I give a rough translation If anyone who speaks Swedish wants to give a better translation, I'll repost
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JimJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 04:11 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | Doug: Was a copy and paste error. It's been corrected. It doesn't make you look any better, btw. | |||||
#31 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 05:33 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | I said you were PROBABLY paid disinfo. Nobody is going to pay to shut down a one-man project with no traction. Any disruptive tech startup goes through four phases (check Steve Blank's work for more details) : 1) Discovery 2) Validation 3) Creation 4) Growth You're at phase one, still trying to find a way your organisation can have an impact on the world. And as you've noticed, going for publicity at this point makes you look insignificant and stupid. Wait until you've set up a testable hypothesis (e.g., "We can feed X people at cost Y with our product) and completed phase two by actually testing it, until you start talking about how you're going to change the world. Otherwise, the only people who care are folks on forums like this. And if that is all it takes to screw up your plans, your plans probably weren't any good to start with. | |||||
#32 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 10:19 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Anyone that says we're "paid disinformation agent" is lacking in critical thinking skills. Just because you put "probably" in it is somehow suppose to cover how illogical that statement, that's just silly. Maybe you should just retract the statement altogether, granted it won't make much of a difference for me at least. Douglas show us how anybody is using "fear tactics" against you? Maybe it was a miss-communication and I would be more than happy to Iron things out with you. Your more than welcome to register on SP site anytime like anybody else to state your case. You're more than welcome to use a lawyer to come sue us if you want. I invite you to come after me first. I think the legal system in America is for the most part a perfect way to settle such cases. I don't think you understand that we're trying to help you bro, in seeing if you have any validity to your name. Douglas we're not doing anything wrong. When you step out into the public people have a right to look into you to confirm your claims which then gives you more validity. Not only do people have a right to do it but no one has done anything wrong in doing so. If your upset that people found out your a total fraud, I get that but in all respect (I feel like a motivational speaker) your to blame not the person who found out your a fraud. What you should be doing is providing evidence that your not but your not providing evidence because you are a fraud. The fact that you would want to get lawyers on people instead of actually proving them wrong just emphasizes how much of a fraud you are. Douglas didn't you say you prove things by "showing results", I now mirror that statement back at you bro. Give us evidence that refutes our facts about you. Douglas about the "annihilation" video you were in, I have to say I was disgusted when I heard the statements I heard in the video. For you being someone that's out in the public to say such things is just horrible. I wouldn't want you giving me a lecture let alone working for me. Nobody says such things as to wanting to "eradicate their enemies" or calling another human being "useless waste of skin" in casual conversation without having a few screws loose themselves. The fact that you made a video about at which you apologized and then began to get upset at the individuals who found the audio piece really shows that you really didn't mean it and your only really upset because you have been found out as someone who has strong desires for violence and would be more than happy to eradicate his enemies rather than trying to help them in a peaceful manner. "Back to the Skeptic Project crew, it's obvious that no act of contrition will satisfy you people. Maybe you should look up the word 'forgiveness."I disagree, I have just welcomed you to join the SP site to prove your case. I'm not sure what SP would be "forgiving" you on? SP stated the truth with facts and you get upset, how does "forgiveness" come into anything for SP. "In all reality, what have I ever done to you?""In all reality, what have I ever done to you?". SP has done nothing but question your credibility and for some reason your obviously upset at someone questioning that. "Have I ever attacked you, slandered you, made it my personal life work to ruin whatever you do? No, I have not.""Have I ever attacked you, slandered you, made it my personal life work to ruin whatever you do?" No one here has "attacked you, slandered you, made it my personal life work to ruin whatever you do". Everything said has been facts brought up through investigative work but if you want to refute the evidence your welcome to join SP site to do so. In the past their have been SP members who have been attacked by these individuals giving out cell phone numbers, addresses, making blogs about them but since typically SP members don't claim to be changing the world, we're not really in the publics eyes unless in this case somebody wants us to be in the public eyes but when we're in the public eye no one really cares what we do since we don't use are credentials, or make outrageous claims to support our cause because we have no cause besides debunking CT's/cults. I suppose in the end nobody cares about SP members as much as the people/groups who get upset for SP debunking or validating their claims in the end. People may have a different look on SP but I see SP as a journalistic hobby in seeking the truth through the scientific method. As well as to inform people and validate and or debunk claims as needed. I don't think anybody has talked about the Venus Project at all recently to be honest, but you are correct that we do talk about Zeitgeist Movement as much as we talk about Alex Jones and Prison Planet, Desteni movement, health woo, David Ike and his Reptilian, I'm not even going to spout off 9/11 CT's, and among various other subjects. "In the regular world, you are the nutters, not me.". I doubt that. I suspect the reason you came upon TZM is to promote your outerspace fantasies because no one in your own realm was listening to you because they deemed you a oddball or as you say a "nutter". the funny thing is we talk about Alex Jones on here all the time and I've never once heard Alex Jones talk about suing his critics on some random nobody site, not one time. In saying that I think your nuttery than Alex Jones to be honest and just as much of a fraud which says a lot. To add to the pile, you do support putting moon bases on the moon bro, that by going to outerspace is good for the economy, and that mining asteroids is a better way to get our resources rather than mining them on planet earth. "Now if we could just get the government to commit to a real plan with a serious deadline, like building a Moon Base in 10 years. :)" http://thespaceadvocate.blogspot.com/2010/06/spacex-launch-afterthoughts.html "And to wrap things up, the lecture I'm giving has nothing to do with TZM or TVP. It is a technical lecture related to space exploration and global sustainability. That's it. Yes, TZM members have made it possible for me to go on this trip, and for that I'm grateful, but it does say a lot about you people, that you would try to shut ANYTHING down that has any connection to this distorted view you have."First of all your with TZM promoting your shtick. To say your not is silly because no other group out there would be desperate enough to support you besides TZM as they seem to be lacking in academic support department like always. We never shut anything down at all. When the Green Party shut you down it was their decisions not ours, to say other wise is wrong. Don't blame us for what those organizations did, it's not our fault they decided not to allow you to give a lecture not ours. If any future organization decides to shut down your lecture don't blame us it wasn't our choice to shut it down it was the organization itself. This just doesn't apply towards Douglas but towards anybody in general as well. "You have my pity, because such energy would be a lot better served if you actually got offline and went out into the world to help people."I appreciate your pity but I'm not sure how your helping anybody when you travel to Sweden. I would assume the best way to help people is to help yourself first, help your community second, and third let your action reflect that of what others do so it spreads. Not sure how your plant project that's not even monetarily efficient, and isn't even made by you is going to show or help the world at all but I could be wrong. I'm not sure how your horribly put together plant project will count as global sustainability let alone I'm not even sure how or why you would even give lectures upon such a incomplete not even in alpha stage farce. I'm still trying to grasp how " space exploration" as you claim to be giving a lecture on will help people. Douglas I think you should embrace and thank the Swedish press and SP instead of getting upset. This is nothing but a chance to prove your credibility or to prove your a fraud. Here is a link to SP registration I invite you to join and refute us as if you join we may also invite the Swedish press to join to along with others. http://skepticproject.com/site/register/ As of right now for me Douglas is a total fraud as well as he has a few screws loose in his head. SP likes to have journalistic equivalent to integrity of posts on this site most of the time, if you or others have a issue with SP then contact us about it directly by joining SP site and posting up your problem/s. | |||||
#33 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 10:41 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | ![]() | |||||
#34 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 13:58 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | I'm still laughing about Mallette thinking we subscribe to NWO/Luceferian/UN conspiracy theories. What a retard. | |||||
#35 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 17:51 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | You have my pity, because such energy would be a lot better served if you actually got offline and went out into the world to help people. Are we supposed to buy this holier than thou play? I'm not helping a lot of people, but I'm also not claiming that I am. If you think your idea will change the world for the better, start acting like a hero when it actually fucking does. I'm sick of people doing fuck all for society while telling others to be more charitable. | |||||
#36 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 18:24 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Not sure I understand. Does Mallette think people on this site dislike TZM/TVP because we think it's part of some silly New World Order plot? And if he does think this, has he not been to the actual site? I guess I don't understand how he confuses a site that debunks silly things like New World Order plots with one that believes in silly things like New World Order plots. | |||||
#37 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 21:30 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | 'Formal Reply to Allegations Against Me' Yea, he's a nut. | |||||
#38 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 21:42 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | I hesitated even junking up my blog with another Zeitgeist-related post but I thought I would provide my own response to the controversy. http://muertos.blog.com/2012/01/17/my-response-to-the-douglas-mallette-sweden-lecture-controversy/ I hope this clears the air about what the bloggers actually told the reporter and how this whole thing got started. Obviously I can only speak from my own experience. Now having seen the text of Mallette's responses, I'm fine with them. | |||||
#39 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Jan 17, 2012 - 22:35 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | Yea I have no will to say anything more about it, TBH. I started to write a response and just thought I was wasting my time. He's a nut in a small tin of other nuts even if he wants to appear as though he's not a nut. He got caught boasting his credentials, said some stupid things, and went full retard dealing with it. Party's over now. | |||||
#40 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jan 18, 2012 - 17:34 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I thought Douglas letter he made is a good idea. Now if someone wants to verify his claims they can get all of it in one shot. I was impressed on what a awesome job Justintempler did in James Kush comment section in taking a critical eye towards Mallette and I would like to invite Justintempler to register an account on SP site and contribute here. I'm a bit busy right now but when I'm done with my busy work I have to do here I'd like to post up in a separate topic what Justintempler has brought up about in James Kush blog about Douglas (or someone else could do it I don't mind but giver Justintempler credit if you do post them up he put a lot of work into it). In that maybe Douglas will look at this as a opportunity to answer the questions rather than getting upset and seeing the questions as a threat, libel, or slander. Justintempler brought up a lot of interesting points with facts, figures, math about Douglas Omega Volksgarden as well as how one becomes a system engineer and why one could be skeptical that Douglas would hold such a position with the degree he holds. | |||||
#41 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jan 19, 2012 - 05:52 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Just to close this down, here's a quick exchange about the strange NWO comments: "In your recent FB post, you link the actions of the supposed disinfo agents to 'conspiracy theory bunk, like Luciferian Cults, New World Order nonsense, UN Agenda 21, etc'. You do know that all of the people you mentioned spend their time refuting those theories, not spreading them. Right?" Doug's response: "My point is that they are obsessed with it, and try to unjustifiably link the Zeitgeist Movement to them as a means to attack us. They have done so in the past." | |||||
#42 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jan 19, 2012 - 09:46 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Quote from CyborgJesus Interesting, but I think most individuals on SP have been subjected to CT material by obsessed individuals "spreading the message" to the extent that eventually a person started a group or setup a site or did whatever to refute the CT based evidence using the scientific method. A good example of this is James Randi who eventually created a whole organization to debunk CT's, infomercial products, among other debunking. I don't think legitimate sites such as SP and James Randi are obsessed as much as sick and tired of CT's promoting their faith that's not based in the scientific method onto the masses without it being questioned for validity; which some some of the groups or people who promote such far out claims are for example David Ike people, Thrive Movement, Alex Jones, Destinian, TZM among others. http://www.randi.org/site/ However, I would say that Douglas may have a unhealthy obsession with outerspace to the extent that he may lie about his credentials or about anything else to support his outerspace agenda. When a persons main reason they got a degree is because of starwars one has to question their sanity as well as their obsession. that said, Douglas even having a degree is still in question as well as the jobs he had been involved with and position he held when it comes to the whole NASA thing. | |||||
#43 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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