Tags: zeitgeist, The Zeitgeist Movement, TZM, Peter Merola bans for criticism, 2012 is way better than 2010, three thinks a pixelated image hit the pentagon, 911 was an outside job, Three couldn't take the heat, so he ran away, New Age horse shit, three doesnt need evidence it exists in his head, laundry list of canned ZM responses, TABULA RASA IS GARBAGE SRSLY, What the fuck is Nanos talking about?, NANOS TAKE YOUR MEDICATION, OMFG THIS THREAD IS OFF TOPIC, CLOSED, Nanos [ Add Tags ]
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Kaiser Falkner | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 15:54 |
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HAIL HYDRA Level: 6 CS Original | I still can't believe anyone thinks RBE is a legitimate view for the world to function from. Its so full of logical flaws that it really doesn't deserve a "movement" no matter how fruitless it is. The solution to the woes of capitalism and globalization isn't some fundamentally deficient utopia. Its rational, pragmatic system manipulation. | |||||
#691 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 15:59 |
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> "Never" is a strong word. The initial stage of the movement's is actionless. This is something I've brought up a lot though. You have to sell the idea to men and women on the street. Why should a single mother who has to worry about her minimum wage job and child care give a damn about TZM or TVP? Why should a homeless man going hungry tonight care? They can't live their lives by the idea that one day some vague promise of what can change will happen, especially when there's absolutely no plan other than spreading videos on how to make it happen. No community organizing, no trade union organizing, no setting up free breakfast before school program (Black Panthers did this and it made them gain a lot of support). Showing you give a rats ass by going out there and getting involved is the best way to show normies (normal people) that you're serious, otherwise they won't care, ever. One of the first questions you'll get (and already have gotten from what I've seen) from people joining is "what's next?" People won't be satisfied with spreading the word, it's already disenchanted a lot of people from TZM at this point, which is why activity has been steadily declining all year long. Yeah, you guys get new and enthusiastic people all the time, but what's the turn over until they never come back or start complaining? I bet it's pretty high. As noted on the Addendum article here, I've been a supporter of TVP for many years, but I'm not convinced at all that you guys have the slightest clue what you're doing. I personally have a lot of experience from the 1980s until now on what makes revolutionary groups successful, and TZM has done a great job at doing exactly the opposite. I laid this out in the parent article: http://conspiracyscience.com/articles/the-zeitgeist-movement/</p> I grew up in an Anarchist house-hold (Anarcho-syndicalist, specifically), and in fact my parents are still Anarchists. I've seen many movements, Anarchist and not, come and go, and many of the problems rest on the fact they're completely useless. Check out this article [Your politics are boring as fuck]: http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/selected/asfuck.php</p> I know TZM isn't a political party, but the same ideas apply, you should read and consider the points made in that article. | |||||
#692 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:00 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "That strategy is impossible to accomplish. My buddy .hex already discussed that a couple of time, A is true, but B is not necessarily true. Nothing that hasn't been tested before HAS even been applied globally. To say it won't EVER is pure speculation, and certainly not a true. The logic of the above argument is flawed. "Even movements that want long-term goals, start with achieving short-term goals. TZM does NONE of this." -Sil. The movement will have short-term goals. They just currently don't have ay stages after their initial stage of spreading ideas. Saying they currently have "NONE" is not the same as saying they "NEVER" will. "And if I may be a little more cynical, it's also a way for Jaque to keep milking his cash cows before he croaks." -Sil. Which cows are those? He is not rich. It is public knowledge he has sometimes not been able to pay his debts and repo men have taken what they can from him. He has some books for sale (that are not big sellers and probably won't be within his lifetime) and sells some DVD's, but this income is meagre and I'd be surprised if one considers these to be cash cows. In our current world, everyone including Fresco, needs money to live on. "If by 'admire' you mean 'pity and mock', then I think we're on the same page here." -Sil. Yes, we're on the same page. I admire people who brave being pitied and mocked for suggesting new ideas. How else do ideas arise? Always there must be someone to have the courage to say, "Wait a minute, let's look at this differently..." | |||||
#693 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:03 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | The 1970s called, they want their blank slate pseudo-science back. Abundant resources are not a panacea for something as complex as human behavior. Your ideas are not new. That's why people aren't interested. You don't produce scientific results by ignoring science. This is not a serious movement. Come back when Fresco can design buildings with toilets and doors. Also, cocks. | |||||
#694 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:12 |
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Level: 10 CS Original | Hey bkyle, why does the ZGM and Venus Project promote spreading conspiracy theories to bring people into the Movement? | |||||
#695 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:22 |
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Level: 6 CS Original | "A is true, but B is not necessarily true. Nothing that hasn't been tested before HAS even been applied globally. To say it won't EVER is pure speculation, and certainly not a true. The logic of the above argument is flawed." My argument is empirical, that doesn't make it flawed. Try to see the logic behind it - why should some political leader, or group of politically interested citizens, believe in a RBE when it has never been tested? Everything I have ever pitched to somebody in a position of power was either tested or included risk reversal, i.e., if it didn't work, we could quickly and with no cost get back to the old system. TVP has none of both. They can't prove that a society w/o any value exchange is possible with the technology and the people we have, and if the transition fails, we might end up in a dictatorship like communism. | |||||
#696 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:25 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | RBE doesn't even have the credibility that being an untested theory might bring. 1) It isn't a theory. Its an ideology. Tabula rasa was the theory, and it has been proven wrong. Therefore the ideology of RBE is naive at best and stupid at worst. This RBE shit is not a new idea, but for some reason RBE proponents don't want to hear that. | |||||
#697 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:48 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "My argument is empirical, that doesn't make it flawed." -CyborgJesus. Yes it does. You have an argument. You proposed a logical proof of its logic. If the logic isn't absolutely true, then the proof is flawed. It means your argument is just your opinion, which is fine. It also means your argument is not logically true. "Lenin also wanted to have a society without money and nations and ended up with a never-ending "transition" and mass murder." -CyborgJesus. Comparing Lenin with TVP is not logical. It was a different time, when humanity had different notions about right-and-wrong, and we didn't have the capability of mass communication on a global system like we have today. We didn't have the technology we have today or the capability of mass production. More importantly, humanity didn't understand the effects that mass production would have on our environment. Finally, people in power, like Lenin, were making the decisions. In the world of TVP, decisions are only made logically based on the scientific method. Bringing up Lenin is a red herring distraction. "RBE doesn't even that the credibility that being an untested theory might bring. Don't theories have to start from ideologies? First we need ideas, then we form theories, then we test the theories, then we learn from the results to make future decisions. It's the scientific method and it's used every day around the world. Aren't there some believers in tabula rasa, or people who at least aren't absolutely convinced the idea of "nature over nurture" might have some credibility? I don't think everyone believes its crap. It only takes one sane person that doesn't believe it's crap. You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it a universal truth. | |||||
#698 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:54 |
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Level: 9 CS Original | "Don't theories have to start from ideologies?" Lol, no? | |||||
#699 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 16:59 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "Don't theories have to start from ideologies?" -bkyle. "Lol, no?" -Sil. I don't understand. Why? How? Can you give some examples? | |||||
#700 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
domokato | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:05 |
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Level: 4 CS Original | Learn the scientific method. Scientific theories are explanations of observed facts. The theory must explain the known facts and predict future facts. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory ] Ideology never enters the picture. You're an example of yet another TZM supporter who doesn't understand science despite the movement claiming to be scientific. | |||||
#701 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:08 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "Don't theories have to start from ideologies?" FAIL | |||||
#702 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:08 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "Hey bkyle, why does the ZGM and Venus Project promote spreading conspiracy theories to bring people into the Movement?" I don't understand. How do you mean promote? Specifically, which conspiracy theories are supporters of TZM and TVP currently promoting? Do you meant he first Zeitgeist movie? One can't take it back. It's already out there. Most serious supporters of TZM don't bring it up. They talk about Addendum and TVP. That's not to say the first Zeitgeist movie was not instrumental in getting widespread awareness of TVP and getting large numbers of people to watch a second movie that featured it. Of course it was. Why does that matter? If a movement arises with good intentions, who cares how it was started? Why would a logical person not take a course of action they believed would be for the best, simply because of how the idea came about? | |||||
#703 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
domokato | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:09 |
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Level: 4 CS Original |
Actually his argument is valid but you disagree with a premise, meaning you think its unsound. He defended his premise, so now you have to accept or reject his defense, otherwise his entire argument holds. | |||||
#704 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:10 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "If a movement arises with good intentions, who cares how it was started?" I do. You can believe your idea is the best all you want. I still think its pseudo-scientific garbage. Pointing to a magical computer that will run the world and make decisions for everyone isn't scientific. These ideas were around in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Where do you think Fresco got them from? Stop listening to a guy who can't even operate a personal computer. | |||||
#705 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:10 |
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Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | No, theories don't start from ideologies. In fact, an ideology is the worst place to begin if you're trying to formulate and test a theory, because ideologies constrain what you can do and often what you're willing to see (or unwilling to see). Regarding the VP vs. Bolshevism idea:
This is a flawed argument. Technology and communication is a relative thing. It's not, "did society have the same technology in 1917 as it does today," which is a ridiculous question because technological development is never static. The question is, was technology's role in society comparable to the way it is today? You can argue yes--especially in 1917, where telephones, wireless radio, weapons of mass destruction etc. were deeply affecting the world of that time, arguably more so than technology is affecting us now.
What, there were no factories in 1917? No mass production? I suppose the words "Model T Ford" mean nothing to you. This is a silly argument, as well as factually incorrect.
Again, unsupportable. What effect does mass production have on the environment? If you mean, what effect does industrialization in general have on the environment, you should read some diaries of soldiers in World War I and you will see how keenly they did understand what mechanized warfare can do to the environment--as well as to the human psyche. Again a lesson that you can argue was better understood in 1917 than it is today.
Why do you trust a computer to make logical decisions based on the scientific method? Scientific method is a function of higher reasoning, of which computers are absolutely incapable. A computer can't think, it can only mimic. This is what I never understood about the Venus Project people--they imbue machines with some sort of magical consciousness that is totally different than the way computers really operate. Where do these magical machines come from? They just drop out of the sky and solve all our problems, yes? That seems to be what the Venusians (meaning VP adherents) believe, but it's a fantasy. | |||||
#706 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:13 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "You're an example of yet another TZM supporter who doesn't understand science despite the movement claiming to be scientific." -domokato. Where does theories come from? Don't they necessarily come from ideas? We have ideas. We propose theories. Then we test them and examine the results. Am I wrong? "Don't theories have to start from ideologies?" -bkyle. "FAIL" -Matt the Liberal Wonk. What does FAIL mean? | |||||
#707 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
domokato | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:14 |
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Level: 4 CS Original | See my various (MODERN) sources regarding tabula rasa: The Moral Life of Babies - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/09/magazine/09babies-t.html?scp=1&sq=moral%20life%20of%20babies&st=cse The 50-0-50 rule: Why parenting has virtually no effect on children - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/200809/the-50-0-50-rule-why-parenting-has-virtually-no-effect-chi</p> In Studies of Virtual Twins, Nature Wins Again - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/04/garden/04twins.html?_r=3&oref=slogin Jacque got his blank slate theory from Technocracy in the 30s, when the theory was new and untested (that's EIGHTY years ago). Since then, the field of psychology has moved on from it. The current consensus is about a 50-50 split between nature and nurture. | |||||
#708 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:15 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "What does FAIL mean?" It means you're wrong. If you create a theory with an ideology as your basis, the "theory" will be nothing more than you looking for evidence to justify the pre-existing ideology. Example: Intelligent Design. You don't understand basic science, which is probably why you believe in magical computers. Christianity has magical men, TVP has magical computers. You're both full of shit. | |||||
#709 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:17 |
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Level: 6 CS Original | "Yes it does. You have an argument. You proposed a logical proof of its logic. If the logic isn't absolutely true, then the proof is flawed. It means your argument is just your opinion, which is fine. It also means your argument is not logically true." Nope, I proposed empirical proof of my argument. That doesn't mean that my argument is true, but it might mean that the probability of me being right is >0.5. Try this: I went out on a date without pants about 100 times. They didn't go that well. An empirical statement to suggest that it might be sensible to put on pants when meeting girls. If you manage to be successful w/o wearing pants, that still doesn't invalidate my argument. | |||||
#710 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:22 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "Why do you trust a computer to make logical decisions based on the scientific method? Scientific method is a function of higher reasoning, of which computers are absolutely incapable. A computer can't think, it can only mimic." -Muertos. I didn't say that and I dont TVP doesn't advocate that either. Computers are tools that humanity can use. We, humans, are the ones using the scientific method to learn and make decisions. Once humanity agrees on the decisions, then the computers just crunch the data. I appreciate hearing your views. It's addicting bouncing ideas off of you all, but I have to get back to work. I'll be back. | |||||
#711 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
domokato | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:24 |
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Level: 4 CS Original |
Not to muddy the waters, but being an artificial intelligence engineer I couldn't resist pointing out that scientific inquiry is actually starting to be automated: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/04/robotscientist/ | |||||
#712 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:27 |
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | bkyle, did you have any responses to my post above? Will you read the article "Your politics are boring as fuck"? | |||||
#713 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:37 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "bkyle, did you have any responses to my post above? Will you read the article "Your politics are boring as fuck"?" -Captain Ferseus. I did read it. It did provoke some thoughts. I haven't read the article, but I promise I will. I'll respond later. I've got to get back to work. Cheers. | |||||
#714 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:53 |
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Level: 10 CS Original | "Hey bkyle, why does the ZGM and Venus Project promote spreading conspiracy theories to bring people into the Movement?" Yes, the first movie and to some extent also Addendum. Addendum promotes, for example, the claim that Al Qaeda doesn't exist and then presents, in typical Zeitgeist fashion, a falsely attributed quote to prove it. It also says WTC7 was a demolition. Zeitgeist 1 is promoted on the Venus Project website's recommend reading list and on the how you can help page says people should set up screenings of Zeitgeist 1. Yes, that means they are promoting conspiracy theories that are claimed BY the Zeitgeist Movement that it has nothing to do with. Interesting also, if that were true, why Peter still has Zeitgeist 1 on the website and gives it equal billing with Addendum with no disclaimers whatsoever. And not only that, he is going to come out with a new version of Zeitgeist 1, he dedicated a whole radio show to Zeitgeist 1, has promoted Zeitgeist 1 claims many times in interviews since Addendum and promotes it on the forum and in official stickies in the forum. Yes, the ZGM and Venus Project do promote conspiracy theories. Peter might do it because he is an ego driven conspiracy theorist, but why might the Venus Project do it? Because they know as Peter does that conspiracy theories is the core generator of interest for the movement to this day. And that is a DIRECT QUOTE from Peter, btw, that is exactly what he told me when he banned me along with saying that since that was the case Zeitgeist 1 can't be a bad thing. So conspiracy theories is the number 1 reason people become interested in the Movement, not the lectures, not the Orientation Guide, not Jacque Fresco, but Zeitgeist 1 and its conspiracy theories. That is exactly what Peter said in his own words. To say that the ZGM and VP dont promote conspiracy theories is like punching someone over and over in the face and saying "Im not even touching you, what are you talking about?". Its just stupid..
Assuming what the Venus Project promoted really was great and wonderful... what its association with Zeitgeist and its stupid claims does is destroy its credibility, especially to scientists and engineers that are the people they SHOULD be targeting. But we know they don't care about real scientists and engineers which is why they haven't engaged with the engineering or scientific community or tried to build or create anything other than little toy models to show people, in what is essentially a tourist attraction, in over 50 years. | |||||
#715 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 17:57 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "I haven't read the article, but I promise I will." Suuuuuure ya will. | |||||
#716 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Jul 12, 2010 - 18:12 |
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Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | When he does return, bkyle should also look at this article: | |||||
#717 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jul 13, 2010 - 03:00 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | > Stop listening to a guy who can't even operate a personal computer. Whilst I'm somewhat a fan of Fresco, this did amuse me. I'm reminded of a friend of mine whose quite brilliant, and been online for just years, and yet says to me that he has no clue how to use a forum.. I really do think Fresco could benefit from getting more up and personal himself using a computer, especially chatting to the rest of us! > A computer can't think, it can only mimic That used to be the case many decades ago, but we have had AI around for a while that can think, not that I'm saying its going to be able to run the planet any time soon.. FX [ wonders where all the java AI examples of learning to walk have vanished to.. ] | |||||
#718 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jul 13, 2010 - 03:17 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | > The first stage in any movement is spreading the word and getting a large I think if one added the word 'Part of' to the beginning of that, we would be in agreement. > Once the movement has enough supporters, then they can try to show practical results. You only need one person to start showing practical results, and Fresco has already kick started us with his own home, and even PJ is showing us how well he is living in his nice apartment. (Though I'm not sure if he is paying the rent or his brother, perhaps they go halves, after all, PJ has a day job to pay the bills, something to encourage the rest of us to have right!) The movement has had enough supporters for a while now I reckon, millions of dollars sit in peoples back pockets with nothing to do, and a million or two has already been wasted on travelling to Z day events, meetings, and buying of blank DVD's.. That could otherwise have been put to more practical use in starting prototype RBE style communities, be they virtual ones online, building homes, or profit sharing cooperative style businesses. One might ask, how many is enough ? (I find it a tad amusing that I'm making more progress practically on my own than as part of an organisation with 400,000+ members..) > The initial stage of the movement's is actionless. It must be this way. Why must it be this way ? Why must it be that no one can help another find a job, create a job, start a business ? > it is impossible for TZM to clearly state what those steps will be. Why is it impossible ? I can clearly see some steps myself, everyone getting a well paid job being one of them, then we can more easily afford other steps, otherwise most of us are too resource poor to make anything much happen.. > It's a grass-roots movement, and ideas for future stages will arise from the I've put forward countless ideas over 4,000+ posts on the TZM forum alone ever since it was created, and hung around TVP forums for the last few years, but for some reason these are not accepted ideas.. Rather, what I see is that anyone, not just me.. that suggests future stages, their ideas are mainly ignored (I would say 100%, but its less than that, perhaps 99.5%, a few do seem to make it through..) and people often banned for repeatedly going on about them.. So whilst it sounds nice in theory, that ideas will come up and be actioned, in practice that isn't what happens on the whole. > It would be nice to see the movement's complete plan for the world to switch to a There is nothing wrong with a plan being under constant attack, its how you improve a design, people offer advice on how to change something for the better, and you adjust. > At this point, it's hard enough for the supporters of the movement to fight off Usually criticism = problem with the design. Best solution = listen to criticism, adjust plan accordingly. Ideally when designing something, you don't want to avoid criticism, you want to welcome it! For, only by critical analysis of a plan, can one hope to improve it. Of course, testing it, is another way too :-) | |||||
#719 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
bkyle | Posted: Jul 13, 2010 - 18:47 |
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Level: 0 CS Original | "Suuuuuure ya will." -Matt the Liberal Wonk. What are you implying? Say what you're trying to say. Don't dance around with innuendos. "bkyle, did you have any responses to my post above? Will you read the article "Your politics are boring as fuck"?" -Captain Ferseus. Very nice article, Captain Ferseus. I personally wouldn't use such obscenities in such a paper, but each to their own. Aside from that, the point is made very clear. Issues (political or otherwise) need to be relevant to people's every day life and problems that affect them personally. I get that, and it is a very important point. Pitches (whether they are about products or ideas) are just distractions if people don't relate to it. Further, trying to get people to care about issues that seem depressing just put more weight on their already heavy shoulders. That extra weight is bound to slide off and be forgotten because people have more pressing issues to deal with. However, some of us have to do something. I feel that I can't let myself become apathetic to the problems of the world. I cannot let myself feel powerless. I refuse to stand aside and watch the world proceed down a path that I believe will only get worse. I can't expect everyone to be like me, but luckily, not everyone has to. Only a relatively small group of people need to be active in spreading the idea of change. I thick of it as planting seeds. Most people are not going to immediately do anything different, but after being exposed to new ideas, they will remember when enough people (critical mass) start talking about it. This article makes it seem like its not worth trying to suggest such idea. If I was a business owner or a shareholder of a product that people would have trouble relating to and would not make their lives easier today, then I wouldn't invest in it. Luckily, ideas like this don't cost money for us to discuss and explore through debate. Ideas about how to improve the world are so large in scope, I don't think they can ever be an "easy sell". Simple ideas of relatively small changes are most likely just patches to a broken system that will stay broken. We've been trying to patch the system for generations and things are not much better. We need major change. Once in awhile, one needs to step back and re-examine systems to make sure they're still working effectively as originally planned, for today and for the future. If they're not, then things need to change. Real change is not easy. The scope for TVP is immense. A project of such scale has never been tried before. Does that mean we shouldn't try because it's too large of a challenge? Something needs to change. Because we are one planet and share the world's problems, whatever the change will be, it will likely have to be large-scale change. This article has very strong points for what is effective for today, but it is implying that such large changes are not worth the time. I must disagree. | |||||
#720 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |