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Forum - Guyana Venus project town ?

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NanosPosted: Oct 04, 2010 - 22:59

Level: 0
CS Original

> Can anybody help AmitOrgad into any direction as to how to start
> a Venus project town in 200 acres of Guyana?

Does anyone here have an account to view this group that is being talked about, as unless you have an account, its not viewable to the public:

> My question, is why is Roxane Meadows discarding it when he clearly offered
> funding from the Guyana government?

Funding, really ? How much ?

> The reason is simple. It doesn't matter if we build the cities right now.

So it doesn't matter that most TZM members pay mortgages, pay rent, or are homeless..

All that money being wasted and helping keep the system TZM so hates working..

I would have thought TZM folk would be the last ones to help put money into the hands of bankers and landlords.. (Slightly ironic that VTV is a landlord here..)

If we build cities ourselves, we don't have to pay rent or mortgages to anyone and we can house homeless folk too!

If we create our own businesses and jobs, we can end up working a 20 hour week, instead of a 60 hour one and have more time to spread the TZM word ;-)

> If we opened the doors and let ppl, and tell them that the stuff there is free of
> a monetary price. Ppl will tear up the place, and sell the stuff to the capitalist
> economy and we'd be back at square one. Waste of time and resources.

That is why you hire security people to stop folk wandering off with household fixture and fittings..

> So even if we have the resources (or the money) for such an undertaking,
> the project is doomed for failure

This didn't fail...

> they had tried before, with their own money(millions in investment)
> but somehow didnĀ“t work.

Ok, so their own effort failed.

Someone else managed it, and they didn't, what can they learn about their mistakes and what can they learn about how someone else succeeded so they can try and copy the success and not repeat failure again.

From what I can gather, I don't think millions was involved...

That is part of the problem I reckon, they was too poor..

Which is why I would favour wealth creation so that money is less of the issue in success.

I've made a bit of a study of why communities succeed and fail, and reckon the way forward is to try and copy what works and avoid what doesn't, document our attempts well and try to come to some scientific conclusion as to what are the success aspects we need to do. (As we no doubt will make mistakes ourselves I imagine.)

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Oct 04, 2010 - 23:07

Level: 3
CS Original

Maybe they can buy the same land where that other young upstart tried to build his commune in Guyana.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 04, 2010 - 23:44

Level: 0
CS Original

I'm surprised someone in Nigera hasn't approached them via email :-)

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 09:04

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

"cant build, wont build."

Its a new tv show about the builders of a futuristic city that dont have any skills and dont want to build it.

Its coming out on sky tv this year, first episode starts in Guyana, the next 7 million episodes are in townships all over the planet.

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 11:44

Level: 1
CS Original

"Does anyone here have an account to view this group that is being talked about, as unless you have an account, its not viewable to the public:"
Nothing really interesting as its just the same guys trying to get into contact with Jacque and Roxanne and how important and AmitorGod talking about the biodiversity of Guyana

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 11:59

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

A cult-like organization that wants to build a model city in Guyana.

Jeezus, do these people have any clue how most people are going to take this? I mean, do they really not have any sense of good public relations?

Will Peter Joseph be serving Kool-Aid?

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 12:46

Level: 6
CS Original

Roxanne: "We spiritually endorse what you are doing but we can not afford to support it. You are putting the burden on us. It would take 6 months of hard work to do it appropriately with a competent staff and we can not afford it at this time. We have done this route before investing millions of our own funds and now want to move on wish support from others to do it appropriately. "

Millions of their own funds? What the hell are they talking about?

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 13:12

Level: 0
CS Original

> Millions of their own funds? What the hell are they talking about?

Maybe they have spent money like that before, and neglected to tell us about it!

See, if they had just told us they had millions, I'm sure we could have helped them spend it wisely..

Perhaps that wasn't Roxanne writing that, by someone being helpful using her account, and mistakenly put in millions when they actually ment to say something less ?

Just can't get the staff these days can you...

> wish

Shouldn't that be with..

Sure at 50 something she can spell..

Unless of course, its not her typing..

> It would take 6 months of hard work to do it appropriately with a competent staff
> and we can not afford it at this time.

Perhaps someone should mention to her that there is a TZM forum just bursting with competent people willing to give their free time to help build something.. (Though I can imagine most have left by now, but they was there at one point!)

I swear they have no idea what the internet is for these TVP top folk, or forums, or even IRC chat, since they collected together so many useful people, they are just leaving them to rot without making use of them!

I suppose that isn't strictly true, after all, a couple from the UK have got a free PC from TVP to help them with graphics..

Though what happened to this, money is evil thing, and we shouldn't use it, but oh wait, I need a new PC my old one is broken, I cannot afford to fix it Captain, and there are no TZM members out there willing to try and fix it for me (Well, I never asked did I..) so I just must have a really expensive one to work on, thanks, oh and make the cheque payable to CASH please..

Personally I might have used some of the free voluntar labour with working PC's myself that was throwing themselves repeated onto the TZM forums with offers of help.. (Perhaps no one noticed that, or even looked..)

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 13:13

Level: 0
CS Original

> We have done this route before

Shouldn't that be 'gone' ?

Not that I'm any great expert on English, but does that sound like someone whose first language is English..

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 15:13

Level: 6
CS Original

Let's recap:

We have a movement that

a) was founded on CTs and whose leader still refuses to let go of them
b) promotes a 1950's utopia that heavily relies on blank slate theory
c) is the communication arm for a team of social engineers who are unable to give a proper pitch and either spent millions of dollars on useless projects or blatantly lie to their members.

Jeez, I can't imagine that not working out!

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 05, 2010 - 18:37

Level: 0
CS Original

> either spent millions of dollars

I might imagine the person probably meant to say, after adjusting for inflation, in todays money it would be equalivant to millions of dollars..

If I had to be charitable that is.

Or it could be, what is their income per year, something like $100k ? so in ten years, that will be $1 million, thus if they have been at it for 30+ years, then you could say $3+ million, or millions and be facturally correct.

Though, quite how much they spent on trying to build a community is a bit of a guess, unless they want to give us figures so we can see it was spent.

(Most of my money has gone to pay Landlords, damn them!)

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 11:53

Level: 0
CS Original

What what is it, 89,000+ people having viewed the Z3 trailer, one might imagine the forums filling up with new blood.. pity the IRC isn't working as that was a good way to tell any sudden increase.. (Though the main Z forums have been a little sluggish, so perhaps lots of folk are reading them..)

I like this line in the Z forum thread:

> If there is any construction builder civil engineer that is reading this,
> write here something

I suppose it will only be read by the new blood, being that the old blood has either got bored and left, or been banned..

As, if one searches the forums, you will find such folk around who have mentioned their skillset in this regard, dozens at last count.

But we can hope that the new blood will speak up, but then, I can imagine the same cycle happening all over again, some will want to build, some will get banned, some will wander off and in a years time, there will be someone else asking, why don't we build something...

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 12:16

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

No one in the Zeitgeist Movement will ever build anything. They'll just sit around and post on the net about conspiracy theories and how bad the money system is.

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 13:16

Level: 6
CS Original

As, if one searches the forums, you will find such folk around who have mentioned their skillset in this regard, dozens at last count.

There is no actual structure in TZM to do something.

If there was, I'd probably still be there, doing my thing, ignoring the rest.

It's a forum to talk about stuff, but it's completely unusable to delegate tasks, keep schedules and organize projects. The free version of Basecamp is more useful than TZMs forum.

Building a new movement with similar goals (redefine society to avoid profit for profit's sake, let workers run the factories, question all power all the time, protect resources & natural environments, make measurable decisions & actions) would be far more easy and efficient than working with TZM at this point.

If I was absolutely certain I was right and modern economics were wrong, I'd probably be doing it right now.

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 13:56

Level: 10
CS Original

In a way they are right, building a commune isnt what the Venus Project is about. Of course at the same time they refer to so-called resources based economy societies like certain isolated tribes to show its possible.

The thing is there is no real Venus Project towns, in fact that's a contradiction. If you understand the Venus Project at all you'll know it has to involve the entire earth because all the resources need to be accounted for. You can't do that in a small area and the smaller the area the worse it is.

That's also why they will always fail and never do anything.

That's why their main goal right now is to make "a major motion picture", to continue to spread the word at continue to get nothing done, ever. Their next main goal is to fund a "research city", which will showcase what it might be like in a Venus Project society. This also wont really be a liveable society either since its all just to show people what it would look like. Of course this will probably require billions of dollars

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 17:18

Level: 6
CS Original

Well, making the movie (and given the amount of extremely talented amateur movie makers, I don't see why you'd need a major Hollywood production) wouldn't have to compromise any effort to work on designs, technologies or systematic processes in the meantime.

It might be a waste of time & work for TZM to "support" the current system by charity work, but to let 400k members sit around idle is stupid from any managerial perspective. If they want to contribute, put 'em to work.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 18:12

Level: 10
CS Original

I think they want to make one with a very large budget and I also think they want to it to be fictional, what a fail that is waiting to happen.

But I also think its a way so that even if they did make a movie, they would always be saying next time they want to make a better movie with a bigger budget than the last one. Especially as no amount of film will get them what they want. So because the NEXT time, that's going to be the one that will make everyone wake so that's why even after they get a big-ish-ish movie they will still not be satisfied until someone like James Cameron's directing in a film costing hundreds of millions in 3D and winning Oscars. ;D


#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 19:51

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

The idea of the big budget movie is totally retarded. First of all they're never going to get anybody to give them $100 million to make a movie. Second, even if it did become a huge hit on the order of a James Cameron picture (which is next to impossible), what sort of impact would it have? Sure, everybody's seen Titanic and Avatar, but those weren't "message" pictures designed to hammer home a particular ideology. Those movies were popular because they were entertaining and people liked seeing them, not because they liked the message.

So even assuming a "message" picture can achieve success on that scale, Zeitgeisters seem to think that in itself will translate into millions of people buying into their conspiracy ideology. It won't. Even if a film became that popular people would go, "Oh yeah, that was a good movie," and then that would be the end of it.

I never understood why they think a big movie is going to do it for them.

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 19:58

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Are you kidding Muertos? I've taken to heart proper engineering of boats, training of crew, and life boats for all on board. I also know that it's wrong to harvest local materials from an alien rain forest world -- I already learned that with Fern Gully, but I learned it again with the remake of it known as Avatar.

People don't like preachy shit on TV for 22 minutes, I don't see how they'll enjoy it for 2 - 3 hours.

I think the best question we can ask isn't about how many millions of new members TZM will get because of the movie, but: what happens when it doesn't create millions of new members?

#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Oct 06, 2010 - 20:02

Level: 4
CS Original

Fern Gully was great. I need to watch that again

#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 01:15

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@ Special Ed

Towards the end of the movie "Zeitgeist Moving Forward" Peter has 8 steps towards Zeitgeist. Upon reaching the last steps which is called "enemy groups of the zeitgeist movement" Conspiracy science website is mention at which is said - " It's filled with a bunch of thirty something year old kids with no life; who if it wasn't for me would be a bunch of kids masturbating and playing video games wondering why they have no life. When upon joining the movement you must attack CS, and if you see a CS member in real life you must attack them because they are a threat. Don't you get it people who disagree with me and poke holes through my work are the enemy! They want to take away your free Utopian society as well as your right to believe in CT's! This group has single-handedly prevented me from talking about CT's as well as include it in my movie, they must pay!".

#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 02:07

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

lol, Billll is that based on the Fair Game letter from L Ron Hubbard?

#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 02:38

Level: 0
CS Original

> Their next main goal is to fund a "research city"

Makes me think of:</p>

And now... :-(</p>

I have a fear any money they do make, will just end up in a research city full of well paid staff and nothing more will come of it to help the rest of the planet.

If they could just take the next step and build a working research city full of poor folk, and then another slightly better one with the lessons learn't from dealing with ordinary folk, and another, and another/etc. that would be great.

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 02:45

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

Actually no, although I do know Scientology Fair Game implementation, For people who do not know what Ed is talking about (link below)


The term Fair Game is used to describe policies and practices carried out by the Church of Scientology towards people and groups it perceives as its enemies. Founder L. Ron Hubbard established the policy in the 1960s, in response to criticism both from within and outside his organization.[1][2] Individuals or groups who are "Fair Game" are judged to be a threat to the Church and, according to the policy, can be punished and harassed using any and all means possible.[1][2][3] In 1968, Hubbard officially cancelled use of the term "Fair Game" because of negative public relations it caused, although the Church's aggressive response to criticism continued.[1]


Anyways I know Peter Merola is trying to establish a legal team with legitimate lawyers. I think if he does which I doubt get anybody to do his stuff for free he may attempt to come after conspiracy science actually I think the first thing Peter would come after legally is CS. It be an attempt to intimidate at which I would be more than happy to represent CS in court as I do have court experience and am familiar with proper procedures and law in representing myself, though I am not a lawyer nor have passed the bar. Not only would that be amusing it should give the CS site more hits as well. I think TZM invertingly is becoming a lot like Scientology (as well as other cult like groups) and at that TZM/TVP is a cult.

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 02:49

Level: 0
CS Original

Assuming that there is anything worth talking about re. TZM, it seems to be rapidly becoming a non-subject I notice on other forums as people find slightly more interesting things to talk about.

I think offhand, this is perhaps one of the last places it gets a mention.

I fear if we don't talk about for a week, we'll forget how to spell the URL to look it up!

#25 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 03:48

Level: 3
CS Original

Billl of course TZM is becoming like Scientology, haven't you seen the poster for the Venus Project Hollywood movie?

#26 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 04:22

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

If Peter Joseph or TZM, Inc, or whatever tried to sue me, oh my god the publicity would be great. I'd welcome the ad money from the massive increase in hits, because $1.50 a day just isn't working for me. You can't stop me by suing me, I mean, I can just move hosts to another country where you can't touch the content with legal enforcement.

Suing someone who openly disagrees with TZM and gets 1/20th the traffic they do would be the best demonstration of TZM, far better than anything I could do. Just like when the Church of Scientology sues one guy for writing stuff online. They look crazy, he gets praise, and if he has ads, he gets $$$.

Please Peter Joseph, sue me, for the love of lulz, sue me. I need to retire early, and according to you, I obviously crave attention.

#27 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Oct 07, 2010 - 07:25

Level: 1
CS Original

I thought Josephstown was going to be built in Venuzuela

#28 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 15:46

Level: 0
CS Original

> I own a business related to the financial services industry. I earn a great living and,
> in all humility, live a very privileged life.

So, someone with money!

And in a thread where so many are unemployed or in very low paid jobs..

> I hope that when a more physical version of the movement manifests I'll be in
> a position to help facilitate some early projects.

So, he is waiting for TZM to say, lets go and build something..


> Attempted to create a self sustained house,
> but failed due to lack of resources (money).

Some are trying to build things..

Now, if only we could get the people with money helping those without..

> However, in order to change the system in which we live (i.e. Capitalist monetary
> system), I have to work to become powerful within it.

Oh dear, do you think he is going to get lynched for that heresy speak...

> Fortunately we already have a lot of wealthy Zeitgeist Movement members that may
> help in the transition from monetary system to resource based economy.

I do wish they would do something with those resources that sit in folks back pockets, whilst so many TZM members suffer.

> I really appreciate this.

Oh good, another person likes the idea of using money to build things.

> I keep thinking it would be so awesome to win the lottery, and right away give about
> $10 million towards the movement. Start up facilities to mass produce organic food,
> tools for off-grid housing, solar panels, anything that would help the masses become
> less dependent on the market system.

It would be nice to see that happen, but I would fear they might piss it all away on a huge quanitity of DVD's that end up as landfill someplace..

> last month I was homeless for about a week. I slept in parks and roof tops.

Meanwhile, this is happening. :-(

#29 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 20:16

Level: 6
CS Original

However, in order to change the system in which we live (i.e. Capitalist monetary system), I have to work to become powerful within it.

Dang, finally somebody I agree with. (But investing in real estate? Now?)

#30 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]