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Forum - Fritz Springmeier, "political prisoner"?

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JoePosted: Nov 14, 2011 - 23:22

Level: 8
CS Original

Do CTers understand what a Political Prisoner really is? In most totalitarian states, such as the Soviet Union, a Political Prisoner was a person because of political reasons where lock up for indefinite amount of time. In other word it was most likely a life sentence.
#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
emcadaPosted: Nov 15, 2011 - 00:53

Level: 0
Quote from Joe
Do CTers understand what a Political Prisoner really is?

These are CTers you're talking about. Almost everything that they know about comes from someone who makes up their own definition for a term. Of course it is no surprise that Jones has once again done this to make this whole fiasco look more sinister and "prove that tyranny is in America".
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