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Author: Clock
Date: Dec 03, 2013 at 12:04
By: Clock
At the beginning of this year, website Natural News made a list of predictions about what the year 2013 would look like. Well, it is December 1st, and I think that it is the right time to see if any of this is exact!
Now, Natural News
have removed the article from their website, because, well, it's embarrassing. Luckily for us, Prison Planet copy pasted the article, so it is
still up on the interwebs in some fashion.
As usual, the conspiracy quotes are in green and mine are in black.
2013 will be 1984 on steroids
-fail. Have they even read 1984?
#1) The global debt collapse arrives
-No it didn't. We had the fiscal cliff, but nothing really happened.
#2) Obama administration attempts to gut the Second Amendment
-Really? Is this why guns buyrates
are at an all time high? That doesn't seem like gutting to me.
#3) Martial Law declared across America
-Never happened.
#4) Extreme shortages of guns, ammo, magazines as their barter value skyrockets
-No they didn't, the complete opposite happened, gun sales are a all time high.
#5) Tactical weapon strikes target Iran
-Never Happened. Actually, we struck a pretty good nuclear deal with them, which is good news.
#6) Massive false flag attack carried out in USA and blamed on patriots
-No false flag attack really happened, unless of course you count the Boston Marathon bombing, but that wasn't really a false flag attack, but Alex Jones and friends will believe anything is false flag anyway.
#7) DHS arms the TSA and begins insane abuses of Americans on roadway checkpoints
-False. Yes, the
unions working at the TSA made a demand to be armed, but this order never really got into place.
#8) The rise of the Resistance: Secret resistance groups begin to form across America
-Where? Facebook groups?
#9) Attacks on the First Amendment accelerate as government seizes websites
-Never happened, I mean, Infowars is still up, right?
#10) The rise of violent rhetoric among the population as disagreements turn to threats
-Never happened. The worst thing that has happened so far are the tons of
#11) Global government makes its move
-Never happened. What's taking them so long anyway?
#12) Accelerated mainstream media attacks on patriots, preppers and veterans
-Never happened. Actually, CNN made
an article about the idea of
some prepping being reasonable.
#13) Disagreement with the government characterized a "mental disorder"
-False. Actually, Obama
has stated in a speech that government disagreement and lack of 100% faith in government is totally reasonable.
#14) Continued rise in unemployment, food stamps, welfare as Obama accelerates deliberate destruction of U.S. economy
-False. Actually, Unemployment rates
have decreased as of September 2013.
#15) Criminalization of preparedness activities as government outlaws ammo storage of private citizens
-Never happened
#16) Riots in the streets, followed by Martial Law
-Never Happened
#17) Deliberate food shortages used as a weapon of government control
#18) Weather becomes even more radicalized, with droughts, floods, freezes
-Kind of subjective, but in the 1970's you can say that the weather was extremely radical due to the fact there were many many tornadoes going on in that decade. However, this is kind of right considering what happened in the Philippines a couple of months ago.
#19) Solar weather gets nasty: Solar flares threaten communications, causing massive population collapse
-Yes, 2013 was a Solar Flare year, as NASA states in the following quote:
Increased numbers of flares are quite common at the moment, since the sun's normal 11-year activity cycle is ramping up toward solar maximum conditions. Humans have tracked this solar cycle continuously since it was discovered in 1843, and it is normal for there to be many flares a day during the sun's peak activity.
However, we are in 2014 right now, and nothing extraordinary of such magnitude happened. If I remember correctly, the only time solar flares had effect on my daily life was that it could cause some slight interference in radio signals. I believe that this was in July 2013, and yet here I am typing this statement in 2014 and the world is fine. Go figure.
It's amazing someone would want to make a prediction like this. It's almost as if they want shitty things to happen.
#20) You will be told the answer to all our problems is "MORE government!"
-Like I've stated before, Obama has said that if you do not have 100% trust in the government, then it is totally reasonable. Need I say more?
As we can see, this was another year of
successful terrible predictions. It's amazing that people who run these websites keep on publishing these lists; all it does is further ruin their credibility as reliable news sources. You guys weren't right last year, what makes you think you'll be lucky this year?
What did you think of this article? Discuss it in the
official discussion page!Author: Clock
Date: Nov 04, 2013 at 12:20
On The Conspiracy Circuit
Episode 3
Fukushima = apocalypse?????//?/?
from contributor Robert Dobbs (
Agent Matt)
If most of you have been following the news in the past few weeks, you may have known about the recent Fukushima radiation leaks going on in Japan. If you don't here's a recap:
It was an energy accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, initiated primarily by the tsunami of the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011.The damage caused by the tsunami produced equipment failures, and without this equipment a loss-of-coolant accident followed with nuclear meltdowns and releases of radioactive materials beginning on March 12.It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale, releasing an estimated 10 to 30% of the radiation of the Chernobyl accident.
(thanks wikipedia)
This information of course has shocked everybody, but has hit hard not only on the prime minister of Japan, Shinzō Abe, who desperately wants the Olympic Games to come to the country in 2020, but also Fearmongers.
These are the people that take information and blow it completely out of context. A good example is from independent news outlet
Russia Today, who claim that "the worst has yet to come". (
Now, let's get one thing clear:
Russia Today is not a reliable news source. They have been known for
pushing conspiracy theories and passing them off as legitimate. (and
The biggest shock of the week was that Activity Post article written on October 22nd 2013 by Michael Snyder. The
article is entitled; "28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima"
A science blog,
Southern Fried Science made an
article describing the fallacies with the original 28 signs article. It is only typical that people make complete exaggeration of certain news to scare people. But what else is new in conspiracy writers?
Author: Clock
Date: Aug 18, 2013 at 13:17
Alright, let's look at some of the things John Coleman has to say. Is any of this right? I had originally found this link
here, so let's get this show on the road!
1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920's and 30's, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
-It has already been established many times that One World Governments
do not work. Many conspiracy believers like using the European Union as the perfect example of 'the beginning of the evil NWO's plans to setup a world government', and that soon, an American and other country unions are in the works. An African Union
does exist, but so far, it seems to only be an idea that works on paper, but not in real everyday life. This is mainly because there have been many events of corruption, internal conflicts,
constant changes in lineup of membership, loads of issues that they have yet to take control of, and there have been a never ending stream of regional, social and political issues that require constant military intervention (the current protests in egypt are a great example of this) This is another example of how this so called "NWO" is extremely incompetent. Not only have their FEMA camps plans have been going on for over
40+ years and are still putting the plan in motion? That seems a bit odd, but back to topic.
The North American Union theories has been in talk for a very long time now, and have been debunked many, many times. I suggest that you refer to
this article, and
this post.
2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.
-When John Coleman is referring to national identity and national pride, he is of course referencing to 'murica. One common theme with conspiracy theorists who push the NWO theory is that America seems to be the only place on earth where conspiracies occur. This reminds me a lot of Alex Jones and his patriotism. The idea of pursuing a World Government is pretty much as far as conspiracy theorists go concerning the rest of the world. And only 'if' the World Government plans work? More NWO incompetence! First of all, where does he get this information? Oh yeah, his head. He provides no evidence to prove his claims. And why does this New World Order need a world government in order to destory the "national identity and pride" of America? I mean don't they already control or influence (seems to change depending on which conspiracy theorist you are talking about) all of the governments in the first place? This really isn't clear.
3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.
If I remember correctly, John Coleman stated in his book 'The Commitee of 300' that the Vatican was in on it as well. So why the hell, would they be pushing this agenda? Christianity is the only reason to explain the existence of the Vatican. Without it , it has no reason for being there, so why would it support this ludicrous agenda? And why does the NWO have to make people stop believing in God in order to take over? What about other religions? What if you are an atheist? There are many, many questions.
This hate mail : should be helpful in debunking that Global 2000 report.
Author: Clock
Date: Aug 16, 2013 at 15:26
By Muertos
This blog is a continuation of my investigation into the South Africa-based cult known as Desteni. This organization, which uses conspiracy theories like "reptilians" and the "New World Order" as one of their marketing tools, is somewhat unusual among conspiracy cults. While many cults are devised as money-making opportunities and even structured as business enterprises--Scientology, for example--Desteni is somewhat unique in that it advances itself and its ideology with a "multi-level-marketing" scheme. It is this specific aspect of the cult, which is called the "Desteni I Process," that is the subject of this article.
What is Multi-Level-Marketing?
Before we begin, it's important to understand what multi-level-marketing ("MLM") is. It's a somewhat
questionable business model where a product or service is sold via a network of salespeople, often called distributors, who supposedly make money by selling the product or service and then collecting a cut of everything sold by the distributors they recruited. Does this sound to you like the definition of a pyramid scheme? It is.
Here's an example to demonstrate how it works. Let's say I run into you at a coffee shop and tell you about this great new soap I found. Acme SuperSoap®™ cleans everything. I can't stop raving about it. I tell you I have a couple of bars in my car and I'm willing to sell them to you. You buy some for $1 apiece. The next day I call you up and tell you that in addition to the great product itself, I'm getting rich by recruiting others to sell Acme SuperSoap. You eagerly sign up, and you start selling Acme SuperSoap yourself. But you have to buy all the soap that you sell from me. I pocket 20 cents on every bar you buy from me. But I also collect a commission on bars you sell to your friends, which you have to buy from me first, and the bars that they sell to their friends, which they have to buy from you. Theoretically we both get rich as Acme SuperSoap takes the world by storm. If one of your friends who you recruited opens an Acme SuperSoap franchise in Beijing and manages to sell a single bar to every man, woman and child in China, we're instant billionaires, and we live happily ever after.
The biggest MLM business in the world is Amway, which most people have heard of. They began in the 1950s selling--guess what?--soap. There are now thousands of MLM schemes out there. Some are legal, and some aren't. But they all function pretty much the same. (Note: Desteni is not affiliated with Amway).
Why doesn't MLM work?
The above example should illustrate to you why MLM doesn't work in the real world: the model functions on the basis of infinite expansion, and there just aren't enough potential recruits out there to result in big money for more than a very few--and very lucky--distributors. How many people do you personally know who would really be that interested in becoming a soap distributor? Even if the product you're selling is reputable and a good product, because the MLM model emphasizes recruitment of distributors more than the selling of products, what money there is to be made doesn't come from sales--unless of course you're Amway or Acme, the ultimate source of all the products these eager distributors are trying to recruit each other to sell. Keep this point in mind because it's crucial to understand the Desteni I Process.
These days MLM is everywhere. I will bet that virtually everybody who's reading this blog right now has been hustled by a friend, acquaintance or total stranger trying to rope them into an MLM scheme. You might think that the ubiquity of these schemes means people are making big money at them. You'd be wrong. The vast majority of MLM participants, even in Amway, lose money on the scheme because they end up buying more of whatever products are being sold than they sell, and because they don't end up recruiting many distributors. My dad has been in Amway for years, and he's never made a dime. The main thing that keeps MLM schemes going is hope: hope of making money, of retiring with some big bank, and hope that is kept alive by motivational tapes, books and videos that themselves form the basis of a separate for-profit industry that clings to MLM schemes like pilotfish on a whale. This is certainly the case with Amway, where most of the money that's being made comes from the sale of motivational materials by Amway distributors to other Amway distributors, trying to bolster their spirits and keep them participating in the scheme.
I have described MLM as a pyramid scheme, and it is. However, I'm not using the term "pyramid scheme" as being synonymous with "illegal pyramid scheme." Whenever they are criticized for their MLM business model, for instance, devotees of Amway--who often behave eerily like Desteni or Zeitgeist members insofar as devotion to their faith is concerned--will proudly state, "We're not a pyramid scheme. That's been tested in court!" Well, actually what's been tested is whether Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme. I think Amway is very spurious, but it is legal, as are other MLM schemes you may have heard of, such as Mary Kay, Prepaid Legal and others. They may be legal, but it doesn't mean they're not pyramid schemes, nor does it mean that they're entirely on the up-and-up, as I will demonstrate here. (Not knowing the laws of South Africa, where I assume the Desteni I Process business is based, for purposes of this blog I assume that it is not technically illegal).
What Does Desteni Have To Do With This?
Desteni's take on MLM is unusual. The MLM components themselves are extremely unsophisticated; it's a very classic bare-bones verison of an MLM scheme. However, Desteni combines their MLM scheme with some of the more esoteric aspects of their cult, thus playing on a curious mixture of their followers' spiritual, personal and financial motivations.
Here's how it works. Step one is, you sign up for the
"Desteni Self-Development and Leadership Course." Supposedly this course takes you through Desteni's indoctrination material on YouTube and Facebook and will show you how to "understand your inner world" and "peel[] off the layers of self-deception." You'll learn how to talk, think and act like a Destonian, and presumably at some point you'll be asked to shave your head and you'll be exposed to Desteni cult leader Bernard Poolman's bizarre rants about reptilian conspiracies. Oh, did I mention this course will take you four years to get throughand will cost you €200 a month, in addition to your initial €100 registration fee? (Oh, I should say, right now Bernard's running a special--if you sign up during July you can get a break and pay only €100 a month for the first twelve months. This is all on Desteni's website. Yes, you read that right: the entire Desteni Self-Development and Leadership Course will cost you a total of €9700 over four years (€8500 at the sale price). At today's exchange rate that's a whopping $13,826 ($12,115 at the sale price). These calculations are from prices freely available on Desteni's website. (
Oh, one other thing: you can't get a refund. The Desteni site is very clear that once you pay your money, it's theirs. Refunds will not be granted for any purpose whatsoever. So if the Self-Development and Leadership Course isn't working for you, you can quit, but you don't get any portion of your money back.
So, once you're on board to cough up nearly $14,000 to watch YouTube videos about Hitler and learn to masturbate without looking at porn, step two is, you begin recruiting others to get into the cult. According to Desteni's website, you get paid €40 per bald head, per month, to whom you manage to sell the Desteni Self-Development and Leadership Course. Assuming your recruits are as eager to spread the word of Desteni as you are, they get their own €40 per head per month, and you get an additional kickback of €50 on the recruits-of-your-recruits. There are bonus rounds after that too. Indeed the Desteni website proudly trumpets that, if you recruit ten new Destenians, they in turn each recruit ten, and each of those ten themselves recruit ten more, you can supposedly earn €125,400 per month from Desteni. That's the equivalent of making about $2.1 million a year. This idea--recruiting ten people who recruit ten more, who themselves recruit ten more after that--is the "mathematical equation" and the "mathematical certainty" of success that you will hear Destenians, and especially Bernard Poolman, refer to when they talk about the Desteni I Process.
But how realistic is this? Do you know ten people who believe in reptilian conspiracy theories, are interested in channeling Hitler and L. Ron Hubbard through an interdimensional portal and who aspire to drop Esctasy on a farm in South Africa? Even if you are (un)lucky enough to know one person who might fall for Desteni's shtick, are they willing to be locked in to spending $14,000 over the next four years to join Poolman on his bizarre reptilian odyssey? As you can see from this, the chances of making even one successful sale are extremely remote. In order to even break even on what you'll be spending on the Desteni self-improvement course you'll need to have recruited at least five people who will go in it with you. The vast majority of Amway distributors aren't even that successful, and Amway is selling soap, paper towels and things that people actually use in the real world, not reptilian conspiracy theories and strange masturbation techniques. I would hazard a guess that your chances of making a single cent of profit from the Desteni I Process are virtually nonexistent--unless your name happens to be Bernard Poolman.
Yeah, what about Poolman, anyway? Where is he in all of this? Every pyramid has an apex, and in Desteni, Poolman is clearly sitting right on top of it. He is not only the unquestioned leader of the Desteni cult, whose followers literally believe he can do no wrong, but he's the one making the ultimate profit from every Desteni self-help course that gets sold. While we can't know the inner financial workings of the Desteni business, it's safe to surmise that it has very little overhead; the Destenians themselves do all the work by spreading the cult's message through YouTube videos, Facebook and their ubiquitous blogs. At $14,000 for each course, with very little overhead and very few distributors with whom to share the percentage, my guess is that Poolman earns the lion's share of every Euro, dollar and rand that goes to purchase anything Desteni-related, and the best part is that he doesn't need a large base of followers to keep this income stream going. From his perspective--and his alone--Desteni would seem to be a very stable and profitable investment.
But Muertos, Isn't This Just Your Opinion?
I can hear the recriminations of the Destenians right now: "This is just your opinion--you haven't offered any proof that the Desteni I Process doesn't work!" You need not take my word for it. My conclusions are based on a simple but reliable formula for evaluating MLM schemes developed by Dr. Jon M. Taylor of the Consumer Awareness Institute, who has conducted the most exhaustive examination to date of the economic structure of MLM schemes. Dr. Taylor's website ( is a one-stop shop if you have any questions about MLM schemes. Based on his research, here are a few highlights from Dr. Taylor's conclusions about the MLM structure in general:
"MLM programs (MLMs) typically sell "pills, potions, or lotions" or other products that have unique appeal and promise to deliver benefits not available elsewhere....One sees a strong sense of belonging, or an "us versus them" cultish mentality.
MLMs depend on unlimited recruitment of a network of endless chains of participants, and advancement up the levels in the program is only possible through recruitment of a pyramidal organization of participants, or "downline."
As endless chains, MLMs assume infinite markets and virgin markets, neither of which exists in the real world. MLMs are therefore inherently flawed, unfair, deceptive, and profitable only for those at or near the top (top-level "upline", or "TOPPs", for top-of-the-pyramid promoters) - who are often the first ones to join.
Worldwide feedback suggests that MLMs are also extremely viral and predatory. MLMs quickly spread from state to state and often to vulnerable foreign markets.
MLMs typically finance their operations from purchases by participants who are incentivized to buy products to qualify for commissions and to advance to higher levels in the pyramid of participants. With the possible exception of some party plans, the majority of sales are typically to participants."
Got all that? Cultish mentality. Those are Dr. Taylor's words, not mine. Downline is a term you will find on the Desteni I Process website. The "TOPP" term used here perfectly describes Bernard Poolman. Vulnerable foreign markets--like South Africa. The majority of sales are typically to participants. We could have predicted that just by looking at the structure of Desteni.
Just to be sure I can back up my assumptions, I put the Desteni I Process to the test via the very handy 5-step evaluation of MLM schemes on Dr. Taylor's website. This simple evaluation is designed as a tool for people who have been approached by MLM promoters to determine if they're likely to make any money. Let's go through the steps one by one:
[Red Flag # 1] "To build your business, are you required to recruit people into any kind of downline? Would you as a new recruit, by permitted and even encouraged to recruit other participants, who would in turn be encouraged to recruit still others, and they still more, etc. - from whom you could collect commissions and /or bonuses on what they buy or sell?"
In the case of the Desteni I Process, the answer is, absolutely yes. This is very explicit on the website.
[Red Flag # 2] "Advancement in the hierarchy of participants is not achieved by appointment, but by recruiting more and more participants into a downline, or pyramid of participants."
Again, this describes Desteni exactly. The hierarchy is based totally on who recruits who. Desteni uses the term "downline" which is an MLM buzzword, and I have demonstrated here how Desteni is clearly a pyramid scheme.
[Red Flag # 3] "In order to "play the game," or qualify for commissions and advancement, do participants have to buy a minimum amount of products or services, either at the outset or in ongoing purchases or monthly subscriptions?"
Clearly, yes. On the page that describes the Desteni I Process pricing, it makes clear that you can only get paid for your "downline" if you yourself have paid the fee for that month's installment of the course (the €200 monthly fee). Again, no question that this describes Desteni.
[Red Flag # 4] "Does the company pay more in commissions and bonuses to upline participants than to the person making the sale?"
Yes. This is also made clear on Desteni's website. Supposedly you get a €50 fee for each recruit that your recruits get into the cult--but your own recruits only get €40. That means there's a €10 premium for recruiting new members who themselves will recruit others.
[Red Flag # 5] "Does the company pay overrides (commissions and bonuses) to distributors in a hierarchy of more than four levels?"
Examining Desteni's website, it appears the answer to this is no. I counted four levels of distribution, not five. According to Dr. Taylor, five levels of distribution is a classic hallmark of an abusive MLM scheme. Desteni seems to have scraped by this one under the wire, so we'll give them this.
Clicking "yes" on the first four red flags but not the fifth, here's the result I received. After a huge red box that says "WARNING!", there is this text:
"The compensation plan for this MLM company triggered 4 out of 5 red flags!
Extensive research reveals that with at least the first 4 of these five red flags in an MLM compensation plan, approximately 99% lose money....If you find all five (or even just the first four) of these red flags in a compensation plan, then the MLM program could be considered a recruiting MLM, or exploitive chain selling program (translation in many jurisdictions - "pyramid scheme") in concept, structure, and effects. This would be true regardless of quality of products offered, type of compensation plan, company policy regarding recruiting, or any other efforts of company officials to make its program appear to be legitimate. The primary emphasis is on deriving income from recruitment, with insufficient incentives to sell products or services to the general public."
Wait a minute...why is Desteni pushing a MLM scheme anyway? I thought they were working toward a future of economic equality with their "Equal Money System"!
Yes, it's true--the very existence of Desteni's MLM scheme is a contradiction. One of the marketing hooks of this cult is that they claim to be advocating for something called the "Equal Money System," which is a basic guaranteed standard of living for all people on Earth. Naturally, everyone on Earth, once the Equal Money System, comes into being will be able to live the way millionaries do now. This is sort of a half-assed version of the already severely half-assed "resource based economy" that is pushed by another cult in the conspiracy theory business, the Zeitgeist Movement.
So what gives? Why, if Desteni wants to equalize the Earth economically, are they pushing a get-rich-quick scheme? Well, in classic cult doublespeak, Desteni leader Bernard Poolman claims that by making everyone rich through the Desteni I Process, Destenians will eventually use their money to buy political clout to change "the system" over to the Equal Money System. Curiously, there's nothing about this on the Desteni I Process webpages; you have to drill into Poolman's endless series of YouTube sermons in order to appreciate this point.
Astoundingly, I found one video by Poolman where he makes a claim that I guarantee you won't hear from any other huckster of an MLM scheme. He says that the Desteni I Process will make you rich--but you'll eventually have to give up your riches once Desteni's Equal Money System is instituted. Yes, you heard that right. This MLM scheme will make you rich, but then you have to give it back.
It's right here in this video. Poolman says:
"[If] you stick to the mathematical equation which you will be explained in detail you will become quite wealthy in the next ten years. That is quite a journey to walk. But remember by the time the Equal Money System is coming in to place, you will be required to give up your wealth. But be not afraid, because in the Equal Money System there will be wealth for everyone. There will not be a poor being on Earth, and the wealth that was was never wealth in fact, it was only used to manipulate systems, and we will use it to manipulate the system into equality."
Astonishing. An MLM scheme that promises you will have to give up all the money it's going to make for you. Somehow I doubt that Amway or Mary Kay will be adopting this approach any time soon. Then again, Amway and Mary Kay aren't weird belief systems based on conspiracy theories and New Age concepts, either.
Putting this piece into the broader picture that is Desteni, what emerges very clearly is a larger pattern of misleading statements, psychological coercion and outright deception by a group that seems to have few scruples about the techniques it uses to attract new members. A cult that exerts such tight control over its followers, and bases its ideology on concepts as fringe as reptilian conspiracy theories and interdimensional portals, would be suspect by itself. But add to this a very misleading multi-level-marketing scheme which is virtually guaranteed not to make its participants money, and you have yet another reason to treat this organization with the skepticism and distrust that it so richly deserves.
Thanks for reading.
Author: Clock
Date: Aug 15, 2013 at 21:27
By Muertos
Today is the 48th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was not alive to remember the horror that occurred on November 22, 1963, but I've certainly read a lot about it, and I didn't think the day should pass without some acknowledgement. As the JFK assassination is the "grandfather" of modern conspiracy theories, and I've done relatively little (publicly) with that theory, beginning today I'm rolling out a new feature on my Twitter feed: for the next 100 days I will be doing one tweet a day presenting a link debunking one or another aspect of the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.
More on that later, but first, background. On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy, riding in an open-top limousine in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, was struck by shots fired by Lee Harvey Oswald, a ne'er-do-well Communist sympathizer perched with a high powered rifle on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Oswald acted alone, but many people assumed that he was working with others, or even that he was just a "patsy" who had nothing to do with the assassination but was set up by others who did. The major event that got people thinking about conspiracy was when Oswald was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, two days later in the basement of the Dallas police department. Ruby eventually died of cancer, in prison, in 1967.
You Mean You Don't Believe in a JFK Conspiracy Either??!?!?
I do not. There is no credible evidence that there was a conspiracy in the killing of JFK. Indeed, contrary to what most people think, the evidence that Oswald did it-and that he acted alone-is overwhelming. For instance, ballistics tests proved scientifically that the bullets that struck Kennedy were fired from Oswald's rifle, to the exclusion of all other weapons in the world. All physical evidence-autopsy, etc.-indicates that three shots were fired, that they came from the rear, and they all came from Oswald's gun. No evidence has ever been found that Oswald was acting in collusion with anyone. That Oswald did it, alone, has been proven beyond all doubt many times, although most people refuse to believe it. A poll taken within the last few years shows that 75% of Americans believe JFK was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.
Oliver Stone's Movie
One of the major reasons why people believe there was a conspiracy was as a result of a movie made by Oliver Stone in 1991, called
JFK. This was a very popular movie in its day, and as Vincent Bugliosi, author of the wonderful book
Reclaiming History, put it, Stone's movie probably had more to do with fostering the idea of conspiracy in the JFK case than any other single factor. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the movie's release.
The problem with
JFK (the movie) is that it isn't very accurate. Bugliosi's book runs 1700 pages and devotes one lengthy chapter to debunking the film. Stone based the movie on the memoirs of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, who brought the only prosecution ever in the assassination of JFK-against an innocent man called Clay Shaw (played by Tommy Lee Jones in the movie) who had nothing to do with the killing. Garrison was the definition of a delusional conspiracy theorist. His "star witness," Perry Russo, had to be drugged in order to tell the story Garrison wanted him to tell at the trial; Russo later recanted. Shaw was acquitted in 1969 and later sued Garrison for malicious prosecution. Almost everyone connected with the case was astonished at the miscarriage of justice that Garrison created. Indeed, even most JFK conspiracy theorists disavowed Garrison and his faulty investigation, at least until 1991.
Yet, given artistic license, Oliver Stone turns Garrison (played by Kevin Costner) into a hero. The movie makes so many wild and bizarre claims, most of them self-contradictory, that the film is a mismash of faulty logic and half-baked conspiracy theories. Even people who believe in a JFK conspiracy find the plot impossible to figure out because Stone crammed so much crap into it.
Ten years ago a man named David Reitzes created a website of
JFK assassination resources, and which contains a lengthy section
debunking the film. This is the best information you can find on the web about JFK. When people ask me where they can get good, factual information on the assassination, I direct them to Bugliosi's book-which few want to read at 1700 pages-or Reitzes's website. It is this website that's the source of the links that I'll be posting on Twitter in the next 100 days.
My History With the JFK Movie And JFK Conspiracies In General
I used to be a conspiracy theorist. I can't say unequivocally that it was JFK that made me into one, but it certainly helped. I saw the film when it first came out. I was 19 years old, impressionable, and angry at the government-especially George H.W. Bush, who seemed to me like the absolute worst president of all time. (I had no idea how much worse it could get until his son got into office). When I came out of that theater in December 1991, I was convinced that Stone had presented a very compelling case for conspiracy. What I didn't know was how inaccurate, misleading, and flat-out false the information fed to me by the movie really was. That took ten more years to sink in.
During the 1990s you could say I was a conspiracy theorist. I certainly believed that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. I also believed the government was covering up evidence of UFOs. I thought the stories of Roswell were quite credible. When TWA Flight 800 blew up over Long Island Sound in July 1996, I was convinced that the U.S. Navy had shot it down accidentally during an exercise and then covered it up. This was before 9/11, so that conspiracy theory hadn't been minted yet. I was never an "activist"-I did not subscribe to conspiracy newsletters or go to conspiracy websites, but these were opinions that I had.
Years later, not long before 9/11, I was watching (on video) Nigel Turner's film
The Men Who Killed Kennedy, which first aired in 1988. When one of the pathologists who claimed there was a conspiracy was interviewed I noticed a curious thing. The doctor-I don't recall his name-was holding up a diagram of Kennedy's head, and he said something to the effect of, "The lower back quarter of the president's head was blasted away."
There was just one problem: the diagram he was holding up-on camera-did not show that the lower back quarter of JFK's head was gone. In fact, it showed the
top right section of the head gone-completely consistent with a shot from the rear, the School Book Depository.
This was one small clip in this multi-hour movie that went by very quickly, but it stuck in my mind. I started to think, "Hmm. That guy's words didn't match the evidence he was presenting. Are there other errors in this movie?"
I started "doing research," which is what conspiracy theorists urge me to do about every week. (To a conspiracy theorist, "do your research" means "look at conspiracy websites and YouTube videos." That is not research to me. My job involves research-with real books, in a real library-and research has been a crucial part of my day-to-day work for the last 13 years). When I "did my research" I found that Nigel Turner's
The Men Who Killed Kennedy was so riddled with errors and inaccuracies that it couldn't even be broadcast legally in England, where it was made, without a disclaimer. Even some of the people interviewed in the film disavowed it. That got me thinking, if that movie was so inaccurate, what about Stone's
In around 2000-2001, my thinking on conspiracy theories changed dramatically. Every time I subjected a claim to logical scrutiny, it fell apart. I read the entire Warren Commission report. Contrary to what conspiracy theorists claim, it was not shoddy, incomplete or full of holes. It was very exhaustively researched and left very little out. I started looking at the other conspiracy theories I believed in. After reading a lot of scientific material, I concluded that TWA 800 crashed because its fuel tank blew up-an accident, not a Navy missile. I found out that the documents that I thought "proved" the government knew about aliens were total forgeries. The "alien autopsy" film, broadcast on TV in 1995, turned out to be a fake. Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory simply crumbled when I touched it.
Nevertheless, I was a holdout on JFK. As late as 2003 or 2004-even as I had begun to push back against 9/11 "Truthers," whom I regard as believers in a particularly fulsome and offensive conspiracy theory-I still thought it likely that Oswald had help. Then I began to think maybe it was possible he did it alone. I read some more. I did some thinking. A lot of parts of the conspiracy theory simply didn't add up.
What Surprised Me About JFK Conspiracy Theories
During my period of research on JFK conspiracy theories I learned some things that surprised me-things I accepted as axioms, when I believed in conspiracy, that simply didn't hold up under scrutiny. For example:
"The magic bullet had to do an S-turn in midair."
-No, it didn't. If you actually see the way the limousine was laid out and where people were sitting, there's no S-turn needed at all; conspiracy theorists misrepresent where Kennedy and Connally were in relation to each other.
"The bullet was pristine when it was recovered."
-No, it wasn't. Actually it was quite mangled, but conspiracy theorists only show a picture of one side of it in their books and websites.
"Oswald was a poor shot."
-No, he wasn't. His records from the Marine Corps indicate he was actually a pretty good shot.
"FBI sharpshooters couldn't replicate what Oswald did."
-Yes, they could. Not only could they aim and fire as quickly as Oswald did, but in fact they improved significantly on his time and accuracy.
"Oswald couldn't have fired three shots in 5.6 seconds."
-Yes, he could. In fact, Kevin Costner does it on-screen in the movie
JFK. If you watch the scene with a stopwatch you can see it for yourself.
"The autopsy was botched."
-No, it wasn't. It was actually done pretty well, given the extreme pressures everybody was under.
"Many witnesses saw/heard shots coming from the grassy knoll."
-Not really; most of the witnesses who claim this first made their claims more than 15 years after the assassination.
The list goes on and on. This is not the place to list everything. If you want a comprehensive rundown, see Bugliosi's book.
So What Happened?
Finally I realized the conclusion was staring me in the face. The evidence was conclusive. Ballistics, witnesses, physics, science, everything. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
This was not a conclusion I came to because "the government said so." Very little of the evidence I looked at was government-created. I came to this conclusion because the evidence in the case pointed unmistakably to it.
There was no conspiracy in the assassination of JFK.
What's Happening on my Twitter
So here's what will be happening on Twitter. Beginning today at 12:30 PM-that's the time of day Kennedy was shot-and continuing on, every day at that time for the next 100 days, I'll be posting a link to one of the "100 Errors of Fact and Judgement in Oliver Stone's JFK." Each tweet will have the hashtag #JFK in it somewhere, and a brief statement of what the link contains. It's not a comprehensive debunking of all aspects of the JFK assassination, or even of the movie, but it's a start.
It might surprise you to know that, despite my opposition to conspiracy theories, I actually still enjoy JFK as a movie. I find it immensely entertaining, absorbing, and well-made-and those feelings have not changed since 1991. I own
JFK on DVD, in a special collector's edition, and I'd say I watch it at least three or four times a year. That doesn't mean I believe the factual accuracy of what it claims. I don't. But, it's at least a very good piece of filmmaking.
My purpose in doing the "100 Days of JFK" on Twitter is to put some information out there that contradicts the conspiracy theories and serves up a little fact and critical thinking for a change. I also hope to increase the visibility of David Reitzes's website, which is really a very impressive piece of work. I think Reitzes is to JFK what Mark Roberts is to 9/11-the "Obi Wan Kenobi" of debunkers.
On November 22, 1963, America suffered a terrible tragedy. Let's put that tragedy in perspective and keep hold of the facts surrounding it. I hope only to present the facts. There's enough misinformation in the world as it is without taking Hollywood movies as historical truth.
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