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Alphalifestyle | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 13:36 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | David Icke is brilliant, he must be the most entertaining Conspiracy Guru out there. I mean Alex Jones is rediculous, but man... this guy, its just like reading a fucking good fantasy novel. Because of that I am subscribed to his EXCLUSIVE Inner Member mailing list for 2,50 a month to recieve my weekly dose of "David Icke explains the world". Enjoy please: " THE EARTHQUAKE COUP ... ... KNOCK IT DOWN ... ... AND THEN TAKE IT OVER Hello all ... On Tuesday, January 12th 2010, a coup was launched against the poverty-stricken Republic of Haiti on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola which it also shares with the Dominican Republic. The coup was called an 'earthquake', but a coup is what it was. The earthquake was only the excuse to send in 20,000 American troops to occupy the place and prepare for the permanent residence of colonial rule from Washington DC. The Americans were given 'permission' by the United Nations without a Haitian in sight and it was justified by the need for 'security' in the wake of planted stories repeated by the pathetic media of widespread violence following the earthquake. People on the ground said violence was actually less than before the quake, but publicly condemn starving people digging for food and water in devastated buildings as 'looters' and 'the boys' must go in. 'Looters'? The place was rubble. The American military arrived with a force of occupation, not humanitarian help and support, as consequent events have confirmed so blatantly - another expression of the cold and heartless mind-made madmen that control the political-military-industrial complex. I know they're not human, but they are also beyond computer programs; beyond robots; beyond belief. Haiti has been a colony of the cabal in its many forms since 1492 when Illuminati frontman Christopher Columbus dropped anchor and claimed the entire island of Hispaniola for the 'Spanish Crown' - Illuminati bloodlines. It was home at the time to the Arawakan people, and the island had been called variously Ayiti, Bohio, or Kiskeya. Those days were now over, however, and it became La Isla Española (the 'Spanish Island'), a name later Anglicized as Hispaniola. The French moved in for their slice of the action in the 17th century and made a fortune for their empire with coffee and sugar plantations worked by an estimated 790,000 African slaves which, between 1783 and 1791, accounted for a third of the Atlantic slave trade. A slave rebellion and a long war eventually removed the French, and Haiti, only the Western Hemisphere's second Republic, was officially established on January 1st, 1804. The United States government took a long time to recognise Haiti because it feared the example of a slave rebellion might cause others to break out elsewhere - like at home. President Woodrow Wilson, a 100-per-cent puppet of the cabal through Rothschild agents, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch, sent the US army to occupy Haiti in 1915 and take over customs-houses and port authorities (just like today, really). Peasants were forced to build roads for the Americans and when they resisted the Marines killed their leader. Nothing changes then. The Americans left Haiti, at least in theory, in 1934 and by the late 1950s the 'Papas' had begun their grotesque period of tyrannical rule. The first 'Papa' was Dr François Duvalier, or 'Papa Doc', who declared himself President-for-Life in 1964 and led a military dictatorship that led to tens of thousands of people being killed or exiled. When he died in 1971, he was replaced by his 19-year-old son, Jean-Claude Duvalier, or 'Baby Doc', who was even more ruthless than his father, and Haitian 'boat-people' began arriving in Florida. 'Baby Doc' went into exile in France in 1986 after widespread protests, but Haiti's leadership remained largely corrupt, often strongly influenced by the military, and increasingly under the domination of the United States. When anyone came in to introduce reforms for fairness, justice and the benefit of the people, they were gone. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a former Roman Catholic priest, briefly became Haiti's first democratically elected president in 1991 before he was ousted by a military coup (the Haitian military is controlled by the US military) and he was President again from 1994 to 1996 and from 2001 to 2004 when former soldiers were involved in a rebellion against him. Aristide, like all politicians, was far from perfect, but he is credited with significantly increasing access to health care and education, banning human trafficking, disbanding the Haitian military, and increasing human rights and political freedoms. His government also doubled the minimum wage, introduced land reform, helped small farmers and provided low-cost food and housing for the poor. Oops, bad career move, mate. Aristide said that France and America had been involved in the 'kidnapping' to remove him from Haiti and eventually send him into exile in South Africa. US Congresswoman Maxine Waters said that Aristide had told her that he had been forced to resign and was abducted from the country by the United States as the hostage of an armed military guard. The George W Bush administration had been arming the troops opposing Aristide, according to his lawyers, and it fits the modus operandi around the world perfectly. The underlying motivation for all this has been the control of Haiti for many reasons, strategic and, of course, for oil and other resources. Although they have been trying to keep it quiet until they have the control they need, the major oil corporations (corporation) have long known that there are fantastic reserves of oil and other resources in and around Haiti. After Astride was removed, oil giants like Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Anglo-Dutch Shell funded a team of geologists from the Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas to begin the mapping of all geological data of the Caribbean Basins. As researcher, F William Engdahl, said: 'Given the immense, existing oil production off Mexico, Louisiana, and the entire Caribbean, as well as its proximity to the United States - not to mention the US focus on its own energy security - it is surprising that the region had not been mapped earlier. Now it emerges that major oil companies were at least generally aware of the huge oil potential of the region long ago, but apparently decided to keep it quiet.' Yes, keep it quiet until they have control of Haiti and other countries to ensure that the oil cartel benefits and not the poverty-stricken people of the region. Marguerite Laurent, president of the Haitian Lawyers' Leadership Network and a former attorney to President Aristide, said that before he was removed by the US-supported 'rebellion', Aristide had produced a book detailing for the first time the locations of known Haitian resources, including oil and gold, and how they would benefit the general population. This was his worst career mover of all. He was doomed after that and this is also why the Americans refuse to let him return. We can't have the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with 80 per cent of the population living under the poverty line and 54 per cent in abject poverty before the earthquake, benefiting from the resources of their own land and sea. My goodness, if we let it happen for one, they'll all want to do it. A consortium of oil companies, including Cuba's state oil company, Cubapetroleo, have discovered one of the world's biggest oilfields - a 'super giant field' - off the Cuban coast across from the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. The Russian and Chinese governments have set their sights on that one. F William Engdahl points out that the vast mass of underwater plates around Haiti 'are in constant motion, rubbing against each other along lines analogous to cracks in a broken porcelain vase that has been re-glued'. These are the geological conditions where the plates converge that can cause enormous amounts of oil and gas to be pushed towards the surface. For this reason, oil, gas and geological instability can so often go together. It also means something else: it is child's play for those controlling top secret technology to trigger an earthquake on demand in these areas. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, based in Alaska, with other facilities around the world, is certainly capable of triggering earthquakes. It bounces radio waves off the ionosphere, the uppermost part of the Earth's atmosphere, and back to the ground. It has countless uses - including mass mind control, taking out aircraft in 'mystery accidents' and causing geological phenomena like earthquakes. There is also other earthquake-creating, tsunami-creating technology and this includes pulse, plasma, sonic and electromagnetic techniques, and also 'shock wave' bombs. We talk about earthquake 'tremors'. All you need to do is to trigger the vibrational movement and the earth will do the rest. Haiti is a blatant example of quake-technology deployment in an attack that has killed an estimated 212,000 people and made more than a million homeless. The Russian Northern Fleet, which has been monitoring the movements and activities of US Marines in the Caribbean since 2008, claimed that the Haiti quake was clearly the result of a test by the US Navy of one of its earthquake weapons. Wrong. It was no 'test'; it was coldly calculated and meant to happen. The speed of the arrival of 20,000 US troops to take over the airports and the country in general showed that everything was all in place before and waiting to be activated. It also explains the total disinterest by the US authorities and military in humanitarian rescue and aid. Delays in the supply of food and water also made people desperate and more likely to be violent, so creating a self-fulfilling prophecy to justify more 'security'. Genuine rescuers and aid workers from all over the world complained bitterly about their aircraft being refused permission to land by the American military in the control towers. This included three hours where all flights were stopped because of the arrival of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for a photo opportunity. 'Don't talk to me about starving people, have they got my best side ...?' What more cynicism can you have about the plight of the Haitians than for Barack Obama to appoint George W 'I don't give a shit about anyone except myself' Bush to 'work' with Bill 'I imposed sanctions on Iraq that killed half a million children' Clinton on the 'aid effort'? Clinton was appointed United Nations Special Envoy to Haiti in 2009. Why would you appoint a former United States President as Special Envoy to Haiti? Bit convenient isn't it? Just in time to join his fellow 'humanitarian' in heading the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund (see Clinton-Bush Haiti Exploitation Fund) after the earthquake struck. It just so happens that the United States is building its fifth biggest embassy in the world in Port-au-Prince for a country of less than ten million. They have no intention of leaving, the same as in Iraq and Afghanistan where similar massive embassies have been built. 'I have been told to appoint my great friends and fellow conspirators here to ensure that Haiti is controlled by the cabal that controls me and so my masters can have all the oil to themselves. Thank you, God Bless the United States of America.' Another aspect of this have been the paedophile networks and others who have used the devastation to steal children and some orphans are being sold for $50. I have known for more than a decade that Haiti is a key centre for both mind control - the western methods in league with voodoo from Africa - and child trafficking. Haiti has long been one of the prime locations for supplying children for the paedophile political, business and military 'elite' in North America. There are now a million Haitian children who have lost one or both parents and they are in great danger from the paedophile and satanic networks. One group of American 'Christian missionaries' were caught and arrested for trying to abduct 33 children, but tip and iceberg come to mind. Children have been reported to have gone missing from hospitals, let alone the streets. Jean Luc Legrand, an adviser for Unicef, said: 'Unicef has been working in Haiti for many years and we knew the problem with the trade of children in Haiti which existed before, and unfortunately many of these trade networks have links with the international adoption "market".' Children trafficking for paedophiles and satanic rings is a worldwide 'industry' and Haiti is one of the major sources for its 'commodity' - little kids. Children trafficking in Haiti: inhumanity beyond comprehension. What a sad and desperate country Haiti is and never more so than today. It has been exploited, terrorised and reduced to slavery in its many forms since Columbus arrived seven hundred years ago and the exploiters and terrorists have largely been the same - the Illuminati bloodline families of Europe and America and their gofers, agents and military. One Haitian said of the foreign military presence since the earthquake: 'They treat us like animals, they beat us, but we are hungry people.' No, my friend. They don't treat you like animals. To these sick and insane mind-slaves, animals is what you are. As humans see cattle, so they see you - and the rest of us. That is why the world is as it is. But not for much longer. | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 14:22 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | America pointed its earthquake beam at Haiti so we could colonize all the illiterate and unskilled labor available. You know, because we don't have enough of that in the continental United States. Makes perfect sense. | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 15:49 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | The thing is, I'm sure there's always a grain of truth somewhere in all of David Icke's rambling... that must by why people keep listening to him, right? Like... I wouldn't doubt the fact that oil companies have eyed or been eying this supposed oil field off the Haitian coast, and I wouldn't doubt that the US is building an embassy in Haiti. It's just the reasons and motives he ascribes to these actions seems just so out there. | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 15:50 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "I'm sure there's always a grain of truth somewhere in all of David Icke's rambling" Why? "That must by why people keep listening to him, right?" No, they keep listening to him because they believe reptoids control the world. | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 16:50 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | Just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. You could even say that the "grain of truth" is that there was an Earthquake in Haiti. :P | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 17:13 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | You're giving David Icke believers the "benefit of the doubt?" That's charitable, to say the least. | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 17:21 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | You don't give the benefit of the doubt to conspiracy theorists, you give it to science. | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 17:29 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | Oh. My. Science! | |||||
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 17:56 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Science damn you | |||||
#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Feb 12, 2010 - 19:30 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "Just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. You could even say that the "grain of truth" is that there was an Earthquake in Haiti. :P" Yeah, you could say I get laid a lot compared to Brian Peppers. But it doesn't really mean much. | |||||
#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |