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anticultist | Posted: Feb 15, 2013 - 09:55 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | David Icke Newsletter Preview STATE OF THE UNION? ... ... IT'S BEHIND HIM The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday The great Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) said: 'Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.' There is a reason for this. When people speak they are transmitting a vibrating information field generated by the vocal chords. These vibrations are picked up by the ears of the receiver and transmitted electrically to the brain to be decoded into words. Everything is an information field and so it is with symbols. They are information fields that represent what they are meant to symbolise and they are transmitted to the brain through the visual senses (through which 80 per cent of the information the brain employs to construct reality is sourced). The difference is that when we hear sound such as words our conscious mind is aware of that, but when the information fields that we call symbols access the brain they do so subconsciously. Even if one or two register with the conscious mind only a few people realise what they represent and are covertly communicating. It is all happening subconsciously. In short, symbols are a secret gateway to the human mind. The bloodline families know this and that's why they have their own language of symbolism and why they place their symbols throughout human society. Either side of Barrack Obama as he made his State of the Union address this week were the symbols of power known as the fasces - the word from which we get the term fascism. This could not be more appropriate given the agenda of those that control this professional liar and fraud and virtually all of those that he has followed. Fasces comes from the Latin fascis or 'bundle' and it was the power symbol in ancient Rome although it goes back further. They were often decorated with laurel leaves and once again we see this behind Obama. The laurel is another major bloodline symbol and this is why we see it on the logo of the Cabal-controlled United Nations. The UN symbol is also broken up into the numerologically-significant 33 segments in the gun-sight pointing at the earth - hence the 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. But don't get me started on symbolism and what it means or we will be here all day and it's all in my books and the Wembley presentation. The axe head on the fasces symbolised dictatorship and the magisterial power to impose capital punishment. In the totality of this symbol the rods tied together represent individuality (people and countries) enslaved as one collective unit ruled by a dictatorship - the axe head. I have just described the European Union, by the way, with its structure that mirrors the fascist symbol. Now why would the 'Land of the Free' have the symbol of fascism, the symbol from which the very term came, at such a prime location in its alleged 'democracy'? And why can the same symbol be found in the following places, among many others? The Oval Office; the Mace of the United States House of Representatives; the official seal of the United States Senate; the base of the Statue of Freedom on top of the Capitol building; the facade of the United States Supreme Court building; the Lincoln Memorial; either side of the bust of Lincoln commemorating his Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; inside the Washington Monument; the statue of George Washington at the site of his inauguration, now the Federal Hall National Memorial of New York; the official seal of the United States Tax Court; the seal of the National Guard Bureau; US Army Military Police heraldry; Grand Army Plaza, New York; the seal of Brooklyn; the state seal of Colorado beneath the 'All-seeing eye'; emblem of the Knights of Columbus. Why? Because America is a fascist state masquerading as 'freedom'. It is the new Rome and Washington DC is built on land that was called Rome and the location dictated by the Roman Church. Britain, Australia, the European Union and elsewhere are also fascist entities in (ever-diminishing) disguise. All the rest is window dressing, cover up and illusion. | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Feb 21, 2013 - 02:03 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | Sneaky interdimensional reptile jew bankers. | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Joe | Posted: Feb 21, 2013 - 10:08 |
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![]() Level: 8 CS Original | Has in occurred to anybody else that David Icke might be the mutate offspring of Alex Jones and Deepak Chopra. David Icke where New Age woo meets Conspiracy Theory nuttiness. | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |