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Forum - Zeitgeist Movement Debates Socialists and come to a Agreement that RBE is Communism.

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The Burger KingPosted: Apr 29, 2013 - 22:36

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
This is LULZ funny why would you debate the socialist movement the very thing TVP and TZM is trying to stay away from. It was just hilarious. Federico Pistono seems to be another NEW prominent member within TZM but seems to use TZM (like others) to reach more of a audience within TZM to profit off of. Federico Pistono comes off like a Douglas Mallette or much like a huckster than anything else which is fine. I'll throw out some interesting time stamps below.

I pointed this out on a timestamp as Federico Pistono supports bitcoin. I thought that was a bit funny as maybe the guy has no clue how similar bitcoin is to normal currency, if he's a TZMer and did his research he probably wouldn't be supporting it. I Being a free market advocate benefit I see from bitcoin is that one does not have to pay taxes on it and it's a more open market for black market good and maybe services. However with that a side not understand the integrate economics behind bitcoin it seems the bitcoin value seems to drastically change so it's not stable nor reliable also I do find it a interesting concept.

Really a bad PR move for TZM and Federico to collaborate with socialists then again that's exactly what TZM is. On another thing I'm glad TZM is comnig out and saying that their RBE or RBEM is basically communism. In the end though Communism doesn't work and I do not support any attempts of socialistic ideologs to reach Communism.


World Socialist Movement and Zeitgeist Movement discussion (Part 1 - WSM Problems)

part 3 communsit agree TZM is communsit no need for looking for a argument

part 4:00 socialist basically say a RBE is communism and they agree with it. Basically everything is free is communism.

part 5 4:30 TZMer says

part 6 RBE 3:00 socialistic anarchist, RBE all the same thing.

part 6 32:00 TZM and socialist want the same thing which is communism.

Federico Pistono Debates World Socialist Movement - Robots Will Steal Your Jobs - Is that OK?

1:59:00 Federico supports bitcoin.

Federico Pistono Interview

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: May 02, 2013 - 13:06

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Found a TZM members blog that supports socialism LOL. Well at least this TZM is honest as to what TVP and TZM are advocating.
#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]