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Forum - Australian TZM Member David Z upsets the leaders of TZM and TVP by writing Article called "Debunking The Venus Project" - Page 2

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The Burger KingPosted: Apr 22, 2013 - 21:05

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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Simon Cole, Brisbane Chapter Co-Coordinator, writes about the many problems within TZM. One of the problems he points out is that Peter had approved the TVP debunk article the Australian chapter wrote before they put it up in their magazine, but then later on how Peter wants that article ripped down. Simon Points out good points as to why Peter Joseph is the leader of TZM. Simons mentions Cliff of Canada chapter resigning from TZM as being a good person who left TZM because of all it's problems. This include a response from Jen Wilding who is a more prominent member and a global coordinator of TZM.

The issue That the article in Appeared in question was sighted - probably briefly - and Commended by Peter Joseph before publication, but after criticism from negative Receiving it, I Demanded immediate removal of the article within 24 hours or I would disassociate entertained by the Australian chapter.

This includes Jen Wildings comment in response to this statement, as well as El Brujo responds to Jen Wilding response.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.


2012 - 2013 TZMAu Crisis of Confidence Story


Simon Cole, Brisbane Chapter Co-Coordinator.

The Zeitgeist Movement in Australia burgeoned to approximately 12,000 volunteer / members a few years after the launch of the Movement in 2008. Over 4 years it Became one of many very active chapters around the world Advocating sustainability with almost every major city around the country hosting Including various promotional activities the local leg of TVP's World Lecture Tour, premiere screenings of Zeitgeist movies, Zdays, Zeitgeist Media Festivals and regulate monthly chapter meetings, and other actions. The Became Australian high-profile coordinators in the TZM Global-level structure and worked tirelessly for the Movement's goals. They adhered to and Contributed to development of the Movement's protocols. In this report I describe the crises of confidence in the Global administration of TZM by some of the core volunteers of the Australian Chapter That led to Their departure and the downsizing of the chapter at the end of 2012 as I experienced it as a Brisbane Chapter Co-coordinator.

City Chapters Appeared around Australia after the release of Addendum, With Most activity remarkable in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. The Sydney chapter ACTED as Coordinated national chapter by David Z, until Kari MacGregor joined forces in 2010. During this time, They provided support for chapter coordinators, newly-forming chapter volunteers and for project-team-leaders, activism and the promotion of sustainability. We Witnessed Their tireless Efforts and dedication. At no time were there complaints from Regarding volunteers coordination of the national chapter. The national coordinators always ACTED with calm, book, patience and 'professionalism'. However, lines of communication Between global, regional and national chapters were sometimes unclear and there was an apparent lack of direction due to inconsistencies and frequent reinventing of the wheel at city ​​chapter level. The national coordinators made valiant attempts The to Provide guidance to city ​​chapters to Compensate for this. It was unclear to this city chapter coordinator (at least) who populated the Global Chapter Administration or How They operated in terms of develop developing protocols (ie the Global Core Team) started until our national coordinators lifting the veil in early 2012

As 2012 progressed and the Australian national chapter coordinators took more Responsibility at the global level, it Became apparent diferencias That there were in administrative style emerging. The existing Global-level Administrators were accustomed to keeping high-level information about The membership and organization groups on a need-toknow basis. Reasons for this are unclear but possibly May They include a belief in it being more efficient and to protect Organisers from disruption by members of a distorted society. The Australian coordinators found this at odds With The trust-building ethos of the movement and Sought Greater transparency and accountability.

Problems with the Colombian chapter led to the setting in motion of an external chapter review, as per TZM protocols required to reach Rational Consensus. The Australian Chapter coordinator Conducted the review and found That, even before it was completed, Global Administrators disregarded the Rational Consensus process by stacking meetings and, far from Applying reason and reserving judgment, tended towards staff and emotional attacks on the Australian coordinator over the Colombian chapter review, aspects Of which were apparently not to Their liking. Eventually, however we, the GCA subsequently DECIDED unanimously to approve continuation of the Colombian chapter based on the review. The end crunch came after the publication of an article by one of the coordinators, of an article debunking The Venus Project in a 'myth-busting' themed issue of Spirit of the Times, a magazine produced and edited by the coordinators With The collaboration of many Geisters and non-Geisters. Over seven issues, it had put out a vast amount of valuable, wellresearched information and established its own readership inside and outside the Movement. While the magazine was made available on the TZMAu website, it is Essentially an independent project. Since the beginning of 2012, it has not borne any logos TZM, nor Stated that is it produced by TZM, it has only Referred to a loose coalition of sustainabilityoriented volunteers as contributors, compliers and producers. The issue That the article in Appeared in question was sighted - probably briefly - and Commended by Peter Joseph before publication, but after criticism from negative Receiving it, I Demanded immediate removal of the article within 24 hours or I would disassociate entertained by the Australian chapter.

This unilateral action by Peter Joseph is at Odds With His claim that 'TZM is what people personally make of it ', or That TZM is' leaderless'. Even though the Australian chapter, after an emergency meeting, Decided to Comply With The demand, the national coordinators were summarily cut off from all communication networks with Global-level administration, without consultation. The chapter website, however it, Remained linked to the global website.

Peter Joseph TZM regards as, to quote him Directly, 'a thought experiment', and 'the ultimate anti-institution '(Joe Rogan Show, Jan 2012). Unfortunately, Therefore, it is not That chapter coordinators find surprising starting from scratch Themselves When setting up a new chapter or harnessing the energy of new volunteers. This energy is dissipated soon, to Witnessed pattern time and time again. This results in the Movement's inertia and more recently, an exodus of talent, Cliff Faber of Vancouver being a case in point, not to mention members of chapters in other parts of the world like Spain and South America. The problems of dissipating energy and flagging memberships were addressed by Cliff in a letter to PJ on October 15, 2010, and Recognised by Numerous other volunteers more significant recently. Essentially, it pointed out the problems of pretending to be leaderless, When what is needed to harness the energy of Those inspired and motivated to build the Movement is a straight-forward, global corporate-like structure with the Time Dedication - not Money Dedication - values ​​and principles of the Movement at its heart. (For example, This would mean there would be no need for permanent TZM bank accounts.) However, Peter Joseph apparently prefers to intervene personally, to over-rule what people are making of 'his' movement, when it is not to his liking, or When he is erroneously held responsible for its / their activity. Perhaps it is not surprising That the challenges of building a global organization demand skills beyond the experience of a talented film-maker artist, but That was always the gamble of taking an Ideal or cause embodied in a documentary film into the reality of public action. If it can be Recognised That the choice of people in key positions who form the locus of Control early in the Movement's teething phase is crucial, and That They can Be Replaced as more experienced and capable people step forward, then there is hope for the Movement's future.
Especially What is unfortunate is how, so far, short-sightedness has squandered the opportunity to harness the inspiration of the greatest mass movement in history, for Which Rightly Peter can take credit. One can only hope That the Movement gets a second chance, and Takes it. However, it seems, more likely now That a broad coalition of like-minded Movements will carry forward the cause of sustainability, With TZM Among them, rather than leading them.

Simon Cole

Queensland / Brisbane 2009-2012 Chapter Co-coordinator

11 February, 2013


Reviewer: jenwild -  - February 25, 2013 
Subject: Biased, Limited Viewpoint 

Offensive and non-official TZM material being circulated as official on a TZM chapter website will warrent a request for voluntary removal. As in this case (Main Australia Website), if, after the request is made, the chapter decides it wishes to keep the offensive or unofficial material on its site - it has the option to doso, but simply will not be linked as a portal representing an official chapter.

In the case of Australia, several coordinators were upset at the request and refused cooperation with it. It should be noted that a small group of coordinators in Australia

1) were highly critical of TZM activism as defined by the existing chapter's guide and wished to alter it prior to this event, without success

2) were disrespectful in their use of Peter Joseph's personal name to promote a slander article about TVP without Peter's approval or permission and they used a chapter newsletter to put one coordinator's personal rant/slander material against another organization out as if it were supported by all of TZM (which it isn't)- this is activity contrary to TZMs purpose as defined in the TZM chaper's guide

3) refused to remove the material when Peter, backed by other chapters/members, requested it

4) are leaving official volunteer positions of the movement BY THEIR OWN CHOICE, and not by demand of Peter or anyone else in the movement

5) Are now using this event as a means to attempt to discredit the movement overall, and stir additional drama among TZM (and TVP) activists 

Please note: some of the now-former Australian coordinators have created their own non-profit organizations/projects that actively seek volunteers or project funding from TZM / TVP supporters by posing as a preferred alternative RBE focused organization/projects. These projects are unrelated to TZM or TVP. 

TZM Australian Chapter

True TZM awareness activism is still going on in Australia. New coordinator contacts will surface in time via the standard application process and the global network communication will be reinstated as soon as possible. 

For information on 'top secret' TZM procedures as pulled together from TZM Global Administration over four years, visit:

jenwild (USA Coord)

Reviewer: El Brujo -  - February 26, 2013 
Subject: Refutal based on evidences of previous comment from jenwild 

I personally and completely deny jenwild allegations (dated 25/02/2013), and much less her subject and points referring as: "Biased, Limited Viewpoint", also as "Offensive and non-official TZM material", to the uploaded report from Simon Cole, who legitimately was a recognised Australian Chapter Coordinator for TZM (subject in question). Furthermore, I have published and translated this document after reviewing and witnessed abuses with overwhelming 
EVIDENCES from other (now) former "TZM official coordinators" published here: >>>here: <<< , >>> and here: <<<;
as refuting every single one of the 5 points written by jenwild with those evidences.

The intention of this publication was not to diminish anyone in particular, or the entire TZM as a whole, but instead to rise questions -based on the evidences presented- to challenge the actual Global Core Team and global Chapter administration, their protocols in a more public, open arena, with respect and free-speech basis, bringing about solutions and clear stands within a transparent platform. 

Please admins of simply read the tenor of respect as how this report was written. Also, I would appreciate if it is NOT removed, to allow rational consensus and critical analysis of all parties involved for the betterment of the same TZM. Thank you. Yours sincerely. 

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#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 22, 2013 - 22:06

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant.
b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor
c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter.
d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos

In this TS3 discussion Gilbert threatens Kari on kicking them out of TZM. Kari saying that Gilbert should not be able to make decisions because he's not following TZM's protocol. Gilbert threatening Kari on kicking her out of TZM. Kari saying that Gilbert should not be able to make decisions because he's not following TZM's protocol.

Kari mentions with the chat to Gilbert as to how the Colombian chapter has breached any protocols.

Contains audio recording of Gilbert getting upset and being a tyrant.

Contained is a audio recording of Gilbert. Gilbert says that they should not have anything to say about any protocol. Gilbert basically says if people have a problem with anything to go away, start your own movement and he's not willing to discuss the issues anymore because it's a waist of f#$$%3ing time because someone always has to b!7ch about something. That people need to go F354off and do there own thing, that's the new policy. Gilbert also admits TZM has leaders and a structure within the audio. The Colombian members of TZM noted that TZM is never active and never answers his e-mail. I couldn't believe how rude Gilbert was in the meeting. Gilbert tried to confuse the Colombians by saying it's a leaderless movement but we have leaders.

Gilbert admits he's been inactive for 5 months, yet can make decisions.

<13:06:21> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i have been inactive for 5 months

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.


Edited recorded coneversation on TS3 between Gilbert and El Brujo, within an informal conversation with Latin American chapters and participants. The key of the query was about if the Zeitgeist Movement was working in reality within a general consensus mainframe.
Full recording


Background: Latin American chapters were holding a meeting to discuss the future of the Colombian chapter. Gilbert was present to observe. I asked a couple of questions regarding universal application of protocol (because I was told that the Colombian chapter was under scrutiny due to some Facebook pages, yet the same treatment would not be applied to the Global Facebook pages as "Facebook is irrelevant" - Gilbert's words). Gilbert called me into a private chat in which he told me to keep out of the issue. I shared with the others in the chat-bar a direct copy of what Gilbert had said to me (without saying where the comment came from or that it was private) and Gilbert summoned me back to private chat. The following is the conversation we had, from the beginning - although missing the final 5 minutes as I didn't manage to save it in time :-(

Gilbert threatening Kari.

<13:01:04> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": do that again.. and its over. you dont share private comms in public
<13:01:17> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": thats the rudest thing ever
<13:01:21> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Gilbert - why is it private?
<13:01:27> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i pirvated it to you
<13:01:28> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": And why are you threatening me?
<13:01:30> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": dont discuss wigth me
<13:01:42> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ive had it... david also gave me nonsense last night
<13:01:47> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": party is over
<13:01:48> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": excuse me - why can I not dicsuss this?
<13:01:56> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": What is this "party" you refer to?
<13:02:01> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": because alll thats coming from the epople here currently is noise
<13:02:10> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": what do you define as "noise"?
<13:02:20> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I have asked for evidence and protocol.
<13:02:25> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": objecting to everything and anything
<13:02:29> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I have asked for protocol to be applied universally.
<13:02:34> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": you knwo where the protocols are
<13:02:34> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": That is all.
<13:02:37> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": no
<13:02:41> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": you know what i aid
<13:02:48> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": what are you alluding to?
<13:02:48> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": share anything i said to you in private
<13:02:52> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": and you are banned..
<13:02:57> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": done deal
<13:02:58> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Why are you threatening me?
<13:03:00> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": im not
<13:03:05> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": What does anyone gain from that?
<13:03:06> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": im swiping things clean
<13:03:15> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": pointless discussions gone
<13:03:17> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": enough
<13:03:18> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": )O
<13:04:31> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Gilbert - I don't understand the probem with GCA representation in this matter. It is a matter of concern to the whole GCA. I have asked that protocol be applied universally.
<13:04:41> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I would not be behaving with integrity if I did not ask this.
<13:04:54> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ok
<13:04:56> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": kari
<13:05:01> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ill do this once..
<13:05:06> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": lets discuss the matter
<13:05:09> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Do what?
<13:05:14> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": what protocol are you doubting about?
<13:05:20> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": and whatd o you think is wrong here?
<13:05:27> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I am not doubting protocol. I am asking that it be followed to the letter.
<13:05:42> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ok what is the specific doubt?
<13:05:46> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Can it be demonstrated point by point how TZM Colombia are in breach of protocol.
<13:05:54> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": This needs to be reported properly.
<13:06:03> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": And it needs to consult the GCA.
<13:06:03> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ask them... i dont know what they are doing exactly.. im sitting in.. to check
<13:06:13> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Why don't you know what's going on?
<13:06:14> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i know miguel sanctioned the response int his meeting
<13:06:21> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i have been inactive for 5 months
<13:06:31> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Why did Miguel sanction that response without consultation with the GCA?
<13:07:29> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": we dont need a uniform decision.. by the team.. just by protocol.. so i think he checked the protocols and recognised the error.. if you want.. we can ask them in english.. what the problem exaclty is..
<13:07:34> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": again i dont really know
<13:07:46> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": im not defending their decision either.. i was just talking to james
<13:08:54> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": so there lies the answer.. if you want to know.. whether this is happening rightfully.. just ask them
<13:09:46> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I have been following this for some time.
<13:09:56> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I quote from protocol: #4. Removal of a coordinator A coordinator can be "removed" from their position by their own resignation, or by intervention of the global chapters administration or upper-tier coordinator. Intervention from the global chapters administration or upper-tier chapter coordinator, can originate via a well-founded complaint by a member, or the simple routine analysis performed by the chapters administration. Each situation will be handled on a per-case basis, as in all situations there is a vast array of potential variables and influences. Please note that after intervention by the global chapters administration for the removal of a particular coordinator, in the absence of imediate voluntary replacement, the process applied to the chapter is the same as that described in point 2.a.
<13:10:05> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": This needs to be evidenced
<13:10:19> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Nowhere does it say that a single GCA member can take a unilateral decision
<13:11:37> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": im still team head.. and will sanction it.. if its well founded.. i dont know atm
<13:11:59> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": And this from the chapter protocol: #4. Removal of a coordinator A coordinator can be "removed" from their position by their own resignation, or by intervention of the global chapters administration or upper-tier coordinator. Intervention from the global chapters administration or upper-tier chapter coordinator, can originate via a well-founded complaint by a member, or the simple routine analysis performed by the chapters administration. Each situation will be handled on a per-case basis, as in all situations there is a vast array of potential variables and influences. Please note that after intervention by the global chapters administration for the removal of a particular coordinator, in the absence of imediate voluntary replacement, the process applied to the chapter is the same as that described in point 2.a.
<13:12:03> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": the protocols were made by miguel and myself.. if we missed a point.. we will add it
<13:12:19> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Why do you have the power to make a unilateral final decision
<13:12:32> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": particularly when you say you do not know the background of this case?
<13:12:44> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": like i said.. im not doing anything without info
<13:13:03> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": ive been managing the chapters for 4 years
<13:13:10> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i know what to do and whent o do it
<13:13:19> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": It is not stipulated in the protocols that you have the ultimate dxecision - it says the GCA does - inferring the whole GCA, not juts an individual or a fee select individuals
<13:13:23> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": its judgemtent by experience
<13:13:34> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": What happened to rational consensus and following protocol?
<13:15:00> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Gilbert - any breach of protocol on the part of a coordinator is an abuse of position. I will hold you accountable.
<13:15:12> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": it also says upper tier coordinator
<13:15:19> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": which is waht i am to the GCA
<13:15:24> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": im the team head
<13:15:34> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i was sure this was built in
<13:15:53> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": So explain to me how it came to be that you have the power to make a decision that informed members of your team disagree with and that goes against protocol.
<13:15:54> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": Please.
<13:16:16> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i set up this whole system... i sanctioned the officialisation of the colombia chapter
<13:16:18> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": and ifffffff
<13:16:21> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": and i say if
<13:16:24> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": because i dont know yet
<13:16:33> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": they have a solid ground to deofficialise
<13:16:38> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i will take it down again
<13:17:01> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": So what is the content of the report on which you are basing your decision?
<13:17:08> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": what decision?
<13:17:14> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i havent made any decision
<13:17:18> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i told you like 6 times
<13:17:21> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": The decision you have said you will make in relation to the Colombian chapter
<13:17:32> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": when did i say i made one?
<13:17:46> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": I don't see that as consistent with what you said before.
<13:18:07> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": please refer... i think i have been quite explicit as to the fact i havent made any decision so far
<13:18:17> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": but Pleaseee.. link whatever made you hink so
<13:18:22> "Kari TZM AU/Asia-Pacific": So what is your position at present?
<13:19:27> "Gilbert- Global Chapters Admin": i have none, but i have reason to believe from the information given that the deofficialisation is justified.. i havent made my mind up though


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#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 23, 2013 - 18:52

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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El Brujo TZM constructive criticism proposals for TZM linguistics team and TZM positions proposals. El Brujo introduces within these proposals the concept of democracy and being able to elect and electric out people within tier positions. Brujo also mentions how disorganized the TZM linguistic team is and how their isn't really a lot of translators actually translating work.

There was a proposal to change the TZM chapter protocol which the proposal are to chapter protocol and coordination protocol. These documents protocol proposals are very revealing as the proposals expose what structure TZM clearly lacks within those areas as well as how unorganized TZM is when under the guidance of Peter and Gilbert.

I particularly like the proposal to rotate coordinators among other positions. In these proposals in indicates several times tiers of positions within TZM at which have to much power.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.


Please, add your suggestions but DO NOT erase/delete or change anything written by other participants, so everyone's perspectives and suggestions are respected, whist it is possible to refer to what was done before. Just add your suggestions besides, in another paragraph, but with another color highlight.

I strongly suggest to thoroughly read in advance, the main page " Newbie's Guide" of the Spanish Linguistic team on: Please , try to be brief and concise, using the "critical thinking" and do not forget to add your 'Nick' and date between parenthesis at the end of each suggestion. Thank you very much -

(Brujo, 21-01-11)

NOTICE: the following, is in no way a condemnation to the work and contribution of the current coordinators and participants. On the contrary, we deeply thank and recognize their dedication and organization, despite of the tremendous pressure they have to stand with the recent "tsunami" of new people, the "ZMF" translation and the proximity of the New year and Holidays period.

>> PROPOSAL: to propose an structured revision and expansion plan of the Spanish Linguistic team such as:
a) points suggestion to be added to the actual "Qs & As", expanding the current " Newbie's Guide" on:
b) to distribute other relevant discussion points and analysis through another web pages of the Spanish Linguistic team, according to relevance of the topics.

>> PLANNING: this is just an "hypothesis" or a "Working Plan". In light of an undeniable ZM + activism growth, collaborators, etc; I believe it is necessary to anticipate some Spanish LT structural reinforcements , minimizing some current difficulties and hidden dangers that may arise in later time. The aim of this working plan is to stimulate a greater participation and suggestions from all translators and proofreaders (PRs), in a synergic approach, to be added to the existing website for the Spanish LT. In this way, everyone who is makingn contributions with their own valuable time and love for the translations and PRs work, plus the new participants who continue to approach us, will know -step-by-step- all the process involved in our work. So, we will maximize benefits in terms of quality (as priority), speed of translations & PRs (avoiding lengthy delays); and minimizing any chance of wasted or surplus work among translators & PRs that cooperate in Spain, Latin America or any other Spanish-spoken country.

Doubts elimination: by a simple access to common consultations. In this way, all explanations are clear, ordinate, and available for all participants in a permanent way. Also, the need from coordinators to have to repeat over and over again the same explanations will be avoided, no matter if they are verbal or written, for those that are late or were not able to access the online meetings. In addition, all possible risk of misunderstandings will be avoided, or perhaps those same participants having to insist requesting extraordinary meetings with coordinators.

Approach of all Spanish and Latin American countries -without exceptionworking on teams, through group consultations with decisions clearly defined by the group; avoiding further formation of translators & PRs. sub-groups outside of the "official" ZM LT. In addition, duplication or multiplication of films and texts are minimized, avoiding confusions and misunderstandings by syntax's linguistic mistakes for the public in general.

Distribution: in a more efficient way of tasks for TZM & TVP by a priority set, as listed in: through task-concentration and break-up in groups through lists, tables, or any other available tool, etc.

Harmony: encouraged between participants, giving incentive to participation and mutual co-operation, based in redundancy, available for all participants together with the coordinators.

Redundancy (replacements) , applying a rotating system: a) in all levels, including coordinators as well as sub-coordinators such as translation, Prs.- distribution tasks, in accordance to each linguistic level and time availability for each participant. b) in translators and PRs, in this way, the risk of work-overload (for 'a' and 'b') will be alleviated. Also, the exclusion of those new who wish to participate in some way in translations and PRs. will be also avoided. The main benefits will be workflow and continuity , without stopping translations or final PRs. for those translations that since a long time are on a waiting list or as a priority. In addition, those that are "in a hurry" are going to be discouraged on doing so, even for those that (with some justification) believe that some translations are way too delayed, have decided to take on their own that task, creating a chaotic situation or a hindrance to the "official' Spanish LT work with other versions available for the public domain.

Transparency of activities, by the "critical thinking" objectivity, through surveys to all translators and PRs involved. Answer anticipation, responding to all possible FAQs, as mentioned above. Thus, avoidance of question repetitions by the 'new' and 'old' participants, possible misunderstandings, confusions, etc. All this is possible instead of having to wait to formulate these questions of the Spanish LT on Team Speak (TS) periodically, whereas often many days have to be waited for, when the time available is also limited due to international variations , participant excesses or absences for reasons beyond their control, or by other priorities that may leave many questions without answers. So, if a ZM participant/activist needs to be absent, he/she still will have access to that information on the SLT, on the Qs & As. and to be able to check them in their own time. If further queries or the need of further clarifications arise, then the coordinators will respond to them.

Avoidance of "unknown" participants, through a clear description/chart of the group coordinator for Spanish. Names (or Nicks') and tasks of each, published on lists available to everyone, named by each Spanish-speaking country. Additionally, names of other -possiblecoordinators of the SLT in other countries.

Selection criteria , for participants experience-level determination. Who decides upon such criteria?

Responsible people for final PRs on film and texts. Who are they? Indentify individuals or groups. Thus, everyone knows who are responsible according to the experience level, ensuring transparency and peace of mind of final works.

Teams: determination of individuals involved in translations and PRs. Works.

Number: determination of individuals involved just on PRs. works for final

Extraordinary Meetings , may be needed among proofreaders (PRs) of all (Spanish) countries, to co fraternize and to get to know each other, to discuss linguistic aspects in common, possible difficulties, tasks, etc.

Prioritize , translations and PRs tasks on lists, according to the Linguistic Wiki on:

Ongoing tasks , translations and PRs tasks on lists, for access viewing to everyone.

Pending Issues , to be discussed in forums, TS, and GG mail. Some examples:

What is happening with the Activisty Orientation Guide? Any more PRs needed on top of the ones already done? Let's say: there are 3 or 4 PRs with suggestions already (in Pootle)...what is next? WHO and HOW they do the "final" revision? What is going on with the definite PR of "Addendum"? Is in fact another PR going ahead? When? Who are participating? (I never got a clear answer about this!...) What is the reason of so much delay? , when there are so many new people (after watching "ZMF"), logically would like to watch the previous PJ's films. So, what is the way out of this dilemma is the original 'author' who placed it in DotSub 1st. cannot be found? Are we going to leave it just like that?

Is the new Pootle 2.0 ready to be used? When can we start practicing with it? The old one is too slow, and often hangs.

Other issues: (please, write here any suggestions, or pending topics you would like to be considered).

Surveys: about finished (the most relevant) translation works applying a "critical thinking" process, giving way to an active participation, criticism and corrections about: general coordination, methodology, communication, participation among all Spanish-speaking countries, translations, syntax, modes, localisms, etc. to the most significant translation works done. (i.e. most recent films)

Incentive: to all participants, to participate with suggestions, within a creative and integrative framework, without blindly accepting anything 'established'; and to ask on TS or in any other group meeting if further queries remain in respect to any topic.

Estrangement , of potential division among ZM activists: there are people that -in parallel- are already doing translations of films and texts in Spanish without consultation with the SLT. Here questions arise: why is this happening?, if there are people that are unhappy with the current SLT...why is this?, are there special exceptions?...So, what is the sense of the work done by the "official" SLT, if other people are doing this on their own and later (as an example) they upload those works on YouTube, Dotsub?. This kind of parallel activity are an open door for further confusions, being released to the public domain without being labeled as "official" by the ZM. These very same people do other translations of texts and share them among friends, in Google Docs., etc. Suggestion: perhaps an 'extraordinary' meeting with the "older" participants will be needed to discuss with Ray (G-man), Vixi, etc. regarding the people involved or somehow 'responsible', trying to unify energies to determine and to minimize the issue. In case this case has been addressed earlier, I would strongly suggest to re-organize another meeting, including those new participants that may be noticing the same problem.

Education to the existing and new members about the reasons of the need to work only within the SLT, avoiding parallel translations.

>> CONCLUSION: encouragement of all SLT participants about the need of a combinedunconditional participation, where their shared love, time and energy within the ZM-SLT, of not being dissipated or fragmented; but rather unified instead, through a growing synergy effect.

(Brujo, 21-01-11)


TEXT BACKUP RECOVERY (El Brujo - 03-04-2012)


**** Please comment OBJECTIVES. If no alternative or better suggestions,
share with your ID and date, without deleting anything. Thanks ******

Chapters protocol

Coordination Protocol:

Points of interest:

1.3 - Chapter tiers
Original: +1

a) Chapters administration - Composed of international coordinators
Propuesta 1: +1-1

a) Chapters administration - Composed of chapter coordinators from all the chapters that want to participate. The meetings of the chapters administration must be open, but well moderated.

b) Chapter administration -

Criteria Basis: must be similar as stipulated on (#2. Coordination Requirements), based on a world-wide consensual "horizontal and holographic" structure. A "TZM International Board" (or any other name may deemed to be necessary) may needed to be conformed by all possible international chapter coordinators to elect the Chapter-admin and global coordinator candidates.

Election-time periods : (i.e. each 1, 2, 3 years, etc) where the participants are from each major country chapters (i.e. each country chapter from Europe, USA, Latin America, Australia, etc), must be clearly defined allowing a reasonable time preparation, to the event that internal discussions related to ballots can take place from TZM activists on each country.

Ballot methods : to be applied, those must be clearly defined in a transparent way worldwide(i.e. online with proposed Chapter admin names where each country coordinator, after consultation -or internal ballot- places his/her vote by suggesting the proposed candidates).

Ballot process : must be consensual and available for general public viewing (but only chapter coordinators for each country are able to place the vote).

Code of Conduct: must be respected on TZM ethical principles, allowing consensual reviewprocess of all international chapter coordinators in case of misconduct or serious allegations.

Conflict of interests: their potential must be minimized when selecting individuals as
TZM chapter's admins in order to avoid any chance of human resources (and volunteers) manipulation that may favor other institutions, political, philosophical, religious organizations, businesses, etc. that may slow down or be detrimental for TZM's activism.

Administrative rights scope: their powers on IRC chats (i.e. TeamSpeak3, official website, Forum Moderation, etc) must abide by the specific existing Protocols in place, but subject to approval of the TZM International Board, who may decide to overturn any (chapter-admin individual) decisions if there are sufficient ground to do so. In any case decision making processes should become 'excessive' to the point of becoming a bureaucratic hindrance for the speedy flow of TZM's activism at all levels.

Decision making processes: any chapter-admin or global coordinator or co-coordinator should not be allowed to be the only responsible one alone. Critical decisions must be dealt in consultation with international chapter coordinators prior these implementations take place (i.e. creation or removal from TZM of any "official" Linguistic Team, change of IRC chat servers, change or removal of website international Forums, 'key' web pages creation, further protocol revision/changes, etc).

Transparency: those processes must be published (i.e. email to activists, official and chapter websites, etc, through communication channels clearly defined) available for all activist perusal.

Redundancy & reviews: allowance for replacement criteria in case of absences, workload alleviate/distribution; and review processes to be implemented in case of suspicious cases, failures or loopholes on the chapter admin decision implementation.

Complaints management: although transparency must be allowed, discretion is also required for issues, failures or misconduct cases that may arise with chapter-admins. All complaints -at this level- must be handled by the "TZM International Board" as follows:

Lodgement: "where and how" (i.e. a Form must be publicly available on the official TZM website)- If it is a 'general' complaint, can be dealt by the chapter-admins themselves; whereas if it is related to any chapter administrator or a chapter-admin individual, must be directed to the TZM International Board.

Handling & Investigation: processes must be clarified in a similar manner as specified further below...(revise & complete).....................

Consultation: with all possible international chapter coordinators and people involved in the complaints or issues.

Decision, appeal process & disciplinary remedial actions: must only be dealt at TZM International Board level, based on TZM's ethical principles.

Legal: because of potential hidden risks -at local and International levels-, whereas misconduct of chapter-admin individuals, conflict of interests, political, copyright breaches, etc. may occur, there is a need to stress on abiding by each local country and international Law systems to prevent human errors, complications, unlawful misconduct or sabotages that may be detrimental to TZM. To that effect, strong emphasis must be placed in those candidates about their general cultural level, life experience, social interaction or "people's skills", moderation capacity, realistic time availability for TZM activism, coordination experience, adaptation and -most importantly- unbiased point of view analysis capability. Professional legal background and backup may be relevant as TZM grows...(revise & complete).....................

OBJECTIVES & BENEFITS: ...(To show the positive side in changing these protocols)

Approach of all global chapters working on teams, through group consultations with coordinators and chapter admins on consensual decisions clearly defined by all; avoiding further conflicts because of differences in philosophical approach.

Incentives: for all to participate within a creative and integrative framework, without blindly accepting anything "established from the top". So, this framework provides the incentive to ask questions in respect to any topic that may be unclear.

Distribution: in a more efficient way of tasks for TZM of all coordinators and chapteradmins world-wide through task-concentration.

Transparency: the "critical thinking" approach will be encouraged while applying objectivity through periodical surveys to all TZM activists about chapter admin and coordinators performances. In addition, all possible FAQs, will be on web pages, accessible to everyone, to avoid repetitions. In addition, all possible risk of misunderstandings or distortions will be avoided, or perhaps those same participants having to insist requesting extraordinary meetings with coordinators and chapter-admins.

Harmony: encouraged between TZM participants at all levels of responsibilities, giving incentive to participate in mutual co-operation, based in redundancy, available for all while avoiding wearing out energies from any individuals. Therefore, we are all responsible on a same level.

...(revise & complete).....................

CONCLUSION: ..........(WHY IT IS IMPERATIVE TO IMPLEMENT THESE CHANGES) Encouragement of all TZM activists to get involved at all chapter-admin and coordination levels whenever possible, even to open new chapters. This encourages further combined-unconditional participation plus suggestions than can be of a great benefit. Thus, all shared love, time and energy within TZM will no longer be ignored, dissipated or fragmented; but unified instead, through a growing synergy effect within an horizontal and holographic framework world-wide.

(Brujo, 21/03/12)

Please comment **** OBJECTIVES. If no alternative or better suggestions, share with your ID and date, without deleting anything. Thanks ******

 # 3. Criteria for removal of official status (I suggest that this title should be clarified because can lead to misinterpretations. It should define what is or is not "official" MZ)

(Brujo, 21/03/12)


Please comment **** OBJECTIVES. If no alternative or better suggestions, share them with your ID and date, without deleting anything. Thanks ******
# 3. Criteria for removal of official status (I suggest that this title should be clarified because it can lead to misinterpretations. Should define what is or is not "official" MZ)
Each situation is Analyzed in a per case basis by the coordinator (s) Directly responsible for the tier above, for example:
Analysis of a city chapter is made by the coordinator (s) of the region where its situated
Analysis of a regional chapter is made?? By the coordinator (s) of the country / chapter where it is situated
Analysis of a national chapter is made by the global administration chapters who wrote this? Please clarify
Proposal 1: +1 +1
The situation is Analyzed by the coordinator (s) Directly responsible for the tier above, And Also active members of the tier above (excluding the members of the chapter subject to removal). The members of the chapter subject to removal can Participate in the discussion but They Can not take part in the decision.
For example, the analysis of a subchapter is made?? By the coordinator (s) of the chapter where it is situated and Also by the active members of the chapter (excluding the members of the subchapter subject to removal; They Can Participate in the discussion but They Can not take part in the decision).
The situation is analyzed by the / the coordinator / s directly responsible for the top layer, and so active members of the upper layer (excluding members of the chapter subject to disposal). Chapter members subject to removal can participate in the discussion but can not take part in the decision.
For example, analysis of a subchapter (subchapter) is done by coordinators chapter where it is located and also the chapter members (excluding members of subchapter subject to removal, can participate in the discussion, but they can not take sides in decision).
Proposal healthy discarded by Turns the desired goal:
The situation is willing Analyzed by every active member Zeitgeist, the final decision is made by the coordinators and active members of the chapters of the tier (s) above.
Proposal 2: -1
For example, analysis of a chapter Chapter coordinators perform superior chapter members also deleted. The decision depends only on the chapter coordinators and members of the upper layer.
The analysis is performed by a field coordinators members and higher level. The decision will be open to members in question, but depends only on the chapter members and coordinators of the top layer.
# 4. The process of chapter review
In simpler terms, the process of chapter review is Generally a routine check of a chapter Given Described based upon the criteria above in points # 2 and # 3. Such review is Carried out by a coordinator who is responsible específicamente For such tasks in a chapter. The process of chapter review May be triggered by issues Perceived via observation, complaints, and / or reports.
Upon entering the process of chapter review the coordinator will take the Following steps:
Proposal 1:
In simpler terms, the process of chapter review is Generally a routine check of a Given chapter. Such review is Carried out by the coordinators and active members of the chapter. The process of chapter review May be triggered by issues Perceived via observation, complaints, and / or reports.
Upon entering the process of chapter review the Following steps will be taken:
# 2. Coordination Requirements
These Processes Following Requirements and approval apply only to chapter coordinators and team overall. A project manager needs only to create and manage a special project approved.
For someone who volunteers to assume the role of coordination is required the Following:
History of good conduct and respect for the protocols
Have read the coordination protocol
Be interviewed, reviewed, and approved by the coordination Directly responsible for the chapter
Be interviewed, reviewed, and approved by the active members of the tier responsible for the chapter
Explicit agreement by the volunteer to respect and abide by the rules of conduct and Movement protocols
Coupled With These Requirements, to assume Could coordinator Given Their role in the Following ways:
(A) When no coordinator exists, They are selected via rational consensus of the active chapter members and approval of the upper-tier active members. The approval can not be denied Unless the selection of a specific coordinator is against the aims and basic agreements of TZM.
(B) When a coordinator or a team of coordinators already exists the approval of a volunteer for the role of coordinator is by consensus of the team.
(B) When a coordinator or a team of coordinators already exists, the approval of an adittional coordinator must follow the same rules above.
(C) Intervention of the overall administration chapters to upper-tier or chapter coordinator (in case it includes the removal of a pre-existing coordinator).
In order to Maintain the status of a coordinator it is Necessary to:
- Respect and Comply With The coordination protocol in a consistent Manner
- Respect the rules of conduct
- When required reports Provide
- Represent and / or representation in meetings where Facilitate Presence is required
Failure to Adhere to any of the aforementioned points will lead to the coordinator being placed "under trial" and Analyzed by the Individual (s) Directly responsible for the region in Which the chapter is located. This analysis May Come from the chapter members who contact the upper tier coordinator of the region (or chapters overall administration), or a routine check Carried out by the aforementioned.
Failure to Adhere to any of the aforementioned points will lead to the coordinator being placed "under trial" and Analyzed by the active members of the region in Which the chapter is located.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Original document:
Place in Forum:
The methodology is actually living the original text and proposals. Make your suggestions in the first place in the forum for everyone to see, review and discuss them. Later included on the pad in the corresponding section. Please explain your best writing and voice discuss it if they can avoid writing.
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PROPOSAL Cristian (Chile)
1. Chapters in the Zeitgeist Movement:
The Zeitgeist Movement has built a structure organized into chapters to facilitate dissemination of the Zeitgeist Movement towards a resource based economy, as well as the flow of information among activists.
1. Chapters MZ:
The MZ has built a structure organized into chapters (linguistic or geographical) to carry out the means to get an EBR, as well as facilitate communication between equipos.-1 (not making unnecessary changes) (-1 linguistics is a working not a chapter Cristian (Chile) or chapters refer to spoken language?)
1. A Chapter in the Zeitgeist Movement.
MZ has built a structure organized into chapters to facilitate collective activism an organized manner, and the flow of information on a wide variety of members. -1
================================================== ======================
1.1 Definition:
A chapter is defined as a group of active members of the Zeitgeist Movement in a region it serves and works as a faithful representation of the Movement in their respective regions.
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PROPOSAL Cristian (Chile)
1.1 Definition:
A chapter is defined as a group of active people Zeitgeist Movement in a region it serves and works as a representation of the Movement in their respective regions.
A chapter is a group of activists in a geographic region or linguistic represents the MZ. There are several areas of chapters: by continent, by country, by region, etc ... -1 (no unnecessary changes) (+1 to add linguistics) (-1 linguistics is a team not a chapter Cristian (Chile) )
1.1 Definition:
A chapter is defined as a group of active members of the Zeitgeist Movement in a geographic region or particular language works and functions as a faithful representation of the Movement in their respective regions.
1. Chapters of the Zeitgeist Movement:
The Zeitgeist Movement (MZ) is organized into chapters covering some activists from geographical or linguistic area. +1-1
The Zeitgeist Movement is organized internally and with each other through chapters comprising activists of a certain geographical or linguistic.
As well as the information flow relative / relevant to a wide range of members.
(Original gives the idea of ​​facilitating communication. This document is intended to facilitate the organization to facilitate all communication included). (Outperforms previous writing it).
I would prefer not to use the word relative, rather relevant to members (ie members a range of limited I think)
understood as activism? propose to be the set of all actions necessary to carry out an EBR in a given territory)
Definition of activist is requested? proposal: all the actions necessary to achieve overall EBR. Activist definition does not fit in this section, perhaps not in this document.
The function of a chapter is to create and maintain a work environment, communication, information and resource sharing, mutual support and promotion oriented activism (in function of achieving EBR) according to the guidelines set forth in mission Zeitgeist Movement . It also has the function of a part of the overall structure of the movement to integrate projects, information, and creation of the conditions necessary to promote a EBR in a territory together determinadoy activism to a level above this.
The truth of the understandings I look deeper, I think the understandings that are the reason for the guidelines, but that's just semantics.
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1.2 - Function:
The function of a chapter is to create and maintain a work environment oriented activism that can be performed in accordance with the understandings supported by motion. It is also part of an overall chapter structure for information and activism to a higher level.
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PROPOSAL Cristian (Chile)
1.2 - Function:
The function of a chapter is to create and maintain a work environment oriented activism that can be performed in accordance with the understandings supported by the Movement. It is also part of an overall chapter structure for information and activism to a higher level.
1.2 - Function:
The function of a chapter is to create and maintain a work environment oriented activism that can be performed in accordance with the understandings supported by motion. It is also part of a global chapter structure for information and activism to a higher level.
Its function is to create and maintain optimal communication between teams and anywhere you need comunicación.-1 (not doing unnecessary changes)
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1.3 Scope / Level of Chapter:
a) Chapters Administration - Composed of the International Coordinators
b) National Chapters - Organized by the country (eg Portugal, Italy, France)
c) Regional Chapter - Organized by Region / District / Province
d) Chapters Town - Organized by the City
================================================== ======================
PROPOSAL Cristian (Chile)
1.3 Chapter Organization:
a) Global MZ: Composed of the International Coordinators.
b) Continental MZ: MZ Europe, Latin MZ, MZ Asia, Africa MZ, MZ Oceania ...
c) National MZ: each country in which the MZ is active.
d) Regional MZ:
e) Local Chapters
It's okay to talk about levels? May imply that the coord. of a higher level is "above" the coord. of a lower level, as it has greater decision-making authority for the chapter.
1.3.Ámbitos chapter: (no unnecessary changes)
a) MZ Global: consists of all the activists in the world.
b) Continental MZ: MZ Europe, Latin MZ, MZ Asia, Africa MZ, MZ Oceania ...
c) National MZ: each country in which the MZ is active.
d) Regional MZ:
e) Local Chapters
Chapter 1.3 level:
a) Chapters globally Administration - International Coordinators Composed all the globally active members
b) Chapters by language field.
c) National Chapters - Organized by the country (eg Portugal, Italy, France)
d) Regional Chapter - Organized by Region / District / Province
e) Chapters Town - Organized by the City
Alternatives to level (for chapter): fields, layers

1.3. Levels geographic / linguistic: (only or also by whom mention is made)
a) Global
b) Nationals
c) Regional
d) Local
e) Other: university, etc. -1-1
A chapter is defined as a group of active members of the Zeitgeist Movement in a geographic region or particular language works and functions as a faithful representation of the Movement in their respective regions.
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Two. Criteria for the formalization:
The term "official" used in the context of the chapters means that a chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement is checked and approved in order to ensure an accurate representation of the movement in their respective area.
- The minimum requirements for a chapter:
Coordinator / is active and approved.
A dedicated email chapter affairs.
A point of communication over the Internet (a website, a group or a mailing list. (The more surround is the area of ​​the chapter, for example, national chapters, more stringent the requirements for Internet communication.)
Signs of the previous activity (meetings at local events as projections., And / or participation in projects organized movement)
================================================== ======================
PROPOSAL Cristian (Chile)
Two. Criteria for the formalization:
The term "official" is used to verify and approve a chapter to ensure an accurate representation of the Zeitgeist Movement lineamiestos in a locality or area in question.
- The minimum requirements for a chapter:
Coordinator / s assets and recognized or accredited.
A dedicated email chapter affairs.
A point of communication over the Internet (a website, a group or a mailing list).
(The more surround is the area of ​​the chapter, for example, national chapters, more stringent the requirements for Internet communication.)
Signs of the previous activity (meetings at local events as projections., And / or participation in projects organized movement)
The coordination team is responsible for officially credited as chapters, coordinators or any kind of activity of the local Zeitgeist Movement.
Two. Criteria for the formalization:
The term "official" used in the context of the chapters means that a chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement is checked and approved in order to ensure an accurate representation of the movement in their respective area.
In the context of the chapters of MZ, officer means it has been tested and approved to ensure an accurate representation of the same.
representation is not faithful, is setting the ethical limits proposed by the movement to achieve an EBR)
(This suggestion is not relevant to breaches of our minds right?)
the original term "accurated" can be better translated "concise" or "accurate"
- The minimum requirements for a chapter:
    Coordinator / is active / s and approved / s.
    A dedicated email chapter affairs.
    A point of communication over the Internet (a website, a group or a mailing list. Higher chapter level, for example, national chapters, more stringent the requirements for Internet communication.)
    Signs of the previous activity (meetings at local events as projections., And / or participation in projects organized movement)
 Verified approved instead??? +1 +1 +1 (Team coordinator rather facilitators) -1 (which is team of facilitators?) -1 Clarified theme facilitator Hispanic day meeting October 16, 2011
The Member?? Chapter subject to formalization should select a coordinator.
Then the situation is analyzed by the coordinators of the same field, he / coordinators directly responsible for the higher level, and active members of the same scope and higher level / higher, in a coordination meeting to ensure that the proposal meets described requirements to be an officer.
The / the coordinator / s for a field are chosen among activists in the same field and then subjected to the approval or ratification of the next higher level, checking is not breached any basic agreement. (Advisory or binding process?
Do not put in the same sentence same scope and higher level, because it leads to confusion. What is the confusion? Can not understand anything
The Coordination Team for a field?? are chosen from the same? activists area? and then subjected to ratification by the next higher level, checking is not breached any basic agreement.
================================================== ======================
Three. Criteria for removal of official status status: [PENDING]
Each situation is analyzed on a case by case basis by the / the coordinator / responsible / direct s / s of the upper level, for example:
Analyzing a chapter is executed by the city / the coordinator / s of the region in which it is located.
Introduce a regional analysis is performed by the / the coordinator / s of the country / chapter where it is.
The analysis of a national chapter is done by the global management of the chapters.
- The decision of whether to remove the official status uses the following basic criteria:
A) Frequency of Activity:
If a particular chapter is inactive at the local level - officially recognized activities comprising events that are aimed at members of the public (external) or members (internal) or actively managed and developed projects.
B) The nature of the activity:
If the actions taken by a particular chapter are not aligned with the proper representation and image of the Zeitgeist Movement.
If there is interest agendas mixed doubles in the affairs of the chapter, as the profit motive, or the promotion of a political party, religious agenda, or concepts "new age", etc..
C) No information about the activity:
If a particular chapter does not report its activities, and / or constantly fails to be represented at meetings. This is usually due to "poor behavior" or lack of coordination with the chapter in question.
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PROPOSAL: Cristian (Chile)
Three. Criteria for the elimination of official status condition:
Each situation is analyzed by the team of coordinators case by case:
The analysis of a chapter of a city is made by the coordinators or the region in which it is located.
Introduce a regional analysis is done by the team of national coordinators.
The analysis of a national chapter is done by the global management of the chapters.
- The decision of whether to remove the official status uses the following basic criteria:
A) Frequency of Activity:
Inactivity of a chapter depending on your location.
(Officially recognized activities, which includes events that are aimed at the general public or activists)
B) The nature of the activity:
Activities that do not represent guidelines Zeitgeist Movement, which
Double mixing participation in the affairs of the Movement as profit promoting any political party or religion, concepts NWO, Etc.
C) No information about the activity:
Lack of communication from one chapter to not report on their activities and / or stops constantly to be represented at meetings.
This is usually due to "poor behavior", lack of coordination, or lack of time with the chapter in question.
The situation is analyzed by field coordinators, he / coordinators directly responsible for the higher level, and also active members? Scope and higher level? (Excluding chapter members subject to removal), in a meeting.
Icavot ---> The removal of the officers of a chapter will be decided among the activists immediately broader scope (excluding chapter activists susceptible of elimination, you have voice but not block the decision), in a meeting. +1 +1 +1-1 +1-1
Not insist this term shall be understood in Latin America: "the area immediately broader" in Spain in Chile shall mean no.
Erick Z removal or suspension of officers of a chapter will be decided among activists who choose to participate or comply moderators roles. Moderators should be subject consequential to the ideas of motion and this result will be given by their actions and proposals within the movement, (horizontality, desentralizada organization, inclusion, diversity, not leaders) -1 -1 -1-1-1
The removal or suspension of officers of a chapter will be decided among activists who choose to participate or comply moderators roles. Moderators should be subject consequential to the ideas of motion and this result will be given by their actions and proposals within the movement, Moderators can be both coordinators and activists, activists of the chapter can participate eliminate defending his position, but not entitled to vote. If the chapter is eliminated will be able to raise an appeal to the next higher instance. Participate in the appeal coordinators and activists level up a certain amount of time previously stipulated motion, seeking consensus in the two cases, One could even speak of a 50% +1 vote, whereas in the feedback people participating in the debate. (-1) (+1) (Horizontality, desentralizada organization, inclusion, diversity, not leaders) +1 +1 +1 +1-1 -1-1
There are always all to make a decision approve 50% consensus (consensus) +1 That's the consensus. Here we do not like the feedback (ardible)
Scope The term is one that is used to refer to a given perimeter or space, either a space that refers to a place, or a space that relates to terminology.
The horizontality is a practice or proposal involves developing organizational or decision-making power to encourage participation or more or less equal between individuals within an organization. The horizontality is optional for an organization and seeks greater interaction in the group to enhance leadership and innovation.
Level concept refers to the horizontality of something. For example, a high level is reached or that something is placed. It is also the height reached by the surface of a liquid
Overlay zone to another or others, with which it forms a whole. Layers of the atmosphere in society.
Cristian, "chapters moderators activists" that scope?????????? the same chapter, the superior realm?
In the same chapter not nationally moderators
Specifies, you have to write to be clear: S. The desoficializacion the moderators decide?!?!?!?!? redactalo more clearly ...
will deliver the information to the national coordination reporting that the chapter is not being functional, mentioning that you should disable
Idea: Moderator of chapters, check the functionality of all the chapters, no decisions reports on a chapter not being functional, and coordination should inform, decide or see the steps to follow for that chapter. It is understood?
Change elimination removed / deleted /
================================================== ======================
April. The review process of the chapter:
In simple terms, the process of revision of the chapter is generally a routine check of a given chapter, based on the criteria described above in points # 2 and # 3. The review is conducted by a coordinator who is specifically responsible for these tasks in a chapter. The chapter review process can be triggered by problems identified through monitoring, complaints and / or reports.
Upon entering the review process chapter coordinator should take the following measures:
Step 1 - Gather information:
This can be achieved by consultation reports provided by the chapter, visiting and checking the website and media chapter, participating in private conversations with members of various chapters, asking for a more detailed report regarding a certain subject that can arise, etc.
Step 2 - Analyze and review information:
All information collected current state chapter should be analyzed according to the review criteria. the key issues arising, if any, should be properly identified, and document review should be supported by all available and relevant evidence if necessary. Examples of tests include chat logs, recordings, emails, reports, etc..
Step 3 - Take action:
With the full review, the next step is to take appropriate action, depending on the conclusion of the review. Such action may take the following forms
Simple Report chapter coordinator that everything is in order, and taking note of the review.
Provide notes and tips for necessary improvements to the respective chapter coordinator.
Administrative intervention of higher-level coordination or administration of chapters.
================================================== ======================
PROPOSAL: Cristian (Chile)
April. The review process of the chapter:
In simple terms, the process of revision of the chapter is generally a routine check of a given chapter, based on the criteria described above in points # 2 and # 3. The review is conducted by the team of coordinators that specifically handles these tasks in a chapter. The chapter review process can be triggered by problems identified through monitoring, complaints and / or reports.
Upon entering the review process chapter coordinator should take the following measures:
Step 1 - Gather information:
This can be achieved by consultation reports provided by the chapter, visiting and checking the website and media chapter, participating in private conversations with members of various chapters, asking for a more detailed report regarding a certain subject that can arise, etc.
Step 2 - Analyze and review information:
All information collected current state chapter should be analyzed according to the review criteria. On the key issues arising, if any, should be properly identified, and document review should be supported by all available and relevant evidence if necessary. Examples of tests include chat logs, recordings, emails, reports, etc..
Step 3 - Take action:
With the full review, the next step is to take appropriate action, depending on the conclusion of the review. Such action may take the following forms
Simple Report chapter coordinator that everything is in order, and taking note of the review.
Provide notes and tips for necessary improvements to the respective chapter coordinator.
Administrative intervention of national coordination or administration of chapters.
In simple terms, chapter review is usually a routine process for a given chapter. Such a review is carried out by coordinators and active members of the chapter. The chapter review process can be triggered by problems identified through monitoring, complaints and / or reports.
Upon entering the review process will chapter the following measures: blah blah
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Alternative Proposals under 4.
    (Erick Osckar Z and ZM)
    April. The chapter review process
In simple terms, the process of revision of the chapter is generally a routine check of a given chapter in terms more suitable correction should call routing prosecution or routine of a chapter, based on the criteria described above in points # 2 and # 3.
The review is conducted by a group of coordination or similar that is specifically responsible for these tasks in a chapter. The chapter review process can be triggered by problems identified through monitoring, complaints and / or reports.
Upon entering the review process chapter coordinator should take the following measures:


- Chapter Protocol-
-Proposal of changes-

1. A chapter in the Zeitgeist Movement
1.1 - Definition
1.2 - Function
1.3 - Chapter tiers

2. Criteria for officialization

3. Criteria for removal of official status

4. The process of chapter review

#1. A Chapter in the Zeitgeist Movement
The Zeitgeist Movement has an organized structure built upon chapters to facilitate collective activism in an organized manner as well as the flow of information relating to a vast range of members
1.1 - Definition
A chapter is defined as a group of active members of the Zeitgeist Movement in a particular region that serves and functions as an accurate representation of the Movement in their respective region.

1.2 - Function
The function of a chapter is to create and sustain a work-oriented environment from which activism can then be performed in accordance with the understandings supported by the movement. It is also part of a global chapter structure for information purposes and larger order activism.

1.3 - Chapter tiers

a) Chapters administration - Composed of international coordinators
a) chapters administration - Composed of international coordinators + representatives from all the
chapters that want to participate in the meetings where decisions are arrived.
b) National chapters - Organized by country (eg: Portugal, Italy, France)
c) Regional chapters - Organized by region / district / state / province
d) City chapters - Organized by city

#2. Criteria for Oficialization
The term "official" used in the context of chapters means that a given chapter of the Zeitgeist Movement is verified and approved in order to ensure an accurate representation of the Movement in their respective area.

Minimum requirements for a chapter:
● (An) approved and active coordinator(s)
● A dedicated email for chapter affairs
● An internet communication point (a Website, group or a mailing list. The higher the chapter tier,
for example national chapter, the stricter the requirements regarding internet communication will be.)
● Signs of previous activity (Local events like meetups, screenings. and/or organized participation in movement projects)

The verification and approval of a chapter oficialiciation will be decided by the activists of the same tier and then submitted to the approval or ratification at the next higher level, checking that there is no breach of any of the basic principles of the movement.

For example, the ratification of a subchapter is decided by the activists in a chapter meeting.

#3. Criteria for removal of official status
Each situation is analyzed in a per case basis by the coordinator(s) directly responsible for the tier above, for example:

● Analysis of a city chapter is made by the coordinator(s) of the region where its situated
● Analysis of a regional chapter is made by the coordinator(s) of the country/chapter where it is situated
● Analysis of a national chapter is made by the global chapters administration

The situation is analyzed by the coordinator(s) directly responsable for the tier above, and also active members of the tier above (excluding the members of the chapter subject to removal).

For example, the analysis of a subchapter is made by the coordinator(s) of the chapter where it is situated and also by the active members of the chapter (excluding the members of the subchapter subject to removal; they can participate in the discussion but they can't take part in the decision).

This decision of whether to remove official status employs the following criteria as its basis:

a) Frequency of activity
● If a particular chapter is inactive at the local level - officially recognized activity comprising events that are geared toward the public (external) or members (internal), or any projects being actively managed and developed, etc.

b) Nature of activity
● If the actions performed by a particular chapter are not aligned with the proper representation and image of the Zeitgeist Movement
● If there are additional agendas and interests involved in chapter affairs, such as profit motives, or the promotion of a political party, religious agenda, or new age concepts, etc.

c) Absence of information on the Activity
● If a given chapter doesn't report their activities, and/or consistently fails to be represented in meetings. This is generally due to "poor conduct" or absence of the coordination for the chapter in question.

#4. The process of chapter review

In simple terms, the process of chapter review is generally a routine check of a given chapter based upon the criteria described above in points #2 and #3. Such review is carried out by a coordinator who is specifically responsible for such tasks in a chapter. The process of chapter review may be triggered by issues perceived via observation, complaints, and/or reports.

Upon entering the process of chapter review the coordinator will take the following steps:

In simple terms, the process of chapter review is generally a routine check of a given chapter. Such review is carried out by the coordinators and active members of the chapter. The process of chapter review may be triggered by issues perceived via observation, complaints, and/or reports.

Upon entering the process of chapter review the following steps will be taken:

Step 1 - Gather information
This can be accomplished by consulting reports provided by the chapter, visiting and checking the chapter website and communication mediums, engaging in private talks with several chapter members, asking for a more in-depth report in relation to a certain issue that may arise. Etc.

Step 2 - Analyze and review the information
With all information gathered the current status of the chapter should be analyzed according to the criteria of review. Key issues arising, if any, need to be properly identified, and the document of review must be supported by all available and relevant evidence if necessary. Examples of evidence include chat logs, recordings, Emails, reports, etc.

Step 3 - Take action
With the review completed, the next step is to take action accordingly, depending upon the conclusion of the review. Such action may take the following forms
● simply informing the chapter coordinator that everything is in order, and taking note of the review
● providing notes and advice for necessary improvements to the respective chapter coordinator
● administrative intervention by the upper-tier coordination or the chapters administration


- Coordination Protocol -
-Proposal of Changes-

1. Types of coordinator & associated responsibilities
1.1 - International coordinator
1.2 - Chapter coordinator
1.3 - General team coordinator
1.4 - Project manager

2. Coordination requirements
3. Absence of a coordinator
4. Removal of a coordinator
5. Presence in meetings
6. Mailing list utilization
7. Responsibility and delegation

#1 Types of coordinator & associated responsibilities
Briefly, in the Zeitgeist Movement, the role of a coordinator can be summarized as the responsibility to maintain an active information flow in the movement without provoking conflicts as well an active concern in the accurate representation of the movement.

Although coordinator is referred to in the singular in this protocol, it is important to note that for a given chapter or project team there may be multiple coordinators among whom there is a specific representative/spokesperson.

Personal coordinators opinions don't represent the chapters or teams stance necessarily. Coordinators are just activists who accept a role after being selected via rational consensus of the active members.

A coordinator is not a leader but a communication node. When communicating a decision is a decision of all active members of the current chapter, team or project.

When a coordinator don't do his/her work, the organization will ensure that the all the work is done.

1.1 - International coordinator responsibilities
a) To organize and manage information between chapters (includes reports and meetings).
b) To be informed and to inform other chapter tiers and members of Movement activity.
c) To support and provide counseling to international project managers and chapter coordinators.
d) To review and validate national chapters, coordinators and international project proposals.
d) To participate in the review or approval national chapters, coordinators and international project
#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 23, 2013 - 20:24

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Click to get back to topic starter

Kari McGregor and David Z writes constructive criticism towards TZM. David and Kari mention many problems within TZM structure as well as criticizes zeitgeist movements linguistics team lack of organization.

David and Kari mention that commies don't walk the talk as they do mostly talking suggesting that TZM needs to actually implement what they preach. David and Kari talk about the TZM linguistic team is it either for TZM of for TVP as if they are not LTI should not be able to channel members to TVP from TZM.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.

David Z list of concerns and improvement suggestions:

Member definition:
Within the Australian chapter we have divided Members into Volunteers and Supporters. Volunteers are people who participate with the chapter ( not on a individual basis ) and Supporters are people who just support verbally the movement. The count for members based only on Subscriptions was giving a false impression that all people who subscribe to the chapters newsletter ( or mailing list ) do so because they are inclined to commit their time and resources to the movement. Thus I find the need to clarify what a Member is exactly, and even divide that field into 2 sections: Supporters - a person who supports the movement only verbally - that number would be calculated on the basis of our Newsletter subscriptions Volunteers ( actual members ) - a actual volunteer counted on ... some other basis.

Zeitgeist Media Project:
While a great resource, I have come across of random flyers and posters obtained from Zeitgeist Media Project being placed here and there. While this is of course a good thing, often the Media Project submissions do not reflect the ethos that the movement has. Often the images are low print quality, and not meant to be printed. Any approved artwork elevates its status to official as well, which is not a bad thing - as long as the quality standard is high ( or filed to an appropriate category ).

ALSO - it is so very much needed for the Zeitgeist Media Project to include source files alongside the artwork. The Australian Chapter has developed a fair bit of graphics and templates that are stored on our internal file share system, where I and another graphic designer ensure that the content of the posters/flyers/letter templates/Press Release/ various templates are up to standard and that they do not include material that's not TZM ethos aligned. ( for example - not including TVP material, or fixing grammar)

More answers about Transition:
I don't study only TZM material, I very much like to study other organisations material. Lately I have stumbled upon some Communist material, and it was easy to find that the Commies ( calling themselves Socialist Alternative and holding Marx books in their... left ... hand) hare very good at criticising Capitalism. There is very little that I would disagree with them about that, but as we move into the realm of how their little dream should work, Commies fall flat on their face.

TZM does not, we have a reasonably clear explanation of how RBE should function down to bolts. But the transition is still a vague concept for most people, even committed members at times. The transition phase leaves Members with usually one option - to receptive TZM material.

Yes, TZM should definitely encourage people to join the movement, but I would also give birth to another method of activism that can work very well on a individual basis. That method would simply spring up from the idea to "get away from money" ( that's not to say that we should run to the bushes though! ), so ideas like solar panels to community share and skill share come in play here.

I feel that this can be the new sliced bread in TZM.

Linguistic team:
It just bleeping annoys me. Are they part of TZM or are they not? Both options are fine, but if they are not, then the ling team should not be able to channel members from TZM to TVP.

TZM Concerns and Suggestions by Miguel Oliveira March 2012

1. Chapters
Overall Chapters Guidance It is my hypothesis that most people have a hardtime with developing chapters or even avoid starting chapters themselves due to lack of information on what to expect and how to deal with it, in that sense i think it is only empirical to generate a chapters guide that will evolve as the movement grows to accomodate more useful knowledge and data regarding chapter activity. These updates and changes are inserted into the document via rational consensus method with each revision being released continuously in a period of 6 months to a year. (if needed)

Centralization of Tools and Information Other Achilles foot of the movement in my view to date, has been the internal organization between chapters. Back when i was a chapter coordinator in my first weeks and during the entire period of my activity in the movement i have come to find that many information is often spread out between different websites in groups, where it shouldnt be at all.

Recognizing that the Global Website ( should focus primarily on public news/ updates and education material and given that the amount of data that needs to be present in a chapters focused environment, the logical progression is to open a TZM Chapters Portal to avoid saturating the globalwebsite with information. However, a few changes must be planned to the global website to better accomodate such transition which are in essence very simple. (I will go into details upon further inquiry)

The TZM Chapters Portal should contain: - Controlled registration validation; - Blog focused on updates for chapters; - Chapters guide and tutorials; - Toolkit and activism options; - information on current global tzm campaigns and how to join in/what to do; - Global Chapters Map with basic information; - Coordinators needed; - Team status information and contacts; - Form for resource database (where teams would get their volunteers); - Forms for starting a chapter; - Voice chat details, closed forum for coordinators and organizers, etc.

Chapter Requirements and Validation There has to be a defined process for new chapter validation overall, example: - National Chapters have to have a website that respects basic guidelines (name, about section, content licensing, information on how to start a regional chapter available, no ads, etc) and have at least one member successfully validated as a coordinator (the test gauges the basic understanding that such member has of the movement) - Regional and City chapters need to have moderated groups or mediums of communication, and

TZM Observations and Suggestions March 2012 By: Jason Lord California Chapter Coordinator

I. Chapter Structure Before we engage in "reinventing the wheel" regarding chapters, I'd like to state that there is a working chapter structure in place. Developed over the past three years through Gil, Darr, Jen, Cliff and Myself (plus others)... And it works, I use it. It was born out of the need for efficiency that still drives us today. Unfortunately, not all volunteers are equally skilled in attributes needed for coordination (i.e. Initiative, free time, organizational skills, web-savvy, not afraid to engage strangers, and followthrough of one's own ideas.) .. Chapter Guidelines were created to help with this. A summary can be seen here:

Some of us have already made many resources for chapters (including the most recent Quickstart Guide). A collection of these resources can be referenced here: That's a collection from Jen, Cliff and myself along with incorporated ideas from Gil, Dar, Peter, Roan & others.. ( I apologize if I missed you) Concern: Ideas outrun resources. This happens all the time. Even this discussion is an idea prompted by Peter. I still assert that the #1 best philosophy in a volunteer structure is:

Your Idea, Your Project. Resources are more than money. Such as: Time, Skill, Equipment, Expertise, Venues or Services. Whatever is needed for an "idea" to become a result. I've been hearing a growing trend in our Los Angeles Q&A's from the audience. An example is: "When will TZM do such & such?" or "Why don't you do this & that?" or "Where is everyone?"... The point here is that people are blind to the fact that they project onto other volunteers from their seat, while there is no accounting for their own inaction. It's an epidemic from what I've seen.

Concern: In general, people don't read. If it's not in a cute little 3-minute YouTube video the general mass won't see it. The behavior is a product of culture that is well commented on by Lee Camp in his media festival performance. Concern: Our email lists are a valuable asset and easily desired for exploit by others. The Chapter Structure exists to facilitate collection and responsible use of this asset. I said "no" once to a member that wanted to invite TZM people to their own social meetup through the California Chapter email list. When I said "no, that's not what it's for", this person pursued a lot of email & phone drama around Chapter Coordinators as "power abusers." It's all in the past now, but some kind of resilience to this nonsense would be beneficial for new members..

II. Suggestions
1. Vetting new volunteers. Not through tests or a committee, but rather through:

A. Trial & error. This one can suck because it costs time. And sometimes it costs the success of an event - affecting the whole chapter.. Some projects and events fail, and they need too. So people can learn what's truly needed for activism and stop "waiting on, depending on, or demanding of" other volunteers in the chapter.

B. Filtering: An example of a Filter are the Guidelines linked at the top. The new Quickstart Guide PDF is also a filter.. Filter out the noise that will detract and destroy a chapter's purpose. And those that pass through the filter have a higher chance of being great! (like many of the chapter coordinators I've found in California).

2. Have a quickstart list of actions that are "Easy ways to plug people into the chapter" i.e. Tabling, flyering, attending larger events (Earth Day), do film screenings, etc.. To note: Townhalls, Zday, Mediafest (as seen from their main events) are way to intimidating & costly for new volunteers to undertake.

3. Meetings
Four types of meetings have proven useful: 1. Project Planning, 2. The actual Activism/ event itself, 3. Orientation - usually designed around new members, and 4. General Chapter Meetings - so people can learn who's who, connect & brainstorm. Anything else is pursued on the basis of personal need and not relevant to the chapter.

3. Use Language Distinctions and keep them simple. For example:

Local chapters: Engage in on-the-ground awareness interaction with the public promoting the train-of-thought behind an RBE. aka, "Awareness Activism". Short & sweet, and can be understood by almost anyone. And this minimizes semantic noise.

4. Autonomy
The autonomy of a chapter comes into play as to "how" awareness is done (assuming relevance). This is where people can be empowered to apply their creativity. And this creates personal reward for people to sustain their volunteer tenure with TZM. There's a benefit to being a volunteer that empowers one to engage in "that which is rewarding". And I try to harness this by filtering people through the guidelines posted on the ZMCA website.

III. Conclusion I think attention to "method" will prevail over anything else we accomplish here. Let's remember this is a volunteer movement. And quite often I hear suggestions & proposals that require 'work, time or resource' of others. I don't need more work, and neither do you. I wish to engage in "that which I find rewarding". Create that for people and the chapters will flourish..

Regards, Jason

List of TZM Concerns and Suggestions --‐Brandy Hume--‐ March 2012 A New Blueprint I'm not 100% confident that many people will agree with me on this, especially since we've tried so hard to pretend that we don't need it, but if you ask me... we need it. TVP is gone and we need something to take its place. We may retain existing members without it, but it will become increasingly difficult to get new ones if we don't have something to show them. (And while it might seem logical to just point them to "something like this," it may backfire, as the animosity is apparently still potent.) Out of all of the organizations out there, I'm sure we can find one, or several, that can help us illustrate what this would look like. We may even have to establish a team of skilled people to start working on these designs. (Even if they are not as advanced, any demonstration of designs or technology that is somewhat relatable will only alleviate doubts regarding the transition.) We seem to have support, in theory, from social scientists (i.e. Moving Forward) but it would be great if we could get an ounce of support from experts in the physical sciences that can demonstrate, in plain English, that what we're proposing is actually possible. Even though we are a social awareness organization, considering what we're trying to make people aware of, it will help our credibility to have some technical ideas/progress simmering in the background. Catalog of Skills and Resources --‐ Do we have an organized database of willing participants and their skillsets? (i.e. Engineers, doctors, architects, etc.) If not, we should start building one. --‐ Start listing ideas and the necessary tools (digital and physical) for sharing skills and resources to accomplish some variation of the following: (See 'How to we get from here to there' - At a Personal Level) "More answers about Transition: I don't study only TZM material, I very much like to study other organisations material.[...]we have a reasonably clear explanation of how RBE should function down to bolts. But the transition is still a vague concept for most people, even committed members at times.[...] Yes, TZM should definitely encourage people to join the movement, but I would also give birth to another method of activism that can work very well on a individual basis. That method would simply spring up from the idea to "get away from money"[...]so ideas like solar panels to community share and skill share come in play here. I feel that this can be the new sliced bread in TZM."

...what David said. Similar to the "bottom--‐up" transition suggestions linked above. Movement Structure and Team Organization --‐ Please Note that the Newsletter/PR team description on the main website's Team page needs to be updated. I sent PJ and email on this; please advise if you need it again. (If the Team's are removed from public display, this is irrelevant.) --‐ I propose that we re--‐establish the broader Communications Team, as an umbrella, including the Newsletter, Blog, PR. The Writing team, as someone suggested, may also fit under this umbrella if their tasks include drafting up letters to contact media outlets, officials, and/or other organizations. --‐ TeamSpeak: I was in agreement with PJ's idea from several months ago that we don't need 'global moderators' but that each coordinator can serve as a mod for their own team/meeting. If users aren't in a meeting, then maybe they shouldn't be in there.

Improving TZM - Konrad Sauer, Brazil

TZM is about understanding and changing the zeitgeist, correct? Through this understanding, we conclude that the issues are not our political and economical structures, and not even our technical capability. The issue is the zeitgeist itself, which is represented in our values and traditions. Who puts the zeitgeist into practice? We do. Humans. So, changing the zeitgeist is about changing ourselves first. No RBE could survive our today's values, defining the transition as truly becoming the change we want to see in the world. This is not an easy task by any means, specially with the society pulling us back to the established values. Also, it needs a constant self-analysis of everything we do, so we can update ourselves as needed. Ok, I guess this is pretty much a given for those who heavily participate in TZM. The level which each person puts it into practice depends on a lot of factors, but we can assume we're at least trying hard.

Having said that, how can TZM help this process of self-awareness and world-understanding Here's some ideas:

- have a list of suggestions for individual actions that could help create some real impact (buying as little as possible, ignoring irrelevant news and advertising, stop giving useless gifts, sharing tangible and intangible resources, overcome the property values of "it's mine, it's yours", avoid being affected by the psychological obsolescence, stop blaming people, stop complaining without presenting a solution, etc.)

- promote the use of services that are already bringing these values into mainstream, like CouchSurfing, open source software, Neighborgoods, etc.

- create a team that really thinks about the transition, even if we are, of course, unable to predict everything. Here in Brazil we already have a team working on this, trying to figure out what we have to do _now_ to get to a RBE. The image in the bottom is one of the materials we have produced. It's not self-explanatory, but it gives a brief idea of what we're doing.

- create tools and physical meetings to unite our species. We're creating a Google Maps mod to list everyone that's registered in the brazilian website, so we can actually see how close we are to each other. It'll allow people to message each other and create local events, not depending just on the coordinators. It's important to always remember that there is no TZM, no Greenpeace, no Republican Party, no Brazil, no divisions at all - just humans working towards improving our life in this planet.

We're in the process of a complete site update to make it more focused on action, with the teams cleary defined, its projects listed, etc. It's gonna take a few more months to be ready, and we'll let you know of the results. It's an effort to promote what seems to lead us into a RBE.

Thanks! =)

Peter Joseph; General TZM Concerns; Notes for Improvement by Subject Broad Goal: To make TZM Autonomous.

When people come into The Movement, they have a clear, simple guide to action. Ideally, outside the learning curve of the basic materials, member/chapter action should not need anything more than a basic guide/package. The question becomes how to make this as ef- ficient and effective as possible.

1) Chapters: -New definition of how each group works; coupled with more activism options. As of now, the core outlets are Zday, ZMFest, Townhalls. Beyond these, which are still not being con- ducted consistent by many, other suggestions, based upon group size, can be made. This includes more "street" type work, like canvassing, a day to call into radio stations (perhaps all members) and lots of other simple projects/actions that do not require many resources.

2) Education: 10-15, 20 min Videos by subject; based on 2012 Orientation Guide. These will serve as a "curriculum" of sorts which, in tandem with the new Orientation Guide, will allow for one to quickly extended their knowledge.

3) Infrastructure: -New email lists for Coordinators that open communication between them all directly, along with regional mailing list collection for Global Accounting, periodically. Perhaps a closed forum only for chapter coordinators so more ideas can be shared; show support. -Team Speak tightened up and used only for Chapter Work, with no one logging in that is not pre-recognized - so no noise from random people. Perhaps we get a new platform that allows people to listen to Meetings, but they cannot participate or IM unless they are in it, hence a coordinator. -All lingering Websites, such as, need to be finalized/solved. We also need to clean up the US states/others and figure out how to maintain more consistency with data.

4) Teams: I think all current teams can be removed from public display, outside the Linguistic Team. They aren't doing anything that need public notice. -Radio Show- Need Solid rotation of Speakers. -Lecture/PR Team: Need to develop another set materials which can allow for new poten- tial Speakers /PR reps - ideally one per regional chapter- to flourish. I am personally go- ing to be slowly removing myself from this role whether people like it or not. We need new "faces" of the movement.

5) Global Redesign Institute: The separation of TVP was really the separation of our referential data set - those techin- cals that are "applied", rather than "theoretical". This project works to replace/improve this loss, while extending the concepts into practical, direct use. I feel this project would gain global notoriety if done properly. Defining, in fact. A Tech/Science/Prog Team needs to be created for this sole project.

Kari McGregor; General TZM Concerns; Notes for Improvement by Subject Broad Goal: To make TZM autonomous, horizontal and developmentally holistic Rationale

Regarding autonomy this needs to be sustainable on an individual Chapter level, yet networked solidly. A global movement, by definition, needs to be networked, supportive, and independent. Regarding horizontal structure those who are participating in change need to be empowered to enact it and not divided according to coordinator class and working class with most as bystanders like in our current paradigm.

Regarding holistic development it is important that the Movement develop in accordance with the integrity of whole-systems design. This means that our communication, structure, and output need to mirror the design of the system, and our PR needs to reflect the forces of economy, governance and culture on the whole system.

1) Chapters:
Need to be autonomous, horizontal, and developmental.

Networking and communication
Chapters at local, national and international level need to be better networked for the purpose of communication, support and development. Coordinators are not to take responsibility for this - this needs to be the "culture" of the Movement.

Horizontal structure and function
Chapters need to functional as horizontally as possible with open communication structure. Facilitation of meetings should be rotated to skill and empower the core team. Coordinators (I consider them facilitators or contact-points) are to be mainly a point of contact for feeding information from national to local and vice-versa. They are not to direct the team, but collaborate with the team. There is to be no "coordinator class" and "worker class" divide where coordinators do not get their hands dirty. Roles and tasks are to be shared with all members of a core team being equally empowered and a clear entry route to newcomers.

Public interface
Chapters need to have more public interface. We are not a fan-club. Closed meetings are ineffective for awareness of TZM or the issues we deal with - they serve only for planning purposes. Other meetings/events should be open - e.g. public screenings with workshop/Q&A attached; streets-awareness with focus on "connecting", not "informing"; workshop program open to the public; appearances at events and conferences as stall-holders and/or speakers.

Chapters are to develop, not stagnate. The end of the year should be a time to reflect on what goals were, whether/to what extent they were achieved, and to approach the coming year withnissues that need to be addressed, goals (specific and realistic) to be reached and strategies (applicable as means to achieve goals - not just hazy ideas of "something we can do") to achieve this. Chapters are to act with purpose and members hold one another accountable for achieving outcomes.

Walk the talk
Chapter members should be encouraged to walk their talk as much as possible. We need to avoid doing what other groups (like Commies and Socialists do...), which is talk about the change - what we don't like and what we want, without taking steps to make changes. Raising awareness also comes in the form of demonstrating that something is viable - e.g. when encouraging people to disengage from the monetary system an individual can do so with greater integrity and conviction if they are walking their talk. Most people connect with what is immediately tangible than that which is only theoretical.

2) Teams:
Need to be based on optimal outcomes - i.e. quality control is paramount.

Linguistic team
Needs clarification. TZM/TVP? I don't really care. Perhaps it would be best to decentralize and have teams operating at national level pulling work out of a national/international pot and depositing finished products in a national/international receptacle. Chapters are responsible for the work that gets done. There will need to be final reviewers who are most skilled at the process.

Lecture/PR Team
Need international collaboration to develop a standard set of materials which can be adapted for regional relevance/speaker's personal style, and provide space for new Speakers/PR reps to represent the Movement - need to be strict about who in order to ensure quality control.

Writing Team - proposal for establishing a Writing Team
Written content needs to be of a higher standard as this in an entry-point for newcomers and is open to public/intellectual scrutiny. I propose that content be decided upon by a core team, but written up by those with the skills to express it most effectively. This relates to press releases, internal documents (protocols, procedures, guides, etc), flyers, websites, and newsletters. It


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#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 23, 2013 - 21:01

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
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G-man the leader of the zeitgeist movement linguistic team is creating another teamspeak server. G-man wants basically a more open platform for individuals to conduct there activities. My problem with G-man proposal for a new server is that, isn't TZM TS3 service the zeitgeist LTI use currently open enough for them? Didn't Peter say TZM is leaderless?

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

Welcome to the Global Developers Team

This hall is open for the purpose of conducting Global Developers Team activities.

High Level, High Quality Server, for the Community

The first order of business is the coordination for the creation and establishment of a more secure, common base, by way of a high level, and very secure common server, wherein to establish a home for the RBE community. Members of the RBE community who have expressed an interest, have been sent an invitation to participate in the selection of the common local.


1. The community will be populated by those choosing to join the common home. It consist of teams, chapter, or groups who,

a) are ready to set up their own system and carry out their activities;

Others are in development mode; and

others may provide sub-hosting services to those lacking such resources.

All are desirous of interacting with each other to share resources, address common problems, and arrive at solutions.

2. It will also be the home for the Global Developers Team who will coordinate the smooth transition and provide assistance to participants. The Global Developers Team will be the main account holder. It will provide provide private accounts to various team, if they wish a private account, or it will assist them in the participation of other products/platforms, such as the Zeitgeist Global Connect.

Long Term Developers Team Strategy

Keeping in mind that setting up the server is remains priority, as a safe place to work from, simultaneous activities will also be carried out touching on Global Developers organization, coordination, operational principles, standards for development activities, and further defining, clarifying, and refining community needs, and methods providing them.

One of the most important objectives is to answer, and resolve the following question: "How to bring the wide variety of talents, and personalities around us, into a cooperative, cohesive terribly effective group of people to work together, in a more advanced paradigm of human interactivity, for if we're to prevail in our endeavors we surely can't go forward without first transcending the old social paradigms. Succeeding in our primary concern should serve as a self measurement of initial effectiveness.

Instructions to the Process

If you are not already a member of this system, proceed with registration. Make sure to in addition to the user name, write the full name as you wish it to appear to others. Make sure also you join the Global Developers Team group. If you already have questions or comments, Feel free to open a Forum topic. We'll create further topics to deal with the matters at hand.

Sincerely, Ray Gman


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#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 23, 2013 - 21:50

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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Karin Mcgregor makes some valid points as to why TZM does not have any growth as well as points out obvious structural problems within TZM. Kari mentions responds to Gilbert basically saying he doesn't do anything and how he's a narcissist.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Getting to the point <new>
From: Kari <>
Date: 28/11/2012 11:13 AM

OK, so getting to the point - constructively (thank you for starting a new thread Brandy)...

There are two familiar strategies that could be implemented here, and I would like to hear which one people would prefer to use, or a tried-and-tested alternative:

Problem -> Cause -> Solution

*Problems are observed. These need to be clearly stated in objective language.
*Causes need to be identified and clearly stated in objective language.
*Solutions are needed. These need to relate directly to causes in order to solve problems.
*Map out our roles and responsibilities in applying solutions.
*GANTT-chart our timelines for achieving solutions.

Blank slate

*Put aside the current issues, problems, causes, etc.
*Identify the global problems that need to be addressed (not internal TZM problems - I mean problems like war, hunger, etc)
*Identify the goals to be reached (e.g. no-one going hungry)
*Identify realistic time-lines by which problems could be solved/goals could be reached (e.g. No-one going hungry by 2025)
*Identify the functions/tasks required to reach these goals
*Identify the roles needed to fulfill these functions
*Identify our own skills and capabilities
*Match our current human resources with roles and functions
*GANTT-chart our development plan

One of the required tasks would be the identification of a governance model that is appropriate to our needs. As I have said, I am already doing the research for data-crunching of this one by Integrative Services, so of course I would be happy to share the info with TZM as well. From this data set an appropriate choice can be made. I would strongly recommend against using the current pyramid structure as it is prone to bottlenecks that just get exacerbated with increased workloads (which are inevitable if we intend to increase our reach and success). Such bottlenecks may be navigable in the early stages with extremely skilled and capable people running the show, but even those people cannot keep up as the workload increases. An alternative structure is needed, and one that is more horizontal and open-source is shown time and time again to be more effective.

Brandy - with regard to the knowledge repository for the global database we are developing. This will be ready to rock around mid-2013. From then onwards we will be testing and developing the model on real world scenarios such as the selection of appropriate governance. The first organizations to use the tool will be non-profit organizations whose best practice and risk-assessment strategies will greatly benefit without threatening the commercial world. Once the tool is robust and has the buffer of being much needed by the non-profit world then we will be ready to release it on a grander scale without fear of being popped off for our obvious undermining of the profit motive (I say this only partially tongue-in-cheek - this is precisely the kind of thing people get "disappeared" for, and due to numerous attempts to hack our work we are using encrypted emails only). So - with regard to using the tool as the basis for economic decisions and governance a la RBEM it's honestly not too far away - nothing futuristic or Frescotopian about it ;-) In the meantime we can simply commit to the scientific method of enquiry in our search for best practice and risk assessment strategies and before we know it we'll be dancing our talk - IF TZM takes this seriously :-)

So now, with a solutions-oriented approach I would not say "we need a meeting"; I would call a meeting. The last to meetings we have had in the Global Core were called by me; the only other one was called by PJ. Only a handful of people turned up to the last two meetings. If I call another meeting will people take the responsibility to turn up and discuss these important matters? If people can guarantee commitment then I will guarantee mine too, and establish a time that suits and an open-access meeting agenda.

If we are serious about establishing ourselves as we mean to go on then I will hang in there for a while to assist. Ultimately I will have to devote more and more time to Integrative Services as I see our work as being more effective in the long-run. A movement could always be instigated, or education/awareness based campaigns... but I prefer to get under the skin of the system more subtly as only a small proportion of people will ever respond to in-your-face messaging, but almost everyone ultimately responds (albeit unconsciously) to being swept along by a gradual paradigm shift instigated by the rolling out of a new set of narratives.

BTW - I know I talk a language not everyone gets - this is complex stuff and needs complex vocabulary to do it justice. I am happy, however, to break things down further if anyone needs me to, but please be warned that some things get lost in translation that way.

On 28/11/2012 4:36 AM, Brandy Hume wrote: <new>

Understood. This is about getting things done, and cannot be watered down to "just be patient, change takes time" (which is not at all what I was suggesting, and hopefully I've made that clear, since my brief note about the world around us was but a fraction of my entire message, and was more of an aside, for encouragement :). M y point was that we need to bring these issues to the surface by highlighting the tasks and responsibilities (naturally followed by the people/person responsible), and being fair and respectful to each other when doing so (on all sides). It's also necessary, during such a process, to be honest with ourselves, and try not to take offense, when it comes to the surface that you can't do, or are not doing, what is needed. This may not have been the case in the past, and hence one, of many, sources of frustration for others left carrying the load. However , it's much easier for individuals to have the strength to do this (identify & accept their own shortcomings) when approached in the way of the sample dialogue I outlined earlier, rather than being attacked and feeling the need to immediately defend themselves and what they are doing/have done, and then returning the accusation. In other words, if we all feel that we are amongst FRIENDS/allies who are not looking to 'blame' anyone, personally, then we can all feel more comfortable facing our challenges and be more willing to hand over the reigns when a certain task reveals itself as too much to handle alone. I hope that makes sense.

I am at work now so I do not have a decent UI in front of me to go through the "job" stuff discussed earlier, though I would very much like to. I think there is merit there; we just need to be realistic and identify why it's "easier said than done," and how to overcome this if at all possible.

I will start here by offering my own feedback on some stuff Kari said, and the personal pov's/concerns I asked about earlier. Anyone who wishes to move forward can follow suit. (Or continue responding to the other thread, which is apparently still focused on pointing fingers at people...) I will be over here. Back to Kari's points...

>In order to select an appropriate governance model we need to clarify what
kind of entity we are<

If anyone wants to go back to it, this was touched on in our thread called "RBE or RBEM or what" (or something along those lines). I would consider us both, a Movement and an Organization, but for the latter, I guess we do need to have a meeting and iron out the structural issues that has everyone losing their
marbles. :P

>Presumably if we are to walk our talk and be the change [...] we should be
implementing the governance model that would be used in the RBEM.<

I don't get how we are supposed to do this without the tools that would be
available in the RBEM, like that big virtual globe thingy. Please elaborate (in
English, not in Karian ;).

As far as what I expect the Movement to accomplish and in what timeframe -

From a ground level I only expect us to be able to create enough awareness and preferably enough understanding of the material that, should the opportunity or eventual necessity arise, we are not pulling teeth then to try and initiate some sort of change in the culture. We'd already have a certain percentage of the population on the same page, so to speak. On other levels I expect that the more focused ZM teams will be able to align us with other organizations (as is being discussed here, at times) to expedite or at least facilitate said changes. The first one I expect to see growing gradually with each passing year (and I don't measure that by the number of ZM members, but moreso by the growing frequency of RBE-ish concepts being openly discussed in other communities (as opposed to them vomiting from the shock factor of being exposed to this frighteningly foreign concept). I don't expect to see any significant change in the latter for 3-5 years.

Some things that discourage me in the Movement are:

-- Not knowing who exactly to contact in all situations. I.e. I need a website updated or information changed, and no response. I'm pretty sure the main site still has Newsletter Team info from BEFORE the Blog was launched in Oct 2011. So it's 1+ yr old. :/

-- People preferring to splinter off and work individually (or some variation of that) because they are dissatisfied with the way a project or other matter is being handled. (This is NOT directed at those in the prior thread! Lol) I am referring to a much more common thing (I've seen on FB and other places) of divided efforts and scattered projects and crap because something didn't go exactly the way someone wanted, so they'd rather do their own thing with no guidance or willingness to compromise. Perhaps we need a better method of bringing forth concerns. Verizon has a Loyalty dept. (or something) to reduce churn. Maybe we should have one too.

More on the structure of the Movement later (and in a meeting at some point,

Thanks guys!

-- Sent f rom my mobile device

On Nov 27, 2012 10:56 AM, Zeitgeist Canada <> wrote:

I am not talking about the fact that many things will take time, decades and in fact in some cases never ending to change slowly over the course of change.

But to throw into this heap everything that is not getting done effectively and efficiently is very damaging to the growth of the movement.

I don't have "burn out" or frustration that things are not getting done "yesterday" and that I am not seeing the world change over night etc. Etc.

But, come on people, a job needs to be done and that takes a strong and focuses vision. If a company is falling a part they make changes to top personal to try to reboot the vision.

Why do we seem to drag our lack of success and growth down and just attribute it to people not "getting" that it will take time?? Excuses and "we are all just volunteers" can't replace a "job that needs to be done".

There are things that can be done, things that should have been done and they are simply not being done. This is not me venting "impatience" to the world around me. This is not because its "frustrating" or "change takes time" or any other excuse. It's just simply not getting done.

Try to look at the movement in your mind as a graph and you will see from the release of the initial chapters to now a downward graph that is continuing to plunge downward. It's time to address this. It's time to ask "why?" and not just right off everybody that shows frustration as "impatient" or "wanting change over night" etc.

You guys are all going to have this conversation again down the road and it will be from a much worse position. At what point will people get it. Also, <The only dissapointment i have had is that you did not take it a step further. Perhaps a lack of time or other reasons, its never too late though.>..... this has pretty much been a full time job for me as I have committed nothing but time over the last few years, it is not "who spent more time at this", it's simply getting the tasks done that can and need to be done.

Here is the reality........

The growth on multiple levels is continually declining, soon it will be beyond simple repair or people "coming and going". The arguments that pop up trying to address this get pushed aside as if the ARGUMENTS are unwarranted. And then we continue on in the same way that is not working to begin with!


Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:20 AM
Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM

Agree +1 Brandy

Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] My next 2 m onths and partial exit from TZM
From : Gilbert Ism ail <salserogilberto@gm >
Date: Tue, Novem ber 27, 2012 12:00 pm
To: tzm -core-team

It is my self defense mechanism , generated from so many blame messages fired my way, as if i am responsible for everything here. Absolutely i have said a lot of wrong things, certainly when im angry. The reason i type things like that, is just a means of "fighting"back when you feel you are being heavily wronged. Not because i have some sort of mental illness as you are now suggesting.

Im with Brandy's suggestion, i do believe what she has replied is the more sane and productive way to go. I will gladly follow that m ethod. will you? Yes people have left, and people will com e and go in the future too. Playing the blame game is not the way to identify any issues though. While guilty myself, so are others. Its long overdue to m ove beyond that.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM, David Z <> wrote:
On 28/11/2012 12:27 AM, Gilbert Ism ail wrote:

>According to 3 ppl in this mail, i am the root of everything that is
> wrong with tzm . How sick is that?
Gilbert, there are many more people that have quit the movement and are not present in this group, they have voiced their dissatisfaction about the structure, and often about you. You seem to totally ignore these facts or play the blame game, or just throw excuses - I could not put better than Cliff in that manner.

Your narcissism is just astonishing, and Im sure there is somewhere a
wiki article about pathological narcissism . My eyes poped out of my
orbit when you said "I have dedicated an amount of time and effort that
is only exceeded by Peter" - nothing better proves your overrated self


<all new below>

On 28/11/2012 12:47 PM, Peter GMP wrote:
The Zeitgeist Movement Defined: Realizing a New Train of Thought

Please note that this Guide is actively under development with only Part I of IV
available. The other 3 sections/16 essays will be released as they are completed. If
you find a Typo, please email

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:34 PM, David Z <> wrote:


gonna update site with this this weekend and inform the organizers. Ill offer a printed version also on the site.

On Tuesday, 27 November 2012, Peter GMP wrote:

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Ben M cLeish© <> wrote:

Great to have the first part up for this. Once complete, I want to turn this into ePub and
mobi files for e-readers. Who has experience?

On 28 Nov 2012, at 06:05 AM, Federico Pistono <> wrote:

Ben, I used Sigil, really good tool :)

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Ben M cLeish <> wrote:

Thanks dude!

Sent from my iPhone

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Peter GMP <> wrote:

My plan is that the full document, at about 120 pages, will be put in paperback form via third party on demand print publishing & ebook/kindle and sold at cost or less than cost in public, online outlets. (about $3.00 a unit for paperback) Of course, always available for free download in general.

This will get the "book" on Amazon and all over the internet in commercial circles and give a higher chance of public interest or even noterity if it gains popularity. No credit will be on it except "TZM Lecture Team". It also allows chapters to get them cheap in clean paperback form and hand them out more "professionally" at meetings, etc.

Federico- if you would like to donate an article on mechanization since you have done so much on it, let me know.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Federico Pistono <> wrote:

Hey guys,

I think this is a fantastic piece of collaborative work, I'm and thrilled to see this finally unfold. Since I've had some experience with it, I would suggest the following option: free downloads via torrent+direct download (as per usual), but sell the kindle and paperback version on amazon for a small profit (like $5 apiece). This will allow people to support the movement without resorting to unspecified "donations", and with the money we could pay more easily for our events (media festivals, zdays, etc.). If needed, for extreme transparency, we could keep the balance on a speadsheet up online for everyone to see.

I will be glad to contribute with a section on automation. Let me know how long you want it, and how broad should it be (in terms of things to cover).

On 30/11/2012 5:30 AM, Peter GMP wrote:

Hi Federico.
I get your point but in my view, the less paperwork the better so I'm not creating a spreadsheet. Whatever the print cost is from the company per unit, will be the sale price and this will posted on the site for transparency. It's on demand so no inventory is held. While I will admit my overhead has been very excessive over the past 2 years, losing money on every event, I am still able to pull it off as an underwriter in general and would prefer to keep this model for integrity.

As far as the automation essay, it might make a great appendix actually. Automation will be discussed in the Part 3 and then it could reference a larger treatment in the appendix....

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:48 PM, David Z <> wrote:

Hi PJ has a Order section/shopping cart where we sell by cost flyers, stickers, posters, DVD's, our Spirit of the Time M agazine and subscriptions and educational materials. All products are made on demand and all charged by-costs. Still the Order section is charging 50% surplus to have the error maring and support startup-chapters. Basically if someone buys 2 flyers - the chapters has one free - and can continue working for free - increasing our volunteer base and lowering TZM's financial dependance on self-funded volunteers.

Therefore i think Federico idea is awesome on that basis.

I would even suggest to install a Shopping Cart on - not to make profit or even cover the costs. Random people can order then DVD's or lecures, or stickers and then they will have the tools to act themselves - basically i treat the Order Section on as a self generated activism tool where 1 person running the shop empowers all customers to do their own activism.

S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Getting to the point
From: Peter GMP <>
Date: 5/12/2012 12:56 AM

Thanks David and everyone for the feedback. Need to get it done first!!!!



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#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 24, 2013 - 02:54

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

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c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter.
a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant
b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor
d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos

Kari gives a review of the Colombian chapter. She basically does not find any problem within the Colombian chapter. Kari in the Colombian chapter review puts into chronological order the problems that occurred within TZM. In the e-mail she argues that TZM protocols cannot be followed amongnst the Spanish chapter as not all Spanish members within this chapter can read English, as well as could be the case for other chapters within TZM. Therefore the chapter protocols cannot be followed because there not transparent or accessible to everybody. She notes that the Colombian chapter were completely unaware of the TZM chapter protocols.

In general with the Colombian review that the Colombian chapter has met the majority of the chapter protocol to a good to high standard. Colombian chapter has removed most of the TVP material as well as references to TVP. For the most part besides a few TVP audios the Colombian chapter has taken off the majority of the TVP material, and has compared to other TZM chapter official sites it has considerably a small amount of TVP material on the site now.

Colombian chapter passes reveiw and should be a official chapter within TZM

It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter meets the international TZM standard for communication, and is a valuable part of the global network. In this regard the Colombian chapter has successfully completed the review period, and there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be dissociated from the global network.

It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter meets the international TZM standard for chapter/team/project activity, in accordance with protocol, as the chapter is very active with a range of events and meetings being held throughout the year. The chapter provides a variety of ways for volunteers to get involved, and has been successful in engaging large numbers of supporters. In this regard the Colombian chapter has successfully completed the review period, and there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be dissociated from the global network.

Drawing from the developments the Colombian chapter have made in all areas stipulated by the development plan, my conclusion and recommendation is that the Colombian chapter remain networked with the TZM global network, and continue its developments alongside all other global chapters.

It is the recommendation of this review that the GCA review and modify their processes and procedures in order to avoid unnecessary upheaval, and in order to maintain optimal fluidity of communications both between chapters and the GCA, and within the entire global network of chapters.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 


E-mail involving Colombia protocols.

Date: 12/11/2012 9:03 PM

Andres et al,

I really don't want to get into any "he said-she said" arguments here that are based on things that have happened in the past. M y interest is in bringing the Colombian chapter into accordance with our protocols, and I have taken this on because I have no history of communication difficulties with the chapter, or indeed any other. I have a 1 month review period in which to do this (deadline 10th December), and I will do what I can within the reasonable expectations of a volunteer dealing with other volunteers. I would very much appreciate no further criticism levelled against the chapter during this period as it is important to provide unpressured breathing space for objective reflection and for improvements to be made with humility. It is not obligatory for anyone else to engage with the chapter as that is my responsibility during this period; therefore I expect any voluntary engagement with the chapter to occur with amicable intentions or not at all.

The following pertains specifically to the GCA:

Further to the point raised earlier regarding access to information such as protocols I would like to ensure that all chapters are advised of any changes that they, too, need to make in order to bring themselves into line with the protocols. I would like to negotiate a reasonable time-frame with the GCA in which this can occur - "reasonable" reflecting the time that will be needed for protocols to be translated into all applicable languages in order to ensure full understanding (I presume the protocols are already available in Spanish if the Colombian chapter is to be expected to adhere to them? Could I please have Spanish-language protocols to pass on to the chapter so that I can be satisfied they have them?). It is my understanding that the Linguistic Team is responsible for this, although I am unaware of any such translations having been made available so far - meaning that consistency in following protocol across all chapters is compromised at present.

So - GCA people - we will need to sketch out a development plan for chapters in general which takes into account smooth and consistent communication with the requisite documents available in all relevant languages. If the Linguistic Team are able to gather together a task-force to do this that would be optimal. If it is not to be the Linguistic Team then we will need to very carefully consider our "Plan B".

Cheers in advance of your contributions,
Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 12/11/2012 7:29 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

I see. Thanks Kari for the clarification, once again it's false. They made several meeting to review those protocols (the Colombian and the Spanish chapter) and they included all the links in there in every meeting and document. They knew where the info was and (at least in Latinamerica) everyone was informed about the google doc system and where to find the protocols. I don't know why they lied perhaps you could find out.

What really matters I concur with your approach, we need info made available instead of relying on the top down flow. I think we need a hub for every language and I think was meant to be that, so Miguel let us know if we can help.


Andrés Delgado

El 12/11/2012, a las 4:20, "Kari" <> escribió:

Actually, what the chapter said at the meeting I attended with them was that it is not clear where, if anywhere, the protocols are publicly available. It is true that until David put the protocls on the chapters portal today that they were unavailable there, and even we do not know where they are kept (I have copies myself because I took pdf copies back when I was working on editing the protocol docs last year).

This lack of availability, they feel, puts other chapters at risk of unintentionally breaching protocol (which is the case with many chapters, not just this one) as not everyone is up to date with what is expected or where to find the requisite information. This situation is easily exacerbated by changes in coordination where handover is not always optimal, or by new people joining not being told everything that happened in the past (remembering that we're all volunteers sometimes things slip through the net; I, for example, have been very diligent in informing the Australian chapter of these things but I can't vouch for all local coordinators passing the information on, or even reading it, and don't expect them to fill in every newbie on everything that's happened to date.

It was agreed that if information were more readily available then everyone would have equal access to it rather than relying on a top-down flow of information. This would make everyone's life less complicated and put the onus for being informed on all active volunteers, eliminating the possibility of information getting stuck in bottlenecks.

Thank you David for bringing this up, albeit slightly incorrectly :-)

Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 12/11/2012 7:03 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

That's bullshit (no offense intended) when the protocols were presented they said they don't accept them because they were made by a few people and they were 'imposed'. There is a mailing list from latinamerican where you can read this.

If the people in the chapter were not aware of them that is just another proof of how they were working, hiding the official messages from the people.


Andrés Delgado

El 11/11/2012, a las 22:02, "David Z" <> escribió:

Hi there peeps

I have been informed by Kari that Colombian chapter for the duration of the 1.5 year of chapter conflict resolution, was not even aware of existence of the chapter protocols. That was definitely one of the reasons why the conflict has grown to be such a heated issue.

Since chapters at present have no way to know that the protocols exist (and thus not know what they should comply to) - I decided to not just share the protocols with the Colombian chapter only, but to make the protocols available to the registered users on to avoid such miscommunication/misinformation in future.


Report: Colombia Chapter Review
10th November 2012 - 10th December 2012

For the review period 10/11/2012 - 10/12/2012 oversight and guidance of the Colombian chapter has been the responsibility of Kari McGregor, GCA representative for the Asia-Pacific region. Please see GCA meeting notes of 10/11/2012 for details. Please find also attached a pdf of these notes with the link to the recording.

Please see Colombia Chapter Review document (google-doc - view-only for all with the link) from the period 10/11/2012 - 10/12/2012 for details regarding the Colombian chapter's negotiated development plan. This document has been approved by the GCA as the official review criteria for the Colombian chapter during this period without controversy.

In the best interests of all concerned it has been requested that all non-necessary interactions between the Colombian chapter and those who have levelled complaints against the chapter be avoided for the period of this review.

1. Introduction

Regarding the development plan for the Colombian chapter I have asked for a high level of development - higher than is officially required of any chapter according to the protocols and chapters guide. It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter has completed the basic requirements to a high standard, and most additional requests have been met to a satisfactory or high level.

Analysis will be presented here point by point, and it will be demonstrated how conclusions are drawn from this analysis.

2. Colombian Chapter Development Plan:

2.1 Website:
○ A new website has been established for, and looks professional and appealing to visitors.
○ A contact for the chapter has been clearly established. This contact is, and is clearly visible in multiple locations on the website.
○ A contact form is available on the website. This contact form is fielded by the communications team of the Colombian chapter.
○ There is a subscription function via the blog on the website for visitors to the site/supporters to subscribe to receive news and updates, as well as educational materials, from the chapter.
○ The website contains the following necessary features:
■ Up-to-date mission statement
■ Up-to-date structure guide
■ Up-to-date FAQ
○ Non-necessary (i.e. any that is not specifically educational material regarding the RBEM) TVP-specific content has been removed from website
○ The website footer content matches links.
○ The global website is clearly linked to on the landing pad of the website.
○ Website sections have been filtered to ensure that references to TVP are either removed from content, or it is made clear that TVP is not a focus of TZM (e.g. can refer to TVP/Jacque Fresco as the originator of the RBEM, but not that TZM are working with/for TVP in any way).
○ A few materials remain on the website that refer to TVP/Jacque Fresco. These are audiovisual and reading materials with an educational focus regarding the RBEM. There is no more TVP content on this website now than on most other TZM websites, and considerably less than some.
○ A blog section has been linked on the site that features dynamic volunteer-generated content relating to chapter activity and education/information.
○ A poll has been added that gathers data on how visitors to the site heard about TZM. This is a very useful function that I would recommend other chapters, including TZM Global, to replicate.

It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter website meets the international TZM standard as expressed in the chapters guide and protocols, and is a good example of an appealing website that is easy to navigate and engage with. In this regard the Colombian chapter has successfully completed the review period, and there is no compelling reason for the chapter website to be dissociated from the global network.

2.2a Communications (Colombia internal):

○ The Colombian chapter have been regularly meeting on TeamSpeak and discussing their development plan.
■ I have been present at 3 Colombian chapter meetings in order to discuss the chapter development plan as presented to the chapter (and translated for them). I have fielded many questions in order to assist the chapter with their development and am confident that the chapter have understood the process of the review.
○ The communications team takes responsibility for the majority of inter-chapter communication, although the chapter provides both transparency with regard to
this, and opportunities for all interested volunteers to participate in the global network.
○ I have recommended, as I would for all chapters and teams, that the Colombian chapter participate in some facilitation training in order to hold effective meetings, workshops, and project/event planning sessions. The chapter, to my knowledge, has not yet had the opportunity to engage in such measures. In this way they are, to my knowledge, no different from any other chapter or team within the Movement, GCA and Global Core included (I have offered this opportunity to the GCA and Global Core as well, and the offer has not been taken up by these exemplary administrative bodies).

2.2b Communications (Latin America):

○ Erick and Oscar were requested by some of the GCA representatives to contact other Latin American chapters with clarification of their intention to proceed in cooperation non-violently, and to confirm a commitment to maintaining positive relations. Aside from this the Colombian chapter are not obligated to contact other Latin American chapters during the review period.
■ To my knowledge Oscar has not engaged in this way. It is not possible to hold any single volunteer accountable in this way as he is not an official representative of the Colombian chapter.
■ To my knowledge Erick has continued to communicate with the Latin American chapters, in a non-violent manner, although to my knowledge he has not specifically articulated this intention in writing. Again, it is not possible to hold any individual to account in this way.
■ It is my view that positive and non-violent interactions with the global TZM network in general are evidence of the intention to collaborate with the network. It is arguably not necessary for the Colombian chapter to interact specifically with the Latin American region, with the global network being the important network for communications in this global movement.
■ It is recommended that the Colombian chapter continue to maintain a place within the Global TZM network and collaborate with other chapters and project teams on order to advance the work of the Movement. This interaction should not be restricted to the Latin American region, nor specific to it.
● Communication with any network, whether global or regional (as per geographic proximity), takes place on the basis that it is supportive and developmental. Any communication not geared toward support or development of chapters is not a requirement that any chapter has to fulfil.

It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter meets the international TZM standard for communication, and is a valuable part of the global network. In this regard the Colombian chapter has successfully completed the review period, and there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be dissociated from the global network.

2.3 Projects & Teams

○ Teams exist within the Colombian chapter for the purpose of communication as well as a variety of other activities.
○ TZM Colombia has volunteers/teams working well to execute successful events such as the Zeitgeist Media Festival.
○ The chapter continues to hold regular events and informational sessions such as screenings of the Zeitgeist documentary films, and their "Zeitgeist Cafe".
○ The chapter have agreed to remove the label "Zeitgeist" from all teams not obviously and directly connected with TZM aims and ethos as stated in the mission statement - i.e. if TZM does not take an official position on something we do not place the term "Zeitgeist" in front of it.
○ The volunteer-generated educational blog is available via the website, and appears to be regularly updated (the recommendation is to try to update the blog with at least one or two new articles/items per month).
○ The chapters/teams are regularly holding meetings on TeamSpeak, and are also holding regular events and education-focused sessions such as screenings of the Zeitgeist documentary films.

It is my conclusion that the Colombian chapter meets the international TZM standard for chapter/team/project activity, in accordance with protocol, as the chapter is very active with a range of events and meetings being held throughout the year. The chapter provides a variety of ways for volunteers to get involved, and has been successful in engaging large numbers of supporters. In this regard the Colombian chapter has successfully completed the review period, and there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be dissociated from the global network.

Drawing from the developments the Colombian chapter have made in all areas stipulated by the development plan, my conclusion and recommendation is that the Colombian chapter remain networked with the TZM global network, and continue its developments alongside all other global chapters.

I wish the Colombian chapter the best of luck with its future developments and hope to see some positive developments in conveying the message of the Movement to ever more people.

3. Further Information :

For further information regarding background to the case of the Colombian chapter and the 1 month review period please see the points below:

3.1 GCA history with Colombian chapter
To view the case of the Colombian chapter as reported via the GCA Trello board please click here. As is clear, there is not a great deal of information present in the time leading up to the GCA meeting of 10/11/2012, and no reports have been attached, no meetings requested, and no clear position taken.

3.2 Colombia Chapter Review from Latin American GCA representative
In early November 2012 I was passed a document by an anonymous volunteer with the Latin American chapters entitled "Colombia Chapter Review", dated July 2012, and written by Nelson Alvarez, Latin American Chapters coordinator. This report was never presented to the GCA, but forms the basis of the rationale presented to the Latin American chapters for the dissociation of the Colombian chapter from the global network. Please find a pdf of this report attached.

3.3 Vote against the Colombian chapter
I was present at the November 5th Latin American chapters meeting at which a "vote" was held to determine the future of the Colombian chapter within the TZM global network. I observed the harassment of the Colombian chapter and subsequent vote, in which 15 volunteers participated - 9 of them from the Argentinian chapter. The result of the vote was that the Latin American chapters voted to disconnect the Colombian chapter from the TZM global network. This vote went against the decision-making protocol, chapter protocol, and coordination protocol. Please find a pdf of the meeting notes attached.

3.4 Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study
In response to these breaches of protocol I conducted a report entitled Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study, detailing what had happened and analysing the case of the Colombian chapter in terms of accordance with the established protocols and in comparison with other chapters. Please find attached a pdf of this report. It is my recommendation that all chapter activities be brought into accordance with protocols.

3.5 Colombia Chapter Review by impartial GCA representative
On 10th November 2012 a meeting was held with the GCA (pdf of minutes attached - with link to recording) in which it was agreed that the Colombian chapter would be granted a 1 month review period which I, as an impartial representative (i.e. not involved in the Colombian chapter, any other Latin American chapters, or with any complaints against the chapter) of the GCA would oversee. The Colombia Chapter Review document was drafted, by me, in order to outline a development plan that addressed the issues raised in Nelson Alvarez's Colombia Chapter Review of July 2012. The criteria in this review document have been accepted/not objected to by the GCA and the Colombian chapter.

3.6 Harassment of GCA representative conducting review
Following my request that no non-essential communication take place between the Colombian chapter and any volunteers with a history of communication problems with the chapter I immediately (within 5 minutes of posting the link on the GCA Trello board - before even making the document available to the Colombian chapter) received a request from an external party (i.e. external from both the Colombian chapter and the GCA - therefore someone who could only have the link to the document if it were passed on by a representative of the GCA) with a history of communication problems with the Colombian chapter to share the Colombia Chapter Review document. Details (anonymised) of this interaction are pasted verbatim as follows:

On 12/11/2012 9:47 PM, [name removed for anonymity by Kari McGregor] (Google Drive) wrote:

Request to share
Document Colombia Chapter Review - Development Plan
Already own this item and [email removed by Kari McGregor for the sake of anonymity] asks you to share it with:
+ [Email removed by Kari McGregor for the sake of anonymity]
Add these people in Sharing settings.


My response was as follows:
Hi there,

With respect, as you have asked for me to share a private document, may I ask who you are? This document is intended for sharing with the GCA and Colombian chapter and has not yet been issued outside the GCA because it is not yet complete.
Thank you in advance of your clarification, Kari McGregor

Further response from the individual responsible for the request was as follows:

During more than a year I have tried to dialogue with Colombian chapter activists, and all I have received are personal attacks and typical fallacies of trolls.

I was not alone in trying to solve the problem with Colombia, but also almost all the coordinators of Latin America.

Wherefore I access the document to keep not only information transparency also make the s support errands to develop a new structure of the Colombian chapter.

[name removed for anonymity by Kari McGregor]

Further response from myself

[name removed for anonymity by Kari McGregor],

In response to your request I will repeat what I have said to the GCA, and what I will relay at the next Latin American chapters meeting at which I will present an explanation from the GCA regarding the Colombian chapter review. Please note:

Please can those with a history of communication problems with the Colombian chapter refrain from all non-necessary contact with the chapter during the review period - it is necessary to provide the breathing space required for improvements to be made with humility.

This request was made when I provided the link to this document to the GCA. I have not publicized the link outside the GCA other than to provide it to the Colombian chapter as it is important that we be allowed to proceed with our work without interference. If you have been provided this document link by a GCA representative I would like to know what you were told about it and what your role is in relation to it. It is not obligatory for other Latin American chapters to have contact with the Colombian chapter during this period, and it is preferable for those who have a history of poor communication to avoid all unnecessary contact that may cause interference.

I would like to respectfully request that you contact me personally if you have any questions regarding the development of the Colombian chapter, and please refrain from making comments on the review document. Thank you in advance of your understanding and cooperation,
Kari McGregor
The Zeitgeist Movement, Global Chapters Administration for Asia-Pacific region

In response to this request I was greeted with a tirade of personal criticism - directed at myself - written as commentary on the Colombia Development Plan google-document, precisely as I had requested not be done.

In addition, I have experienced criticism and ridicule from within the GCA and Global Core Team for taking on the task, as agreed by the GCA, of reviewing the Colombian chapter during this period. I find this behaviour to be a disgrace to the Movement, and entirely inappropriate. I hope to see more exemplary behaviour in future - behaviour befitting a movement that calls for a paradigm shift.

4. Conclusion & recommendations

It is the conclusion of this review that the GCA has acted contrary to protocol up until the point of the November-December 2012 review, with regard to the Colombian chapter.
This review has found satisfactory development of the Colombian chapter, aligning the chapter with all official protocols and guides. It is therefore the conclusion of this review that the Colombian chapter should remain an officially recognized chapter of the TZM global network.
It is the recommendation of this review that the GCA review and modify their processes and procedures in order to avoid unnecessary upheaval, and in order to maintain optimal fluidity of communications both between chapters and the GCA, and within the entire global network of chapters.


Colombia Chapter Review: 10th November 2012 - 10th December 2012

For the review period 10/11/2012 - 10/12/2012 oversight and guidance of the Colombian
chapter is the responsibility of Kari McGregor, GCA representative for the Asia-Pacific region.
Please see GCA meeting notes of 10/11/2012 for details.

In the best interests of all concerned it is requested that all non-necessary interactions
between the Colombian chapter and those who have levelled complaints against the chapter be
avoided for the period of this review.

It is requested that a volunteer from the Colombian chapter, or a trusted Spanish-language
friend of the chapter, please translate this document for the benefit of all active volunteers in the

It is requested that this document be shared with all active volunteers within the Colombian
chapter immediately upon receipt. This document is for the use of the Colombian chapter only
and has only been shared with the Colombian chapter - who have been asked to share their
comments for negotiation, and GCA - who have been asked to limit their comments to the GCA
Trello board. This document is not for circulation outside the Colombian chapter or GCA until
after the review period is complete, at which point it will be attached to a publicly available report
document regarding the review of the Colombian chapter.

Please see below for the development plan for the Coloombian chapter. All points are subject to
reasonable negotiation (please use comments function) between Kari (GCA representative) and
the Colombian chapter volunteers.

(Recommended) Colombian Chapter Development Plan:

Please use comments function to signify "complete" once an action has been completed.

Week 1 (12th November - 19th November):

● Website:
○ Ensure that all sub-chapter & project coordination contacts are available (this can
be "contact@....." or "information@...." - it doesn't have to be just one person for
each chapter/team - emails can be received by groups if you choose
○ Put a contact form on the website (can be received by a number of people from
the communication team - negotiate within group how to handle emails)
○ Make sure the website has a clear subscribe function for visitors to subscribe to a
mailing list (google-group is not appropriate for newcomers)
○ Ensure website has an "About" section with the following in Spanish:
■ Up-to-date mission statement
■ Up-to-date structure guide
■ Up-to-date FAQ
■ (Update the Orientation Guide link when the new one comes out)
○ Remove TVP-specific content from website
○ Make sure footer content matches links (remove TVP link)

● Communications (Latin America):
○ Erick and Oscar are requested to contact other Latin American chapters (can
do this by email) with clarification of their intention to proceed in cooperation
non-violently, and to confirm a commitment to maintaining positive relations.
Aside from this the Colombian chapter are not obligated to contact other Latin
American chapters during the review period.

Week 2 (19th November - 26th November):

● Website:
○ Filter all sections to ensure that references to TVP are either removed from
content, or it is made clear that TVP is not a focus of TZM (e.g. can refer to TVP/
Jacque Fresco as the originator of the RBEM, but not that TZM are working with/
for TVP in any way).
○ Minimize the focus on TVP in videos and other educational materials; provide
more TZM-generated educational content (e.g. lectures from TZM lecture team if
available in Spanish)
● Projects & Teams
○ Establish education-focused team & set a development plan for educationoriented
activism (can be media production - e.g. blogging, Youtube clips,
lectures, etc)
○ Remove the label "Zeitgeist" from all teams not obviously and directly connected
with TZM aims and ethos as stated in the mission statement

Week 3 (26th November - 3rd December):

● Website:
○ Install Tabzilla links tab in order to provide automatically updated links to all
relevant chapters and projects in TZM
○ Set up a section for dynamic educational content - e.g. "what's new in TZM",
News, blog
● Communications (Colombia internal):
○ Send out a newsletter to mailing list informing chapter of the great new stuff on
the website & inviting people to get involved and volunteer for projects/chapters;
also include project updates & links to educational content if you can
○ Communications team: All members should do some facilitation training
(something I recommend for all chapters and coordinators) and apply learnt
skills to meeting procedures (Here is a link - in English I'm afraid - to a site for
professional facilitation. There are a lot of methods and tools here that will be
useful for anyone who ever needs to facilitate a meeting or consensus process.)
so everyone gets a clear voice and facilitator moves the process along, not

Week 4 (3rd December- 10th December):

● Projects & Teams
○ Establish volunteer-generated educational blog on site (try to update with at least
one or two new articles per month)
○ Ensure that chapters/teams holding meetings hold 1 education-focused session
per month (e.g. "Movies that Matter" screening, One Planet Project, or a lecture/
workshop session)


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The Burger KingPosted: Apr 24, 2013 - 02:58

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

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CS Original
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d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos
a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant
b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor
c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter.

Nelson Alvarez gives a review of the Colombian chapter website. Nelson notes that the Colombian chapter does not have any coordinators. Nelsons says that the Colombian chapter is not a official chapter of TZM anymore. Kari reviewed this review in a e-mail and doesn't think this is grounds to dissolve the Colombian chapter.

Using these last words the chapter does not exist anymore as an official chapter and we need to wait for some volunteer who is willing to use the regular process...

Within a e-mail response Kari says that after reading the review by Nelson that there isn't a good reason why the Colombian chapter lost it's official status. Kari notes that there was clearly a top tier group of people calling for the Colombian chapter to lose it's official status within TZM.

Thank you for your input. My response remains the same as before - I remain unsatisfied that the Colombian chapter has done anything to deserve being dissolved, and I am not satisfied that sufficient attempts have been made to ensure that any issues have been resolved according to protocol. I keep hearing about this "year and a half of trouble", but I have not been satisfied with an adequate response as to what constitutes this trouble while hearing a great many complaints from the Colombian chapter against the GCA and witnessing harassment first-hand. The Colombia Chapter Review is the only document I have seen in relation to the issue, and it in no way provides adequate evidence supporting the closure of a chapter.

Nelson Alvarez apologies to Carlos and retracts some of what he says about him in a e-mail.

Well, first of all, I need to repeat what I said in the last meeting with Carlos, I apologies and I will retract some words in my previous email talking about Carlos. In fact if all of you look in my last thread with a PROPOSAL that derived in clarifications and people pushing and quoting each other, you will find the phrase: "I have to apologies to Carlos, the past is the past". My real intention was to warn Karin of who she talks with about "stupid internal issues", so going on my email I remark what I consider the important 5 points

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

1. Chapter Website

● There are no links to:
The Global Site
Mission statement
TZM Structure
Basic information on how/what to do to create a chapter
A contact form or a visible contact email available on the site.
● Logo doesn't show the word 'Colombia' on it.
● Presentation :
The Zeitgeist Movement exists fundamentally as the TVP's activist arm
TVP Materials and Experimental City
● Venus Project
● Team Focus
Zeitgeist Agriculture
Zeitgeist Nutrition
Zeitgeist Medicine
Zeitgeist Architecture

2. Chapter Coordination

● Nobody assumed the coordination once Gabriel Vivas (former National Coordinator) left the country to
● Members as Erick and Oskar state: Everyone is a coordinator in Colombia, we don't have leaders and we
don't want them either.

3. Visible Chapter Activity

● There is no report from the chapter since 2011
● There are no activitiies found in media, they use very well their 'zeitgeist cafe' to talk and/or organize
activities in facebook or Open Atrium such as this "Experimental Farm"

4. Issues with Chapter members
● Formal Complaints received with documents and recordings in GCA.
- Andres Delgado to March 04 2012 (verbal violence from Erick)
- Jorge Forero GCA Issue form March 14 2012 (verbal violence from Erick)
● Informal Complaints.
- Nelson Alvarez ad hominen attack October 1, 2011 received by Erick in a TS3 2 hours or more of
conversation shared with more than 20 members hearing "Nelson you are a Liar", Colombia has deleted
the recording but there are witness members aware of that recording like Gabriel Vivas, who heard the full
informal meeting next day October 2.(there is an email of that)
- Indirect disrespect to all Latin coordinators and members from Erick saying "let's all go tomorrow to the
latinamerican meeting, there are only stubborn people there (Erick recorded)

5. Criticism from chapter members
● "We have entered the second stage of projects, even when the global movement hasn't" (Erick recorded)
● "The Protocols were an imposition from a few on the top" (Erick recorded)
● "The movement is horizontal and the global moderators don't act as such" (Erick recorded)
● "The Chapter Guide is just a Guide, you don't need to follow it" (Erick email to all hispanic speak
● "The One Planet Project is just to collect emails and promote Peter's films and not our films" (Erick
● A conspirative perspective showing repeative complaints against the US Government, UN and Corporations. Complaints of why the global movement doesn´t react against them are constantly heard in Colombian meeting recordings, or for example this facebook post on July 01-2012: I agree that technology should be used to our advantage, but according to the current model of government investments, will the largest sums be invested in technology for better living? Is the Global ZM winning their fight in the prioritization of technology towards the construction of an EBR? Should not TZM Global, with 500 thousand members and its mented CRITICAL MASS, be questioning the WWF or other UN to avoide this kind of things instead of being in an eternal fight regarding organizational issues? What technology is being used for today? (Oskar in several latino facebook about new usa technology weapons, picture saved)

Ending Notes

After the last coordinator Gabriel left Colombia, he was under pressure by other chapter members, but at that time (a year ago) he asked Gilbert and I to not interfere with that issue. I consider that was a mistake from Gilbert and I, there was excellent communication with the chapter before that, and right after Gabriel left everything became confusing because nobody oriented the movement and then a lot of different opinions, projects and horizontality interpretations started to show up.

So even that the chapter is very active, most of the activities are oriented not in spreading the information but including people by using different -non TZM related- kinds of projects. Using these last words the chapter does not exist anymore as an official chapter and we need to wait for some volunteer who is willing to use the regular process... until then I suggest to use the third party chapter concept if it's possible to keep them near. There's nothing else to do with them, they can do what ever they want and like I said to Erik months ago in a 3 hours Skype conversation, they can be an example in the future of best organization, until now every time a chapter starts up, it's necessary to have a person or group of persons as voices to contact. So I repeat ,the chapter of Colombia is big enough to be cut off by an official mechanism. They shouldn't be compared with a "cancer", it is more like a "flu" at least in this part of the world because the rest of the chapters are getting prepared for this.

The former coordination did great things in the country and nearly 4000 can be contacted by our main mailing list at, therefore I recommend to take that channel as our communication tool in order to gain a new momentum and recover the focus in the Colombian chapter so it can regain its official status.

Nelson Alvarez


Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Gross misconduct of GCA in the case of the closure of the Colombian chapter
From: Kari <>
Date: 10/11/2012 8:41 PM
BCC: "" <>


Thank you for your input. My response remains the same as before - I remain unsatisfied that the Colombian chapter has done anything to deserve being dissolved, and I am not satisfied that sufficient attempts have been made to ensure that any issues have been resolved according to protocol. I keep hearing about this "year and a half of trouble", but I have not been satisfied with an adequate response as to what constitutes this trouble while hearing a great many complaints from the Colombian chapter against the GCA and witnessing harassment first-hand. The Colombia Chapter Review is the only document I have seen in relation to the issue, and it in no way provides adequate evidence supporting the closure of a chapter.

My concerns are that the decision has been made:

● contrary to protocol - chapter, coordination, and decision-making protocols specifically
● outside the GCA
● without consultation of the GCA - the issue has not even been brought to the GCA for discussion and advice
● despite a lack of consensus

In addition I have been informed by both Gilbert and M iguel that the decision has not been made whilst Nelson and yourself say that it has. This is clearly inconsistent and needs to become consistent asap. According to the letter already written (an unusual preemptive step if the decision has not been made) to the Colombian chapter and signed by Nelson and M iguel, the letter signed by a number of Latin American coordinators outside the Colombian chapter and outside the GCA, and the result of a vote held a few days ago it appears that a decision has been made. I am not sure why people outside the GCA were consulted and not people inside the GCA. I would like to understand why it is deemed appropriate for this breach of protocol to take place.

In response to your question:
"Second "in place of Nelson, who likely needs a break from all this" can I ask where this come from?"

I think it is sufficiently clear that Nelson no longer wishes to deal with the Colombian chapter. I see no reason to obligate him to continue to do so. Therefore, while I see no compelling reason for the closure of the chapter I see that it is appropriate for me to offer to take on the representation of the Colombian chapter in the GCA. I see it as necessary to mediate, and as I have not been taken seriously in my offers of mediation I have simply assisted where I could to ensure a positive outcome for all concerned. I do not accept the termination of the Colombian chapter under the circumstances as I have found that, when requested to do so, the chapter make amendments and communicate effectively. As I am so easily able to achieve desired outcomes with the chapter it simply makes sense to me that Nelson no longer deal with it if I am willing to take it on. I can assure the rest of the GCA that I will endeavour to ensure that the chapter develops according to protocol, as I have done in the Asia-Pacific region, in which we have no conflicts.

BTW - now is probably as good a time as any to ask whether we will have that GCA meeting in the next few hours - M iguel, Gilbert, David, Nelson, Victor, Jorge? At last count we were all able to make it for 14:00 UTC except for Gilbert. Gilbert - are you able to make it or will we have to reschedule? Looking forward to your response.

Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 10/11/2012 4:48 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

This wasn't Nelson Kari it was the upper tier which means the latinamerican coordination, who decided this.

Second "in place of Nelson, who likely needs a break from all this" can I ask where this come from Third, a decision has been made and I'm pretty sure you have good intentions but I really think is necessary to see other people stepping up in the Colombian chapter. There are great activists and based on the behavior of the people in charge right now, we don't now if they could have been inhibited from participating since banning and verbal violence has been the rule. So like Erick says all the time, if everyone is just an activist and this is a horizontal structure, he won't be afraid of letting other people take his place. If he built such a good structure as he claims, please let us see the results. If the work was done accordingly to the movement guidelines then we won't have any problem at seeing new activists emerging to fill the gap created by these past events.

This decision was made after more than a year of work where we had been ignored and attacked, so now with this decision we see that the changes are being made (apparently this was the best to do), so I think stand where we are might be a good idea.


Andrés Delgado

El 09/11/2012, a las 23:03, "Kari" <> escribió:

Please note that upon my request some amendments have been made to the Zeitgeist Colombia website to bring it into line with what is expected. M ore changes are on their way. I have experienced absolutely no problem with getting the compliance of the chapter with regard to making these amendments and have only experienced positive communication with the chapter.

I would like to request that I be given the opportunity to continue to assist the Colombian chapter in place of Nelson, who likely needs a break from all this - in reaching full compliance with the protocols and with accurately representing the M ovement. At present I have no reason to believe that I will have any difficulties in doing so as thus far I have encountered no resistance.

Thank you,

On 10/11/2012 9:50 AM, wrote:

P.S - I still need to confirm with nelson if the current chapter link needs to be be officially rem oved or not, as i know he is doing what he can to avoid that (having this issue drag itself for several m onths should be enough proof of that). This to say that technically, the current colom bia chapter is still official as it always was.

Well Miguel, Im sorry to say this, but now it does not only depend on m e but also on the new chapters com plaints about it. So I ask you to please rem ove the links, Im really really sure we will revert this situation in the near future because the colom bian members that know what we are trying to do are out there, so I repeat, please rem ove the links from our global site and send the clarification em ail : /docum ent/d/1ZncO Ghh-wpuZVP6-UzYIEMLBgq4O _UbSp-

Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] Re: Gross m isconduct of GCA in the case of the
closure of the Colom bian chapter
From : Miguel Oliveira <m oliveira@thezeitgeistm ovem >
Date: Fri, Novem ber 09, 2012 7:53 pm
To: tzm -core-team
Cc: gm pfilm s@gm , Peter Joseph <peter@thezeitgeistm ovem >

Thanks for this karin, its always im portant to share your concerns like this.
Since i hold a different point a view i feel i need to explain this issue a bit

Ill be dividing m y com m ents per points following the sam e structure on your
case study.

1. Chapter Websites

This alone is never a prim ary reason to get a chapter rem oved, som e guidelines are absolute logical requirem ents while others are good additions to a site and taking actions like rem oval of a chapter on sm aller site issues can and is often waived because it is simply too much.

Thank you for taking the tim e to do that, it is som ething i have attempted to get some volunteers in the past to do, unfortunately ive had 2 volunteers failing on this task. I will definately take your observed points into trello so they can be dealt with in a per case basis.

The problem with the chapter guidelines is that som e 1st generation of chapters/websites per say never had them in the first place. (By first generation i m ean TVP era)

Promotion of tvp and other organizations is not forbidden, what is "forbidden" is the absence of TZM core basic information.

Colombia was m entioned on these points because, when a chapter review is triggered the coordinator sim ply analyzes it from several different aspects. (And unfortunately we are not running routine reviews as ideally we should)

2. Chapter Coordination

It is unusual for a chapter to not have coordinators... This point of contact does not have to remain the same indefinitely, nor be restricted to a single individual. If the responsibility for fielding such communication is passed from one individual to another, or is the shared responsibility of a group of volunteers, then this is acceptable as a means of achieving the aim.

Completely agree on this.

The problem i see is with the next paragraph which states:

In this emergent movement ... The imposition of a rule stipulating that there must be a hierarchical structure with one named coordinator is a notion born of an out-dated social structure favouring hierarchy - one that the Movement claims to be moving away from.

There is no such rule in place, in the coordination protocol to the extent of my memory, coordination is not restricted to a individual, Coordination should be taken as a function, a function that creates and m aintains organization with groups of people, the larger the groups of people are, the tendency is that the more coordination it needs.

Much can be discussed on hierarchy, this is a long subject to cover as its heavily dependent on context specially when you add other factors like power and influence to the m ix. (but i dont see this discussion as necessary here)

What matters is the point that coordinators are not bossing around people, they are organizing/relaying info and helping people to be better at which they volunteered for (by providing suggestions and input), in other words, coordinators serve the m em bers (not the m em bers serving the coordinators)

Im having a hard issue accepting the fact that current the colom bian chapter (as far recorded and easily accessible inform ation goes) has a unknown num ber of active m em bers, with unknown contacts, with unknown functions, with unknown agendas. Whenever i tried to em ail their "main chapter em ail" i get a bounce back saying i do not have perm ission to send m essages to the address (its a google group), just what kind "accessiblity and organization" is this!?

Im sure som e we could hunt and docum ent som e of this inform ation, but it is im portant to note this act in itself of organizing info can be seen as coordinating.

It seem s to m e, that the issue of coordination som e Colom bian mem bers speak of is mainly a perceptual and sem antic one. (som ething im not sure it is being realized)

3. Visible Chapter A ctivity

I also agree that form al reporting on a m onthly requirem ent is outdated, unnecessary and such can be easily replaced by on request em ail updates or occasional visits to places where the chapter organizes itself (trello, atrium , etc)

The problem here lies with communication m edium s, inform ation flow and type of activity.

(what is written below is hypothetical)
If there is hostility from chapter m em bers, then it is a problem it has to be dealt with (more on this in the next point).

If they refuse to give reports, then its also a problem (and we are never in position to ask a volunteer for a report if he never has com m ited to do it in the first place)

If the activity they engage seem s to be barely focus on the m ain purpose of the m ovem ent if at all or if it prevents developm ent on this aspect.

Don't get me wrong, chapters are not ONLY restricted to educational projects and such, but if not a single or too little of a fuck is given about this then whats needed is to increase the "care about" level som ehow, (pardon the language but i feel this point has to be illustrated)

If that plan to increase com es with getting people to participate in the chapter coordination, then opposing it is counter productive and quite honestly refusing to cooperate on this end warrants m ore than enough reason for som eone to get som e other volunteers for this job.

The situation with colom bia is sim ple and i believe nelson m entioned in the previous linked doc, if there is willingness from chapter m em bers to strengthen communication with other chapters and take m ore focus on the website and education m aterial/projects then the problem is solved.

If there is no such thing, then we have NOWHERE to pick up and improve the situation.

4. Issues with Chapter members

Complaints are indicators that som ething is probably wrong, which triggers analysis, Complaints against individuals behaviour as in ad hom inem s/insults should in theory not affect the chapter itself directly at all, but the failure of this chapter to handle or address those individuals can be itself a problem.

Still this is m ore a m oderation issue than a chapter adm inistration one.


I believe ive have listed down m ost of m y points above, but as a final note:

1. Cessation of activity within the chapter that is observable for an extended period of time
2. Promotion of an agenda/direction that is contrary to the aims and ethos of the Movement

The current state of the colom bian chapter can be to som e extent arguable in respect to these points.

The point i wanted to m ake is that while protocols are im portant to keep as a reference, they are not absolute authority, if som ething doesn't just m ake sense in a given context then obviously hum an judgem ent through logical approaches is preferred over a piece of text written in the past. (which m ay have never accounted for a particular situation in the first place.)

For exam ple, even though i had a big input on the protocol, at this date i openly oppose som e issues which i think need to be am ended. The reason i have this change in judgem ent, was because of experiences and observations i had on several issues since then, som ething which im sure we all do.

P.S - I still need to confirm with nelson if the current chapter link needs to be be officially rem oved or not, as i know he is doing what he can to avoid that (having this issue drag itself for several m onths should be enough proof of that). This to say that technically, the current colom bia chapter is still official as it always was.

Take Care

Subject: [TZM CO RE] Re: Gross m isconduct of GCA in the case of the
closure of the Colom bian chapter
From : Kari McGregor <karin@thezeitgeistm ovem >
Date: Fri, Novem ber 09, 2012 11:43 am
To: gm pfilm s@gm , Peter Joseph
<peter@thezeitgeistm ovem >,
tzm -core-team

Hi there,

O K - I've just com pleted the research for and writing of a report regarding the proposed dissolution of the Colom bian chapter. Please find my report attached to this em ail, along with pdf copies of the Colombia Chapter Review by Nelson, and the m ost recent Latin America chapters m eeting m inutes (these pdf's are attached because the links in the report go to google-docs that can be changed or their access restricted). Also included are the relevant protocols and procedures from the GCA m entioned in my report.

Further to this em ail I am subm itting a form al com plaint to the GCA regarding their gross m isconduct in the case of the Colom bian chapter. The GCA will have a m eeting this weekend at which the matter is on the agenda to be discussed, although I am not sure to what extent or in what m anner. However, this docum ent will serve as the basis for the agenda item at said m eeting. I feel that it is in the interests of transparency that all coordinators and core team mem bers know what happens behind the closed doors of the GCA (as you well know I don't believe anything should be happening behind closed doors or non-consensually), and feel em powered to act when it is clear an injustice is taking place.

Please take it that m y work here is done with regard to this m atter. This is the last you will hear from m e directly in relation to this m atter regarding the Colom bian chapter. The reason for m e submitting this work is so that other representatives of the Movement can have access to the same information that I have access to, to understand that there are people like myself who think and act differently and that we can be trusted in, and that there are other ways of working together within this Movement that will ultimately serve us better. I am aware that we will have to question the ways in which we think and act if we are to advance toward a new paradigm , and that it is past time for defending the existing structure of the Zeitgeist Movement and the positions of individualincum bents in the cases where it fails to uphold its own core tenets. I, personally, have no position to uphold, just responsibilities to fulfill, and I will continue to fulfill them with integrity.

Thank you for your time and attention. Please participate in this sharing of information with the understanding that transparency is a necessary prerequisite of any democratic paradigm , and please never be afraid to speak out in defense of that which you know is right.

Love yous,


Public clarification regarding dispute between TZM Latin American coordinator Nelson Alvarez and TZM Australia's Carlos Diaz regarding false accusations leveled against Carlos by Nelson.

Ok Carlos, I agree with you in a 70%, and while I don't need to clarify anything through this via, because if you have a complaint there's a protocol and a global form for that. Anyway, I need to do it because you involved members here, and please all in this googlegroup excuse me but don't worry, this will be my last entry here so I will refer to another thread pending too.

Well, first of all, I need to repeat what I said in the last meeting with Carlos, I apologies and I will retract some words in my previous email talking about Carlos. In fact if all of you look in my last thread with a PROPOSAL that derived in clarifications and people pushing and quoting each other, you will find the phrase: "I have to apologies to Carlos, the past is the past". My real intention was to warn Karin of who she talks with about "stupid internal issues", so going on my email I remark what I consider the important 5 points

Sorry for my delay too, I just arrived home, but well, the topic in the meeting was around Karin's email to an open latin-america's group list exposing the core team through a third party (Carlos)"brujo".This led to misinterpretations about the creation of the TZM Core Team. Looks like a leak of "secret info", first because it's not a regular way, but mostly because Carlos(brujo)instigated in this matter. I don't doubt Kari's kindness, but obviously, her knowledge about the spanish speaking chapters affairs is coming from Carlos, who was an instigator on Brian's CND case, Spains-Plaza del Sol Movement (precursor of OWS), open campaing against LTI Team and some "ad hominem" attacks to Gilbert, Miguel, Ray and me.

All this plus the misinterpretations from some colombians that have been making noise for the last 10-12 months about the infamous concept of "horizontality", make continuous ad hominem attacks and strawman fallacies at people, and propagate the idea that the Colombian chapter "IS" doing well with "Zeitgeist Teams" like "Zeitgeist Nutrition", Zeitgeist Permaculture" and Zeitgeist Medicine" to mention a few.

I'm trying to deal with all this, and answering James question, no man,
nothing relevant on education, the recording is just in my computer,
and if somebody only in this group needs it I will upload it in a few
hours. I would like to thank Jason and the other participants, and I
suggest all to keep working and not waste time on structural issues,
for that I think we already have the asynchronous tools.

Take Care

1.- Karin exposed this google group no matter the way she used the info, and not all of the people here have enough confidence with the people in there region to do that, specially when the person that formed the team asked us to keep it private. Actually all Latino coords know about it but the email that Karin wrote was translated by no matter who and posted in an open latino googlegroup. I ask myself why Karin didn't do that in the zmchapters@googlegroup, it's the same but in Spanish. Just until today and after the last meeting consensus of all the latino coords, the group is closed and only the coords decide who enters from each chapter in the group. At the end I want to be clear " if somebody, no matter who or why, asks me to just keep this in private, I don´t worry why or who asked that, the person must have his reasons" and you know that Carlos, you have sent me emails saying the same, and nobody knows.

2.- It's a fact that you Brujo, are always looking for heads or witches, like you do with all the people you mentioned in this email that I'm responding to you.

3.- I retract absolutely from this. That was an assumption because I thought that all this about horizontality and "focus into sustainability projects" came from you Carlos because I've had meetings with you and Erick from Colombia who have that same position. But remembering you told me you don't fully agree with him, and only now I can understand better Karin's and David's orientation by taking a look at the australian website. I've seen, for example, past GCA meeting recordings downloadable to all and also the orientation to sustainability projects (as you can see in the next images I attached) that personally I disagree with as a global orientation . I emphasize "as a global orientation" because my family also has extensive land with 80% of sustainability on it, but everyone that lives on it and doesn't understand this shift of consciousness is still keeping their jobs and supporting the present economy because even having free and clean energy and food, THEY STILL WANT MORE STUFF! , and say they love their jobs because of the social status it gives them. I understand that people in the movement get interested in these types of projects, but they should be carried out at a personal level, not as an activity organized and/or promoted by TZM as if it was a tool for spreading awareness. While anyone can try to leave the system, our responsibility as a global movement is to spread the information to all the people. An RBEM only works at a global scale, and that implies that all need to know about it first.

4.- I can´t retract myself on this because of the information that I have from the people involved, but you're right, I can´t also affirm that just because the people involved say they have proof. But anyway, if that was true, that "WAS" , as the text I quote says " who WAS", and adding again the text in the other thread: the past is the past. So true or not, the affirmation I did has zero validation.

5.- I fully agree with you and I retract this, I have never seen you attacking anybody, and I need to admit you're always correct in your speak. In other words you never use ad hominen attacks, you just use ad hominen arguments.

Regarding your approval in the site, it's not up to me.

Well, I hope this helps Carlos, and at the end I will ask you just one thing, talk all what you want about me but please don't make me waste my time again.


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b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor
a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant
c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter.
d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos

A vote was conducted to dissolve the Colombian chapter. Kari had issue with the voting and wanted to do a in-depth research of the Colombian chapter.

In a earlier Colombian chapter review by Kari she indicated why the voting was not right as it did not follow protocol as well as the voting process did not represent all the Latin chapters as out of the 15 volunteers who conducted the vote 9 of them were from the Argentinian chapter.

Kari's problems with voting to dissolve the Colombian chapter

3.3 Vote against the Colombian chapter
I was present at the November 5th Latin American chapters meeting at which a "vote" was held to determine the future of the Colombian chapter within the TZM global network. I observed the harassment of the Colombian chapter and subsequent vote, in which 15 volunteers participated - 9 of them from the Argentinian chapter. The result of the vote was that the Latin American chapters voted to disconnect the Colombian chapter from the TZM global network. This vote went against the decision-making protocol, chapter protocol, and coordination protocol. Please find a pdf of the meeting notes attached.

3.4 Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study
In response to these breaches of protocol I conducted a report entitled Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study, detailing what had happened and analysing the case of the Colombian chapter in terms of accordance with the established protocols and in comparison with other chapters. Please find attached a pdf of this report. It is my recommendation that all chapter activities be brought into accordance with protocols.

In Kari's review she notes that their was a problem with a single individual within the Colombian but that's no grounds to dissolve and entire chapter because of one individual.

These complaints are statements of actions that have taken place, but no evidence is presented at this stage. The phrase ¡§verbal violence¡¨ needs to be clearly defined in order for any complaint to be dealt with as such; and complaints that being referred to as ¡§a liar¡¨ constitute an ad-hominem attack are only valid if the attack was against the character of the individual and not their argument ¡V a case that can only be examined given the context of the comment. In order for any complaint to be properly investigated evidence must be provided to an impartial third party who is to conduct the investigation. It is the case here that the motion to close the Colombian chapter has been put forward by those responsible for making the aforementioned complaints ¡V all of which pertain to a single individual within the Colombian chapter, and not to the chapter itself.

If a chapter is to be dissolved on the basis of one or more complains made then it is agreed that those complaints must pertain to the functioning of that chapter, and not simply to the conduct of an individual volunteer toward any other. Complaints pertaining to the conduct of an individual volunteer may result in actions being taken with regard to that volunteer, but not the punishment of their entire chapter. It is also arguably the case that the informal complaints recorded in this case, despite being potentially offensive to some volunteers, are not sufficiently serious as to warrant the threatened closure of a chapter.

It is an invalid criticism levelled against an entire chapter to hold that the chapter should be dissolved due to the views of a single volunteer that any given project is unappealing to them, or that the Movement is inadequately following through on its ethos of horizontality. Complaints of this nature are not featured in the chapter protocol as sufficient reason to dissolve a chapter, and any attempt to dissolve a chapter on the basis of such complaints is a clear breach of protocol.

The use of a single Facebook post from a single individual to make a formal complaint against a chapter with the intent to dissolve that chapter is an absurd level of pettiness to stoop to. It is hoped that no such flimsy attempts are to be made in future as they absolutely fail to stand up to examination and are not worth the time spent investigating them.

Kari notes that as of now the Colombian chapter is not a official TZM status as it has been removed. Kari notes a gross misconduct has been conducted by the GCA.

Using these last words the chapter does not exist anymore as an official chapter and we need to wait for some volunteer who is willing to use the regular process... until then I suggest to use the third party chapter concept if it¡¦s possible to keep them near. There¡¦s nothing else to do with them, they can do what ever they want and like I said to Erik months ago in a 3 hours Skype conversation, they can be an example in the future of best organization, until now every time a chapter starts up, it¡¦s necessary to have a person or group of persons as voices to contact.

In this case I see fit to complain that a gross misconduct has been carried out in the case of the Colombian chapter whereby a decision has been made in direct conflict with the chapter protocol, the coordination protocol, and the decision-making protocol, and that it has led to a negative impact on the wellbeing of volunteers working for a well-established and highly functional chapter. As per the complaints protocol this report serves as a formal complaint submission to the GCA, against those responsible for the gross misconduct, to be investigated and rectified as per the appropriate protocols.

In closing, I find that in the case of the Colombian chapter there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be closed. There are matters pertaining to the chapter website that can be improved, given time, but it is necessary to concede that these are matters that pertain to many other chapter websites, and that there is no convincing reason to single out the Colombian chapter for dissolution. In the case of the Colombian chapter it is clear that the GCA has not followed protocol, and has mounted a case for closure against a chapter that we should instead be assisting with development.

In general Kari says the protocols are not clear. Kari applies the same reasons as to why Colombian chapters was voted on to be dissolved to other chapter country sites within TZM that have official chapter status within TZM. Kari references another member in the Colombia chapter as describing a top tier within TZM calling the shots. Kari also says that the Colombian chapter does not have a coordinator and that it's perfectly to have no coordinator as long as it it works.

Members as Erick and Oskar state: Everyone is a coordinator in Colombia, we don¡¦t have leaders and we don¡¦t want them either.

It is unusual for a chapter to not have coordinators. However, this does not mean that it is unacceptable. The coordination protocol clearly stipulates that it is necessary to have a clear point of contact established in every chapter. If there is a clear point of contact in a chapter for GCA representatives and visitors to the website then this is deemed sufficient for the sake of effective and efficient communication. This point of contact does not have to remain the same indefinitely, nor be restricted to a single individual. If the responsibility for fielding such communication is passed from one individual to another, or is the shared responsibility of a group of volunteers, then this is acceptable as a means of achieving the aim.

In this emergent movement which describes itself as horizontal and holographic it is to be expected that chapters will experiment with a variety of governance structures, with the aim of achieving the most horizontal and holographic structure possible for their individual stage of development. The imposition of a rule stipulating that there must be a hierarchical structure with one named coordinator is a notion born of an out-dated social structure favouring hierarchy ¡V one that the Movement claims to be moving away from.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

Meeting notes of the Latin American chapters of the Zeitgeist Movement at which a vote was held regarding the dissolution of the Colombian chapter.

ZMLatino Meeting November 5, 2012

Javier Rodriguez (Argentina)
1. - Introduction
Two. - Last request to the chapter of Colombia
Three. - Other


Argentina - CABA - Javier Rodriguez
Claudio - Mar del Plata - Argentina
Venezuela - Oscar M. olive
Jorge Canada
Paul - Uruguay
Zentinela - Uruguay
Argentina - CABA - Argentina
Argentina - CABA - Basko
Argentina - CABA - Caro
Argentina - Chaco - Pilzenk
Argentina - Córdoba - Ezequiel
Argentina - Córdoba - Toto
Giancarlo - Guatemala
Ecuador - David
CABA matiasvan ARG
Javier (Costa Rica)
Argentina - CABA - Dani
Neo (C.A.B.A., Argentina)
Argentina - Córdoba - Fer
Argentina - Mar del Plata - Ornela
Argentina - CABA.Argentina - Alejandro
Colombia - Javier Vasquez.
Colombia. David Rivera
Ecuador - Danielus
Are you agree that desoficialice chapter of Colombia?
Put your name and your YES or NO:

Victor-Toronto (GCA) SI
Argentina - Mar del Plata - Ornela If
Argentina - Mar del Plata - Claudio If
Argentina - Córdoba - Ezequiel If
Argentina - CABA - Javier Rodriguez - Yes
Argentina - CABA - Caro SI
Argentina - Cordoba - Toto SI
George - Canada (GCA) If
Ecuador-GYE Danielus NO
Argentina - CABA - Dani SI
Argentina - Chaco - Pilzenk If
Argentina - CABA - Alejandro Rozas - SI
Colombia - Javier Vasquez - SI
Ecuador - David - No (no more alternatives were sought in any of the 2 parts)
Javier (Costa Rica) If (due to the impossibility of the parties, I find, for now,


Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study

by Kari McGregor
TZM Australia
GCA representative for Asia-Pacific


This document aims to deal with the potential closure of a chapter by fully addressing all complaints listed, ensuring consistency in the treatment of all chapters, and ensuring consistency with protocol. The case study referred to is of the Colombian chapter, a chapter that has recently been slated for closure by some, but by no means all, members of the Global Chapters Administration.

Problems listed with the Colombian chapter, the case in point, are detailed in the document: Colombia Chapter Review, by Nelson Alvarez, dated Monday 5th November 2012, as pertaining to the following:

1. Chapter Website
2. Chapter Coordination
3. Visible Chapter Activity
4. Issues with Chapter members
5. Criticism from chapter members

These issues will be addressed in this document in a systematic process, and conclusions will be drawn at the end of each section that are in accordance with the protocols and procedures established by the Global Chapters Administration (hereafter referred to as GCA) in 2011.

Please note that it is not the aim of this document to call for the closure of any other chapter. Any comparisons present are made with the intention of highlighting inconsistencies in treatment or application of protocol. In the unfortunate case of any information being incorrectly represented in this document please do not hesitate to contact me with an amendment. A great deal of research has been conducted in order to produce this document, and any errors are due to my unassisted attempts to collate a great deal of information ¡V information that is unavailable from GCA resources ¡V in a very restricted time-frame.

1. Chapter Website

According to the Colombia Chapter Review, the following problems have been encountered on the Colombia chapter website.

a) There are no links to:
• The Global Site
• Mission statement
• TZM Structure
• Basic information on how/what to do to create a chapter
• A contact form or a visible contact email available on the site.
At present there is no GCA protocol in existence that outlines how websites should be constructed. However, there is a procedure followed by the GCA in assisting chapters with their establishment and development that is consistent across all chapters. For the sake of consistency across the Movement it is agreed that all chapter websites should contain:

• A link to the global site
• An ¡§About¡¨ section featuring
o The most up-to-date version of the TZM mission statement
o The most up-to-date version of the TZM structure
o The most up-to-date version of the TZM FAQ

For the sake of facilitating engagement with a chapter for any newcomer to the Movement it is agreed that all chapters should make the following easily visible and accessible via their website:
• A contact form or email contact
• Basic information regarding how to become involved; this may include:
o How to join a chapter, and
o How to establish a chapter, or
o How to engage with projects/teams

The following sub-sections detail how the issues reported on in the Colombia Chapter Review with the Colombian website are far from exclusive to Colombia, being issues that appear in many official chapter websites.

Missing links to the Global Site

Regarding links to the global site ¡V this is something that can be easily rectified, yet is also lacking in a number of other chapters. Other chapters without links to the global site include:
• Europe
o UK
o Switzerland
o Sweden
o Spain
o Russia
o Poland
o Norway
o Ireland
o Denmark
o Czech Republic (also links to Zeitgeist: The Movie)
• Africa
o South Africa
• North America
o Canada (old link so not working)
• Latin America
o Venezuela
o Peru
o Guatemala
o Ecuador
o Chile
o Argentina
o Costa Rica
o Uruguay (incorrect link + many incorrect/out of date links)
• Asia-Pacific
o Singapore
o India

The global site also has a link to TZM Paraguay, which appears to no longer be active. The domain has apparently been sold to a commercial organization which displays links to various commercial sites.

Missing Mission Statement

Regarding the Mission Statement there are a number of other chapters that either do not include any sort of mission statement, or do not include an up-to-date official version. These chapters include:

• Europe:
o Belgium
o Bulgaria
o Poland
o Finland
o Switzerland
o Macedonia
o Serbia
o Slovakia
• Africa
o South Africa
• Latin America
o Peru

Missing Structure Guide

Regarding the Official Structure there are a number of other chapters that do not include any sort of structure guide, and certainly not the official guide. These chapters include:

• Europe:
o Belgium
o Bulgaria
o Denmark
o Finland
o Germany
o Macedonia
o Switzerland
o Slovakia
o Serbia
• Africa:
o South Africa
• Latin America:
o Peru

Missing FAQ/inappropriate FAQ

Regarding the FAQ there are many chapters that either do not have an FAQ at all, or which use an FAQ that is specific to The Venus Project (as answered by Jacque Fresco), and not one that is specific to the Zeitgeist Movement. These chapters are as follows:

• Europe:
o Switzerland
o Croatia
o Slovakia
o Poland (incomplete)
o Czech Republic (coming soon)
o Germany ¡V only 1 Q in German
o Slovenia ¡V only in English
o Portugal ¡V loaded with TVP content
o Serbia ¡V exclusively TVP
o Belgium ¡V exclusively TVP
o Bulgaria ¡V exclusively TVP
o Lithuania ¡V exclusively TVP
o Macedonia ¡V exclusively TVP
o Denmark ¡V exclusively TVP
o Russia ¡V exclusively TVP
o Greece ¡V exclusively TVP
• Africa:
o South Africa
• Latin America:
o Peru
o Uruguay

Missing information on how to start a chapter

Regarding the chapter section, there are many other chapters that fail to include a section on how to start a chapter. Many sites do not have any section for sub-chapters at all. However, many of these chapters have links to groups/teams/projects (arguably these are acceptable as a substitute for chapters in the case of national chapters that have agreed, by consensus, to concentrate on a variety of projects rather than local PR-oriented chapters) ¡V many of which are active, although some chapters appear to be completely stagnant. Chapter sites without clear information on how to start a chapter are as follows:

• Europe
o Belgium
o Slovenia
o Slovakia
o Bulgaria
o Czech Republic
o Denmark
o Poland
o Germany
o Finland
o Switzerland
o Lithuania
o Serbia
o Italy
o UK
o Macedonia
• Africa
o South Africa
• Latin America
o Mexico
o Peru
o Ecuador
• Asia-Pacific
o Israel
o New Zealand
o Malaysia

It is agreed that all chapters are to be formally and individually advised of any necessary changes that are to be made to their websites by the GCA representative responsible for their region, and for a reasonable waiting period to be applied for the task to be complete. It is necessary to observe universal application of any requests and compliance, and for this to be supported by a protocol that is made available to all chapters.

b) Logo doesn't show the word ¡¥Colombia¡¦ on it.

This is the case for most chapters as most chapters are using the TZM official logo. It is, therefore, not adequate as a reason to call for the closure of any chapter unless it is clearly stipulated that all chapters must include a logo on their website with their country¡¦s name on it. If all chapters are to make this change then a notification must be officially delivered, and a reasonable waiting period must apply.

c) Presentation:
• The Zeitgeist Movement exists fundamentally as the TVP¡¦s activist arm
• TVP Materials and Experimental City

d) Venus Project

Points c and d will be tackled together as they are essentially the same point: i.e. heavy or inappropriate focus on the Venus Project. In this case there are several chapters that overtly focus heavily on the Venus Project or do so in an inappropriate manner. Most sites link to TVP in some way or have some TVP content. However, I mention here mainly the chapter sites whose content is potentially misleading. These chapters include:

• Europe:
o Belgium - Main page appeals too much to TVP/Jacque Fresco as a source of information/learning where there is alternative TZM content available but not used
o Bulgaria - Main page appeals too much to TVP/Jacque Fresco as a source of information/learning; under ¡§join the Movement¡¨ is a section that says ¡§support Project Venus¡¨ ¡V there is nothing about joining TZM
o Croatia ¡V The ¡§About Us¡¨ section has a sub-section called ¡§change¡¨ that is exclusively about TVP where there is alternative TZM content available but not used
o Lithuania ¡V A whole section from the main menu is dedicated to TVP
o Slovakia ¡V Heavy TVP focus throughout where there is alternative TZM content available but not used
• North America
o Canada ¡V A minor point, perhaps, but the mission statement lists the goal as ¡§to spread the message of TVP¡¨
• Latin America
o Peru ¡V Site has a ¡§donation¡¨ section in the main menu leading to the purchase of a TVP t-shirt; no other merchandise is listed

Regarding presentation in a more general sense the Norwegian chapter site appears to be a wiki, and not a conventional website. For this reason it appears that many of the features expected of a website are not present or are difficult to identify. A wiki seems like a very positive addition to any TZM chapter website, but standing alone as the face of any given chapter it is arguably not appropriate as a site for newcomers to the Movement to become involved.

It is agreed that the main focus of a TZM chapter website should be TZM, without the reliance on material of any other organization ¡V TVP included ¡V where there is material available via TZM that is adequate in providing an explanation. With ample material available it is expected that, if given an adequate time period in which to apply changes, any chapter requested to update the educational content of their website should be able to do so. Any chapter that is resistant to the use of TZM rather than TVP materials for educational purposes needs to critically examine their reason for such resistance.

e) Team Focus
• Zeitgeist Agriculture
• Zeitgeist Nutrition
• Zeitgeist Medicine
• Zeitgeist Architecture

It is clear that only a selection of the project groups within the Colombian chapter are listed here. This is in no way an accurate representation of the chapter¡¦s focus, but is, instead, a selection of four from a much larger number of active project groups in the chapter. These groups are not listed at the forefront of the chapter¡¦s activity, but are accessible via a transparent and horizontally structured Open Atrium platform. Many other chapters have links on their main site to project teams and groups ¡V many of which are of a similar type. It is clear that TZM Colombia are fulfilling their main objectives as a chapter, and are also engaging in a variety of other projects that make the chapter more holistic in focus.

With regard to a focus that is not strictly in line with the aims and ethos of TZM there are other chapters whose websites contain information that could be considered not entirely in line with, but not contrary to the Movement (e.g. no chapter condones violence or solicits open donations). As an example, the Czech Republic chapter has a section for articles, with sub-sections devoted to cooking, health and lifestyle. These are not simply on a Facebook page or Open Atrium site, but are clearly displayed on the main page.

It is agreed that a more holistic focus within any given chapter may reflect the micro-culture within that region or chapter, and is to be considered a natural facet of an emergent movement. Unless any chapter promotes values or projects that are either directly contrary to the aims and ethos of the Movement or are a clear attempt at hijacking the agenda, then the chapter is not to be criticized or harassed for their inclusion of a broad demographic of interests.

2. Chapter Coordination

According to the Colombia Chapter Review, the following problems have been encountered with regard to the Colombia chapter coordination.

• Nobody assumed the coordination once Gabriel Vivas (former National Coordinator) left the country to France
„h Members as Erick and Oskar state: Everyone is a coordinator in Colombia, we don¡¦t have leaders and we don¡¦t want them either.

It is unusual for a chapter to not have coordinators. However, this does not mean that it is unacceptable. The coordination protocol clearly stipulates that it is necessary to have a clear point of contact established in every chapter. If there is a clear point of contact in a chapter for GCA representatives and visitors to the website then this is deemed sufficient for the sake of effective and efficient communication. This point of contact does not have to remain the same indefinitely, nor be restricted to a single individual. If the responsibility for fielding such communication is passed from one individual to another, or is the shared responsibility of a group of volunteers, then this is acceptable as a means of achieving the aim.

In this emergent movement which describes itself as horizontal and holographic it is to be expected that chapters will experiment with a variety of governance structures, with the aim of achieving the most horizontal and holographic structure possible for their individual stage of development. The imposition of a rule stipulating that there must be a hierarchical structure with one named coordinator is a notion born of an out-dated social structure favouring hierarchy ¡V one that the Movement claims to be moving away from.

3. Visible Chapter Activity

According to the Colombia Chapter Review, the following problems have been encountered with regard to Colombian chapter activity.

• There is no report from the chapter since 2011
• There are no activities found in media, they use very well their ¡¥zeitgeist cafe¡¦ to talk and/or organize activities in facebook or Open Atrium such as this ¡§Experimental Farm¡¨

Although there is a formal chapter report protocol it is true that many chapters do not provide the monthly reports that they are required to do. With the majority of chapters failing to comply with this requirement it is clear that another method of communication between chapters is needed if the arbitrary dissolution of the majority of chapters due to non-compliance is to be avoided.

Many chapters provide reports of their activity at international chapter meetings, although there is often a long waiting period between meetings and insufficient time at meetings for each chapter to be properly represented ¡V in addition to the fact that many chapters are unable to be represented at such meetings due to time-zone issues.

It is arguably the case that formal reporting is not a necessity for any chapter. It is arguably the case that the role of the GCA is to assist chapters in their development and aid them in dealing with any issues they face. With this being the role of the GCA it is arguably sensible for the GCA to consult with the chapters they are responsible for assisting in ways that suit the functionality and development level of the group. Access to a transparent Open Atrium platform ¡V as is already the case with the Colombian chapter ¡V or a Trello board, or even a google-group, is arguably ample as a substitute for formal reporting as all information is clearly available without the need for duplication and bureaucratic form-filling.

4. Issues with Chapter members

According to the Colombia Chapter Review, the following problems have been encountered with regard to particular volunteers of the Colombian chapter. All complaints have been reported, recorded, and investigated by the people to whom they pertain, and not by any impartial third party. In the case of complaints it is best practice for mediation and investigation to be made by an impartial third party, and not the individual who has made the complaint. The complaints protocol stipulates that complaints regarding a chapter or national coordinator are to be investigated and dealt with by the GCA. In the case of the Colombian chapter I, as a Spanish-speaking GCA representative, offered on multiple occasions to mediate between the Colombian chapter and the complainants as the GCA representative closest to the chapter is one of the complainants, thus leading to a conflict of interests regarding solution of the case. However, my offers have never been taken seriously, with proposed invitations to mediate at meetings never upheld and the intentional blocking of my attempts at mediation at the most recent meeting of Monday 5th November 2012.

Complaints made against the Colombian chapter are as follows:
• Formal Complaints received with documents and recordings in GCA.
o Andres Delgado to March 04 2012 (verbal violence from Erick)
o Jorge Forero GCA Issue form March 14 2012 (verbal violence from Erick)
• Informal Complaints.
o Nelson Alvarez ad hominen attack October 1, 2011 received by Erick in a TS3 2 hours or more of conversation shared with more than 20 members hearing ¡§Nelson you are a Liar¡¨, Colombia has deleted the recording but there are witness members aware of that recording like Gabriel Vivas, who heard the full informal meeting next day October 2.(there is an email of that)
o Indirect disrespect to all Latin coordinators and members from Erick saying ¡§let¡¦s all go tomorrow to the latinamerican meeting, there are only stubborn people there (Erick recorded)

These complaints are statements of actions that have taken place, but no evidence is presented at this stage. The phrase ¡§verbal violence¡¨ needs to be clearly defined in order for any complaint to be dealt with as such; and complaints that being referred to as ¡§a liar¡¨ constitute an ad-hominem attack are only valid if the attack was against the character of the individual and not their argument ¡V a case that can only be examined given the context of the comment. In order for any complaint to be properly investigated evidence must be provided to an impartial third party who is to conduct the investigation. It is the case here that the motion to close the Colombian chapter has been put forward by those responsible for making the aforementioned complaints ¡V all of which pertain to a single individual within the Colombian chapter, and not to the chapter itself.

If a chapter is to be dissolved on the basis of one or more complains made then it is agreed that those complaints must pertain to the functioning of that chapter, and not simply to the conduct of an individual volunteer toward any other. Complaints pertaining to the conduct of an individual volunteer may result in actions being taken with regard to that volunteer, but not the punishment of their entire chapter. It is also arguably the case that the informal complaints recorded in this case, despite being potentially offensive to some volunteers, are not sufficiently serious as to warrant the threatened closure of a chapter.

5. Criticism from chapter members

According to the Colombia Chapter Review, the following problems have been encountered with regard to criticism emerging from volunteers in the Colombian chapter. What is referred to here as criticism is a series of comments made by individual volunteers with the Colombian chapter, and are not necessarily taken to be the consensus of the chapter:

• ¡§We have entered the second stage of projects, even when the global movement hasn¡¦t¡¨ (Erick recorded)
• ¡§The Protocols were an imposition from a few on the top¡¨ (Erick recorded)
• ¡§The movement is horizontal and the global moderators don't act as such¡¨ (Erick recorded)
• ¡§The Chapter Guide is just a Guide, you don¡¦t need to follow it¡¨ (Erick email to all hispanic speak googlegroup)
• ¡§The One Planet Project is just to collect emails and promote Peter¡¦s films and not our films¡¨ (Erick Recorded)
• A conspirative perspective showing repeative complaints against the US Government, UN and Corporations.
• Complaints of why the global movement doesn¡¦t react against them are constantly heard in Colombian meeting recordings, or for example this facebook post on July 01-2012:
¡§I agree that technology should be used to our advantage, but according to the current model of government investments, will the largest sums be invested in technology for better living? Is the Global ZM winning their fight in the prioritization of technology towards the construction of an EBR? Should not TZM Global, with 500 thousand members and its mented CRITICAL MASS, be questioning the WWF or other UN to avoide this kind of things instead of being in an eternal fight regarding organizational issues? What technology is being used for today?¡¨ (Oskar in several latino facebook about new usa technology weapons, picture saved)

It is arguably the case that such perspectives are not restricted only to volunteers with the Colombian chapter, of whom only two are mentioned in this complaint. Such complaints based on comments made by individual volunteers represent an attempt to criminalize certain actions or viewpoints within the Movement rather than openly accepting the variety of views that we may all hold. It is an invalid criticism levelled against an entire chapter to hold that the chapter should be dissolved due to the views of a single volunteer that any given project is unappealing to them, or that the Movement is inadequately following through on its ethos of horizontality. Complaints of this nature are not featured in the chapter protocol as sufficient reason to dissolve a chapter, and any attempt to dissolve a chapter on the basis of such complaints is a clear breach of protocol.

The use of a single Facebook post from a single individual to make a formal complaint against a chapter with the intent to dissolve that chapter is an absurd level of pettiness to stoop to. It is hoped that no such flimsy attempts are to be made in future as they absolutely fail to stand up to examination and are not worth the time spent investigating them.


To conclude this report it is pertinent to refer to the ¡§ending notes¡¨ of Nelson Alvarez, author of the Colombia Chapter Review document:

Ending Notes

After the last coordinator Gabriel left Colombia, he was under pressure by other chapter members, but at that time (a year ago) he asked Gilbert and I to not interfere with that issue. I consider that was a mistake from Gilbert and I, there was excellent communication with the chapter before that, and right after Gabriel left everything became confusing because nobody oriented the movement and then a lot of different opinions, projects and horizontality interpretations started to show up.

So even that the chapter is very active, most of the activities are oriented not in spreading the information but including people by using different -non TZM related- kinds of projects.

Using these last words the chapter does not exist anymore as an official chapter and we need to wait for some volunteer who is willing to use the regular process... until then I suggest to use the third party chapter concept if it¡¦s possible to keep them near. There¡¦s nothing else to do with them, they can do what ever they want and like I said to Erik months ago in a 3 hours Skype conversation, they can be an example in the future of best organization, until now every time a chapter starts up, it¡¦s necessary to have a person or group of persons as voices to contact.

So I repeat, the chapter of Colombia is big enough to be cut off by an official mechanism. They shouldn¡¦t be compared with a ¡§cancer¡¨, it is more like a ¡§flu¡¨ at least in this part of the world because the rest of the chapters are getting prepared for this.

The former coordination did great things in the country and nearly 4000 can be contacted by our main mailing list at, therefore I recommend to take that channel as our communication tool in order to gain a new momentum and recover the focus in the Colombian chapter so it can regain its official status.


Nelson Alvarez

In stating ¡§the chapter does not exist anymore¡¨ this seems a little pre-emptive as there has been no consideration on the part of the GCA following this report. In fact, this report has not been presented to the GCA at all, but provided to me by an unnamed volunteer ¡V who I have never met ¡V who was present at the meeting at which a vote was held regarding the dissolution of the Colombian chapter. Documentary evidence of the vote held at this meeting is available by clicking here.

According to the chapter protocol a chapter can be dissolved either due to it no longer being active, or by the GCA (the assumption being the whole GCA is inferred in this document as it is not stipulated that it is up to any particular member of the GCA) acting in accordance with the chapter protocol which stipulates that there are two conditions under which a chapter may be terminated:

1. Cessation of activity within the chapter that is observable for an extended period of time
2. 2. Promotion of an agenda/direction that is contrary to the aims and ethos of the Movement

In the chapter protocol it is not stipulated that a chapter may be dissolved due to any of the reasons outlined in the Colombia Chapter Review document, nor that a chapter may be dissolved by a vote from volunteers outside that chapter who are neither directly affected by the chapter nor are GCA representatives. Voting is a decision-making method that is explicitly not endorsed by the Movement as per the decision-making protocol; and the inclusion of certain volunteers of chapters other than the Colombian chapter, and outside the GCA in this vote is a matter that remains this far unexplained by those responsible for the course of action taken. In fact, this vote and its implications are yet to be formally announced to the GCA, the body explicitly responsible for the decision in question.

In this case I see fit to complain that a gross misconduct has been carried out in the case of the Colombian chapter whereby a decision has been made in direct conflict with the chapter protocol, the coordination protocol, and the decision-making protocol, and that it has led to a negative impact on the wellbeing of volunteers working for a well-established and highly functional chapter. As per the complaints protocol this report serves as a formal complaint submission to the GCA, against those responsible for the gross misconduct, to be investigated and rectified as per the appropriate protocols.

The reference to the Colombian chapter as being ¡§like a flu¡¨ rather than a ¡§cancer¡¨ bears the connotation of the practices of the Colombian chapter being something to be feared for the possibility of contagion among other chapters. It remains to be considered why the chapter is referred to in this way, as a chapter in an emergent movement that has done nothing against protocol ¡V or nothing that many other chapters haven¡¦t done ¡V should be appreciated for its collective efforts, and not treated like a disease to be excised for fear of contamination of other chapters with its emergent values.

In closing, I find that in the case of the Colombian chapter there is no compelling reason for the chapter to be closed. There are matters pertaining to the chapter website that can be improved, given time, but it is necessary to concede that these are matters that pertain to many other chapter websites, and that there is no convincing reason to single out the Colombian chapter for dissolution. In the case of the Colombian chapter it is clear that the GCA has not followed protocol, and has mounted a case for closure against a chapter that we should instead be assisting with development. I hope that this case provides a positive learning experience for all concerned, and that we can all proceed with a greater degree of clarity and integrity regarding what is expected of a chapter, the GCA, and our experience of advancing a new paradigm for a sustainable Earth.


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#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 24, 2013 - 13:51

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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Karin Mcgregor goes into the many structural top down problems within TZM. That chapters should have a say on what happens in their own chapter rather than only the top tier. Kari says criticisms should not be perceived as spam but as legitimate criticism.

Kari makes a good point about how TZM doesn't support any specific project yet Douglas Mallette is allows to plug his cybernated farm system in the TZM lecture. Kari goes on to say that maybe it's because Douglas isn't connected to any TZM chapter as to why he can show his project.

Kari then talks about a secret group PJ put together. Kari says this secret groups needs to be a public group and doesn't understand the secrecy around this groups.

Peter Joseph made a secret TZM core group, that kari as well as others within TZM have a problem with TZM core group because it lacks transparency.

Kari wrote: Some coords (usually the older & wiser ones) did ask how the group came to be, and we explained as was - that PJ called for a group to come together for the streamlining and efficiency of work and development (and for getting us back on track), and that the individuals were selected for their prior demonstration of skills, qualities and commitment in a way that is reliable. Everyone thought that was just great and makes perfect sense. They know that we don't operate as a tyranny that just dictates orders and squashes initiative.

Andrés wrote: I read something about the creation of the core. Correct me if I'm wrong but it was Peter trying to improve the activism with a new approach and probably a new organization, in the same document you can read, please keep this private.

I see how this can be a temporal thing, but I haven't been told so. If something should remain private then as a group we must keep that 'status', otherwise it will be seen as some of us prefer the secret just for the sake of it.

In the other hand, I don't see Brujo's email as feedback (at all). It's a complaint, and as I stated in my prior emails, we have another place []to do those. Correct me if I'm wrong but this was a secret group, so necessarily someone (I'm guessing Kari) provided the email and the access to the group (she owns it, right?) and it doesn't seem ok to me, specially considering the tone/objective of the email. One more thing here, just like you said David, chapters should be included in the dialog when they are involved in it BUT only when we have reached at some basic level of understanding, sharing the emails was not a good approach either. Probably asking both parts would had been much better...

Talking about the core itself, I don't think it's a good idea to add members to the core, since it could take away some efficiency which is one of the things you get when there are a few instead of a bunch o people (even if they are super smart), however considering how we all rotate given our 'real life' conditions probably it is a good approach, but we could somehow consider a number and/or divide some specific tasks in the future if there are 100 members worth (I really hope so :P).

Here I see for example Ben as our Public Relationships Hitman and James as our TZM Education Global director (or something), I don't wanna limit any of the members but I see some personal preference in there and probably we could be the think tank group but at the same time letting the guys do 'their' thing. It's awesome to have real support when you start a project you really believe in.

arts.fantasy wrote:
5. What attributes do we have?
The Core Team? Support, transparency, highly active and highly responsive, efficient and reflecting TZM ethos with our actions within the movement and outside of it. The TZM core should contain the best of the best - a members level of activity auto-selects if that person will be welcomed to the core. Thus: The TZM core are people without privileges, but with responsibilities. Is a group that contains the-most committed people in the movement.

6. Can anyone apply to be a member here?
TZM Core member "position" is a position that's self selecting - based on the members commitment. If this team can have a high level of trust and will be focused highly on work - we will be welcoming any extra committed body - as it will just improve the team.

9. Do you Kari actually agree to have a private core team without exposing our info anymore or do you wanna change all this to a new open structure? Have you considered the opinion of the other people involved on the teAm including the or who created it, invited people and give it a purpose The ethos of the movement is to be transparent whenever a decision affects other people. We need transparency in order to have a large level of cooperation and contribution within the movement. We cannot expect people to follow decisions blindly that are put forth at them. That method was seen in history and has a proper name. What Kari has done - was reflective of the principles of the movement.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Coordination Protocol (colombian analysis) (
From: Kari <>
Date: 4/07/2012 11:34 PM

Hi there again,

I'm tired and cranky, but at least I've slept now and am able to offer some response. I will try to keep my response to this brief (although if I feel a need to explain in order to make myself understood I apologize in advance for anything others may consider wordy), and encourage others to do the same. I think there are a number of points here that we should really be discussing in a meeting, and it would not be the first time I've raised some of them. I would also encourage anyone who feels a need for a meeting to call one after scouting out people's availability - surely we can all put together an agenda of discussion items if and when we feel it is needed.

In addition - I think that if I am to be asked these questions then it is fair that others also have the opportunity to answer, as it is not only my position that is of importance here, but everyone's. There is little value in a discussion held between two individuals that essentially goes nowhere, so I would rather make this a discussion for everyone (opt out if you don't see the value in it, of course).

I'd just like to start by reminding all concerned that this thread began as an invitation to a google doc discussing the Colombian chapter, I responded, as below, and reiterated an offer, now a request, to be present at the next Latin American chapter meeting. I think it would be a good idea, if this is agreed upon, for us to come to some consensus regarding answers I am likely to have to provide to questions I am likely to be asked. Anything that lacks consensus will be greeted with a response of "there is, as of yet, no consensus on that". Please can we have some response on whether people would be comfortable with me attending a meeting for the purpose of mediating and trying to move beyond the issues experienced with the chapter?

Incidentally - I have not provided access to this group to anyone other than those initially invited to it - all I have done was forward an email to Carlos that mentioned him specifically. I maintain the position that it is in someone's interests to know what is said about them when it is personal (I would not say things behind someone's back that I would not say to their face), and I prefer to forward the original information rather than gossip (in hindsight I might have done better to remove the original email address from the thread, but I seriously doubt Carlos will spam this group, and we can all moderate for incoming if anything like that happens). However, if I were to invite someone else in I suppose I would ask others if they were ok with it - or perhaps that's up to people's discretion? I made everyone a manager of the group so that people could make their own decisions and not have to run administrative things past me. I don't have a problem with Andres having been added to this group after its formation without prior consultation as I see that he can have valuable input (apologies Andres for referring to you in the 3rd person here - I am being sensitive to the other 15 people who are party to this thread).

Okee - now that's dispensed with here comes the interesting stuff. Please allow me the disclaimer that I do not expect everyone to agree with my position. I do, however, hope that we can all discuss things with respect to one another. Here goes:

1. How is this team supposed to work?

Good question. I can't answer for anyone else, and we haven't actually had a discussion about that. I would really like to!

I see this group, ideally, as having 2 main functions:
a) To distribute responsibilities in order to maintain efficiency regarding the administration of chapters and
b) To function, like David suggests, as a think-tank - generating ideas and developing the Movement

I see it as necessary to have a bi-directional flow of information so that chapters know who to communicate with regarding their questions, suggestions, ideas, etc.

I also see it as necessary to not just make decisions on behalf of chapters, but to involve them in discussion - this means that once something is half-baked in the think-tank it should go to international meetings for discussion, back into the think-tank for fully-baking, and then back out to international meetings for consensus. Hopefully with well-functioning communicative national chapters information will have also been communicated to regional and local chapters.

I made a proposal regarding the above - it is attached to the agenda of the last meeting. We did not discuss it as only David, Andres, Nelson, Jason and myself attended the meeting. This is not a sufficient number for a quorum to be responsible for rational consensus. I would love to have the proposal discussed and considered - it is still available on the doc and enabled for comments
2. Are we supposed to take people's feedback and being exposed as core members or work 'in secret' for the sake of not being spammed?

I think this is actually 2 separate points. Allow me to elaborate:

If someone provides feedback then there needs to be appropriate channels available. These need to be known, otherwise feedback is not possible. Of course I think accepting and responding to feedback is part of our responsibility. In a decade of teaching I have been evaluated and appraised by students and management on every single course I have ever taught. I am not afraid of this process for 2 reasons - 1) my feedback is always positive as I am a skilled professional who puts heart and soul into my work; 2) I am willing and able to learn from suggestions and recommendations - as this is what feedback generally involves. As M archall Rosenberg would say - feelings are a communication of needs, and when people make their feelings known to you they are indicating the state of their needs at any given time.

Regarding spam - obviously we do not accept this.

I think what we're really dealing with here is not a question of whether we accept feedback and spam, but of what is considered to be feedback and what is considered to be spam. If a point is relevant to our work then it is not spam. It may be something we might not have time for, or might not wish to deal with for whatever reason, but we can't call it spam or irrelevant just because we don't like it.

3. Are we supposed to keep the info here or share it just like you did?

Again - good question. I think I need to question the premise of the question, rather than directly answer it, if you don't mind. I challenge the assumption that I am "supposed" to do anything other than what I consider to be right at the time of doing. I don't agree to things just because someone else says I should, or that they think they should.

As a minor digression - the above is largely a difference in personality type - i.e. whether one has strong extraverted feeling - characterized by adherence to the norms and values of any given group, or whether one has strong introverted feeling - characterized by strict adherence to one's own integrity and internal code of values... I am strongly driven by the latter, and I know it's fairly unusual, but it's not wrong... it's actually more common in activist groups as we tend to go against the grain while staying true to ourselves.

Anyways - back to the point - I think that we are not dealing with private or personal information, or at least shouldn't be. I think we are dealing with information that pertains to all chapters and members of the Movement. There are no secrets as we are never discussing things that others should not know about (and if we are then I challenge why we should do such a thing - I have no desire to operate covertly and arouse suspicion from others who must surely know, for the sake of practicality, that there is this tier of coordination in existence). There are some areas where it might be requested that we keep some half-baked information/ideas/projects in the oven until it is ready for public release. This makes sense - just as PJ wouldn't release an unedited movie to the public for their critique as though it were whole. I expect that it is generally fairly clear what is what, and if there are any grey areas we should take the responsibility to check with one another.

4. Are we supporting directly intentional communities and permaculture projects with TZM name on it?

Good question. At present all I can say is that we have never officially said that we are, or that we aren't. I guess I would need to delve a little deeper into what we're talking about here...

Re: intentional communities - one would have to ask the purpose of any given intentional community is. David and I, for example, live in one - and this is with TZM members - however, it is not one of our chapter's focus points - it is just our living situation and one of the ways in which we walk our talk - David has been very public about walking our talk in the hope of encouraging others to do likewise. We have been careful and discussed this at meetings in order that others would not get the wrong impression - we have made clear that it is our personal project and not a focus of the chapter. It by no means takes us away from any of our work for TZM - in fact, it enables us to do more work for TZM as it has reduced our living expenses to the point whereby we are able to work less "for the M an" and, therefore, more "for the Movement". We will, however, be moving on soon as we have networks we would like to work more closely with on another state, so this communal living stage will end for us at the end of next week when we head back to Queensland (I have recently been slaving for the M an so that I could win us enough bread - being that I am the breadwinner - for the move, so to speak).

Regarding intentional communities being a major focus of any chapter, I would argue, actually, that I don't think it's a good idea (this is actually an area where David and myself differ somewhat - yet still manage to harmonize our lives just nicely!). M y view is that if it's not up to scratch then it's potentially really detrimental to the M ovement to be associated with a bunch of possible failed communities that varied in terms of their adherence to RBE values. As of yet we have not been through the think-tank process regarding what a RBE-type community would be like (there is a group in Australia trying to kick one off and I've brought them into discussion in order to keeps tabs on what's happening and ensure it doesn't wind up being a problem for anyone). I have, however, had this type of discussion at lenght with academics in the field of systems design (mainly ecological economists), and have a few highly interested parties keen to work on an exemplar community for research and development of alternative systems. This is not a small-time backyard project that calls itself RBE - it is a scientific study that requires extensive research and collaborative planning before attempting anything on the ground. This is my position regarding anything that would occur with a TZM label - it would need to go through the proper scientific processes and function as an exemplar for the sake of research and development as well as a showcase.

Re: permaculture projects - I'm not really sure where I stand. We haven't had that question come up in TZM AU. However, I have heard the phrase "permaculture is irrelevant" or "permaculture is patchwork" bandied about on the various communication platforms and have to disagree. As a means for humans to live in harmony with nature, in accordance with the carrying capacity of our landbase, yet not in a way that is primitivist, permaculture provides the best that we know of. A more sustainable way to manage a landbase is unknown - unless we are willing to entertain primitivism. Therefore I cannot agree that permaculture is irrelevant or patchwork. This means I think the topic is open for discussion - that we should not say it goes against TZM principles, as it certainly does not - it is just not a form of activism in the sense that most people think of when they consider activism.

Regarding practical projects in general I don't think we are in a position to dismiss them without hypocrisy. By this I mean that we openly support Doug M allette's cybernated farming systems, for example. This is a practical project - no one has ever said that he shouldn't do it (not to my knowledge anyways), or that it is contrary to our awareness-activism approach. In fact, he is invited to speak, does tours and events, and is generally celebrated by the M ovement for his work. Is this because he is not directly engaged with any particular chapter? If so, does this mean that projects are ok so long as one is not directly connected with a chapter? This seems counter-productive to me as I see the 2 as being able to support one another as projects provide tangible evidence for what we are saying - and many people really need this tangible evidence before they can trust in change.

The existence of chapters is for awareness-activism primarily. I think we need to discuss the scope of what this can include, and not prohibit chapters from doing work that is potentially highly effective, but not necessarily what we, ourselves, would have thought of. I think that if chapters do not allow for activism such as the One Planet Project, or do not hold any public events, or do not engage in meaningful public dialogue, then we have something problematic. However, when one sees a chapter balancing practical projects with awareness-activism I would see that as something to be praised, not criticised. I'd love to see an example of it; I haven't yet seen one!

I think the whole topic needs open discussion and not just dismissal.

5. What attributes do we have?

Is this a question regarding the attributes we have at present, or those we think we should cultivate? I don't think I can answer this on behalf of everyone here as we have all the attributes of all our members some baggage along with the good too.

I agree with David's comment that the core team, like any coordinators, are not people in a particular position

- we are people with both the willingness and capability to take on a set of responsibilities that most others
are glad not to have to shoulder.

6. Can anyone apply to be a member here?

I don't think it's a matter of application - I think it's a matter of self-selection. If you have the commitment and skills, and are willing to take responsibility then that is generally noticed, as it has been with all of us.

In future I don't know if the constitution of any coordination group should change. We may choose to develop a system of selection for coordination that is more scientific than what we have at present. I think we are a way off that though, as we have not discussed anything of such a technical level.

7. If we are exposed (and we had been Kari as discussed in our last meeting and as showed in the last email from brujo) how are you gonna explain how did we arrive at this work method instead of asking everyone?

I don't see this as a mater of "being exposed". I see it as a matter of people knowing who the next tier is (and that it exists!) and what it is responsible for. As I have stated before, all of our coordinators and core team in TZM AU know about us (Carlos is one of them - so I did not "expose" anything to him - I provided information to him as I did to all). This has not been problematic for us. We knew we would have to be clear on it as coordinators do want to know about the next tier up for the sake of effective communication. M ost of our coords didn't ask anything, just mentioned that they're glad to know as they aren't in the dark regarding where to go if they have a query or a suggestion. Some coords (usually the older & wiser ones) did ask how the group came to be, and we explained as was - that PJ called for a group to come together for the streamlining and efficiency of work and development (and for getting us back on track), and that the individuals were selected for their prior demonstration of skills, qualities and commitment in a way that is reliable. Everyone thought that was just great and makes perfect sense. They know that we don't operate as a tyranny that just dictates orders and squashes initiative.

8. Why do we prefer privacy?

Hmm... again I have to challenge the assumption here. The assumption is that we do, in fact, prefer privacy. In my private life I reserve the right to demand privacy. What I do for the M ovement, however, is entirely public - it has to be - one cannot be a part of a M ovement yet secretive about one's actions in it - that wouldn't be properly networked, and therefore, not justifiably named a "movement". In short - I do not prefer privacy - I prefer transparency. Others may differ. I have nothing to hide and will not say behind someone's back that which I would not say to their face.

9. Do you Kari actually agree to have a private core team without exposing our info anymore or do you wanna change all this to a new open structure? Have you considered the opinion of the other people involved on the teAm including the or who created it, invited people and give it a purpose

This is a false dichotomy - I do not have to choose between secrecy and open structure. I have made a proposal for transparency and clarity of decision-making procedures - outlined in the last meeting's agenda document and linked in my response to question 1. In my consideration of the other people involved I raised the point on an agenda for a meeting. I would very much like to discuss it.

Thank you very much for your time everyone who has read this far! I look forward to some diplomatic and respectful discussion, and some exchange of viewpoints.

Yours, in bereaved exhaustion,

K McGregor

On 7/3/2012 5:27 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

Nice David, don't missunderstand all my questions as a desire to be a secret elite in the movement, however I'm in need of some clarification... I came here invited by Miguel and also Nelson provided some information since I wasn't that sure what this group is all about.

I was told that I could be involved in whatever task I'd like (at trello) and that was pretty much it.

I read something about the creation of the core. Correct me if I'm wrong but it was Peter trying to improve the activism with a new approach and probably a new organization, in the same document you can read, please keep this private.

I see how this can be a temporal thing, but I haven't been told so. If something should remain private then as a group we must keep that 'status', otherwise it will be seen as some of us prefer the secret just for the sake of it.

I asked all the other questions because NOW we are public. It's not a matter of choice anymore, so perhaps some people will start asking questions and demonizing the members of the core, I'm sure some will and I don't really care but Kari, as a neutral mediator, will face those inquiries so this needs to be established.

In the other hand, I don't see Brujo's email as feedback (at all). It's a complaint, and as I stated in my prior emails, we have another place []to do those. Correct me if I'm wrong but this was a secret group, so necessarily someone (I'm guessing Kari) provided the email and the access to the group (she owns it, right?) and it doesn't seem ok to me, specially considering the tone/objective of the email. One more thing here, just like you said David, chapters should be included in the dialog when they are involved in it BUT only when we have reached at some basic level of understanding, sharing the emails was not a good approach either. Probably asking both parts would had been much better...

Talking about permaculture and intentional... as you said we do have a protocol for those too... Has anyone submitted a project M iguel or any other with access to the submissions? How do we know if any new project is approved? How free are local chapters to make their own protocols here... I'll double check in the guide, but I think this might need some clarification as well... Let's say Australia is involved with intentional communities (as it is). They are independent but at the same time they are part of a global unique group of activists... (I do understand the logic but I think public statements are needed here).

Talking about the core itself, I don't think it's a good idea to add members to the core, since it could take away some efficiency which is one of the things you get when there are a few instead of a bunch o people (even if they are super smart), however considering how we all rotate given our 'real life' conditions probably it is a good approach, but we could somehow consider a number and/or divide some specific tasks in the future if there are 100 members worth (I really hope so :P).

Here I see for example Ben as our Public Relationships Hitman and James as our TZM Education Global director (or something), I don't wanna limit any of the members but I see some personal preference in there and probably we could be the think tank group but at the same time letting the guys do 'their' thing. It's awesome to have real support when you start a project you really believe in.

Finally, I want to apologize with those which feel this was unnecessary (:P) but I still feel like I'm a guest here and I wanna learn as much as I can in order to allow my focus/work going in the right direction.


Date: M on, 2 Jul 2012 15:58:27 +0930
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Coordination Protocol (colombian analysis) (tzm-coreteam@

In my view:

1. How is this team supposed to work?
In the same manner as a think-tank does as well as a platform for support towards our chapters. So - if there is a problem, organizers can post it here for discussion, and a collective decision can be made - hopefully based on the scientific method, and blinded with trust. To brainstorm on improvements and advancement of the movement and then executing these ideas. Preferably without any executive decision (top-down) unless time constrains apply or if its just not possible

2. Are we supposed to take people's feedback and being exposed as core members or work 'in secret'
for the sake of not being spammed?
I think an answer to that is obvious. Were not replicating what were fighting against aren't we? A email from a member is not spam - that's called feedback, and every large non-profit and successful organization values feedback greatly(!) - spam is when a bot sends you Viagra adds.

3. Are we supposed to keep the info here or share it just like you did? They should abide to protocols - so if a decision affects a particular team or a chapter, that chapter should get informed
4. Are we supporting directly intentional communities and permaculture projects with TZM name on
My position is that we should BUT only if guides for approval of such projects are set. The guides should reflect TZM ethos.

5. What attributes do we have?
The Core Team? Support, transparency, highly active and highly responsive, efficient and reflecting TZM ethos with our actions within the movement and outside of it. The TZM core should contain the best of the best - a members level of activity auto-selects if that person will be welcomed to the core. Thus: The TZM core are people without privileges, but with responsibilities. Is a group that contains the-most committed people in the movement.

6. Can anyone apply to be a member here?
TZM Core member "position" is a position that's self selecting - based on the members commitment. If this team can have a high level of trust and will be focused highly on work - we will be welcoming any extra committed body - as it will just improve the team.

7. If we are exposed (and we had been Kari as discussed in our last meeting and as showed in the last email from brujo) how are you gonna explain how did we arrive at this work method instead of asking everyone?

Isn't that a self-contradictory question? :P If we are transparent, we do not need to explain at all how we arrived at a decision. Using the word exposed makes me feel like youre afraid of opening your decisions or processis to members or chapters - like a mad scientist plotting a world conquer :P

8. Why do we prefer privacy?
As Julian Assange said - people have privacy, organizations,corporations and governments do not.

9. Do you Kari actually agree to have a private core team without exposing our info anymore or do you wanna change all this to a new open structure? Have you considered the opinion of the other people involved on the teAm including the or who created it, invited people and give it a purpose The ethos of the movement is to be transparent whenever a decision affects other people. We need transparency in order to have a large level of cooperation and contribution within the movement. We cannot expect people to follow decisions blindly that are put forth at them. That method was seen in history and has a proper name. What Kari has done - was reflective of the principles of the movement.

Now i would like to stress the request that Kari made to attend the South American meeting - She is a great mediator and I'm sure she can be of large benefit to the meeting.

On 1/07/2012 11:41 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

Well Just like you said we had been working hard on this. Trying to keep a clear well-defined objective to work towards; building truly collaborative structures so before anyone going there and talk to people we should agree on some very basic things we don't actually agree.

For instance:
1. How is this team supposed to work?
2. Are we supposed to take people's feedback and being exposed as core members or work 'in
secret' for the sake of not being spammed?
3. Are we supposed to keep the info here or share it just like you did?
4. Are we supporting directly intentional communities and permaculture projects with TZM name on it?
5. What attributes do we have?
6. Can anyone apply to be a member here?
7. If we are exposed (and we had been Kari as discussed in our last meeting and as showed in
the last email from brujo) how are you gonna explain how did we arrive at this work method
instead of asking everyone?
8. Why do we prefer privacy?
And at the end of all of this...
9. Do you Kari actually agree to have a private core team without exposing our info anymore or do you wanna change all this to a new open structure? Have you considered the opinion of the other people involved on the teAm including the or who created it, invited people and give it a purpose?

I'm not intending to be aggressive here and I wanna stress that. I just one a clear answer cause If we are going out In behalf of the core team, TZM or even our local chapter we should have defined a very basic set of rules and I have seen some relativism here. ie I was invited to a secret group so I didn't share this and after a while I was exposed as a member of it to a bunch of coordinators asking themselves why they weren't notified or invited.

So please... Let's clarify this


Andrés Delgado

El 29/06/2012, a las 10:45, "Kari" <> escribió:

Thank you for this.

I have added some comments and ideas with the hope of reaching a practical solution.

I would like to be present at the next Latin America chapter TS meeting as an opportunity for Q&A (as discussed at our last core-team meeting). I don't know what the response will be like, but we can try for the best (rather than ensure failure by not trying for success). I hope that the opportunity to converse and inquire with someone different, someone seemingly neutral (for want of a better word) will encourage some fresh-perspective taking. I mean no disrespect to anyone - I know you've been trying hard on this, but the approach is evidently not working and we need to consider a range alternatives - not just "cutting off the monster's head", as that is an absolute last resort when other approaches have been exhausted and demonstrated to have failed.

I have no problem with telling it like it is - i.e. the way I operate here in TZM AU is that if I've answered a set of questions satisfactorily once then that's that - if the same questions come up again I simply direct people to the meeting minutes/recording for their answers. People who persist in asking are simply told the same answer - check the minutes/recording, the conversation has been had. Any further prodding beyond that is obvious harassment and trolling and is exposed for what it is - and is generally not supported by others, therefore extinguished - if we remain non-violent and sensitive in our communication style.

I have a feeling I may be able to discuss perhaps a little more productively with Erick and the team as I am perceived as "a friendly" - someone who takes the time to listen, and genuinely takes note of people's concerns (not saying others don't - just perceptions are on both sides of the fence here, and are clearly different). It has been my experience, certainly back in my counselling days, that this approach is highly effective, even if it is time-consuming (and I'd rather accept a loss of personal time than the loss of passionate people who could be a real part of making the change we all want to see).

Let's please remember here that we're all keen to see positive change - just we might have differing views of what a transition looks like. Without a consensus-based constitution to collaborate over shared purpose and direction we are likely to experience minor differences in ever repeating fractals - we mustn't fall apart over this or ever treat anyone else within the M ovement as an enemy!

Anyways - that's my 2 non-monetary units' worth - I hope it's of value :-)

K McGregor

On 6/28/2012 1:12 PM, Andrés Delgado (Google Docs) wrote:

He compartido Coordination Protocol (colombian

Mensaj e de

Here is the document David asked for, I explicitly ask to keep this document private as it's a discussion in process and not a final statement on anything. I ask specifically Kari not to share this document info.

Haz clic para abrir:
Coordination Protocol (colombian analysis)


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#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 24, 2013 - 14:11

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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Kari had copied some contact info on a trello board and some higher tier individuals within TZM accused her of doing that for a sinister purpose. She also indicates that the Australia has been removed from this trillo board and has been effectively cut off from TZM.

Kari wrote: Now - the reason I have gathered contact details is because I would like to stay in touch with the other chapters of the global network - even after Australia has been removed from it officially. The Australian team has expressed quite some concern regarding the fact that we now no longer have access to any platforms of communication in the Movement beyond TeamSpeak, and are obviously powerless to engage in global meetings via TeamSpeak without the written platforms of communication for the purpose of notification. With Australia-based volunteers having been removed from the ZM-chapters google-group we are now effectively isolated - unconnected to the M ovement, despite having complied with demands to do xyz with the consequence of non-compliance being this disconnection we are now experiencing. I have also been informed by several volunteers from other chapters that the content of the ZM-chapters google group is being censored - with items and threads being deleted without explanation. This is not an open and transparent platform of communication, and only serves to exclude and isolate us further, despite us being officially linked as a chapter in the M ovement's global network. I am sure you can see why we would wish to hang on to contacts with other chapters as it is only possible to be a real part of a movement if one is networked and able to communicate effectively.

Kari notes that many will leave TZM because of lack of professionalism.

Please understand that when I warn you that many are talking of leaving the M ovement I am simply the messenger - a lot of people are unhappy with the structure and function as is, and perceive that TZM is not functioning in the way that would seem natural in light of what we advocate.

Kari ties up lose ends and wants her e-mail to be removed.

Please take on board the conditions suggested by the Asia-Pacific team as stated on the GCA Trello board. I have now left the GCA Trello board, so please take this as the absolute end of my work with the GCA. I will write to PJ and ask that he remove my email address - I prefer to do this personally as I have some final words for him that I would like to express.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. 

Subject: Re: Trello use and access +GCA responsibilities
From: Kari <>
Date: 20/12/2012 2:27 PM
To: Miguel Oliveira <>
CC: Arts Fantasy <>, ma bedi <>

Hi there Miguel,

(David and Mahima please bear with me - content most relevant to you is coming further down the email!)

You're quite right in observing that I copied some of the Trello cards from the GCA board. I have copied them to my own private Trello board, to which only I have access. You needn't worry that this might have been done with the purpose of sharing the information on them with others - I have no intention of doing this - and certainly did not need to copy them to do that as the board was publicly visible - at least until yesterday. My reason for copying them was just a short-cut to gathering some contact details of other chapters in the Movement. It was simply easier for me to copy the cards than it is for me to trawl through the chapter websites to get them. I should probably also point out that there was nothing covert about it as all Trello actions are recorded for all users of a board to see - so if I had wanted to do anything covert you wouldn't know about it!

Now - the reason I have gathered contact details is because I would like to stay in touch with the other chapters of the global network - even after Australia has been removed from it officially. The Australian team has expressed quite some concern regarding the fact that we now no longer have access to any platforms of communication in the Movement beyond TeamSpeak, and are obviously powerless to engage in global meetings via TeamSpeak without the written platforms of communication for the purpose of notification. With Australia-based volunteers having been removed from the ZM-chapters google-group we are now effectively isolated - unconnected to the M ovement, despite having complied with demands to do xyz with the consequence of non-compliance being this disconnection we are now experiencing. I have also been informed by several volunteers from other chapters that the content of the ZM-chapters google group is being censored - with items and threads being deleted without explanation. This is not an open and transparent platform of communication, and only serves to exclude and isolate us further, despite us being officially linked as a chapter in the M ovement's global network. I am sure you can see why we would wish to hang on to contacts with other chapters as it is only possible to be a real part of a movement if one is networked and able to communicate effectively.

I have not shared these contacts with anyone - although most of them are visible via chapter websites anyway, so there is no breach of privacy here - I just grabbed quick info rather than labouring with time I don't have to spare. This is not something I would have felt the need to do at all had we not been arbitrarily excluded from the global network despite our compliance with demands.

Thank you very much for the acknowledgement of my professionalism - I must applaud you for the same. You do a great job of always keeping your head above the water and getting on with the task in hand - something unusually balanced for a young guy, if I may say so without meaning to patronize. You are right that the created environment has been uncomfortable for me - it has been nothing short of hostile, and this, in my extensive experience of non-profit and social movement work is unprecedented. I view it as a pathological environment to work within and needs a radical overhaul if the M ovement is to survive. Please understand that when I warn you that many are talking of leaving the M ovement I am simply the messenger - a lot of people are unhappy with the structure and function as is, and perceive that TZM is not functioning in the way that would seem natural in light of what we advocate. I urge you to take these concerns seriously and work to address them. M y own attempts at addressing them have been unfruitful - perhaps due to a perceived threat I pose to positions people identify with more strongly than their professed values. I care nothing for people's ego-identities. I only care that we work to make the world the sustainable and equitable place it should be - a world worthy of our humanity - a task that requires us to maintain integrity of action at all times yet with the understanding that we are all only human, and imperfect as such.

Thank you very much for your offer to take on my remaining tasks in the GCA. I would very much appreciate if you would take over for the short period of time that it would take to orient M ahima to the work. There won't really be anything for you to do with the chapters as all the wheels are spinning as needed - you would only really need to take on the developing chapters yourself if there is a long time-lag between my departure and M ahima's start. I have cc'd M ahima into this email for the sake of your future direct correspondence with her, so you have her email and she is clear on what has been said in this email. Please take on board the conditions suggested by the Asia-Pacific team as stated on the GCA Trello board. I have now left the GCA Trello board, so please take this as the absolute end of my work with the GCA. I will write to PJ and ask that he remove my email address - I prefer to do this personally as I have some final words for him that I would like to express.

Regarding the Colombia chapter review what happens from now is not my concern. I have completed my report on the basis of the review criteria. Any new information that has been provided since the review is the basis of a further review, and not part of this one. It is of no personal interest to me what happens with the chapter; it is simply my interest that protocol be adhered to at all times, and that all volunteers are treated fairly, with respect, and with the intention to continue working together in a positive manner. I hope that this is the spirit in which any and all future investigations and reviews will be carried out.

Thank you for your time M iguel - I appreciate it more than you know. I hope that we will be able to re-engage for our work as agents of change at some point in the future. You are a valuable human being and I hope that you feel the good that you
Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 19/12/2012 5:05 AM, M iguel Oliveira wrote:

Hello Karin and David

I noticed you were copying trello cards, may to where and for what purpose?

Also i imagine that the environment you must have been feeling lately is far from comfortable for you, (to be honest its even leaving me slightly annoyed), i have to "applaud" you for your professionalism given the circumstances.

Assuming that you want to get your stuff done ASAP to leave the GCA, i just want to let you know that if you want im willing to take on your remaining tasks which are M ahima introduction into the team and the Colombia Chapter review. (i will reply a bit later on that later, but in short im afraid stuff might have gotten a bit more complex on this issue as i got a over 60 page report with documented proof from Colombian members about the chapter itself).

Am i correct to assume that your role in the GCA is now non existent? If so, are you ok with me removing your access from it right now? My sincere thanks for everything you two have done until now.

Take Care
Miguel Oliveira (Darr)
Global Chapters Administrator
The Zeitgeist M ovement


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#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 24, 2013 - 22:40

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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TZM global core is a secret group within TZM that Peter Joseph made for a selected group of people.

Within this post it contains e-mail that discuss TZM facebook as far as what type of people that can reach. As well as the inner workings of the secret TZM global core.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.

Email thread within the TZM Global Core regarding the global Facebook page - in response to a letter from one of the global coordinators.

Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Fwd: TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboration
From: Kari <>
Date: 15/11/2012 10:09 AM

Well said Cliff. I think the only thing I'd say differently is professionally run non-profit org, rather than business - but I think we basically mean the same thing organization-wise. And where I tend to lean toward horizontal structure and function, the global FB page is a great opportunity for rock-solid TZM PR and maintaining consistency of information so we can't be misconstrued so easily - not for opinions or self-promotion; the admin job is best handled by those (I'm not sure about just 1 person, but certainlynaccountability in those who do it) who understand that.

The points Andres makes (email just came through!) regarding the broader scope of social networking are also pertinent, and we could certainly benefit from more solutions-oriented inspiration. Andres also touched on reaching a wider demographic with more women, and I'd like to see that taken further (in all of our conscious content development and PR) with reaching a much broader base of people from all walks of life. I'm sure we're all well aware that TZM's main demographic is middle-class white western males in the 25-35 age bracket. We have a long way to go before we balance that out, and I think a conscious mix of communicators from a broader demographic base will go some way toward having the desired effect.

I can't stand social networking myself, so I'm glad there are other people out there willing (even loving it!) to do it :-) I'm reluctant to criticize therefore, but just urge those concerned to keep in mind that FB is frontof- house, just like a website, so needs to be run by a tight ship of clever PR peeps who apply a bit of a personal touch, but don't over-indulge themselves by getting involved in the discussion ;-)

BTW - Cliff, I can't speak for others, but I can assure you there are no letters (of any length) that go unread by me :-)
Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 15/11/2012 1:03 AM, Zeitgeist Canada wrote:

I don't know if I have this info right, I read through it all and it just brings me back to infrastructure, but....

There should be one global facebook page run by one admin whose "JOB" is to run that page with relevant "movement only" information.

Information such as global events and global zeitgeist movement related information only.

See this page as one run successful:
SONY (its all and only about sony)
PETA (Its all and only about sony)

If the US wants to post stuff then the US should post stuff on the US page which should be a separate facebook page. It should NOT be allowed to post on the GLOBAL page unless deemed appropriate for global consumption. Canada has it's own facebook page as well as many other countries and if any country wants to post stuff it should be on it's own countries page. (Individual country pages would be more flexible for such posts)

The global site should recognize global "movement" activities only. It should not be a sounding board for personal projects, personal agendas and personal feelings.

So the US should have it's own facebook page just like it should have it's own website. Nothing will change until these things happen.

Then the global site should be run like a professionally tight run business. Not a free for all "leaderless" organization. Numbers and activity will continually decline as long as this is not understood.

Further clarification on "infrastructure" would need to be done in a conference call as I don't have time to write lengthy letters that go unread.


From: David Z
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:00 AM
Subject: [TZM CORE] Fwd: TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboration

A case for the core to solve!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboraton
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2012 11:59:03 +0100
From:s mailto:s, Gilbert Is mail mailto:s als,
Gilbert, Darr TZM, Miguel Oliveira,,
Zeitgeist Canada,, Ben McLeis h, Feferico
Pistono, nels,, David Z,

Dear Friends,

Recently some of the admins on the global page started the initiative to repost the posts each of us makes as to see who posts what and create accountability and transparency.

Besides the odd few, this had been not been opposed. Participation was free. Variants of public post-signing with initials were also mentioned. However, the non-participation of those whose posts were questionable made this initiative impossible.

Ater some comments on posts by Bakari, he simply resigned from any group or method of discussion, unwilling to have to present arguments for his actions in this 'micromanagement'. Arguments were ignored and he goes his own way, in spite of a single comment in favour of his actions.

VTV posts political posts concerning the US (presidential elections) and stresses the many flaws our society has. The feedback for more problem-solving oriented posts or those giving a better understanding of these flaws/effects was met with disagreement. Also gating these to US audience only is not an option for VTV since 'all news global is relevant for everyone.' He also does not wish to participate in this project. An escalation has led the original admin group to be deleted by Danette.

The group where we repost our posts now surpasses its intent. Many posts on the global page get deleted or we wonder who posted something. Asking who had deleted or posted something now stays unanswered. Since VTV, Bakari (removed themselves) and Peter Joseph (to be invited) are the only ones not in this group, those are the most likely options. In the meanwhile the posts on the global page continue to define the face of the movement without any means of transparency or accountability mechanisms in order to overcome these issues and to start working together towards a common direction.

In the attachment I would like to describe the situation as best as I understand it and provide a possible direction we could take.

dutch coordinator


My offer to the TZM Global Core Team to work on facilitation training & guidelines. Ignored, as per usual with my inputs.

Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Quick Q
From: Kari <>
Date: 14/11/2012 10:47 PM

Thank you Andres, but I think you might have the wrong end of the stick here. I wasn't referring to organizing events - I was referring to facilitation - i.e. facilitation of meetings, workshops, conferences, seminars, group decision-making, and brainstorming. Group-oriented chapter development, basically.

Still hoping someone will come forward with the interest in assisting with a guide :-)
Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 14/11/2012 9:33 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:

I think the PR project has good material to work with. In addition once I tried to do that and I know that TEDx material can be extremely useful when talking about organizing events.

Right now I'm sadly busy but I think I might be interested, please keep us up to date


Andrés Delgado

El 14/11/2012, a las 4:41, "Kari" <> escribió:

No worries - I must say you're pretty good with it naturally anyways :-)

Anyone else with any formal/informal training? Or with the interest to learn a few bits n pieces on the go with me while we work out some guidelines?

Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 14/11/2012 7:13 PM, M iguel Oliveira wrote:

Yes, i agree. Hence why i said it would be a place to start.

Unfortunately i don't know anyone with formal training on that area, so i can't be much of help here

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Kari <> wrote:

Yes - I recall the epic edit job! ;-)

I also recall mentioning that this is just skimming the surface and offering further work on facilitation guidelines as it is much more complex and challenging to do it effectively than it is to consult the brief points touched upon in the guide.

I appreciate the effort to approach the topic, but I don't think it's been dealt with in sufficient detail for people to really have a good grasp on how best to facilitate groups.

Kari McGregor
Editor, Spirit of the Times magazine

On 14/11/2012 6:49 PM, M iguel Oliveira wrote:

I personally did not have any formal formation.

But, it would be important to point out that there is a bit to start on that written in our chapters guide (mostly adapted from the citizens handbook):

Take Care

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Kari <> wrote:

Hi there guys,

Quick Q for everyone here regarding facilitation:

Has anyone here had any formal or informal facilitation training? This applies to facilitation of meetings, workshops, conferences, seminars, group decision-making, and brainstorming.

If yes - it might be a good idea to pull together some points for a facilitation guide for TZM. If no... then it might be a good idea if I (as someone having undergone formal training) pull together some points for a facilitation guide for TZM!! I'd much prefer a collaborative approach, however :-)

My reason for asking? I perceive some serious issues emerging regarding facilitation of process, and view such technical issues as having technical solutions - i.e. if we know what we're doing we'll do it better - with the appropriate learned methodologies and tools.

Kari McGregor
TZM Content Development Coordinator
TZM Asia-Pacific Coordinator, Global Chapters Administration
Skype : karinellenmac
Email :
A Resource Based Economy; For the love of life, not the love of money!


TZM Global Core Team email thread regarding aforementioned public clarification document.

Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Public Clarification Requested to Nelson - Latin American coordinator & Core TZM Chapter-admins- Requerimiento de Clarificacion Publica a Nelson -
From: Kari <>
Date: 5/07/2012 12:27 AM

Thank you Nelson,

I was expecting this to be an apology to Carlos, but I was mistaken. I'm a little disappointed, but I guess that happens from time to time. I maintain that we should not be talking about people - if we have a problem with them we should engage them in meaningful dialogue.

For clarification - regarding people having their reasons for asking for privacy - I prefer to not make assumptions that someone's request is of more value than my own view. I don't follow anything or anyone blindly. Regarding my sharing of information with some people and not others - it was based on me being involved in an email thread to which I was party to conversation in which people were sharing a set of misunderstandings. I have already explained this, and pointed out that my intention was to provide clarification. If the same thing happens on other platforms I will likely respond likewise - with clarification. I have not decided to share with some and not others - I have shared with those who demonstrated that clarification was needed.

Regarding point #3 - I am disappointed to see a demonstration of quote-mining (only one of which is my own words), from TZM AU's collaborative planning platform, to support a tenuously connected inference to TZM AU's "support for a certain direction". If anyone would like to know my position, or David's, or anyone else in the TZM AU chapter, you are most welcome to ask. I have made some points clear in my previous email this evening. You have made use of our transparency to find information that you have presented out of context - this is not what transparency is intended for and I expect to at least be asked some questions before having my "views" stated for me. I think it would be more valuable to simply discuss our views in a respectful and open-minded manner, with questions asked, rather than inferences projected. As I am keen to maintain transparency there is no question you can ask me that I will not answer honestly.

Thank you,
K McGregor

On 7/2/2012 3:59 PM, wrote:

O k here I attach a docum ent with Carlos Request of Clarification I Hope it helps.

Nelson Alvarez

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [TZM CO RE] Re: Public Clarification Requested to Nelson -
Latin Am erican coordinator & Core TZM Chapter-adm ins- Requerim iento de
Clarificacion Publica a Nelson -
From : Andrés Delgado <jordel77@hotm >
Date: Sat, June 30, 2012 12:29 am
To: TZM Core <tzm -core-team >

This is not about you my friend, but the system of communication itself, we created a closed google group to prevent this kind of things (perhaps?) anyway it seems some info is going out of the team. Who should we ask this about?

Saludos Cordiales,



Appeal to the TZM Global Core to collaborate over the improvement of workflow and communication in the team.

Subject: Workflow and communication
From: Kari <>
Date: 18/09/2012 1:00 PM


So - thought I'd start a new thread with some clarity - not least because I want to get away from the awful subject line of the last one that I think is negatively affecting our ability to address the issue on the table here!

OK - what I would like to do is tidy up some of the workflow and communication. Now, we don't have regular meetings, and perhaps don't need them if our workflow and case-tracing is clear and transparent. Perhaps then we could just have occasional meetings for the sake of things that are best discussed by voice rather than text (less gets misunderstood that way).

I think a lot can potentially get lost in email communication and tasks can easily slip through the net. We do, however, have the Trello board for task management - just it's not being used much. Could I put in a request for everyone to join the Trello board (linked in the footer of this google-group email)? If anyone can't join it it may be a matter of asking the admin for an invitation (I think that just means you set up a Trello account, and then inform M iguel (if I['m not mistaken, M iguel is admin in this case) of your username in this case - and he'll invite you to the board and you can start playing). I tend to find Trello really useful in cutting out noise and just getting the job done.

So - if we would all take part in organizing our workflows transparently on Trello I think that would be a good start. Once we can see what others are responsible for and working on then we can be sensitive to workload, not pile extra pressure on individuals, and perhaps even offer to lend a hand where we see our skills could fit in. We all have priorities that we would love for other people to rate as top priority. In the real world it doesn't work that way - our skills sets fit different things, and our views are skewed toward whatever we can get involved in. However, if we at least demonstrate what we are working on in a transparent manner then we can all be sensitive to one another and help out when/where needed.

If anyone has better/other suggestions as to how to best manage communication and workflow I'd love to hear them. I want to get away from talking about talking, and start talking about doing - in the hope that w can all just get on with the all-important doing!

When it comes to absence - of course we're all entitled to take breaks to avoid burnout, etc - we need to deal with plugging gaps. The coordination protocol (attached) deals with this as regards chapter coordinators. However, we don't have a clause for those with responsibilities that are not at local, regional, or national chapter level. M y feeling is that the same process should apply, as it makes sense for it to. However, it may need to be stipulated and agreed upon... although I'm not overly fond of adding to protocols and procedures... I prefer to operate on a basis of accountability and trust where possible, as that's relevant to the centre-out change that's required in a cultural mindset-shift. Anyways - just pointing out that a procedure exists, and has been agreed to - and it would be fair for us to uphold it.
K McGregor


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#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 25, 2013 - 00:13

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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b. Karin Mcgregor endorses and supports El Brujo on Dec, 12, 2012
a. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter on May 6, 2012
c. Brujo permanent resignation from TZM in e-mail called "2nd. Open Letter to PJ" on Feb 20, 2013

Karin Mcgregor within this global core discussion basically says she doesn't have a problem with Carlos Diaz (aka Brujo). She's even met Carlos family and overall seems to be a reason individual as well as a nice addition to the Australian chapter.

Karia notes that Carloes had problems with the CND project he was involved with and regrets ever being in it as it had a socialist agenda to it within TZM.

Kari wrote: Carlos is open with me about his past experiences with the CND, which he parted from when he came to understand that there was a "non-TZM socialist agenda involved" (his words). He admits to being regretful because he did not see it for what it was from the start and was involved because he believed there to be more common ground than there actually was with his own values.

Carlos has problems with Gilbert the global coordinator of all chapter and Ray the TZM linguistic team leader

Kari wrote: 4. Carlos expresses no personal problems with any individuals, stating that he sees positive intention in all
concerned regardless how things sometimes go in potentially confrontational situations. He has mentioned
issues with the communication style of Gilbert and Ray. I don't get involved with that, but I do understand
that we all need to be careful to communicate effectively and non-violently.

Carlos had problems with the TZM linguistic team.

Kari wrote: 5. Carlos has problems with the LTI - I'm not sure this could be reasonably summarized as a campaign against
the LTI. I think he raises some valid concerns and that we need to work together to ensure optimal
functionality. It doesn't help us to be protective of the status quo (we, of all people, are surely aware of this
point) - especially as these issues are not of a personal nature - they pertain to administrative matters that
could function better if we are willing to discuss ways in which this can be achieved.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.

Topic: Email thread regarding TZM internal politics
Email thread regarding TZM internal politics - in relation to Nelson Alvarez's claims about Carlos Diaz.

Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Today's meeting
From: Kari <>
Date: 12/06/2012 3:56 PM

Hey there,

I'd just to clarify a few things re: Carlos Diaz (aka Brujo) because I'm not comfortable with internal politics and am not keen to see any discussions regarding structure or functionality become personal in any way. I would also like to clarify that I do my own thinking, respond according to my values and integrity, and am not persuaded to see things through anyone else's prism.

1. Carlos was always in a position to be able to tell anyone he wanted to tell about the core team because he has known about it since formation, as have all TZM AU coordinators and core-team members. He has expressed no problem with the team or with any individuals involved in it. I think that it is positive that he allowed information to come from the team itself, and not circulate as hearsay. It was my un coerced decision to pass on this information and if anyone thinks there is a problem with that I'm happy to discuss it, as we did yesterday.

2. I know Carlos quite well - to the extent that I have spent personal time with him and his wife and even visited them in their home, and am in constant and positive communication with him. He is a valuable member of our team in Australia and hasn't caused a hint of a problem in any way (although he does sometimes call out members on their lack of comprehension of the M ovement - those interested in TZM nutrition type of ideas - he's certainly no advocate of anything that strays from the accepted TZM line).

3. Carlos is open with me about his past experiences with the CND, which he parted from when he came to understand that there was a "non-TZM socialist agenda involved" (his words). He admits to being regretful because he did not see it for what it was from the start and was involved because he believed there to be more common ground than there actually was with his own values.

4. Carlos expresses no personal problems with any individuals, stating that he sees positive intention in all concerned regardless how things sometimes go in potentially confrontational situations. He has mentioned issues with the communication style of Gilbert and Ray. I don't get involved with that, but I do understand that we all need to be careful to communicate effectively and non-violently.

5. Carlos has problems with the LTI - I'm not sure this could be reasonably summarized as a campaign against the LTI. I think he raises some valid concerns and that we need to work together to ensure optimal functionality. It doesn't help us to be protective of the status quo (we, of all people, are surely aware of this point) - especially as these issues are not of a personal nature - they pertain to administrative matters that could function better if we are willing to discuss ways in which this can be achieved.

Regarding my letter - it was a response which I felt was needed considering the email thread I responded to was full of misunderstandings that should be set straight. The letter was intended to clear up already existing misinterpretations - not to create any. I'm tired of internal politics - it has no place in a M ovement for social change and I've seen this crap before in other organizations in which the majority of people are just trying to do the right thing but need to be equipped with information such as who to approach regarding certain issues. There are tiers of coordination within the M ovement and it's only fair that people know who the go-to people are. I think that if people just know how things actually are then people like Gilbert won't be in the line of fire when there's no good reason for it. When things are made clear no one will have any ground on which to attack anyone and will be exposed for their actions if they do so. I'm not going to make any predictions for the future regarding how this information will be taken or used. All I can say is that with nothing to hide I feel no fear.

Please see yesterday's meeting agenda for the proposal in point #4 that clarifies my position further. I'm happy to discuss.

K McGregor

On 6/12/2012 2:04 AM, Nelson wrote:

Sorry for my delay too, I just arrived home, but well, the topic in the meeting was around Karin's email to an open latin-america's group list exposing the core team through a third party (Carlos)"brujo". This led to misinterpretations about the creation of the TZM Core Team. Looks like a leak of "secret info", first because it's not a regular way, but mostly because Carlos (brujo) instigated in this matter.

I don't doubt Kari's kindness, but obviously, her knowledge about the spanish speaking chapters affairs is coming from Carlos, who was an instigator on Brian's CND case, Spains-Plaza del Sol Movement (precursor of OWS), open campaing against LTI Team and some "ad hominem" attacks to Gilbert, Miguel, Ray and me.

All this plus the misinterpretations from some colombians making noise for the last 10-12 months about infamously "horizontality", make continuos ad hominem attacks and strawman falacyes at people, and propagate the idea that the Colombian chapter "IS" doing well with "Zeitgeist Teams" like "Zeitgeist Nutricion", Zeitgeist Permaculture" and Zeitgeist Medicine" to mention a few.

Im trying to deal with all this, and answering James question, no man, nothing relevant on education, the recording is just in my computer, and if somebody only in this group needs it I will upload it in a few hours. I would like to thank Jason and the other participants, and I suggest all to keep working and not waste time on structural issues, for that I think we already have the asynchronous tools.

Take Care

On 11 jun, 10:47, james phillips <> wrote:

Sorry for my lack of attendence. I am not sure how much help I will be to this group to be honest as I said what I needed to at the last meeting.

Was there anything concerning TZM Education that I need to know about? Once again apologies. Speak soon,

James Phillips
Tel: 07733135186

Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 11:35:02 +0930
Subject: [TZM CORE] Today's meeting

Hey there guys,

Today's meeting was not conducted in full due to low attendance. Please see attached agenda pdf for comments. We concentrated mainly on agenda item #4, but agreed not to make any decisions without larger representation of the team. Nelson has the recording which, I think I'm correct in saying, we have agreed is to be available only to the core team unless it is explicitly agreed otherwise, due to the sensitive nature of the discussion topic (please correct me if I'm wrong.

So - I'll leave it open to others to suggest an opportunity for the next meeting and to follow up on anything from the agenda in the meantime.

Cheers & take care,
Kari McGregor
TZM AU National Co-Organizer
Skype : karinellenmac
Email :
Mobile : +61 419 462 877


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#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 25, 2013 - 00:16

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
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In short TVP just wants to make money directly off their work. What's said within this document suggest nothing but to make money which I don't have a problem with as I am for the free market.


Why has The Venus Project the term RBE trademarked? 10 Months, 4 Weeks ago

I know that a lot of people ask this question, and I had some questions myself too, so what I did was to just ask Roxanne about it. Roxanne explained to me all my questions and in addition she gave me a small article/response on this very question that this thread has.

Why has The Venus Project the term RBE trademarked?

On top of that Roxanne gave me permission to publish it as well so I didn't think of any reason why I should not.

This text is written by Roxanne & Jacque

The reason The Venus Project is trademarking the term Resourcebased Economy is Jacque Fresco has been working on this system most of his 93 years. This is an integrated system to provide for humanity holistically which includes all aspects of human need. He has been working toward a resourcebased economy in order to do away with the major aberrations of war, poverty, hunger, etc.

Jacque Fresco coined the term Resourcebased Economy which is the foundation that provides the parameters for social design. Throughout the years, people have taken The Venus Project's pictures, designs, architecture, language, and the name Resourcebased Economy, to raise funds claiming to build a Resourcebased Economy without collaborating with us in any way. They usurp the name, some of the procedures, and models, but use their own interpretation of a Resourcebased Economy.

After examining their interpretations closely, we feel the procedures they suggest will not work. The Venus Project cannot take responsibility for other interpretations of our work. Others use the name Resourcebased Economy, but interpret it in their own way and then raise funds for a different direction. Riding on the coat tails of Fresco's work. This is detrimental to our efforts to raise funds for building a new city or making a major motion picture about our aims.

We'd prefer not to trademark, but our predatory society encourages people to capitalize on the efforts of others. The reason we trademark the name Resourcebased Economy is so that the integrity of our direction is maintained. We would not mind people using the term Resourcebased Economy and our photos if they consulted and worked with us, and if their efforts promoted the true direction of a Resourcebased Economyas proposed by The Venus Project.

Many different groups usurping our name and material for their own purposes, bastardizes our social designs and architecture. If you wish to know more about the proposals of The Venus Project and a Resourcebased

Economy, please review:
The Venus Project
The Zeitgeist Movement
The Venus Project Design

Dear Sir/Madam

I represent the Promethean Workers Association ("the PWA"), a volunteer political association based in the state of California with authorized affiliates in Minneapolis and Michigan.

I am filing a Letter of Protest ("Letter") objecting to the attempt by Jacque Fresco ("Fresco") to register as trademark "Resource Based Economy" (standard character mark) in the United States (Application Serial # 77829193).

As contemplated by TMEP §1715.02, we note that this Letter is being timely filed prior to the Trademark Office's Publication for Opposition of the aforementioned applications.

15 U.S.C.§1052(e)(1) prohibits the registration of marks that are generic. Moreover, the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure states that generic terms for goods and services are incapable of functioning as registrable trademarks denoting origin or any specific source and that such terms are not registrable on the Principal Register or on the Supplemental Register. See §1209.01(c). The TMEP §1209.01 also warns: "Matter which is generic for the goods or services is not registrable under any circumstances." Genericness of a term sought to be registrered as a trademark is appropriate subject matter for a letter of protest. TMEP §1715.01(a)(1).

The PWA wishes to alert the Trademark Office that the term "Resource Based Economy" is a common venacular term used in the work of academics and non academics alike within the field of Natural Resource Economics.

It appears in literature, and articles published both electronially and physically which understand this term as a generic name for a class of services encompassing association services related to alternative social sustainability and as a more generic term for their analysis in the field of natural resource economics. Resource Based Economy Is a Standard Term used by other entities and individuals for different models of social sustainability and design.

Since the development of Natural Resource Economics as part of Environmental and Life Sciences in academia the term Resource Based Economy or with variant Economics has come to be understood as part of this trans disciplinary field of academic research. Further this term has also become the subject of research and development by entities and individual not associated with any academic body or discipline. Fresco's Resource Based Economy is a prominent example of one such model of social sustainability in addition to many others.

The PWA is a Volunteer Political Association of various individuals who are developers of Resource Based Economics. The purpose of which is providing free not for profit association services for alternative social sustainability and design available to all. To that end, the PWA develops and provides products and services that enable members of PWA members to further develop their own intellectual material regarding social applications and designs of a Resource Based Economy.

Moreover PWA enables various of members of academic schools of thought and the general public to develop their own ideas and intellectual materials regarding the Resource Based Economy. In addition there is many electronically published works which define different views of Resource Based Economy. Id. See for example, the following website addressing Resource Based Economy.

(Snapshot of website attached here to as Exhibit 1)

The PWA, its members, associates, collaborators, and agents regularly refer to the term Resource Based Economy in connection with the association services they provide. For instance, since 2005 the PWA has been making and distributing its own printed materials discussing social sustainability and design, and more recently has had members going out to schools to setup public display board presentations about "The Resource Based Economy. For college communities in Southern California such as San Diego City College and Southwestern Community College where PWA is also a student organization. Id. See, For examples of display board's used in these specific association services refer to Exhibits 27.

References to Resource Based Economy also appear on the PWA website both in the domain/ address and navigation bar. Id. See., for example, the following website showing this
(Snapshot of website attached hereto as Exhibit 8)

The Following are examples of Resource Based Economy used as a generic term in natural
resource economics.

("Wikipedia" redirects Resource Based Economy to its page on "Natural Resource Economics")

(Snapshot of website attached hereto as Exhibit 9)

("the political implications of russia's resource based economy")

(Snapshot of website attached as Exhibit 10)

("Addressing market power in a small isolated resource based economy")

(PDF file attached hereto as Exhibit 11)

(PDF file attached hereto as Exhibit 19)

The above evidence represents merely a small sample of the widespread and generic use of the term "Resource Based Economy" throughout many circles in terms of natural resource economics.

Additional Evidence of Generic Use

Further one may need do only a basic internet search on the term Resource Based Economy to find several examples of its generic use. Additionally i have enclosed copies of a few snapshots from PWA's own website, a flier and a PDF of our printed magazine showing use of the term "Resource Based Economy" on page 5 center column by a member of our organization. Further one may need do only a basic internet search on the term Resource Based Economy to find several examples of its generic use.Administrative Response

In conclusion, Fresco has applied to register "Resource Based Economy" for: "Association services, namely, promoting the interests of alternative social sustainability and design"

However, "Resource Based Economy" is but a generic designation of either schools of thought or analysts working within the field of Natural Resource Economics who are both Academics and Non Academic individuals or entities. Therefore the association services themselves are already the common heritage of many researchers in the field of Natural Resource Economics who already promote the interests of alternative social sustainability and design and therefore cannot be trademarked as the property of one individual.

I respectfully suggest that this Letter of Protest sets forth a prima facie basis for refusal of registration of the abovereferenced alleged trademarks, such that publication for opposition without consideration of the issues raised herein would constitute clear error by the PTO. Accordingly I ask the Trademark Office to take the enclosed evidence into consideration and urge the denial of registration.

For further information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Elizabeth Edwards - CoInternational
Organizer, Promethean Workers Association (PWA)



It has been denied as of 11th January 2010, and the venus project have 6 months to provide solid evidence that they should rightly own it. It must be stated that there is the 5% chance they will manage this, but we will see.



The assigned trademark examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and has determined the following:


The Office records have been searched and no similar registered or pending mark has been found that would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d). TMEP §704.02


The wording of the identification of services is indefinite and must be clarified because it fails to give proper notice as to the specific services for which applicant seeks its service mark. See TMEP §1402.01. Applicant must amend this wording to specify the common commercial or generic name for the services. If there is no common commercial or generic name for the services, then applicant must describe the nature of the services as well as their main purpose, channels of trade, and the intended consumer(s).

Furthermore, "Association services, namely promoting the interests of..."is meant to refer to people, groups of people, professional groups or categories, e.g., bird lovers, gynecologists, librarians, economists, social climbers, endangered novelists, Presbyterian ministers, isolationists, and the like. An "alternative social sustainability and design" would not appear to have any human physiology, anatomy or autonomous mobility, and is most likely not a human being but rather an economic model of some sort.

Applicant must amend the services description to perhaps furthering the interest of the believers, followers, or adherents who favor a resource based socioeconomic design or model.

Identifications of services can be amended only to clarify or limit the services; adding to or broadening the scope of the services is not permitted. 37 C.F.R. §2.71(a); see TMEP §§1402.06 et seq., 1402.07. Therefore, applicant may not amend the identification to include services that are not within the scope of the services set forth in the present identification.

For assistance with identifying and classifying services in trademark applications, please see the online searchable Manual of Acceptable Identifications of Goods and Services at See TMEP §1402.04.


Registration is refused because the appliedfor mark merely describes a quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose or use of the specified services. TMEP §1209.01(b); see In re, 415 F.3d 1293, 1297, 75 USPQ2d 1420, 1421 (Fed. Cir. 2005); In re Gyulay, 820 F.2d 1216, 121718, 3 USPQ2d 1009, 1010 (Fed. Cir. 1987).

Descriptiveness Determined in Relation to Services

The determination of whether a mark is merely descriptive is considered in relation to the identified services, not in the abstract. In re Abcor Dev. Corp., 588 F.2d 811, 814, 200 USPQ 215, 218 (C.C.P.A. 1978); TMEP §1209.01(b); see, e.g., In re Polo Int'l Inc., 51 USPQ2d 1061 (TTAB 1999) (finding DOC in DOCCONTROL would be understood to refer to the "documents" managed by applicant's software, not "doctor" as shown in dictionary definition); In re Digital Research Inc., 4 USPQ2d 1242 (TTAB 1987) (finding CONCURRENT PCDOS merely descriptive of "computer programs recorded on disk" where relevant trade used the denomination "concurrent" as a descriptor of a particular type of operating system). "Whether consumers could guess what the product is from consideration of the mark alone is not the test." In re Am. Greetings Corp., 226 USPQ 365, 366 (TTAB 1985).

Not Necessary to Describe All Attributes of the Services

"A mark may be merely descriptive even if it does not describe the 'full scope and extent' of the applicant's services." In re Oppedahl & Larson LLP, 373 F.3d 1171, 1173, 71 USPQ2d 1370, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (citing In re DialAMattress Operating Corp., 240 F.3d 1341, 1346, 57 USPQ2d 1807, 1812 (Fed. Cir. 2001)); TMEP §1209.01(b). It is enough if the term describes only one significant function, attribute or property. In re Oppedahl, 373 F.3d at 1173, 71 USPQ2d at 1371; TMEP §1209.01(b).

First or Only User of Descriptive Term

The fact that an applicant may be one of the first users of a merely descriptive designation is not dispositive on the issue of descriptiveness where, as here, the evidence shows that the word or term is merely descriptive. See In re Sun Microsystems, Inc., 59 USPQ2d 1084, 1087 (TTAB 2001); In re Acuson, 225 USPQ 790, 792 (TTAB 1985); TMEP §1209.03(c).

Why Applicant's Mark is Deemed Merely Descriptive for Applicant's Services Applicant seeks to register on the Principal Register the designation, "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" for services incorrectly set forth as "Association services, namely, promoting the interests of alternative social sustainability and design." However, it appears that the proposed mark "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" is a preexisting phrase in the socioeconomic literature discussing economic models, a preexisting phrase with a fairly widely known meaning.

What is the plainlanguage meaning of the phrase? "RESOURCE" is defined in the MerriamWebster online dictionary, excerpt attached hereto, as follows: "a natural source of wealth or revenue" or "a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life."

"BASE[D]" is defined in the MerriamWebster online dictionary, excerpt attached hereto, as follows: "to serve as a base for" or "find a basis for." "ECONOMY" is defined in the MerriamWebster online dictionary, excerpt attached hereto, as follows: "the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area or period; also an economic system."

Thus it would appear, without going beyond the plainlanguage definitions of the words in the mark that a plausible meaning might be paraphrase as "An economic system based upon natural wealth phenomena that serves to enhance the quality of human life." Reading applicant's specimen of use, entitled "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" it further appears that the resources contemplated as a basis for a stellar economy are any and all resources but money, credits, barter "or any other system of debt or servitude." So the medium of exchange is removed from the economics of human and societal life, thereby setting the stage for existing resources from the land and sea, physical equipment, industrial plants etc. With our access to technology, and an attitude of willingness to share and work, everyone might be able to enjoy a very high standard of living with "all of the amenities of a high technological society."

A "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" is presented as an alternative to a moneybased economy.

It describes what may be a socioeconomic "movement" or "cause", as applicant describes it in the services description, an "alternative social sustainability and design." As such, it appears to be the content of the economic theory, or design or model or system that relies on "resources" other than and rather than money.

Applicant will note the attached evidence that "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" is a phrase that's been utilized to describe applicant's alternative moneyless economy by others; a phrase whose meaning is so widely known that there are passionate arguments for and against it all over the Internet. Further there are learned International scholarly papers on the subject, see Ruger Ahrend's "How to Sustain Growth in a Resource Based Economy?" The Main Concepts and their Application to the Russian Case. United Nations Discussion Paper Series No. 2005.3, October 2005. Attached also are a sampling from ten pages of Google "hits" for the phrase "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY." The phrase was original to the applicant from about 1969. It was descriptive for his economic model and remains descriptive of it.

Two major reasons for not protecting descriptive marks are (1) to prevent the owner of a descriptive mark from inhibiting competition in the marketplace and (2) to avoid the possibility of costly infringement suits brought by the service mark owner. In re Abcor Dev. Corp., 588 F.2d 811, 813, 200 USPQ 215, 217 (C.C.P.A. 1978); TMEP §1209. Businesses and competitors should be free to use descriptive language when describing their own services to the public in advertising and marketing materials. See In re Inc., 58 USPQ2d 1523, 1527 (TTAB 2001).


Registration is refused because the appliedfor mark, as used on the specimen of record, merely identifies a process or system ; it does not function as a service mark to identify and distinguish applicant's services from those of others and to indicate the source of applicant's services. Trademark Act Sections 1, 2, 3 and 45, 15 U.S.C. §§10511053, 1127; see In re Universal Oil Prods. Co., 476 F.2d 653, 65556, 177 USPQ 456, 457 (C.C.P.A. 1973) (holding the wording PACOL and PENEX, as used on the specimens, are the names of a direct catalytic dehydrogenation process and a continuous catalytic isomerization process, and do not identify "research, development, evaluation, market and economic studies, consultation, design, engineering, and technical services" performed in connection with the identified processes); TMEP §§904.07(b), 1301.02(e).

A process or system is a way of doing something, and is not generally a service. Thus the name of a process or system does not function as a service mark unless it is also used to indicate the source of the services in the application. In re Hughes Aircraft Co., 222 USPQ 263, 264 (TTAB 1984); TMEP §1301.02(e).

Determining whether matter functions solely as the name of a process or system and also as a service mark is based on the manner in which the appliedfor mark is used on the specimen and any other information of record pertaining to use of the mark. In re Hughes Aircraft, 222 USPQ at 264; TMEP §1301.02(e). In this case, the specimen shows the appliedfor mark used solely to identify a process or system because the specimen so states, as follows: "A ResourceBased Economy is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all the inhabitants, just a select few. The premise on which this system is based in that the Earth is abundant with plentiful resource; our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival."

Clearly the author, who is the applicant, considers the "RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY" a system, having so written in defining it.


The most expeditious way to solve disclaimer or goods or services description issues is by informal Email or voicemail. The following personal contact information is for applicant's convenience, for trial runs, discussions or solutions involving examiner's amendments.



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#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 25, 2013 - 02:40

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
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Peter Joseph disregards what the CND project has to say about the structure of TZM. In short Peter says he doesn't care about the power abuse and if someone has a problem with it then as Peter says "this movement is not for you". Peter also acknowledges he's the leader, there is a a structure so therefore it's not a leaderless movement as you likes to promote.

Still going through the documents more to come.

Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could.

Peter Joseph's Final response to CND - (24 August,2011)
Check at the very bottom page of this link:
(Link removed)

"For the record, I will no longer be engaging or acknowledging the CND. I have tried my best to be patient and understanding. I'm completely unimpressed with the manner of conduct and assumpotions made in what has been expressed to me. While the basic intention is good, the near obsessiveness of the issue in context is counterproductive and detrimental.

The Zeitgeist Movement's basic structure will always warrant improvement, as with anything, and all coordinators and members work together to make that happen. However this does not warrant a secondary bureaucracy/institution. The real problem is that the current method of data flow hasn't really been utilized correctly and we will have meetings to make sure these protocols are clearly understood soon.

As stated in my prior response, The Zeitgeist Movement is about an external communication 99% of the time and the other 1% is about our volunteer coordinators and how they conduct themselves; chapter protocols.

Is it perfect? No. But it will undergo improvement and harping upon it or trying to superimpose some other ideology upon it will only lead to wasted time and further dispute.

If anyone out there can't handle the very minor authority given to volunteers who have nothing to gain personally/financially by trying to work with their local groups and bridge communication with other chapters - then this movement isn't for you. If anyone is more concerned with internal "power abuse" or such control than people trying to communcate this data to their community - then this movement isnt for you.

I trust the coordinators and the methods we have. When problems arise, they are dealt with on the Tier chapters of coordinator and resolved. It's all very simple and really secondary to our purpose/

Anyone still not understanding the basic flow of our internal organization can see:    (link removed)
"What is TZM Basic Structure and Processes?""


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#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 25, 2013 - 03:16

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
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Peter Joseph in this piratepad describes a secret group called the TZM core who he selects a groups of people and conducts private meetings with this selected group of people. This proves Peter is the leader of TZM when he conducts these meetings with what looks like prominent members within the TZM community. This exposes that from what Peter the leader of TZM says that TZM is a transparent/leaderless group is far from the truth.

Peter admits TZM is dead.

Given the coordinator turnover we have seen and the general drop off of Chapter Participation (going from 340 Zday events last year to about 160 this year) I think a number of basic chapter and project issue can be resolved/improved quickly with this "TZM CORE" team. Just keep this private.

I like this part where Peter is "bombarded" by the simply folk who ask him questions inside his own TS3 TZM server. Peter is deifntily a individual who is one with the common person LOL... I also see a possible parania when he says his own TS3 TZM server is as he says, " too exposed".

(I personally prefer we also not meet on Teamspeak either- I will set up a separate conference space as Teamspeak needs some serious reform in general to make it work correctly with the structure we have. I can't go into TS without being bombarded with noise or put in question. It's too exposed. We can talk about that too. )


Welcome to PiratePad!
March 14 2012

Core Team

Hey everyone.
Those addressed in this email I would like o ask if they/you have an interest to be apart of a more focused, closed group to help with streamlining TZM a bit. I am also open to the suggestions of dedicated others whom I may not be as aware of. However, it is important that this group consists of not only those who are truly dedicated and have experience - but also that we can relate personally in a way that does not spark discontent or animosity, which has been an ongoing problem.

While this kind of process was traditionally designed for the International Tier of Coordinators, I have lost confidence in the process a bit as it sits and feel we need a less noisy environment, at least for the moment, to re-establish some integrity. Given the coordinator turnover we have seen and the general drop off of Chapter Participation (going from 340 Zday events last year to about 160 this year) I think a number of basic chapter and project issue can be resolved/improved quickly with this "TZM CORE" team. Just keep this private.

Those listed here/below are either lecturers/projects helpers or Chapter Coordinators- all stretch across our main spots in the world. If any of you do not want to do this, just say so. Again, my hope is to simply get some things streamlined and then move eventually this type of thing back to international chapter/project meetings- once they are more effective and grounded.


*when he has time.

Let me know.

(I personally prefer we also not meet on Teamspeak either- I will set up a separate conference space as Teamspeak needs some serious reform in general to make it work correctly with the structure we have. I can't go into TS without being bombarded with noise or put in question. It's too exposed. We can talk about that too. )



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#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 25, 2013 - 19:41

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
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Why did I waste my time making this topic?

Long story short writing this particular topic to me is a big waste of time. I have work and classes, as well as a few hobbies. I made this topic because people cared enough to show me these documents and to tell me their story. I felt it was a good thing to try and attempt to organize as well as have this information/story about their experience within TZM conspiracy group that's all in one place (will be consolidating the 1st topic down). It's also so that the people who care to find the information will have it all in one shot and may actually read some, majority, or all of the information provided within this and may even correct or add to this as well.

Unlike what has been said by TZM and at that TZM leader Peter Joseph no SP member gets paid to do this. I felt compelled to spend two days reading all the material, to organize it to what makes sense, to format the material so it looks right on SP, to write a small abstract of the material on a per post bases, to consolidate material together when it made sense to, among various other things. In all it took me on and off 10 days to get it sort of finished, and keep in mind I don't even care about this as TZM is dead as well as not as much of a threat as TVP. However I felt compelled after talking with a few individuals involved in this situation to at least put the material up for transparency, clarity, but more importantly to act as a virtual warning buoy for all those looking to find this information.

In general I did not enjoy doing this one bit, and I believe it to be a big waste of my time however I felt it needed to be done mainly because who else would. I would like to believe I would do the same for others who have a decent case as well. TZM will run at the same pace/structure it did from when it started to what it is now and will probably run at that pace/structure in the future.

My advice is do not waste your time by trying to change a group/organization, just run along and find a group that is actually doing something but be able to develop skills that will determine if this particular group you want to be involved with is for you or are you being more of a slacktivist than anything else. If it doesn't feel right, if the actions are the exact opposite of the words spoken by prominent or established top tier then your wasting your time, this applies to individuals on top tier positions as well. If they say things that clearly go against your principals back out. Test the water in any organization by researching it for yourself, be very detailed to see what they are actually doing, just because they show 3D models and other things doesn't mean squat, get a feel for what is and is not productive.

If top tier individuals or anybody within the organization keep saying this is normal, then you need to back off and observe and stop asking them questions and pay intention more to what you think. A group/organization will tend to avoid the hard question therefore it's silly to asks such individuals if this and this happens, just sit back relax and observe no longer asking question then come up with the next move to stay or go. Continuing to asks a group about particular problems they have is like for example going up to a group and asking them of their a cult, of course they will deny it, you need to observe and watch actions within the group then determine what to do after that.

If you join a group/organization, then test the waters and see what happens when you actually try to do anything like change the structure or make something. Testing the water allows a individual to test the organization at a way faster than normal rate to see if a individual wants stick with it or not, in a relatively short time, so the individual doesn't spend months or maybe years within this organization before they get in neckdeep and find out they have been wasting their time. Are you smacked down, intimidated, dogma of members, lack of science or the scientific method, no model from the group/organization themsevles, cognitive dissonance of members, browbeaten, told no, or anything else, then that may be a good time to get out of that group/organization... When testing the waters you get a feeling that rational and logical discussion cannot take place then back out and if you are again going against your own principals it may be time to pack up and go elsewhere but if you do make sure you archive your experiences within this group/organization and share it with others/post it on a prominent well known website that involves similar things so that you create your own virtual warning buoy towards a particular group/organization you were apart of to tell others who may be involved or may be looking up information on it.

I want to end this by copy/paste up somethings that someone on SP said which is something that should carry with anybody that joins these types of slacktivism types of organizations such as TVP and TZM. Maybe Kari and David or another are reading this thread and can take something away from this.


I'm not sure The Zeitgeist Movement is a cult, I've never really agreed with that particular label. But I do think it is an e-sect (or Internet-Sect) that promotes an isolating and unhealthy world view. When something almost entirely exists on the Internet, I think it is fair to criticize how moderation is done. On the surface, yes, it was just a forum. But in the context of the e-sect, the forum was a temple.

The idea that dissent was accepted is, from my long experience visiting their "temple", simply not true. I specifically remember one user who was cast out and shunned for no other reason than he opposed the inclusion of 911 conspiracy theories. The goal of TZM and all that was something he fullyembraced, but he opposed the inclusion of conspiracy theories. Peter Joseph Merola himself finally banned him because of his continued dissent on an issue the user thought made TZM look bad. There were also users banned and shunned due to personality conflicts with certain moderators and those close to moderators regardless of the users fully embracing the ideology and goals of TZM. This is not indicative of a group that welcomes or even tolerates dissent. It may sound silly, but if you really believed in something and were shunned by a group simply for having different ideas, even one that only really exists online, it probably isn't like being banned from some random forum you rarely visit.

The forums also contained an enemies list: a list of people's Facebook accounts that were off limits to members. The enemies list contained former members who became critical of TZM and people who had never been members that were critical of TZM. This list was presented as if the names and links on the list were people who were actively seeking out and harassing TZM members, but there were plenty of people on the list who never harassed anyone but were merely critics on some other forum or site. It was very similar to the sorts of lists Desteni keeps. This list was started by VTV himself and defended by him after questioned by members. The enemies list remained on the forums, and stickied, until they were closed.

I don't think TZM is necessarily a terrible thing, simply because it's fairly incompetent atgetting any real exposure or acceptance by anyone outside of TZM. But I also think it's an unhealthy organization because it saps the time, energy and money from well intentioned people and sucks them into a bizarre Internet utopian sect.


My initial interest in monitoring TZM came about due to the drastic differences in the groups philosophy vs. the way the organization was lead. I found it rather interesting that members of the organization wanted a form of direct democracy but decisions regarding the direction, messaging and imagery of the organization were entirely controlled from the top down. Sometimes even to the chagrin of those at the bottom doing the actual legwork to promote the organization. I found myself wondering how they could overlook such a glaring contradiction. The only explanation I could think of is that the members on the bottom of the pyramid had so much emotional investment in the goals of the organization that they were willing to overlook the glaring contradictions. I've always been interested in how people can rationalize their way through cognitive dissonance, and monitoring TZM's forums were a constant source of watching people do exactly that.

I will not attempt to assume the motives of those at the top of the pyramid. It is pointless to speculate as to whether they are con artists or true believers. The only thing one can look at is the results, and the results have so far been more and more central control as interest in the organization wanes.


Another thing I might mention is TZM becoming an activist arm of The Venus Project. TZM was initially sort of like AboveTopSecret and sites like that: a place for people to discuss conspiracies, alternative history, psueo-science and things of that nature. On a whim, Peter Joseph Merola decided that Jordan Maxwell was no longer his inspirational figure and hero, but Jacque Fresco was. Instantly and overnight TZM changed into existing for the sole purpose of advocating Jacque Frescos ideas. This is why the forums were a constant battle between those wanting to promote fringe ideas and those wanting to promote The Venus Project. This schism has never been resolved and I doubt it can ever be resolved due to Zeitgeist: The Movie being TZM's greatest recruitment tool, which Peter Joseph Merola has admitted to on more than one occasion. This was the reason why, despite constant requests from members to do so, he refused to distance TZM from the first film. He never did distance himself from that film, but instead doubled down on it by working with notorious pseudo-historian Acharya S (D.M. Murdock) to prop up the questionable material in Zeitgeist: The Movie with more questionable material from Acharya S.


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#47 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Sep 13, 2013 - 23:09

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
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This is a Spanish translation to English, it will not be perfect. This is a spanish TZM meeting held on Feb, 3 2013. Meeting goes into Depth about the TZM core team and how Peter Joseph is a hypocrite.

Quote in the meeting
" be endorsed and / or approved by Peter Joseph ( who chose finger and out of any consensus) , are given the authority to tell the rest of the movement what to do and what not to do , forcing , intimidating , pushing , and generally abusing offending the activists who are not obedient to them and that ultimately are not obedient to what I say, believe, and think Comande Peter Joseph ( seems that many decisions will be taken without having reasoned and capriciously ) ."


ACT 1 - Meeting EBR Manizales
In the meeting held on days 2 and February 3, 2013 between the EBR activists in Manizales , a poll was taken of everything done so far with the previously conducted activism on behalf of the Zeitgeist Movement and when there was valid / credible movement in Colombia , where he reflected on the structure, methodology and each of the factors that led to the low effectiveness of a large number of actions carried out to achieve objectives. With which began to deduce and understand that the main obstacle to progress in projects, not necessarily coming from outside , but from the same organization Zeitgeist Movement internationally and in some respects nationwide.

Considering Manizales activists opted to be drivers of scientific and experimental projects to implement what is proposed in relation to transition and EBR building in the process and outlining progress on initiatives and objectives , they found an unexpected and angry rejection by a small group of members of MZ "international" calling themselves with curious names like "Core Team" or " GCA (Global Chapter Administrator) " who by being stewards of tools main communication Zeitgeist movement and also be endorsed and / or approved by Peter Joseph ( who chose finger and out of any consensus) , are given the authority to tell the rest of the movement what to do and what not to do , forcing , intimidating , pushing , and generally abusing offending the activists who are not obedient to them and that ultimately are not obedient to what I say, believe, and think Comande Peter Joseph ( seems that many decisions will be taken without having reasoned and capriciously ) .

The biggest contradiction lies in the fact , which is precisely Peter Joseph who has defined and proposed that the organization of the movement is a horizontal and decentralized , as well as the fact where he explicitly states that it is the leader or head movement and does not take any decision because he is just an activist more than MZ , which also worth clarifying that decisions are made by rational consensus , but in practice, after all lived and experienced situations and what makes Peter Joseph secretly , is unfortunately the opposite , violating the essence and proposal has called to participate and do things for the MZ many. For clarity and expansion on the above, see guide activist , letters and attachments :

MZ Activist Guide :

El Brujo us how he unravels the truth behind the MZ , PJ and amazing things like the GCA :

MZ Waiver Letter Kari McGregor (01-01-2013)

By David Z- MZ Chapter Coordinator Australia , More:

" 2012-2013 - MZ Australia
Developer report (translated into Spanish ) of Simon Cole , former Brisbane Chapter Coordinator , received via googlegroups directed to Chapters Coordinating Equipment Australia the MZ , which cites the following:
"After careful consideration , from my perspective I have written a report and upcoming events leading to the end of the Australian National MZ chapter . Also included are some thoughts that could benefit the movement (which I can no longer call as their own, but as a fellow traveler ) .

Simon Cole
( ex_coordinador Chapter of Brisbane , Queensland ) "
Report translated by El Brujo :

So goes the MZ and VP :
Google Trends ( Trends search ALL RED)
Zeitgeist Movement : # q = % 20movement zeitgeist
Venus Project : # q = venus % 20project & cmpt = q

For the foregoing reasons and experiences , activists in Manizales , find no sense to promote a movement that is not consistent with its proposal , so it was decided to continue with the projects and ideas but independently and away from the labels , as MZ , PV or any other , to be consistent with the ideas that we were called and activated , by the way of structure and purposes as stated are not met in the other organizations. Therefore, and as a lesson learned in favor of EBR , now clearly understood that any label is actually a limiting and way divides people more because it tends to generate dogmatic and alienating behaviors and actions arising in within the safe need to defend a brand or personality, that keep the important people , who are the ideas , objectives, and in our case to achieve a resource-based economy .

Thank you all for your support and invite only remains for us to continue working for an EBR as we have done from the beginning , as a label , brand or institution determines our purpose , but if it can hamper !

Kind regards EBR gives MANIZALES


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