Yet another "debate" on Twitter between myself and someone else who turned out to be a textbook example of a Zeitgeist cultist.
This exchange began when he @ replied ME, presumably in response to my video I posted on Saturday.
Sambarnet: The fact that you call it a conspiracy movement shows that you do not know what it is about. Read up! #RBE #TheVenusProject
Muertos: I have examined many of these conspiracies, as well as the tenets of the #Zeitgeist ideology. It's a cult.
Sambarnet: Have you examined the basis for any of these theories? Or have you put them in the conspiracy box? And btw who's recruited you?
Muertos: No one has "recruited" me. I have something of an aversion to conspiracy theories and cults, and #Zeitgeist is the worst of both.
Sambarnet: just to clarify, I have no 'leader'. I don't follow a political party. I follow my own logic, and that logic agrees with #RBE+#TVP
Sambarnet: you have these two definitions, 'conspiracy' and 'cult' that you have branded #TZM as. You believe that is fair? Not ignorant?
Muertos: It's fair because that's the conclusion the facts lead to. Its a fanatical movement based on a deeply conspiratorial worldview.
Sambarnet: the idea being promoted by #TZM is a 'Resource Based Economy' #RBE. It is based on equality compassion and efficiency. No cult.
Sambarnet: I think ur energy would b better spent criticising those who destroy the world, rather than those trying to find sol'ns #TZP #RBE
Sambarnet: 'conspiratorial'? The facts lead to a logical conclusion that our current system is completely unsustainable. No conspiracy. #RBE
Sambarnet: How about Jacques #Fresco? Do you dispute his logic? You think as a race we can carry on indefinitely as we are now? #TZM #RBE #TVP
Muertos: Yes, I do dispute Jacque Fresco's "logic." High modernist delusion that will lead to violence and oppression if implemented.
Muertos: Your leaders are conspiracy theorists. Joseph is a 9/11 Truther, Fresco believes in the Illuminati. #TZM #TVP #RBE
Sambarnet: You're not listening to me, or purposely attempting to provoke me. I have no 'leader'. I DO, however, have open mind. Try it. #TZM
Muertos: Implementation of Venus Project ideology will lead to violence. Authoritarianism is inherent: #TZM #TVP
Sambarnet: Oh no not violence! We can't have violence mess up our clean peaceful planet! Seriously, look around. Capitalism has failed us all.
Muertos: Why do you assume that, since I don't support your ideology, I must be "working for" someone? Who do you think I work for?
Sambarnet: Since you seem to have a baseless vendetta against a group of people with nothing but good intentions towards the world. #TZM #RBE
Muertos: I'm not so certain the intentions of the leaders of #TZM are so pure. Neither Merola nor Fresco seem trustworthy to me.
Sambarnet: Why do u not trust them? I'm a pessimist and I have seen no reason to question their intentions+their ideas r ethical+logical #RBE
Muertos: Is lying to people in a conspiracy propaganda film (Merola) ethical? Is joining the KKK (Fresco) ethical?
Sambarnet: Watch/read the #Nobel Prize acceptance speech of Harold Pinter. Search on Google there's video and a transcript. Conspiracy is real
Sambarnet: Tell me how he has lied. I read that he joined KKK and turned many of the members against it before being kicked out.
Sambarnet: Can I also just ask, you seem to have a hatred for anything 'conspiracy'. Do you believe the world's leaders are honest with us?
Muertos: Long list of lies, errors and distortions in #Zeitgeist is here:<br />
Muertos: Disbelieving conspiracy theories does not require automatic belief in the honesty of the world's leaders. Different concepts.
Sambarnet: I'll have a look. Still, years of reading books and websites, Zeitgeist is the only thing that has given me any hope for mankind.
Sambarnet: Not really. Conspiracies imply truths which are known and concealed by the establishment. I am convinced of truth behind many.
Muertos: Just curious, do you believe that 9/11 was an "inside job"?
Sambarnet: I am totally convinced that a passenger plane did not hit the Pentagon, so I have to wonder where those passengers went... #911
Sambarnet: #CNN's Jamie McIntyre - "From my close-up inspection, there is no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon."
Muertos: So you have illustrated the close relationship between conspiracy theories and the #Zeitgeist movement, one of my key assertions.
Sambarnet: I have followed and analysed conspiracy theories for nearly fifteen years. I have been interested in Zeitgeist for six months. No.
Sambarnet: I believe that there are massive numbers of people in this world, more intelligent than you or I, who believe in 'conspiracies'.
Muertos: If you've followed conspiracy theories for 15 yrs, I'm surprised you haven't realized that "no plane at the Pentagon" is a crock.
Sambarnet: The moment I heard about those planes I knew it was bullshit. History is full of well documented 'false flag' attacks. Deny history
Muertos: So you are the #Zeitgeist Movement's core demographic: a conspiracy theorist and 9/11 Truther. Again, proves my point.
Sambarnet: And what, my friend are you? A skeptic? A critic? I'd rather have hope for humanity than skepticism. It hasn't been easy to find.
Muertos: Ah, but what makes you assume that because I won't submit to #Zeitgeist ideology that means I have no hope for humanity?
Sambarnet: You hold two definitions-words, tightly; conspiracy and cult, and you place anything which questions today under them and dismiss..
Sambarnet: I assume then, since you blast anything unfamiliar with inadequate definitions, that you hold the current system in high regard?
Sambarnet: You'll love this: I believe there is something very dodgy about the London 'terror' attacks...if I was willing to die 2 fuck Lndn..
Sambarnet: ..I'd do it better than those dumb fucks! They 'chose' the most useless targets poss. Justified war. Played into Blair's hands-FAIL
Muertos: When did I ever say I hold the "system" in high regard? Not so. Much needs fixing, but #TheVenusProject will make things worse.
Sambarnet: So you keep saying. So far you have elaborated on this with one word - authoritarianism. I believe we already live in that state...
Muertos: Delightful. You're not only a 9/11 denier, but a 7/7 truther as well. Proof positive that #Zeitgeist recruits tinfoil hatters.
Muertos: It's been delightful debating you, but I shall continue to expose the #Zeitgeist & #VenusProject conspiracy cult for what it is.
So there you have it. Zeitgeist is not a conspiracy cult! Except for, you know, all those conspiracy theories they believe in.
Carry on.