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Forum - The CT´s desire with seeing "justice done" and "traitors" paying.

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SabertoothPosted: Jan 16, 2012 - 12:10

Level: 0
I read some entries on some right-wing and CT blogs and I noticed a patters. They quickly say that "history will be set right and that the traitors and such will be judged accordingly". They say their time is coming and they will set things right.

Why this desire for "popular justice" and what basically amounts to "lynch mobs"? For people who say they defend liberty, they seem quick to dispense justice on anyone that disagrees with them.
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Wolf BirdPosted: Jan 16, 2012 - 16:44

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original
They've been saying that for a pretty damn long time. Still waiting.

Also, it's because they have no interest in liberty. They are only interested in being right and being able to showcase it once the 'sheeple' all 'wake up' to the hidden twoof.
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