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BrentonPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 05:37

Level: 0
CS Original

Because this reads like exactly what I asked Peter to do, it's almost an exactly lifted quote of what I said had to be on the film website. So why did he say no when I asked? I wonder what changed his mind?

However, this is an aside- The Zeitgeist Film Series, while an inspiration for The Movement which shares the term "Zeitgeist", is not to be confused with the content/views of the films in detail. The Zeitgeist Movement is an economic/sustainability movement at its core and its relationship to the Film Series content is not consistent. The Films, while now moving to promote The Movement more so in part, are still intellectual/artistic treatments and are not to be considered a basis for The Movement itself. Please see for more information on this important social revolution.

I left, and did what I did, because he refused to do this. So now I'm feeling really weird.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 06:52

Level: 6
CS Original

Don't - he's just a guy with some problems to recognize his own flaws. I probably got the some problem to some extent, at least that might explain why I was so drawn towards PJ at the beginning.

He's acting like Napoleon in Animal Farm, they discuss whether the windmill should be built or not, Snowball leaves/is pushed out for arguing that it should, then they do it anyway, until it breaks due to errors in design.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 07:02

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


II knew a little bit of your story Breton as far as you threaten to expose what went on behind the scenes of the TZM forums and Peter Merola found out and banned you asap. In that you explained your point of view and they unbanned you but did not allow you to have mod. I did not know though that you left because you wanted the movies set apart from the movement. Which is very interesting, I'd assume you agree with RBE, venus project, most of what Peter Merola says, and most of the action the zeitgeist movement makes but just have the issue of the TZm cult movement not separating itself from the movies... I actually have a issue that TZm cult is trying to separate itself from the movies as Z1 and Z2 are what make up the majority if it's population which are of course based on conspiracy theories. To deny that those movies are not connected with the movement is to also say that their is no correlation between plant growth and the amount of sunlight a plant gets or their is no connection between putting gas in my car and my cars ability to move. Just because one says their not connected with the other doesn't mean it's so and when say they are not it's being intentionally deceptive and in the case of Peter Merola it's being intentionally deceptive to his giant audience as they eat his every word like the gospel.

When Peter Merola attempts to separate the movies from the movement it actually makes things worse then better and it will in the long run continue to be a movement that supports and is based off conspiracy theories that have conspiracy theorist believers and promoters inside of it. When I say Peter made things worse by hiding the correlation it's the fact that people will always point out the two videos and tlel them to watch it, it's the fact that people will show th "original videos" of what he made as well as watch the newer ones, just because he attempts to "hide" the evidence suggest that he is guilty of the very thing he says he's against or in short one of his biggest hypocrites and a danger towards his own movement. The right way to of handled it is to simply say those are my beliefs, or this is what I believe or believed in, instead he tried to hide the evidence and denies that the movies are not the movement when in fact the movies are promote on a website that has link information to the zeitgeist movement at that Z2 movie towards the end gives a link and says join the movement. I mean this is bad PR all for the Zeitgeist movement let alone Peter Merola, I mean if this was a politician or a something else they wouldn't be able to escape this and hiding the evidence well that would get them screwed, as such peter has condemn his movement to forever conspiracy theorist land by such actions that will be impossible to wipe clean now or ever for that matter. I think the only way to really fix the image of TZm is if Peter Merola stepped down and went away...

I have to say that if Breton hadn't of got banned from TZM and Peter hadn't of given a link to website I may of not of joined CS or even knew what it was all about. I suppose I am thankful for Brenton being banned in a way :D


Below is a link on the tzm website of where it says the movies are not the movement

" #6 Is The Zeitgeist Movement related to Peter Joseph's Films?

While the word "Zeitgeist" is also associated with Peter Joseph's films, "Zeitgeist: The Movie" and "Zeitgeist: Addendum", the film series based content isn't to be confused with the tenets of "The Zeitgeist Movement" here. Rather, the films were inspirations for "The Zeitgeist Movement" due to their popularity and overall message of seeking truth, peace and sustainability in society.

The term “Zeitgeist” is defined as the ‘The General intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.” The Term “movement” very simply implies ‘motion” and change, Therefore The Zeitgeist Movement is thus an organization which urges change in the dominant intellectual, moral and cultural climate of the time.

The Movement is not about Comparative Religion, False Flag Terrorism, Economic Hitmen, Fractional Reserve Banking or the Federal Reserve. The films are unrelated to the Movement in detail and are personal expressions of Peter Joseph. There is often some confusion in this regard and in the most extreme cases some people have the knee-jerk reaction that TZM support's "Conspiracy Theories" or the like. This type or rhetoric tends to be of a pejorative/insulting nature, used in the context of dismissal of The Movement by an erroneous and "taboo" association.

However, for the sake of clarity, let's analyze this confused concept itself:

The term “Conspiracy Theory” is, at the present time, used mostly as a derogatory term to condemn an idea (or set of ideas) that is contrary to the often presupposed claims of an established order, specifically in regard to an act of criminal conduct.
The technical definition of “Conspiracy” has a few variations, the most common being : 1)“an agreement to perform together an illegal, treacherous, or evil act” 2) "a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act."
Given this, it is accurate to say that any secret act, engaged in by two or more people, which is abusive towards another/group, is a “Conspiracy”. This understood, it does not take much time to review human history to see the seemingly endless lines of secret “treacherous” or “evil” acts which have served to hurt one person or group, usually for the benefit of another person or group. If you believe that bank robberies, corporate fraud, false advertising and the like have occurred anytime in human history...then you are agreeing that Conspiracies exist, or have existed.
That understood, let's now consider the term “Theory”. Theory, in this context, is defined as; “a statement or set of statements that attempts to explain observed phenomena”.
So, logically speaking, a ”Conspiracy Theory” is nothing more than “ a statement or set of statements that attempts to explain (expose)... a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful, evil, or treacherous act.”
The qualifier of “Theory”, as opposed to “Fact”, is an ambiguity which means it has attributes that are unknown/unresolved. During the Richard Nixon Administration, in America, there was a criminal conspiracy which led to what we know today as “Watergate”. While this conspiratorial event is widely understood and accepted as “fact”, there are still ambiguities, such as erased audio tapes/evidence, which reflect a less than total picture of the actions, unfolding, considerations, background, benefits, and the like. Thus, the widely accepted account of this event is, in fact, formally a “Conspiracy Theory” in certain areas.
As a more detailed example, in 1953 Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown in a coup organized by the United States' CIA. A pure Government “Conspiracy” by every possible definition. It wasn't until the CIA declassified its secret plan, years later, that more extensive details were finally known, such as paid fake protests, false flag events and other propaganda. This is now public knowledge... and the point to be made is that you can bet that there were journalists covering these events which got wind of the CIA connections and attempted to speculate on the true nature of the event itself. You can also bet that they were dismissed as crazy “Conspiracy Theorists” at that time as well, though likely not with the same derogatory term.
So, again, the use of this term, coupled with the even more derogatory distinction of the “Conspiracy Theorist”, is to take anything that is not inline with the current, accepted explanations of the establishment for such an event and dismiss them. As another example, The 9/11 Commission openly admits that there are many details they don't know about in regard to the events of September 11th. Hence, they have their “Official Conspiracy Theory”, while others might have “Alternative Conspiracy Theories”. It is simply a double standard. Very simply, the establishment chooses to present their “theory” as “fact”, when it cannot technically be defined as such, based on the reality of missing information, which is constant in almost every case of known criminal conspiracies, historically.

So, as a neurotic result of this, today you hear people blindly say: “I don't believe in Conspiracy Theories”. This irrational disposition shows the power of both social conditioning and denial in regard to “taboo” topics or inconvenient conclusions. These minds have been conditioned to not even consider the possibility that an alternative view could exist for certain historical criminal events which are contrary to the prevailing conclusions of the established order. This fear is maintained by the derogatory, debasing notions propagated, which often include associating these alternative “conspiracy theorists” with “holocaust deniers”, “big-foot hunters”, and those who think “Elvis is hanging out in Area 51”, etc.

Let it be understood that the merit of any idea should be based on the evidence available, scientifically analyzed in an objective way... not dismissed because the idea is contrary to the traditional, prevailing world views and values. If no one ever challenged anything the established orders decreed as the sole truth, people would still believe the world was flat.
In the words of Gandhi: “Truth stands, even if there is no public support. It is self-sustained.”

Now, with that out of the way, a part of TZM's educational imperative is to bring to light the consequences of our social system and how it creates aberrant human behavior (“crime”).

For example, when there is a criminal “conspiracy” by Goldman Sachs to defraud it customers, we view the event as a systemic consequence of the monetary structure in that context. In other words, we view any such “criminal” or offensive acts as products of culture and attempt to consider the cause/motivation of these acts, and adjust society accordingly, ideally removing the motivation for such offensive acts."

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 07:41

Level: 1
CS Original

And your considering rejoining why exatly

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 08:41

Level: 0
CS Original

It is puzzling, but I've seen the same kind of thing elsewhere, it seems some people, perhaps many people.. just seem to find it impossible to listen to advice and publically admit, "yes, that is a good idea, lets run with it"

Instead, it almost seems as if they have to pass it off as their own idea..

Though thats not always the case, VTV for example (Staying with the TZM theme..) seems quite able to take ideas given years ago and is now actioning them, but quite why previously these very same ideas was somehow not TZM, and now are TZM, does puzzle me equally.

Perhaps PJ is going through the same process as VTV did, and is I dunno, maturing maybe ?

This could mean we might see TZM evolve over time into the very things we are saying it needs to be to stand a chance to really change the world.

Which is at least good steps.

Next they will be having a functional IRC channel :-)

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 09:19

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Another loud shriek of "the movies aren't the movement!"

We've explained ad nauseam why the movies ARE the movement. In fact a fair number of Zeitgeisters who have come here agree with that and think it's silly to downplay the movies. Nothing has changed.

The Zeitgeist movement is, at its core, a conspiracy movement.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Sep 27, 2010 - 19:25

Level: 3
CS Original

Who cares how much they distance themselves from the conspiracy movie, when the Zeitgeist Movement is stupid on it's own. It's just a social club for teenagers and college students who want to be trendy and pretend to fight the system while wearing the Official Zeitgeist Movement™ Logo T-Shirt®.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Sep 28, 2010 - 14:34

Level: 10
CS Original


Peter has said nothing here he hasn't been saying for ages, everything you think he has written here he hasn't. Peter is good with saying things which can seem to apply to various groups of people in order to piss of the least amount.

All he has said here is that while the films are called Zeitgeist they are not the movement... nothing new there, so what's there to feel weird about?

He hasn't addressed why they are on the website, why his followers hand them out and why they bear all the same style as the Movement if they are not in fact part of the Movement.

Its the Venus Project that should be writing disclaimers saying they do not endorse anything on Zeitgeist 1 or 2 except the views expressed on The Venus Project specifically. We know they probably wont do this, since they tell people to screen Zeitgeist 1 and 2 to help spread the word of the Venus Project.

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Sep 30, 2010 - 00:35

Level: 0
CS Original

I never suggested he said anything new. The point is that he's done exactly what I asked for (and, adding to that - most staff I know asked for it too) which is really a perfect PR move.

Now when somebody suggests that the Movement is a conspiracy theory movement, they have this official statement that they can link people to, etc,. The media will actually accept what is said in that statement, in other words. (Except for very conservative analysts).

I don't know, it's just... odd that it should happen now. I think he's seen the merit in what I suggested, even if he didn't decide to do it because of my suggestion.

I'm honestly impressed because Peter was very very very against this.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Sep 30, 2010 - 00:40

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Peter Merola is a shameless self-promoter who will do anything to ingratiate himself to followers or potential followers. Most of the followers he wants to get are conspiracy theorists, so that's where his loyalty lies, but he will get in bed with the Devil if he thinks it'll buy him even the slightest modicum of credibility or adoration.

Don't you understand, Brenton, that the movement you used to follow is all about one single person, and the advancement of the interests of that one person?

This is the thing I never understood about the Zeitgeist movement, why anyone who is (or was) in it ever thinks that what they were doing was in the slightest measure altruistic. The Zeitgeist Movement is very obviously about advancing Peter Merola's personal interests and personal world view. That's it. That's the whole game. Anyone who doesn't get that is a sap, pure and simple.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 30, 2010 - 05:03

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Brenton I have to disagree with you at it being a "good PR move". I actually think it's one of the worst PR moves Peter could make besides the promotion of RBE etc... If he simply did nothing and didn't attempt to hide the evidence that would of been a better move.

@Muertos I agree completely

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Sep 30, 2010 - 06:28

Level: 1
CS Original

Brenton leave TZM alone its a waste of time.To be honest most of us at RBEF has been looking to get you involved for some time.So please..jooin ussssss!LOL!!

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 30, 2010 - 10:21

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@oreolvrs shameless advertising lol

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 00:53

Level: 0
CS Original


@Brenton I have to disagree with you at it being a "good PR move". I actually think it's one of the worst PR moves Peter could make besides the promotion of RBE etc... If he simply did nothing and didn't attempt to hide the evidence that would of been a better move.

Nuh, sorry. By far the most intelligent PR move they've made...ever. Now when a journalist says to any member or Peter "so what about the relationship the ZM has with [insert point here]?" all that has to be said is "the official website for the films clearly states that the Zeitgeist Movement has nothing to do with the content of any of the Zeitgeist films per se, other than a mere 'creative association', rather it is a movement that advocates sustainable concepts for a future global society (which we hope will emerge out of the present mess) and should not be confused with 'conspiracy movements' as such."

Say that to a journalist and they wont even know how to argue with it, at least not initially, and certainly not on live radio or television. Maybe in print, it's more likely.

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 01:18

Level: 3
CS Original

They already had a disclaimer like that somewhere else on the site for long time. I remember PJ saying "when one of us is on NBC and they ask about the movies, this is what we tell them" and we all had a laugh at that.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 01:43

Level: 6
CS Original

If I sell a $27 piece of crap on late night TV and try to pitch every of my customers something completely different and at least of some value, but also have my affiliates promote the former piece of crap to get new buyers - none of my partners will believe me if I say "Well, my company is completely unrelated to this $27 product".

To make matters worse, I (=PJ) would be completely unable to see anything wrong with my $27 product, although numerous consumer blogs had already assessed its lack of value.

Honestly, that doesn't sound like a company people will invest in. You might get a short interview on NBC, but people with actual skills will most likely choose one of your competitors to do business with.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 03:42

Level: 1
CS Original

"Say that to a journalist and they wont even know how to argue with it, at least not initially, and certainly not on live radio or television. Maybe in print, it's more likely"

All it takes is a little tip off from an anonomyous critic or a quick google search fr a journalist to rip PJ to shreds.TZM/TVP has already tarnished its reputation online and will barely be able to make it in the real world.Us here at Con Sci are not only tame in comparison thant the likes of most political pundits and journalist we have a fraction of the influence on the general population.

#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 05:37

Level: 0
CS Original

By the way, I'm not in the mindset of going back. Just trying to be fair.

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 07:02

Level: 10
CS Original

Now when somebody suggests that the Movement is a conspiracy theory movement, they have this official statement that they can link people to, etc,. The media will actually accept what is said in that statement, in other words. (Except for very conservative analysts).

Except Peter has said this many times, while he has finally put it on the website that is the only thing that is different. He said it a long time ago to the NYTimes, so much so that people thought he was not a truther and denied all the 9/11 stuff he put in ZG1!

There is still no obvious disclaimer on the front page or films individual pages and still given equal billing with all the other films and if you scroll down you see a large banner to the Movement. Of course there is also Addendum on the Movement's website still and The Venus Project still tells people to screen Addendum, though I do notice they seem to have FINALLY removed the comment about screening Zeitgeist 1 in the "how can you help" section, but still have both listed in the Recommended Reading List. You should be more happy, but pissed off still about that.

Peter is a lost cause, he will never do anything that he should do. He just spent lots of time and money rereleasing a new Zeitgeist 1 with a "companion source guide" under the banner of the Zeitgeist Movement promoted in the official radio address' and on the official forums. Even if you are somewhat surprised at what he added to the films website, this is completely irrelevant compared with this. As I have said before, saying the films arent the movement is like someone repeatedly hitting you and each time saying "what? Im not even touching you!" and you being impressed because he is saying that.

I'm honestly impressed because Peter was very very very against this.

I really just do not at all see what he has done that has so impressed you here. I also wanted him to put disclaimers up, but this wouldn't have cut it not at all.

#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 07:12

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


Although I respect your opinion I must respectfully completely 100% disagree with you.

Although if this was 50 years ago without the internet Peter could do so such a thing but of course the internet didn't exist back then so it be a bit harder for him to show any type of conspiracy theory that people would readily believe.

Nowadays we have the internet and ever so changing opinions. Although I have emphasize primacy in the past, which I don't want to get into in this thread about first point of contact being important their is another concept of hiding things which evokes a very strong emotional response when one is lied to that they believe in so much. When Peter attempts to hide the evidence or connection that the movies are not connected with the movement it is a obvious manipulation of the truth on a bigger scale in an attempt to deceive people so they can "get more members" without any negative stigma.

People will obviously no matter what Peter does have a very negative and emotional response to his deception. I'll give you an example or a good analogy that can relate to what Peter is doing. If one were to have sex to what they think is a female, and got to the emotional level that it was a relationship, then the person they thought was a female (keep in mind this is supposedly a hetro relationship to the guy atleast) comes out and says to the guy that she is a he, the dude would have a very strong emotional response to such an extent that nine times out of ten he'd get out of the relationship asap. When people find out exactly what Peter is doing be it the news (journalist, tv etc..) or just a regular person uninvolved (bloggers, twitters etc...) in the movement but an outside they will begin to see the level of deception Peter Merola is willing to go and therefore evoke a very negative response from everybody involved or not involved in the movement doesn't matter where you live it's a simple thing of the human mind.

This isn't because one would get upset because of Peter's deceptions of hiding the connection of the movies to the movement because of societal conditioning or anything of that nature it's actually mainly because of a glitch in are primitive monkey brains. Their is really nothing we can do about that I suppose if we can change our genetics. This reminds me of when Obama's presidency when he wrote a biography about himself ans self admitted he did concaie. In this case Obama did a great thing not only did primacy take affect but he self admitted that he did drugs and many people can relate in younger years to exploring into drugs so therefore it was less of a impact when it came out into the open. What Peter did is not protected by primacy and of course their is never one silver bullet that will bring down a organization per sey or person but in this case the continued deniability that the movies are not the movement, the lies and deceptions to hide it when Peter even advertise in the second movie to come join the movement is a clear deception to anybody watching it. If a politician or a company attempted to do such things to raise PR for example what if BP said that's not our oil spilling in the gulf of mexico we all know that's a obvious deception and that is exactly what Peter is doing.

My experience in such human deceptions and glitches comes mainly from my study of artificial intelligence as I find myself studying human psychology. This type of process will happen in a uncongnitative state and eventually move into the cognitive state where action and implementation takes place or influence it indirectly. Again the fact Peter is hiding it as much as BP tries to hide a oil spill it clearly makes it worse than better to the media for obvious reasons...

So although it may be a good response to the media to say the movies are not the movement, the news reporter can like Oreolvrs says and find information to throw in Peter's face and he's soon debunked as well as gets flustered by his inability to answer the question. The movies are so damaging because they have so much conspiracy theory's in it I would argue that even if Peter steps down from the movement that it wouldn't help their cause get better or worse as well as I believe if the zeitgeist movement goes into the the future. The movies will always haunt them from the grave I'm talking 50, 100 even 1,000 years from now and it will never ever be able to wipe away the conspiracy theory stigma it has developed for itself as well as attract similar minded conspiracy theorist people to it's cause. Not even TZM 3 will be able to wipe away the conspiracy theory from it or any other movie made by Zeitgeist.

I don't delve much into philosophy but their is something that I find to be true in life and that is once you say something it's simply out there and you can't take it back even if you tried when it is said instead of thought no matter how much you want to take it back one cannot. This is the "glitch" that makes us human, this is what makes us different from robots... We simply do not believe because "King Peter" says the movies are not the movement that we will readily believe in such a deception. If one has any critical thinking skills once so ever they will see through such a deception for what it is... Their is no amount of preaching, chapter, videos or anything to wipe away the stigma of a conspiracy theorist. Ask Michael Moore and his wonderful conspiracy movie called Fahrenheit 9/11.

I suppose the best course of action is to except who you are, come clean before it even starts and be honest and transparent 24/7, and admit you are wrong when in fact you are as well as listen and research other peoples opinions even if their against your own because it doesn't fit your "agenda" which of course is something impossible for Peter Merola to do on all accounts. This will not wipe away conspiracy theorist but it would allow for people who disagree or don't fit ones agenda to but their thoughts and opinion and more readily agree with the other things of what their movement is about. Even if Peter tried to do as I say it be a obvious clear deception again even if Peter was being honest about it though...

I think the Charles Robinson videos is a obvious deception of Peter's and the level's Peter will go to deceive his cult members as well as the public at large...

#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 07:35

Level: 0
CS Original

Haven't got time to read your responses. Just wrote this</p>

Must go to bed.

#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 09:18

Level: 1
CS Original

@oreolvrs shameless advertising lol

But I have to spread awareness Billl how will people know!HOW WILL THEY KNOW?!!! LOL
In fairness ,many of us there still have the leftover of conditioning that Peter enforced on us I mean none of the crew(well asides from a few people here and their)or doing rea groundwork and the rest are still discussing step 1,000 of 10,000 while going nowhere near step one or just badmouthing PJ and JF.

I intend to engage a large scale analysis of the movement over the coming months, in response to this recent change. I’d like to engage questions such as ‘does the movement have integrity?’, ‘is it based on faulty conspiracies?’ and ‘can the platform (in it’s present form) work?’. While I have not described the movement in detail in this article, either in terms of it’s official description or alternative points of view on it, in future articles I intend to engage a comparative analysis of every aspect of the organisation.

Looking forward to that I wonder what the usual TZMrs that frequent another well known blog amogst their circles would consider of your analyses.

#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 12:20

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Brenton, I responded on your blog. I fail to see how or why this is any significant change of direction in the Zeitgeist Movement or any sort of significant event at all. You said in an earlier response that you realize it's not new, yet you seem to regard this as some sort of major PR coup...those positions seem inconsistent to me.

This gives Merola no more or different ammunition than he had before to fend off charges that the Zeitgeist Movement is a conspiracy movement. Surely his actions speak louder than his words in any event. It's still called Zeitgeist. He's still pushing the films. He's still pushing conspiracy theories.

I guess I don't understand what the big deal is about this announcement.

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 12:26

Level: 10
CS Original

Its not even a good disclaimer.

I would have it in big bold letters on each of the films pages prefacing it in red with something like:


And I would have the Venus Project have a section specifically on Zeitgeist and at the start say that they do not endorse any part of the films except on the issues pertaining to The Venus Project - again in big bold letters.

That's just the start of their problems of course but that was what I said had to be done when I still agreed with The Venus Project.

This will never happen and anything less is unacceptable. If what he has done is what qualifies as a disclaimer I would be insulted rather than impressed, especially after him spending all that time and money on recently remaking and re-promoting his conspiracy film he said he had no interest in spending more time on again and did so even ON the Movements website.

If you're going to be a bit impressed by what he wrote here, you should be much more pissed about all that other stuff.

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Oct 01, 2010 - 23:50

Level: 0
CS Original

I would have it in big bold letters on each of the films pages prefacing it in red...

That's actually what I asked for. On every page, and for a press release to be mailed out to all members confirming it. So I suppose in reality what he's done is barely a fraction of what I suggested & what we all seem to agree is necessary. I should append the article I wrote with another, but it'll have to wait until the end of October when I go to my mother's house, and get the exact quotes of what I posted in request (and which, as I said in my article was supported by the vast majority of members).

I have those 'screenshots' for which I was banned on my brother's computer (if he hasn't formatted it since) - I figure that it might be worthwhile releasing them in a safe format. I'll have to seek some basic legal advice first, though, since they threatened me with legal action if I released confidential material. It's likely that all I'll have to do will be to remove any content that would identify any person that has not given permission to be identified - but I'll have to be doubly sure.

(I know I still haven't responded to some of your posts above - but CBF right now).

#25 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 06:03

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


"I'll have to seek some basic legal advice first, though, since they threatened me with legal action if I released confidential material."

Technically all public and private material is covered under their creative commons license as long as you give credit of where you got the information from you should be perfectly ok legally to do as you please with the information gathered.

Under TZm CC the important part to look for is that all material including text is the rights of of TZm and falls under CC license this would including all textual information. Their license does not cover all private information is an exception and even if it did you'de still be in the clear since they changed the license on the ball the material was gathered before the modified license was implemented and their is a easy way that we can tell you didn't violate the license agreement and that is because you cannot access TZM private section because you have been demodded months ago so both parties would agree to that. As long as you give credit where credit is do you are in the clear legally. Here's the link to the TZm CC license.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

The Zeitgeist Movement Web Site, including all textual content, the Movement Guide, the movement logo, and navigational images, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Portions of this web site may be covered by other licenses, including, but not limited to forum postings, chapter sites, user-supplied uploaded images, and personal profiles. The movies, videos, and other multimedia content are licensed separately. See each item for details.

This content is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. User is responsible for compliance with applicable laws in their region.

#26 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 14:04

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

"You can't sue people over the Internet? Oh and I'm in the US and yet he's in Australia? Who cares then?"

International lawsuits are almost impossible, so I'd release it anyway for their attempt to threaten and control you.

#27 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 15:04

Level: 6
CS Original

Hiring somebody good enough in international copyright law/privacy costs more than TZMs hosting for the next decade.

They won't do it. They might threaten you a couple of times, but I get about three threats per week and I'm doing pretty well.

#28 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 15:25

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

CyborgJesus Peter is attempting to devise a legal team inside of TZM, I imagination for intimidation factor... I'd be more than happy to go to court over TZM for calling VTV fat and poor.

#29 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 15:52

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

The idea of TZM suing anybody over anything is ridiculous. Who the hell would represent them anyway? Speaking as a lawyer, they don't present the image of an organization that's likely to pay its bills regularly, which is the #1 factor that goes into a decision whether to represent a potential client or not.

I could see individuals within TZM mustering cash for a one-in-a-million legal proceeding that is make-or-break to them, such as the matter where they tried to trademark the term "resource based economy." But those are going to be extraordinary situations that happen once every couple of years. No offense, Brenton, but what you have to say isn't important enough for them to cough up cash to stop you from saying it. At least I think it's highly unlikely.

99% of people who threaten lawsuits don't have the resources or the case to follow through.

#30 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]