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Forum - Zeitgeist III: Moving Forward - Page 4

Tags: zeitgeist, The Zeitgeist Movement, TZM, Jared Lee Loughner, zeitgeist 3 debunked, zeitgeist III debunked, zeitgeist moving forward debunked, the zeitgeist movement debunked [ Add Tags ]

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The Burger KingPosted: Mar 13, 2012 - 13:43

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Quote from Googolplexbyte

I don't intend to believe in any conspiracy theories (I think that's what CT stands for there), and from the evidence I've seen I fully accept I was wrong to believe what TZM were saying.

I don't mean to come in here acting entitled to have myself heard or converted or anything, I just misunderstood the nature of this site. By no means do I think I could do a better job, I'm not particularly good at being sceptically minded.

Also in a meaningless defence of myself I don't in any way believe I can change the world, also I don't spend that much time playing video games as they are very expensive and I am only mildly wealthy. Also what's wrong with the user name Googolplexbyte?

I think your full of crap...
#91 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Mar 13, 2012 - 14:01

Level: 6
CS Original
Quote from Googolplexbyte

Also in a meaningless defence of myself I don't in any way believe I can change the world, also I don't spend that much time playing video games as they are very expensive and I am only mildly wealthy. Also what's wrong with the user name Googolplexbyte?

That's kinda sad. If you've got enough naïvety to be interested in TZM, you might as well use it to educate yourself and fight for change you find feasible after taking all data into consideration. There's too many people on the sidelines anyway, so why care what they think. Regarding video games: Just pirate 'em or, if you're into weird shit like me, play Dwarf Fortress.
#92 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Evil ElvisPosted: Mar 26, 2012 - 07:09


Level: 1
CS Original
so, zeitgeist movement is dead and gone judging from the activity lately.
#93 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]