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PendrokarPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 08:14

Level: 1
CS Original


Really? You're gonna build and maintain an entire city and perform socioeconomic scientific experiments in it, via funding from donations?

Yes, maybe not exactly a research city, but the same kind TVP has in Venus, Florida. Look at Greenpeace. The amount of money they receive is enormous, yet what they do hardly helps the issues they supposedly fight against.


people buying their fantasy images and anecdotes.

So where is your parasitic lifestyle in this context? Let people do what they like. You could use your anti-cult mania more productively on Church Of Scientology.

#61 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 08:17

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Church of scientology is already being addressed fully, this does not mean I have to ignore the shameless self promotion and monetary gain of TVP.

Parasitic lifestyle in context?

You've read my blog
You are aware of who I am
You know the points I have made time and again already

Why even bother asking this question when you are completely aware about how much of a parasite TVP have been shown to be on my blog.

#62 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 10:07

Level: 0
CS Original

> Look at Greenpeace. The amount of money they receive is enormous, yet what they do
> hardly helps the issues they supposedly fight against.

Friends of the Earth is another such example, they collect I believe something like £5 million in donations a year, which is mainly direct debit bank transfers that automatically every month hand over dosh, they have if I recal correctly some 100,000 signed up for that!

Achieved as I understand it, by having folk go door to door asking for regular donations..

Virtually all of their budget is spent paying for the 100 odd full time staff they have, one of who is paid £75k a year (But they won't tell anyone who asks who that is or what they do..), staff who appear to be managers, whilst the 'workers' are all volunteers..

Nice work if you can get it eh..

(Their forum incidently will ban you if you dare as a manufactor to come there and talk about your green products, how enlightened eh..)

Reminds me of:</p>

> the world pledged £3.41billion in aid.

> But six months on from the January 12 quake a Sunday Mirror investigation can reveal
> how the victims are being forgotten...because just TWO PER CENT of the money has arrived.

Unless we have people like Edward helping to balance out the other side of the story, I worry that things could easily end up like that.

#63 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 12:29

Level: 4
CS Original

Yes, maybe not exactly a research city, but the same kind TVP has in Venus, Florida. Look at Greenpeace. The amount of money they receive is enormous, yet what they do hardly helps the issues they supposedly fight against.

Okay, since this thread is titled "It'll NEVER work", I'll go ahead and say that this'll never work, at least not the way TZM is run currently. And if they somehow get that far, I will be sure to fight against TZM because they're a bunch of dangerous irrational fanatics.

#64 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 12:48

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

And if they somehow get that far, I will be sure to fight against TZM because they're a bunch of dangerous irrational fanatics.

I don't think they're dangerous irrational fanatics. I think they're a bunch of conspiracy theorists, and TZM should be opposed on that basis alone (in my opinion).

#65 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 12:53

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

TZM is less dangerous than the Hare Krishnas.

#66 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 17:24

Level: 4
CS Original

Please see the recent thread about TZM members rationalizing shoplifting for an example. Also remember others have made plans to manufacture runs on banks and crash the system in other ways. I'd call that dangerous, although I'm not too worried about it at the moment since their numbers aren't big enough to do any major damage, not to mention they don't tend to be smart enough to plan out a proper attack, and they seem to be too lazy to carry it out even if they did..

#67 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 17:43

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
#68 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 18:05

Level: 4
CS Original

Cool song. Gotta love self-hating punk

#69 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 18:06

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Domokato, yes, clearly there are some people in TZM who can rationalize crime in the name of their ideology, and we've also seen examples of members who even advocate the use of force to bring about an RBE. I also have no doubt that the ideology could easily morph into a justification of that, and that is deeply troubling, considering the other indications of cult-like behavior from TZM members and its leadership.

That said, I (thankfully) don't see a large-scale effort in the movement to go in a violent or criminal direction, and as you point out they're so small, fragmented and irrelevant that they couldn't do much damage even if the movement did become violent on a large scale.

#70 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jul 27, 2010 - 18:57

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Joe Stalin robbed banks for the cause.

#71 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jul 28, 2010 - 01:07

Level: 0
CS Original

> I'm not too worried about it at the moment since their numbers aren't big enough to do
> any major damage, not to mention they don't tend to be smart enough to plan out a
> proper attack, and they seem to be too lazy to carry it out even if they did..

Whilst true TZM members themselves often fit into the lazy catagory, I have seen members who either are, used to be, or have friends of other activist groups with a history of violence, and who keep trying to get those lot to help TZM in their quest for change..

As such, I do see real concerns that people are putting real effort into quite dangerious avenues, as they see it as often the only way to solve the worlds problems is to riot and burn everything.

Interestingly, one person I met, who was at the time one of the biggest troublemakers around, intent on the most extreme of action, had been spending time with his new friends, intent on helping TZM do similar action. When one day, he was speaking to his new friends about doing something productive and useful and could they give him a lift in their van...

They refused and since then, he turned 180 degrees and now wants to do only practical useful sensible stuff and thinks all that crazy talk was a waste of time!

It was strange watching TZM folk who previously loved every word the guy said, suddenly turn on him and want him banned for his outragious claims that we shouldn't do harm.. (He is no longer a TZM member.)

There is still an element on some chapters that is very KGB style, lets break the system and destroy our economic ability to do anything productive. (Which thankfully most of the time is met with laziness to do anything at all..)

But it does worry me that KGB style agent provocateurs are already there trying to cause trouble, as it appears that any real success is more in the activist lets make stupid trouble direction, than in the, lets actually make the world better direction.

Its always more fun to break things than to build things it seems..

I tend to be about the only voice that stands up and says don't do it when they are talking about such things. (As such I've had to complain several times to admin about threats of violence made against me if I don't shut up..)

It wouldn't suprise me if we had a repeat of the 1980's riots in this country, owing to the increasing unemployment and unrest among people, particularly with injustices re. immigration, heavy handed policing and a general rise in stupidity.

I had hoped something like TZM would help give people more positive direction and do something constructive, not go out and break things even more.

Its not just an issue connected with TZM, who at least appear one of the least effective of groups to do anything, but a growing concern about civilisation as a whole that so few wish to avoid using violence to solve problems.

#72 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]