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Forum - Opinions are bad? VTV's Radio show on "No Opinions"

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The Burger KingPosted: Sep 10, 2010 - 05:28

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

After being directed to listen to this radio cast I actually decided to listen to it. Mostly talking about opinions and how bad they can be I decided to give my opinion about this radio blog.

Show Name: No opinions. Arrive at conclusions using the Scientific Method with Peter Joseph and Doug Mallette!

Description: On this episode of V-RADIO we are proud to present Peter Joseph, filmmaker of the Zeitgeist films and founder of the Zeitgeist movement, and Doug Mallette, Systems Engineer for the Space Shuttle Program and filmmaker of "Awakening". Join us as we discuss arriving at decisions using the scientific method and eliminating opinion.

Category: Science fiction</p>

No opinions. Arrive at conclusions using the Scientific Method with Peter Joseph and Doug Mallette!

May I say this is just another worthless radio piece produced by VTV but none the less I listened. I started jotting down time intervals of parts I found *laughable* or just complete ignorant. So I'll just give some thoughts on opinions of course this is just my opinion :)</p>

In my opinion, opinions to me are kind of like assholes and each one of them stinks. really though opinion to me are something I value, what i mean is opinions can be used to critique ones work or to get an idea how someone who may not have a sophistication in a certain area views are. I enjoy peoples opinions even when the talk about me I enjoy it be it negative or positive it's merely a opinion based on accusations, speculations or something better like the facts it's all worthy to listen to. Opinions to me is a bit of a gossip game where it's he said she said type of deal where I have to go through and figure out what opinions are really of value to me, my project, to anything else that opinion is based on. In short I'd say every opinion deserves to be listened to and it's up to the individual themselves to want to answer or not answer them but i do value the a individuals opinion what have it be.

I know Fresco would have you think that opinions are bad but in fact that's HIS opinion on to itself that opinions are bad. In my opinion I think it's bad when a high school drop out whose over weight and poor starts quoting another high school drop out who is poor, old and a con man about opinions being bad. At that in my opinion I see a correlation between crop out's and being in the Zeitgeist movement matter in fact Fresco is a high school drop out, VTV is a high school drop out and Peter Joseph Merola is a college drop out, they all seem to feed and sympathize with each other like a lil support group on this note alone but of course this is just my opinion. I'm not saying that everybody in the Zeitgeist movement and venus project are high school or college drop out just seems to be a correlation in my opinion.

>>At 36:00 into the radio we here Douglas the NASA engineer actually he's kind of like a independent contractor that doesn't work for NASA but is contracted outside help for NASA which basically means he's not on NASA's pay role directly or he's doesn't receive paychecks from NASA but from the company he works to. Anyways Douglas at 36:00 states somethings on opinions and I really have to disagree with him. I want the bread maker to tell me the guy working on a robot that something is fucking wrong. If they have an opinion they have a general curiosity about the subject and being able to educate and let this person join in the work at had that they have a opinion and more than likely a curiosity will benefit both people. I think maybe opinions are formed out of curiosity as well and that's not a bad thing at all and when opinions are supprted with facts or have been disproven opinions it's a wonderful thing.

Opinions no matter be it on a website to cleaning toilets should be values and evaluated by the individual. By stating that people shouldn't have a opinion about a website even labeling people as "they don't get it" or anything else is cult like activity. So what if a guy has an opinion about a website take it for what it is, explain to this individual what you need to explain and leave it at that if they want to continue so what... Are they holding a gun to your head? It's just an opinion nothing more your free to ignore it, use it, or whatever...

At that note I'd like to focus on one of Douglas thoughts on buildings moonbases. As it's of Douglas opinion that we need a moonbase to help humanity. It's of my opinion that not only is building a moonbase a waist of material and at that money but it's not rational or logical at this point of time. I know who am I just a mechanical engineer saying this I'm not a contracted engineer for NASA well I have done things for the government building drones, and doing autocad work on some satellites for the government I figure I'm sort of like a NASA employee as well well as much as Douglas works for NASA LOL... Not to violate my contract agreement with my employers being the government Douglas you'd be shocked at what I have worked out. Even without my satellite experience I'd run laps around you Douglas in a programming, hardware, aerodynamic, mechanical, biological, common sense, beer drinking, pot smoking, tobacco chewing, hand to hand combat, gun shoot out (and the list goes on)...

I'm normally am not so blunt but when Douglas constantly reminds me that he works for NASA I want to laugh. As I knew in my teenage years that NASA is a joke I was smart enough to stray away from it and go towards open source communities. I always knew in the back of my mind that open source in some way can be a tangible source towards being implemented in reality for the betterment of humankind. I watched starwars and I didn't want to go into space as my head in my teenage years is in reality knew NASA was a joke...

Anyways back onto moon bases in my opinion being that I may not be the smartest guy out their i consider myself to be very resourceful and creative but i'd say it's more rational to build moonbases well ocean bases in the ocean. Think about it it's close by, if their is any problem no need to waist a lot of money to fly and and fix it, and we can test the ocean base at certain water depths, so one can move the base from 500 feet depth to 1000 feet depth to whatever else, and if it can survive those types of presurre it's certain that it can survive on the moon and be versatility at that. Being versitle or better yet flexible meaning we can make bases with ease on other planets based on the research on earth, so if we wanted to go to one of venuses moons that contains water and have a base there we could very easily.

I'm the type of guy that likes working with his hands, likes programming, likes doing things that matter. I'm very resourceful, I see no need, no logic in building a moonbases in my opinion and you should know this as well... Of course that's your opinion that we need moonbases but I can tell you we're not at that level or need to build them and more research inmy opino on planet earth still need to happen to refine the shitte and yes I've seen some stuff on types of enclosed bases so definitely need to refine the work we have before moonbases can be a reality... which is very possible if we do the research and testing on planet earth but in y opinion I don't see a need in the near future and your best chance for creating any type of moonbase is to just start a group of your own outside of NASA and build a moonbase from scratch (not joking they would probably do a better job anyways). Doug stop being a moonaic, push the zeitgeist and venus project into the right direction and stop going along with what they say...

Douglas another thing in my opinion. I know your trying to sway people to your type of thinking but don't compromise who you are so you can pretend to go along with them, your not Darth Vader in starwars just be yourself... I also feel you have a lot to learn about collaboration and different forms of collaboration with people I feel. I have had a lot of experience in this department and in my opinion you lack in that department a lot from the stuff I heard you say about "opinions" on thy radio. Which also makes me believe that the people you work around in my opinion think the same way i do about you... enough on that though

>>At 52:00 At this point peter gets really hippie dippie I mean it's like the dude smoked a few buds and thought about this shitte. Going on Peter Justify's authority and stretches things out ragelously stating that gravity is a authoritative dictatorship because we have no control over it but it affects us... This is shitte you'd figure out when lighting a dubbie. I didn't know gravity had a form of intelligence to it I suppose it's one of Peter's new theories that gravity is controlled by the NWO secretly... Gravity is something that's been here since before we were here, we as individuals are the ony ones who can control our actions we choose to be authoritative or we choose not to be it's all a choice. If one chooses to think gravity is authoritative dictatorship then their has to be some sort of intelligence behind gravity? Peter nice hippie dippie word play you stoner... Not that I'm saying being a stoner is bad but dude you can't but that into any argument it just retarded dude seriously...

>>78:00 At this point in my opinion i believe Peter Joseph Merola read the CS forums because he begins to talk about hoarding is the on set of money. If he would kick the concept of RBE and kick that money isn't bad and bring emphasis on hoarding more being a problem I think people would understand more... Glad to see Peter Joseph Merola agrees on a concept I present on CS he needs to step it up to his cult members though.

>>91:00 Around this time VTV has an opinion about an opinino about a Michael Moore flick where he interviewed a CEO of a nikey company. Basically VTV disagree with the fact that the CEO of nikey should be allowed to have an opinion that the reason the nikey company is based in another country and not america is because people in america do not want to work in a shoe factor. I find it funny in my opinion or maybe extremely dense on VTV's part that VTV doesn't catch that maybe this CEO is full of shitte and that it's all a show basically and he bought into it without catching the bullshit... Peter actually had to inform VTV that the CEO guy is bullshitte. It's a business and this is what businesses do.

In my opinion this show about opinions is dumb as hell. everybody is entitled to an anybody and no opinions will not come and kill you in the middle of the night. It's up to the individual to decide what opinions are of value or not but every opinion is of value even if it's an opinion that VTV is fat and poor well that's not an opinion that's a fact. To say that no one is entitled to their opinions is a opinion by a individual in itself and just because Fresco said so does not mean it's a law :)

Other opinions not based on facts are 9/11 CT, NWO CT, wiccians, RBE etc... RBE has not based through the scientific method so how can that be fact it's nothing but an opinion by somebody that they spread as some sort of fact when it's been unproven. Fresco being some sort of great inventor is opinion he's done nothing for decades and all of a sudden he's a great man for some reason for basically doing what he does which is nothing. Wiccans well haha don't get me started... etc...

In the Zeitgeist movement and venus project a opinion is only bad when it goes against Peter Merola or Fresco; anything else is ok. If this isn't a cult like mindset then I'm not sure what is... This is a good example of a cultic type of behavior.


I recommend listening to this guy on opinions. It's great it explained to value and respect opinions.

title: Response to a dumbass/respecting other opinions/why people watch "bad shows"

description: response to a person that is a dumbass, in my opinion.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Sep 10, 2010 - 05:58

Level: 6
CS Original

Haven't watched the show, but I guess it's based on Fresco's "If you see a girl come out of a house with a dozen guys, you can have all kinds of opinions".

To be critical of pluralism in the sense of "all opinions are created equal" is commendable, but it conflicts with PJs thing about direct democracy.

It's hard to support objective decision making on the one hand, and also demand to be included in every political decision on the otehr or call your system a dictatorship.

Beside that the topic is pretty meaningless. The more options you have, the harder it is to "arrive" at a scientific decision. What's the scientific way to lead a school? What's the scientific way to live my life?

You could probably say there's not even a scientific way to govern a country, as we might differ on fundamental values. Some might value personal wealth, others progress and scientific discovery and the third guy might want to be as conservative with the resources the country has as possible.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 10, 2010 - 06:26

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

true true I found the topic to be bore I did find segment about 52:00 where Peter basically says that gravity is a authoritative dictatorship I wrote my problems about what he said above. I mean wow what an idiot...

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Sep 10, 2010 - 12:45

Level: 0
CS Original

I didn't listen to the show myself (Perhaps when one covers geothermal/solar power I might.), but have noticed this 'anti-opinion' stance on Z related sites.

It concerns me, not just because of how it devalues anyone who the 'in group' disagree with, but also because I don't think how they think what Fresco said about opinions, is actually what he meant..

I reckon when Fresco said something about opnions not being very important, what he really meant was that most people are idiots, and don't know what they are talking about.

Which I would agree with.

But, that doesn't mean, everyone..

There are in my view, quite a reasonable number of people, who have opinions, shaped by their experiences, and also plain desires, that are perfectly correct and should be taken notice of.

In TZM terms, people who disagree, are suddenly those of the type whose opinions don't count. It doesn't matter if their opinion is correct or not, just because its different seems all that it matters.

I'm pretty sure this isn't what Fresco had in mind..

Its a bit like the Bible, God says something, its written down, and we aren't entirely sure what he meant..

PJ's interpretuation of Fresco's word of God, means we are stuck with what he thinks he means..

If Fresco was on the forums, I'd feel a lot happier in that I reckon he would actually change some of the things as I'm sure they aren't as he really would like them himself.

I'm not sure there is much more I can add, only that when folk of many years experience in a field that puts them into the catagory of an expert suggests to TZM to do things in a certain way, that such opinion carries enough technical weight in my mind, that its worth taking notice of.

Much like how you would hire a plumber to fix your leaking toilet, rather than take notice of Joe down the street whose never touched a pipe in his life..

But if Joe points out that he thinks the leak is happening because something is loose and needs tightening up, and Joe happens to the kind of guy whose not a complete idiot, it might just be worth checking that suggestion first, before going to all of the expense of a real plumber..

You know, if VTV did transcripts of his shows, it would make them far easier to digest than having to listen to them, and probably enable him to increase the number of people who get to know what he said.

But sadly, thats only the opnion of someone with decades of experience reading and listening to things, and who prefers reading over listening, as its much faster and easier to locate things of interest, than to be stuck for an hour or two on the off chance someone might say something interesting.

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go and save the world before teatime :-)

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 10, 2010 - 17:55

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

tea time :D really the show isn't that important I find overall one thing stuck out to me when listening and that is opinions are bad and people in general are to stupid. The only people who can help are people with credentials. I really think saying opinions are bad is pretty much cultic like behavior and when they say people with credentials are the only importants ones is really supporting a type of technocracy idealism which is very hypocritical that VTV, and peter would say and support these idealisms since that do not lack any credentials.

I find that Peter is yet again his own biggest hypocrite when he talks about the healthcare field being one of the worst of them. More than likely his ideology was molded and sculpted by his older brother Eric Merola yes his older brother that Peter Merola is still living with and mooching off his bro up in NYC.I find he's so against healthcare and doctors but yet he wouldn't have someone without any experience being a doctor work on him that he prefers someone with experience and the training... Me gonig to medical school I cna say doctors deserve the money they get for one reason it takes do damn long to graduated med school then I have to go through rotations, then I have to specialize in a area if I want to which takes more schooling and more out of pocket expensive it's just so nuts I'll be waisting years doing this until i finally get to where I want to be...

Don't get me wrong I think healthcare is expensive as hell, and I'm going into med school to be a doctor to help people, to enhance med technology, and of course it pays well but it's definitely not free and the money I get from being a doctor eventually is well deserved... Peter Merola has no clue on what he's saying when he talks about the medical field in depth like he does and I don't think he should be talking about it making other believe in his complete and outter BS... Peter your not a doctor stop pretending you are, it takes a lot of hard work to be called a doctor.

I do feel again their need to be some things lifted I mean if the government started paying for my schooling and all that i'd be more than happy to work for lower pay but the thing is they don't and it's not realistic that they ever will... Everyone should have a healthcare plan (I guess universal healthcare) even if they can't afford it, it should be for free, it should be a automatic no brainer, you take care of the people within your own country... Unfortuntly the U.S. does none of this but it's no justification to say doctors get paid to much or whatever else happens it's not their fault saving lives costs as much as it does, you should see the bills for equipments and specialized tools a typical hospital racks up it's crazy... It takes a lot of money and a lot of training to save someons live, I say doctors deserve the amount of money they get and their also put onto the chopping block everyday with malpractice lawsuits, you have to be a idiot to become a doctor in the U.S. nowadays when everything is stacked against you.... if you can become a doctor pay off the debt you racked up then be something that gets you away from the copping block that's awesome!

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AltonPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 00:24

Level: 1
CS Original

I agree Bill. Zeitgeisters have a cult like mindset against the word opinion. I remember debating zeitgeisters on their message forum how opinions can be valuable when it comes to getting feedback for products, food, and someone's reputation. To write off opinions completely is to deprive oneself of different information that can help them assess whether or not something or someone is worth their time.

As for health care, any notions such as the "right" to good health or the "right"
to an education, etc have been called positive "rights", because they implied gaining some benefit rather than not being done some harm. Of course the problem with them and the basic fallacy of them is that if one person is to gain a benefit and not merely from their own efforts, then some other persons must provide that benefit through some forced tax or extortion. It is even unrealistic for one group to pay for everyone for a service in the long run. When it comes to services in general, I think people should not look at one method in obtaining them or exchanging value for them, but have a plurality approach, which will grant flexibility.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 00:28

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Scientific method? Where do they use that? The hijackers really must still be alive!

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 05:45

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@ Alton true true, I sort of have an idea to make healthcare cheaper. I'm thinking open source medical equipment (and possibly more even genetics) lets see how many lawsuits I'll get :D but that's the idea and i'll have the money to do it as long as I stay legal...



#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 08:02

Level: 6
CS Original

I like how they say "Fresco has been working on this for 60 years, he must know what he's talking about" and also trash credentials.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AltonPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 13:39

Level: 1
CS Original

@Billl...check out these open source medical projects:</p>

It is still small in number, but it is expected to be a huge category of projects soon.

Also, here is a free open source database program for medical services. It allows both patients and their physicians to have an integrated relationship.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 11, 2010 - 20:06

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Alton amazing thank you

this is along the lines of what i want to do. I realize it'll take money as well and I have some interesting things I may want to try out in mexico as well (if you can catch my drift on malpractice).

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]