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Forum - Pentagon lecture for religion vaccine / FunVax

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The Real RoxettePosted: Jun 25, 2011 - 04:13

There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain.

Level: 8
CS Original
On the Facebook group a woman named Patricia W. posted a video requesting more information:

The post:

Direct link:


I watched the video with a friend of mine, and she noticed that all of the voices were in the foreground, as if every person had a microphone, even though there was clearly some effort to make it sound as if the voices were in different parts of the room; even the whispering you can slightly hear, which is ridiculous as hell. The first thing I did in my investigation was try to find the earliest source for the video. This lead me originally to:

Which seems to be the point where it really took off, but it didn't have any information about the video, so I kept looking and managed to find this debunking video, ironically done by a conspiracy theorist:

After a long search it was the oldest one I could find, but it, as well as other videos and sites, reference "Joey Lambardi" and his blog which at face value appears to have been shut down (screen shot), except of course that's not how blogspot shuts things down. That was simply written there by the author, but why?

Probably because of this:

As pointed out by the conspiracy theorists above, a few obvious problems exist in the video which point to it being fake:
  • The God Gene is a completely unproven hypothesis, basing a virus on switching off this gene is stupid on its face.
  • The voices on the video often do not match at all with the movements of mouths, in a few places completely out of sync, and on a few other occasions there are voices when no one is moving their mouths at all.
  • The images of the brain scans are said to be from two different individuals, but they're clearly the same brain.
  • Why would someone in the audience ask the name of the project? Presumably they'd know if they were there.
  • In the two close ups of the panels, we see text that's not in the original slide on the overhead, that being the "DOD ID" and other information.
  • According to the poster "CharliePrime" he posted a comment on the blogspot mentioned above, but it was deleted.

My own questions:
  • Why would the DOD be already looking seriously into an untested hypothesis that wasn't seriously written about until later in 2005, yet they're talking about in April?
  • The video seems to suggest that it will work well in the Middle East, are they implying Arabs are genetically more religious than other groups?
  • Doesn't the US military and DoD format all dates as "Day Month Year (13 April 2005)?

Then I found a JREF post about it when Googling around for this "Joey Lambardi" character:

This goes into much greater depth than I was able to, explaining why this type of gene therapy simply wouldn't work at all even if tried.
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