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Forum - Article: The Zeitgeist Movement - Page 16

Tags: zeitgeist, The Zeitgeist Movement, TZM, Peter Merola bans for criticism, 2012 is way better than 2010, three thinks a pixelated image hit the pentagon, 911 was an outside job, Three couldn't take the heat, so he ran away, New Age horse shit, three doesnt need evidence it exists in his head, laundry list of canned ZM responses, TABULA RASA IS GARBAGE SRSLY, What the fuck is Nanos talking about?, NANOS TAKE YOUR MEDICATION, OMFG THIS THREAD IS OFF TOPIC, CLOSED, Nanos [ Add Tags ]

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sorryPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:46

Level: 12
CS Original

Let's say you're handing out Zeitgeist 1 DVDs, and someone tells you that the movie has too many flaws to be taken seriously. What would you tell them?

#451 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:48

Level: 1
CS Original

um, peter doesnt want to be a leader. he said that. so the first step would him wanting to be a leader. then 2nd he would need people to follow him (people follow the ideas, not peter).

so yea, followers is a big part of being a leader.

p.s. do you realize im making fun of YOU guys when i say 9/11 is an outside job? because you guys are AS NUTS as the 9/11 inside job people.

#452 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:49

Level: 1
CS Original

@aaron "can i have my DVD back"

but i dont hand out Zeitgeist 1.

#453 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:51

Level: 12
CS Original

Why are we as nuts as the "9/11 inside job people"?

#454 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:51

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Fuck is this shit still going on, three dont get too post happy noobs who powerpost are generally considered trolls. Especially ones who keep getting things wrong. Thats a universal concept not specific to here.

Take a break go watch a jacque interview or something

#455 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:52

Level: 1
CS Original

lol maybe i will!

i dont care if you guys think im a troll.... you just keep feeding me.

#456 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:53

Level: 1
CS Original

@aaron because you are just as extreme, but in the opposite direction.

#457 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:56

Level: 12
CS Original

So 9/11 truthers are extreme in that they believe inaccurate things.. what is the opposite of that?

#458 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:57

Level: 1
CS Original

no, it's more about attitude, tone, and calling people retards. obviously, both sides think their right beyond any doubt, so again, more similarities.

#459 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:00

Level: 12
CS Original

1. attitude
2. tone
3. calling people retards
4. think their right

How do any of these four matter when discussing fact and fiction?

#460 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:01

Level: 10
CS Original

um, peter doesnt want to be a leader. he said that. so the first step would him wanting to be a leader. then 2nd he would need people to follow him (people follow the ideas, not peter).

So he isn't a leader because he says he isn't?

What a load of crap.

Again, he created the ZGM, all the graphic design, he created the official website everything else has to go though, he decides who is an official member, he decides official policy, he decides the direction, HIS word is final. HIM HIM HIM.

He is a leader by definition. Its very cult-like for you to dismiss this just because he says he isn't a leader.

so yea, followers is a big part of being a leader.

He does have followers. The ZGM members are all followers.

Martin Luther King was a leader, maybe he would have also said he was just one man and the movement was about everyone. But even though that would be true, Martin Luther King would still be a leader by definition!

p.s. do you realize im making fun of YOU guys when i say 9/11 is an outside job? because you guys are AS NUTS as the 9/11 inside job people.

Ah right so you ARE being a typical ignorant truther...

Please explain one reason why we are as "nuts" as you truthers?

Is it just because we didn't like your fake video? Or is it because we knew what you were talking about when you started to make claims about Cheney being in charge of NORAD?

You claimed you had researched both sides "a ton" and you clearly don't even know what truthers think since even they knew that was a fake video. Yet you presented it to us as evidence without a second thought while admitting you put no critical review into it at all.

I challenge you to show us where we are being "nuts" about 911. I also find it funny because you said you didn't want to talk about 911. Lets face it, you've just turned into a troll haven't you? If we behaved like this on your forum we'd have been banned ages ago, wouldn't we?

You know you sound just as ridiculous as a Creationist constantly shouting.. GOO TO YOU VIA THE ZOO!!! YOU BELIEVE YOU CAME FROM A ROCK!

but i dont hand out Zeitgeist 1.

But you said it was an awesome movie, that you have learnt a lot from it and that's why Zeitgeisters hand it out.

#461 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:10

Level: 1
CS Original

lol you freaks dont even realize that YOU ARE ALSO TRUTHERS.

and why did no one pick up on the definition of cult when i posted it? What religion is zeitgeist? what rituals do we have? Christianity is a true cult. Priests dress is robes, they eat the body and blood of Jesus, they chant together in a house of "prayer." Those are the real cultists.

#462 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:13

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

We are not truthers that is such a pitiful attempt to reverse your claims.
Seriously three if anyone is watching this post they will simply see a guy trying his best to argue nothing with no evidence other than wild claims.

The people here have all provided evidence to counter everything you have said, and you call the people here truthers?

Damn man you need to back off and think before opening your mouth and puking it on the forum

#463 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:13

Level: 10
CS Original

lol you freaks dont even realize that YOU ARE ALSO TRUTHERS

Of course we're not since truther = inside job believer.

People like Alex Jones came up with the term "truther", you do know that right?

You have not done as I asked, please show us ONE example of why we are being illogical or irrational about 911. ONE example. Come on, at least TRY not to act like a troll.

and why did no one pick up on the definition of cult when i posted it? What religion is zeitgeist? what rituals do we have? Christianity is a true cult. Priests dress is robes, they eat the body and blood of Jesus, they chant together in a house of "prayer." Those are the real cultists.

Personally I don't think you are a cult, but your lack of supernatural superstition and religious rituals is the only thing that separates you. Cult-like is what I would describe it as and I think that's extremely accurate, something which you are demonstrating quite brilliantly in this thread I might add.

I see you see things in black and white though, you seem to act like just because you aren't a suicide UFO death cult this means you are a rational scientific movement. Please take the blinkers off your eyes and take an objective look at it.

#464 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:16

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

The defintiton of a cult is not a dictionary term as laid out by is the scientific process laid out by lifton that is the only respected and authoritarian stand point that counts to define a cult. Also consider:

Cult education:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>


Robert J Lifton
Arthur J Deikman
Isaac Bonewitz
Anthony Storr

#465 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:20

Level: 10
CS Original

I wonder who is more annoying, Casey or Three. I'm going to say Three is more annoying.

#466 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:20

Level: 1
CS Original

all alex jones did was take the word truth, and put "er" at the end. You guys claim to have all the truth (just like the 9/11 people). so, from this day forward, i claim you people do also be Truthers.

#467 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:21

Level: 1
CS Original

"I wonder who is more annoying, Casey or Three. I'm going to say Three is more annoying."

lol and I'm the one puking stream of consciousness on the forum.

#468 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:22

Level: 1
CS Original

hey guys, i've made my own zeitgeist handouts and given them to hundreds of people. does this mean im a leader of a cult?

#469 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:25

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Three you are just being a pathetic individual now, seriously I recomend you use your brain and actually attempt to use the scientific process you hold so highly. Instead of acting as a pedantic little kid on a forum why not try and address the points made with evidence?

Calling people sardonic labels when you are losing an argument because you refuse to accept evidence or even bring any of your own is what is termed non scientific and judgemental.

Bring it or accept defeat

#470 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:28

Level: 10
CS Original

You guys claim to have all the truth (just like the 9/11 people).

No we don't.

We claim that an inside job does not match the facts and that what you call the official story fits the evidence.

Alex Jones also believes in all kinds of ridiculous things, do you believe everything he does? Because if not, you have to call yourself a truther because you believe in the opposite of what he does, right? Or maybe on those points you just realise that you accept reality and he doesn't.

You have still not even tried to answer my question:

What are we being irrational and illogical about regarding 9/11? I challenge you to provide a SINGLE example. Just one.

so, from this day forward, i claim you people do also be Truthers.

You can call us what you like if it makes you feel better about believing in false claims from proven liars you don't even care enough about finding out if they are true or not.

It just makes you look like an idiot though. Again, its like the same as a Creationist ignorantly shouting "YOU BELIEVE YOUR GRANDDADDY WAS A ROCK!!" or some other foolishness. That's how smart you sound.

#471 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:29

Level: 1
CS Original

i dont have to bring anything. its all been brought. your floundering community of crack jobs here is nothing compared to the massive momentum of the venus project. we will change the world, and when the time comes and we declare that the earth is common heritage to all people, Jacques will probably be dead, and Peter will not be our "leader." Peter started the movement. Peter has done a TON for the movement, but he will be replaced, and so will his replacement.

going to work now. probably wont be back. peace.

#472 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:29

Level: 10
CS Original

hey guys, i've made my own zeitgeist handouts and given them to hundreds of people. does this mean im a leader of a cult?

Again, the ZGM is "cult-LIKE". The distinction is a mere formality however since it says more about the rationality of its followers.

Secondly, I again have to point out what Peter does.

+Peter created the ZGM,
+He decides policies
+He decides who is an official member
+He decides the direction they will take
+His followers hand out HIS material
+He has a test which members have to take to use the official forum based on HIS material
+He makes the rules
+His word is final.

Do you do all that? If so then you are a leader as well, yes.

Anonymous is a group that truly has no leaders.

#473 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:31

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Yeah I advise you probably not to come back three, because all the TVP and TZM leaders and members check this forum and they will see how crazy you made yourself look here.

#474 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:34

Level: 10
CS Original


Don't bother coming back if you aren't going to address anything we say and just act like a troll.


To be fair to the Zeitgeist movement, Three is possibly one of the worst people I have ever heard trying to argue for it. I almost feel sorry for them they had him representing them.

#475 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 08:43

Level: 12
CS Original

three (to his friends and girlfriend): "so I went on this forum and pwned these idiots who hate Mr. Joseph and the movement. They were total lamers."

friends: lol check out this video of the space beam hitting the towers.

three: no way!

#476 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 09:06

Level: 10
CS Original

Its funny because that is exactly how I see him.

#477 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 09:13

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

VTV is the same, he came here posted a million replies used circular reasoning and then probably went away with some self achievement he had done his bit for humanity and the cause when he did nothing but make himself look like a CT.

They all seem to follow a similar pattern of stating they are open minded but really they are all just conspiracy theorists who rely on dubious evidence and claims.

#478 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
threePosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 09:15

Level: 1
CS Original

you can generate theories about me all you want. i would love to meet any of you in person and discuss these things (maybe even skype if you guys would be interested). maybe you dont realize how hard it is to talk on a forum when its 1 vs 10.

good day.

#479 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 09:23

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

If you provided answers to direct questions rather than nothing, if you did not make stupid and ignorant claims about life and if you did not just post random videos about human society like above you may get a little further here.

But you are responsible for people pointing out your fallacious claims not us, if you dont make them in the first place and provide evidence to prove your words you would not be in this position of defending yourself.

#480 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]