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The Burger King | Posted: Apr 22, 2013 - 21:05 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Simon Cole, Brisbane Chapter Co-Coordinator, writes about the many problems within TZM. One of the problems he points out is that Peter had approved the TVP debunk article the Australian chapter wrote before they put it up in their magazine, but then later on how Peter wants that article ripped down. Simon Points out good points as to why Peter Joseph is the leader of TZM. Simons mentions Cliff of Canada chapter resigning from TZM as being a good person who left TZM because of all it's problems. This include a response from Jen Wilding who is a more prominent member and a global coordinator of TZM. The issue That the article in Appeared in question was sighted - probably briefly - and Commended by Peter Joseph before publication, but after criticism from negative Receiving it, I Demanded immediate removal of the article within 24 hours or I would disassociate entertained by the Australian chapter. This includes Jen Wildings comment in response to this statement, as well as El Brujo responds to Jen Wilding response. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2012 - 2013 TZMAu Crisis of Confidence Story by Simon Cole, Brisbane Chapter Co-Coordinator.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Reviewer: jenwild - - February 25, 2013 Subject: Biased, Limited Viewpoint
Reviewer: El Brujo - - February 26, 2013 Subject: Refutal based on evidences of previous comment from jenwild
#31 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 22, 2013 - 22:06 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant. b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter. d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos In this TS3 discussion Gilbert threatens Kari on kicking them out of TZM. Kari saying that Gilbert should not be able to make decisions because he's not following TZM's protocol. Gilbert threatening Kari on kicking her out of TZM. Kari saying that Gilbert should not be able to make decisions because he's not following TZM's protocol. Kari mentions with the chat to Gilbert as to how the Colombian chapter has breached any protocols. Contains audio recording of Gilbert getting upset and being a tyrant. Contained is a audio recording of Gilbert. Gilbert says that they should not have anything to say about any protocol. Gilbert basically says if people have a problem with anything to go away, start your own movement and he's not willing to discuss the issues anymore because it's a waist of f#$$%3ing time because someone always has to b!7ch about something. That people need to go F354off and do there own thing, that's the new policy. Gilbert also admits TZM has leaders and a structure within the audio. The Colombian members of TZM noted that TZM is never active and never answers his e-mail. I couldn't believe how rude Gilbert was in the meeting. Gilbert tried to confuse the Colombians by saying it's a leaderless movement but we have leaders. Gilbert admits he's been inactive for 5 months, yet can make decisions.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Edited recorded coneversation on TS3 between Gilbert and El Brujo, within an informal conversation with Latin American chapters and participants. The key of the query was about if the Zeitgeist Movement was working in reality within a general consensus mainframe. http://archive.org/details/GilbertStatementOn07October2011 Full recording http://archive.org/details/CharlaConGilbertYDarr Background
Gilbert threatening Kari.
#32 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 23, 2013 - 18:52 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter El Brujo TZM constructive criticism proposals for TZM linguistics team and TZM positions proposals. El Brujo introduces within these proposals the concept of democracy and being able to elect and electric out people within tier positions. Brujo also mentions how disorganized the TZM linguistic team is and how their isn't really a lot of translators actually translating work. There was a proposal to change the TZM chapter protocol which the proposal are to chapter protocol and coordination protocol. These documents protocol proposals are very revealing as the proposals expose what structure TZM clearly lacks within those areas as well as how unorganized TZM is when under the guidance of Peter and Gilbert. I particularly like the proposal to rotate coordinators among other positions. In these proposals in indicates several times tiers of positions within TZM at which have to much power. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SPANISH LINGUISTIC TEAM - PROPOSAL -
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#33 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 23, 2013 - 20:24 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Kari McGregor and David Z writes constructive criticism towards TZM. David and Kari mention many problems within TZM structure as well as criticizes zeitgeist movements linguistics team lack of organization. David and Kari mention that commies don't walk the talk as they do mostly talking suggesting that TZM needs to actually implement what they preach. David and Kari talk about the TZM linguistic team is it either for TZM of for TVP as if they are not LTI should not be able to channel members to TVP from TZM. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX David Z list of concerns and improvement suggestions:
#34 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 23, 2013 - 21:01 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter G-man the leader of the zeitgeist movement linguistic team is creating another teamspeak server. G-man wants basically a more open platform for individuals to conduct there activities. My problem with G-man proposal for a new server is that, isn't TZM TS3 service the zeitgeist LTI use currently open enough for them? Didn't Peter say TZM is leaderless? Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Welcome to the Global Developers Team This hall is open for the purpose of conducting Global Developers Team activities.
#35 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 23, 2013 - 21:50 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Karin Mcgregor makes some valid points as to why TZM does not have any growth as well as points out obvious structural problems within TZM. Kari mentions responds to Gilbert basically saying he doesn't do anything and how he's a narcissist. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Getting to the point <new> From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 28/11/2012 11:13 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 28/11/2012 4:36 AM, Brandy Hume wrote: <new>
On Nov 27, 2012 10:56 AM, Zeitgeist Canada <cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com> wrote:
From: nelson@thezeitgeistmovement.com Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 7:20 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: RE: [TZM CORE] My next 2 months and partial exit from TZM
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] My next 2 m onths and partial exit from TZM From : Gilbert Ism ail <salserogilberto@gm ail.com > Date: Tue, Novem ber 27, 2012 12:00 pm To: tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote: On 28/11/2012 12:27 AM, Gilbert Ism ail wrote:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <all new below> On 28/11/2012 12:47 PM, Peter GMP wrote:
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:34 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
On Tuesday, 27 November 2012, Peter GMP wrote:
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Ben M cLeish© <bjm2007@gmail.com> wrote:
On 28 Nov 2012, at 06:05 AM, Federico Pistono <federicopistono@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Ben M cLeish <bjm2007@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Federico Pistono <federicopistono@gmail.com> wrote:
On 30/11/2012 5:30 AM, Peter GMP wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:48 PM, David Z <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
S ubject: Re: [TZM CORE] Getting to the point From: Peter GMP <gmpfilms@gmail.com> Date: 5/12/2012 12:56 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
XXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#36 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 02:54 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter. a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos Kari gives a review of the Colombian chapter. She basically does not find any problem within the Colombian chapter. Kari in the Colombian chapter review puts into chronological order the problems that occurred within TZM. In the e-mail she argues that TZM protocols cannot be followed amongnst the Spanish chapter as not all Spanish members within this chapter can read English, as well as could be the case for other chapters within TZM. Therefore the chapter protocols cannot be followed because there not transparent or accessible to everybody. She notes that the Colombian chapter were completely unaware of the TZM chapter protocols. In general with the Colombian review that the Colombian chapter has met the majority of the chapter protocol to a good to high standard. Colombian chapter has removed most of the TVP material as well as references to TVP. For the most part besides a few TVP audios the Colombian chapter has taken off the majority of the TVP material, and has compared to other TZM chapter official sites it has considerably a small amount of TVP material on the site now. Colombian chapter passes reveiw and should be a official chapter within TZM
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX E-mail involving Colombia protocols. Date: 12/11/2012 9:03 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 12/11/2012 7:29 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 12/11/2012, a las 4:20, "Kari" <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> escribió:
On 12/11/2012 7:03 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 11/11/2012, a las 22:02, "David Z" <david@thezeitgeistmovement.com> escribió:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Colombia Chapter Review: 10th November 2012 - 10th December 2012
#37 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 02:58 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter. Nelson Alvarez gives a review of the Colombian chapter website. Nelson notes that the Colombian chapter does not have any coordinators. Nelsons says that the Colombian chapter is not a official chapter of TZM anymore. Kari reviewed this review in a e-mail and doesn't think this is grounds to dissolve the Colombian chapter.
Within a e-mail response Kari says that after reading the review by Nelson that there isn't a good reason why the Colombian chapter lost it's official status. Kari notes that there was clearly a top tier group of people calling for the Colombian chapter to lose it's official status within TZM.
Nelson Alvarez apologies to Carlos and retracts some of what he says about him in a e-mail.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1. Chapter Website
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Gross misconduct of GCA in the case of the closure of the Colombian chapter From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 10/11/2012 8:41 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com BCC: "spirit-of-community@googlegroups.com" <spirit-of-community@googlegroups.com>
On 10/11/2012 4:48 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 09/11/2012, a las 23:03, "Kari" <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> escribió:
On 10/11/2012 9:50 AM, nelson@thezeitgeistmovement.com wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CO RE] Re: Gross m isconduct of GCA in the case of the closure of the Colom bian chapter From : Miguel Oliveira <m oliveira@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com > Date: Fri, Novem ber 09, 2012 7:53 pm To: tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com Cc: gm pfilm s@gm ail.com , Peter Joseph <peter@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com >
Subject: [TZM CO RE] Re: Gross m isconduct of GCA in the case of the closure of the Colom bian chapter From : Kari McGregor <karin@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com > Date: Fri, Novem ber 09, 2012 11:43 am To: gm pfilm s@gm ail.com , Peter Joseph <peter@thezeitgeistm ovem ent.com >, tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com
Ok Carlos, I agree with you in a 70%, and while I don't need to clarify anything through this via, because if you have a complaint there's a protocol and a global form for that. Anyway, I need to do it because you involved members here, and please all in this googlegroup excuse me but don't worry, this will be my last entry here so I will refer to another thread pending too. Well, first of all, I need to repeat what I said in the last meeting with Carlos, I apologies and I will retract some words in my previous email talking about Carlos. In fact if all of you look in my last thread with a PROPOSAL that derived in clarifications and people pushing and quoting each other, you will find the phrase: "I have to apologies to Carlos, the past is the past". My real intention was to warn Karin of who she talks with about "stupid internal issues", so going on my email I remark what I consider the important 5 points ----------------------------------- Sorry for my delay too, I just arrived home, but well, the topic in the meeting was around Karin's email to an open latin-america's group list exposing the core team through a third party (Carlos)"brujo".This led to misinterpretations about the creation of the TZM Core Team. Looks like a leak of "secret info", first because it's not a regular way, but mostly because Carlos(brujo)instigated in this matter. I don't doubt Kari's kindness, but obviously, her knowledge about the spanish speaking chapters affairs is coming from Carlos, who was an instigator on Brian's CND case, Spains-Plaza del Sol Movement (precursor of OWS), open campaing against LTI Team and some "ad hominem" attacks to Gilbert, Miguel, Ray and me. All this plus the misinterpretations from some colombians that have been making noise for the last 10-12 months about the infamous concept of "horizontality", make continuous ad hominem attacks and strawman fallacies at people, and propagate the idea that the Colombian chapter "IS" doing well with "Zeitgeist Teams" like "Zeitgeist Nutrition", Zeitgeist Permaculture" and Zeitgeist Medicine" to mention a few. I'm trying to deal with all this, and answering James question, no man, nothing relevant on education, the recording is just in my computer, and if somebody only in this group needs it I will upload it in a few hours. I would like to thank Jason and the other participants, and I suggest all to keep working and not waste time on structural issues, for that I think we already have the asynchronous tools. Take Care Nelson 1.- Karin exposed this google group no matter the way she used the info, and not all of the people here have enough confidence with the people in there region to do that, specially when the person that formed the team asked us to keep it private. Actually all Latino coords know about it but the email that Karin wrote was translated by no matter who and posted in an open latino googlegroup. I ask myself why Karin didn't do that in the zmchapters@googlegroup, it's the same but in Spanish. Just until today and after the last meeting consensus of all the latino coords, the group is closed and only the coords decide who enters from each chapter in the group. At the end I want to be clear " if somebody, no matter who or why, asks me to just keep this in private, I don´t worry why or who asked that, the person must have his reasons" and you know that Carlos, you have sent me emails saying the same, and nobody knows. 2.- It's a fact that you Brujo, are always looking for heads or witches, like you do with all the people you mentioned in this email that I'm responding to you. 3.- I retract absolutely from this. That was an assumption because I thought that all this about horizontality and "focus into sustainability projects" came from you Carlos because I've had meetings with you and Erick from Colombia who have that same position. But remembering you told me you don't fully agree with him, and only now I can understand better Karin's and David's orientation by taking a look at the australian website. I've seen, for example, past GCA meeting recordings downloadable to all and also the orientation to sustainability projects (as you can see in the next images I attached) that personally I disagree with as a global orientation . I emphasize "as a global orientation" because my family also has extensive land with 80% of sustainability on it, but everyone that lives on it and doesn't understand this shift of consciousness is still keeping their jobs and supporting the present economy because even having free and clean energy and food, THEY STILL WANT MORE STUFF! , and say they love their jobs because of the social status it gives them. I understand that people in the movement get interested in these types of projects, but they should be carried out at a personal level, not as an activity organized and/or promoted by TZM as if it was a tool for spreading awareness. While anyone can try to leave the system, our responsibility as a global movement is to spread the information to all the people. An RBEM only works at a global scale, and that implies that all need to know about it first. ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.- I can´t retract myself on this because of the information that I have from the people involved, but you're right, I can´t also affirm that just because the people involved say they have proof. But anyway, if that was true, that "WAS" , as the text I quote says " who WAS", and adding again the text in the other thread: the past is the past. So true or not, the affirmation I did has zero validation. 5.- I fully agree with you and I retract this, I have never seen you attacking anybody, and I need to admit you're always correct in your speak. In other words you never use ad hominen attacks, you just use ad hominen arguments. Regarding your approval in the site, it's not up to me. Well, I hope this helps Carlos, and at the end I will ask you just one thing, talk all what you want about me but please don't make me waste my time again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#38 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 03:02 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter b. Vote held in the dissolution of the Colombian chapter on Nov 5, 2012, response to vote by Kari McGregor called "Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor a. Kari TS3 chat with Gilbert threatening her on Nov 5, 2012 while Latin chapters were holding a meeting discussing the fate of Colombia chapter.. Includes audio of Gilbert getting upset and acting like a tyrant c. Colombia Chapter Review 2 reports from Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012 as well was contains e-mails pertaining to the Colombian chapter. d. Nelson Alvarez review of Colombia Chapter on Nov 5, 2012, with emails on Colombia Chapter on Nov 11, 2012 and a partial retraction of statement made by Nelson to a Carlos A vote was conducted to dissolve the Colombian chapter. Kari had issue with the voting and wanted to do a in-depth research of the Colombian chapter. In a earlier Colombian chapter review by Kari she indicated why the voting was not right as it did not follow protocol as well as the voting process did not represent all the Latin chapters as out of the 15 volunteers who conducted the vote 9 of them were from the Argentinian chapter. Kari's problems with voting to dissolve the Colombian chapter
In Kari's review she notes that their was a problem with a single individual within the Colombian but that's no grounds to dissolve and entire chapter because of one individual.
Kari notes that as of now the Colombian chapter is not a official TZM status as it has been removed. Kari notes a gross misconduct has been conducted by the GCA.
In general Kari says the protocols are not clear. Kari applies the same reasons as to why Colombian chapters was voted on to be dissolved to other chapter country sites within TZM that have official chapter status within TZM. Kari references another member in the Colombia chapter as describing a top tier within TZM calling the shots. Kari also says that the Colombian chapter does not have a coordinator and that it's perfectly to have no coordinator as long as it it works.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ZMLatino Meeting November 5, 2012
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Closure of a Zeitgeist Movement Chapter: Colombia - A Case Study by Kari McGregor TZM Australia GCA representative for Asia-Pacific
#39 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 13:51 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Karin Mcgregor goes into the many structural top down problems within TZM. That chapters should have a say on what happens in their own chapter rather than only the top tier. Kari says criticisms should not be perceived as spam but as legitimate criticism. Kari makes a good point about how TZM doesn't support any specific project yet Douglas Mallette is allows to plug his cybernated farm system in the TZM lecture. Kari goes on to say that maybe it's because Douglas isn't connected to any TZM chapter as to why he can show his project. Kari then talks about a secret group PJ put together. Kari says this secret groups needs to be a public group and doesn't understand the secrecy around this groups. Peter Joseph made a secret TZM core group, that kari as well as others within TZM have a problem with TZM core group because it lacks transparency.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Coordination Protocol (colombian analysis) (tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com) From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 4/07/2012 11:34 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 7/3/2012 5:27 AM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
Date: M on, 2 Jul 2012 15:58:27 +0930 From: arts.fantasy@gmail.com To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Coordination Protocol (colombian analysis) (tzm-coreteam@ googlegroups.com)
On 1/07/2012 11:41 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 29/06/2012, a las 10:45, "Kari" <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> escribió:
On 6/28/2012 1:12 PM, Andrés Delgado (Google Docs) wrote:
Mensaj e de jordel77@hotmail.com:
#40 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 14:11 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Kari had copied some contact info on a trello board and some higher tier individuals within TZM accused her of doing that for a sinister purpose. She also indicates that the Australia has been removed from this trillo board and has been effectively cut off from TZM.
Kari notes that many will leave TZM because of lack of professionalism.
Kari ties up lose ends and wants her zeitgeist.com e-mail to be removed.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: Re: Trello use and access +GCA responsibilities From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 20/12/2012 2:27 PM To: Miguel Oliveira <moliveira@thezeitgeistmovement.com> CC: Arts Fantasy <david.z@zeitgeistaustralia.org>, ma bedi <mahima.bedi@gmail.com>
On 19/12/2012 5:05 AM, M iguel Oliveira wrote: Hello Karin and David @Karin I noticed you were copying trello cards, may to where and for what purpose? Also i imagine that the environment you must have been feeling lately is far from comfortable for you, (to be honest its even leaving me slightly annoyed), i have to "applaud" you for your professionalism given the circumstances. Assuming that you want to get your stuff done ASAP to leave the GCA, i just want to let you know that if you want im willing to take on your remaining tasks which are M ahima introduction into the team and the Colombia Chapter review. (i will reply a bit later on that later, but in short im afraid stuff might have gotten a bit more complex on this issue as i got a over 60 page report with documented proof from Colombian members about the chapter itself). @David Am i correct to assume that your role in the GCA is now non existent? If so, are you ok with me removing your access from it right now? My sincere thanks for everything you two have done until now. Take Care -- Miguel Oliveira (Darr) Global Chapters Administrator The Zeitgeist M ovement www.thezeitgeistmovement.com
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#41 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 24, 2013 - 22:40 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter TZM global core is a secret group within TZM that Peter Joseph made for a selected group of people. Within this post it contains e-mail that discuss TZM facebook as far as what type of people that can reach. As well as the inner workings of the secret TZM global core. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Fwd: TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboration From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 15/11/2012 10:09 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 15/11/2012 1:03 AM, Zeitgeist Canada wrote:
From: David Z Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:00 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: [TZM CORE] Fwd: TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboration
-------- Original Message -------- Subject:TZM Global Facebook page, a call for collaboraton Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2012 11:59:03 +0100 From:s ethli2@gmail.com mailto:s ethli2@gmail.com To:peter@thezeitgeistmovement.com, Gilbert Is mail mailto:s als erogilberto@gmail.com, Gilbert mailto:gilbert@thezeitgeistmovement.com, Darr TZM mailto:darr@zeitgeistportugal.org, Miguel Oliveira mailto:moliveira@thezeitgeistmovement.com, jen.il@thezeitgeistmovement.com, Zeitgeist Canada mailto:cliff@zeitgeist-canada.com, matt.oh@thezeitgeistmovement.com, Ben McLeis h mailto:bjm2007@gmail.com, Feferico Pistono mailto:federicopistono@gmail.com, nels on@thezeitgeistmovement.com, konrad@movimentozeitgeist.com.br, David Z mailto:sydney@zeitgeistaustralia.org, jordel77@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Quick Q From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 14/11/2012 10:47 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 14/11/2012 9:33 PM, Andrés Delgado wrote:
El 14/11/2012, a las 4:41, "Kari" <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> escribió:
On 14/11/2012 7:13 PM, M iguel Oliveira wrote:
. On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> wrote:
On 14/11/2012 6:49 PM, M iguel Oliveira wrote:
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Kari <karin@zeitgeistaustralia.org> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Public Clarification Requested to Nelson - Latin American coordinator & Core TZM Chapter-admins- Requerimiento de Clarificacion Publica a Nelson - From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 5/07/2012 12:27 AM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 7/2/2012 3:59 PM, nelson@thezeitgeistmovement.com wrote:
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: [TZM CO RE] Re: Public Clarification Requested to Nelson - Latin Am erican coordinator & Core TZM Chapter-adm ins- Requerim iento de Clarificacion Publica a Nelson - From : Andrés Delgado <jordel77@hotm ail.com > Date: Sat, June 30, 2012 12:29 am To: TZM Core <tzm -core-team @googlegroups.com >
Subject: Workflow and communication From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 18/09/2012 1:00 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
#42 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 25, 2013 - 00:13 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter b. Karin Mcgregor endorses and supports El Brujo on Dec, 12, 2012 a. Brujo AKA Carlos Díaz resignation letter on May 6, 2012 c. Brujo permanent resignation from TZM in e-mail called "2nd. Open Letter to PJ" on Feb 20, 2013 Karin Mcgregor within this global core discussion basically says she doesn't have a problem with Carlos Diaz (aka Brujo). She's even met Carlos family and overall seems to be a reason individual as well as a nice addition to the Australian chapter. Karia notes that Carloes had problems with the CND project he was involved with and regrets ever being in it as it had a socialist agenda to it within TZM.
Carlos has problems with Gilbert the global coordinator of all chapter and Ray the TZM linguistic team leader
Carlos had problems with the TZM linguistic team.
Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Subject: Re: [TZM CORE] Re: Today's meeting From: Kari <karin.e.mcgregor@gmail.com> Date: 12/06/2012 3:56 PM To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com
On 6/12/2012 2:04 AM, Nelson wrote:
On 11 jun, 10:47, james phillips <jamessh...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 11:35:02 +0930 From: ka...@zeitgeistaustralia.org To: tzm-core-team@googlegroups.com Subject: [TZM CORE] Today's meeting
#43 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 25, 2013 - 00:16 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter In short TVP just wants to make money directly off their work. What's said within this document suggest nothing but to make money which I don't have a problem with as I am for the free market. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Why has The Venus Project the term RBE trademarked? 10 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Dear Sir/Madam
#44 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 25, 2013 - 02:40 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Peter Joseph disregards what the CND project has to say about the structure of TZM. In short Peter says he doesn't care about the power abuse and if someone has a problem with it then as Peter says "this movement is not for you". Peter also acknowledges he's the leader, there is a a structure so therefore it's not a leaderless movement as you likes to promote. Still going through the documents more to come. Disclaimer: Had to get this up here as fast as possible so things may not looks right as the copy/paste job was not perfect but did the best I could. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Peter Joseph's Final response to CND - (24 August,2011) Check at the very bottom page of this link: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=231&id=340760&limit=20&limitstart=20&Itemid=100114&lang=en (Link removed)
#45 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 25, 2013 - 03:16 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Peter Joseph in this piratepad describes a secret group called the TZM core who he selects a groups of people and conducts private meetings with this selected group of people. This proves Peter is the leader of TZM when he conducts these meetings with what looks like prominent members within the TZM community. This exposes that from what Peter the leader of TZM says that TZM is a transparent/leaderless group is far from the truth. Peter admits TZM is dead.
I like this part where Peter is "bombarded" by the simply folk who ask him questions inside his own TS3 TZM server. Peter is deifntily a individual who is one with the common person LOL... I also see a possible parania when he says his own TS3 TZM server is as he says, " too exposed".
#46 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 25, 2013 - 19:41 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Why did I waste my time making this topic? Long story short writing this particular topic to me is a big waste of time. I have work and classes, as well as a few hobbies. I made this topic because people cared enough to show me these documents and to tell me their story. I felt it was a good thing to try and attempt to organize as well as have this information/story about their experience within TZM conspiracy group that's all in one place (will be consolidating the 1st topic down). It's also so that the people who care to find the information will have it all in one shot and may actually read some, majority, or all of the information provided within this and may even correct or add to this as well. Unlike what has been said by TZM and at that TZM leader Peter Joseph no SP member gets paid to do this. I felt compelled to spend two days reading all the material, to organize it to what makes sense, to format the material so it looks right on SP, to write a small abstract of the material on a per post bases, to consolidate material together when it made sense to, among various other things. In all it took me on and off 10 days to get it sort of finished, and keep in mind I don't even care about this as TZM is dead as well as not as much of a threat as TVP. However I felt compelled after talking with a few individuals involved in this situation to at least put the material up for transparency, clarity, but more importantly to act as a virtual warning buoy for all those looking to find this information. In general I did not enjoy doing this one bit, and I believe it to be a big waste of my time however I felt it needed to be done mainly because who else would. I would like to believe I would do the same for others who have a decent case as well. TZM will run at the same pace/structure it did from when it started to what it is now and will probably run at that pace/structure in the future. My advice is do not waste your time by trying to change a group/organization, just run along and find a group that is actually doing something but be able to develop skills that will determine if this particular group you want to be involved with is for you or are you being more of a slacktivist than anything else. If it doesn't feel right, if the actions are the exact opposite of the words spoken by prominent or established top tier then your wasting your time, this applies to individuals on top tier positions as well. If they say things that clearly go against your principals back out. Test the water in any organization by researching it for yourself, be very detailed to see what they are actually doing, just because they show 3D models and other things doesn't mean squat, get a feel for what is and is not productive. If top tier individuals or anybody within the organization keep saying this is normal, then you need to back off and observe and stop asking them questions and pay intention more to what you think. A group/organization will tend to avoid the hard question therefore it's silly to asks such individuals if this and this happens, just sit back relax and observe no longer asking question then come up with the next move to stay or go. Continuing to asks a group about particular problems they have is like for example going up to a group and asking them of their a cult, of course they will deny it, you need to observe and watch actions within the group then determine what to do after that. If you join a group/organization, then test the waters and see what happens when you actually try to do anything like change the structure or make something. Testing the water allows a individual to test the organization at a way faster than normal rate to see if a individual wants stick with it or not, in a relatively short time, so the individual doesn't spend months or maybe years within this organization before they get in neckdeep and find out they have been wasting their time. Are you smacked down, intimidated, dogma of members, lack of science or the scientific method, no model from the group/organization themsevles, cognitive dissonance of members, browbeaten, told no, or anything else, then that may be a good time to get out of that group/organization... When testing the waters you get a feeling that rational and logical discussion cannot take place then back out and if you are again going against your own principals it may be time to pack up and go elsewhere but if you do make sure you archive your experiences within this group/organization and share it with others/post it on a prominent well known website that involves similar things so that you create your own virtual warning buoy towards a particular group/organization you were apart of to tell others who may be involved or may be looking up information on it. I want to end this by copy/paste up somethings that someone on SP said which is something that should carry with anybody that joins these types of slacktivism types of organizations such as TVP and TZM. Maybe Kari and David or another are reading this thread and can take something away from this. Comment
#47 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Sep 13, 2013 - 23:09 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter This is a Spanish translation to English, it will not be perfect. This is a spanish TZM meeting held on Feb, 3 2013. Meeting goes into Depth about the TZM core team and how Peter Joseph is a hypocrite. Quote in the meeting " be endorsed and / or approved by Peter Joseph ( who chose finger and out of any consensus) , are given the authority to tell the rest of the movement what to do and what not to do , forcing , intimidating , pushing , and generally abusing offending the activists who are not obedient to them and that ultimately are not obedient to what I say, believe, and think Comande Peter Joseph ( seems that many decisions will be taken without having reasoned and capriciously ) ." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ACT 1 - Meeting EBR Manizales In the meeting held on days 2 and February 3, 2013 between the EBR activists in Manizales , a poll was taken of everything done so far with the previously conducted activism on behalf of the Zeitgeist Movement and when there was valid / credible movement in Colombia , where he reflected on the structure, methodology and each of the factors that led to the low effectiveness of a large number of actions carried out to achieve objectives. With which began to deduce and understand that the main obstacle to progress in projects, not necessarily coming from outside , but from the same organization Zeitgeist Movement internationally and in some respects nationwide. Considering Manizales activists opted to be drivers of scientific and experimental projects to implement what is proposed in relation to transition and EBR building in the process and outlining progress on initiatives and objectives , they found an unexpected and angry rejection by a small group of members of MZ "international" calling themselves with curious names like "Core Team" or " GCA (Global Chapter Administrator) " who by being stewards of tools main communication Zeitgeist movement and also be endorsed and / or approved by Peter Joseph ( who chose finger and out of any consensus) , are given the authority to tell the rest of the movement what to do and what not to do , forcing , intimidating , pushing , and generally abusing offending the activists who are not obedient to them and that ultimately are not obedient to what I say, believe, and think Comande Peter Joseph ( seems that many decisions will be taken without having reasoned and capriciously ) . The biggest contradiction lies in the fact , which is precisely Peter Joseph who has defined and proposed that the organization of the movement is a horizontal and decentralized , as well as the fact where he explicitly states that it is the leader or head movement and does not take any decision because he is just an activist more than MZ , which also worth clarifying that decisions are made by rational consensus , but in practice, after all lived and experienced situations and what makes Peter Joseph secretly , is unfortunately the opposite , violating the essence and proposal has called to participate and do things for the MZ many. For clarity and expansion on the above, see guide activist , letters and attachments : MZ Activist Guide : http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/1/29/2742605/descargas/guia_orientacion.pdf El Brujo us how he unravels the truth behind the MZ , PJ and amazing things like the GCA : http://archive.org/details/ParaConocimientoDeLaComunidadHispanaDelMz_213 MZ Waiver Letter Kari McGregor (01-01-2013) https://www.facebook.com/groups/group.zeitgeistlatino.org/permalink/10151313409363116/ EXPOSING THE VENUS PROJECT : http://archive.org/details/ExponiendoAlProyectoVenus By David Z- MZ Chapter Coordinator Australia , More: https://www.facebook.com/groups/group.zeitgeistlatino.org/permalink/10151313409363116/ " 2012-2013 - MZ Australia - HISTORY OF A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE " - February 11, 2013 Developer report (translated into Spanish ) of Simon Cole , former Brisbane Chapter Coordinator , received via googlegroups directed to Chapters Coordinating Equipment Australia the MZ , which cites the following: "After careful consideration , from my perspective I have written a report and upcoming events leading to the end of the Australian National MZ chapter . Also included are some thoughts that could benefit the movement (which I can no longer call as their own, but as a fellow traveler ) . Respectfully, Simon Cole ( ex_coordinador Chapter of Brisbane , Queensland ) " Report translated by El Brujo : http://archive.org/details/2012-2013-MovimientoZeitgeistAustralia-HistoriaDeUnaCrisisDe So goes the MZ and VP : Google Trends ( Trends search ALL RED) Zeitgeist Movement : http://www.google.es/trends/explore # q = % 20movement zeitgeist Venus Project : http://www.google.es/trends/explore # q = venus % 20project & cmpt = q For the foregoing reasons and experiences , activists in Manizales , find no sense to promote a movement that is not consistent with its proposal , so it was decided to continue with the projects and ideas but independently and away from the labels , as MZ , PV or any other , to be consistent with the ideas that we were called and activated , by the way of structure and purposes as stated are not met in the other organizations. Therefore, and as a lesson learned in favor of EBR , now clearly understood that any label is actually a limiting and way divides people more because it tends to generate dogmatic and alienating behaviors and actions arising in within the safe need to defend a brand or personality, that keep the important people , who are the ideas , objectives, and in our case to achieve a resource-based economy . Thank you all for your support and invite only remains for us to continue working for an EBR as we have done from the beginning , as a label , brand or institution determines our purpose , but if it can hamper ! Kind regards EBR gives MANIZALES www.economiabasadaenrecursos.co www.resorcebasedeconomy.co XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#48 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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