed to 25 down and 5 up. This is why the target amount changed." http://v-radio.org/donations</p> Why upgrade your internet speed i doubt he gets that many people. I never did the blogtalkradio thing but from the looks of it it looks like the website servers itself is taking the blunt of the bandwidth and not vtv's personal connection then the blogtalkwebsite archives the show and again it looks like the website servers itself is taking the blunt of the bandwidth usage not vtv's personal connection so their isn't any need to upgrade his connection. | |||||
#36 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Aug 16, 2010 - 01:27 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | At least VTV mentions actual figures compared with PJ. I actually think what VTV is doing overall is fine, and PJ should do something of the same so we can see how much his website is taking to keep up. The next step after that is showing of receits, so we actually know the money is being spent where people say it is. Then, we can start pulling in the resources from the pool of available members, one of which might own, or work for a company that can supply something cheaper than what they are paying. That would reduce costs further, perhaps even make some things free! That is after all, how organisations like RBOSE/EOS/etc. manage some of their server space by people donating resources, the same thing could easily happen successfully with TZM, if they let it.. I noticed there was a thread on the TZM site from someone suggesting that if all 50 odd different domains all went under just a few and shared them out, this could reduce costs. (I suggested something like that repeatedly myself, so I don't think anyone sadly is going to take notice of his excellent idea, which improves on mine.) What should also be happening is all TZM members should be mentioning their living costs, and those with resources to help out their fellow man can help, eg. if someone is paying $2,400 rent a month, maybe someone has a spare room they can rent out for half, or nothing at all.. But this double standards thing that exists kinda prevents that, as only PJ/VTV/Fresco appear the ones able to ask for money for anything, for 'offical' reasons, whilst the rest of the membership just has to suck it in if they are too poor to afford anything.. | |||||
#37 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Aug 16, 2010 - 01:56 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I 100% agree nanos I'm not disagreeing on raising money through donation part but I'm making a accusation do to the fact that I'm an asshole that vtv doesn't need the connection he says he is paying extra for on the bases that mainly because his connection to produce the show isn't taking on the brunt of the bandwidth but the actually webblogtalk server is. The thing that vtv did right is show how much he made which is very respectable and is something pj is unable to do nor Fresco. So far me and nanos want to see the receits of where this donated money is going towards. We may of got a bit off topic from the original discussion of how peter gets his money but I don't care. | |||||
#38 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Aug 16, 2010 - 05:53 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > doesn't need the connection he says he is paying extra for Thats always an issue when an 'expert' decides how to spend the money and some of us might disagree.. (The same issue effects EOS/NET.) My own view on his connection speed requirements is that its not unreasonable, though its unclear just how much it actually costs, as there doesn't appear a breakdown of his expenses offhand that I'm aware of. > want to see the receits I have repeated asked for this, but for some reason VTV takes it as a personal insult towards him, as if we don't trust him. I would ask the same of anyone, not just VTV. But, having heard a little bit about his past, which may be true, it makes me doubt him just a little more than I did before, that the money is actually being spent on what he says it is, and that perhaps someone else is paying for his broadband connection. Obviously, such a concern or worry could so easily be put to sleep by simply making the receits available to view. (This is after all what TZM IRC folk did in the early days, they blanked out various personal details such as bank account numbers when showing receits, that appeared quite enough to stop folk worrying where the money was going.) If VTV, and I stress IF, he isn't using the money for what he says he is, now would be an oppertunity to change that, and 'then' show us the shiney new receits, thus saving face, and improving his ethics at the same time. If you think TZM is bad, you should look at various charity organisations I've seen where they won't even tell you the name of the people who work there! (So no idea if the guy at the top is even named Peter at all..) and the only information you have to go on is that their paycheque is some $100k... And I've repeated said that being more open will only help them, whats the point in hiding things unless your either trying to get away with something, or your just plain stupid. Which is why we find ourselves here of course.. I suppose at some point some organisation will come along, be more open and people will flock to that instead.. | |||||
#39 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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