Tags: zeitgeist, VTV greasy fat fuck, VTV peter merola, zeit, geist, thunder, open source, opensource, free, peter, merola, truthers in disguise [ Add Tags ]
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Muertos | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 14:56 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | Jimbo, you make a good point, and it's an illustration of what I think VTV has demonstrated we are dealing with regarding the Zeitgeist Movement. The movement says it's about one thing, but it's really about something else. This is sort of like Amway. Talk to an Amway distributor and you'll hear lots of stuff about how you're going to be independently wealthy selling soap and nutritional supplements. But the real business is selling motivational books and tapes. I believe there are people in the ZM who honestly believe the Venus Project is a good idea. But because it owes almost all of its publicity to a conspiracy film created by a 9/11 Truther, that clientele has to be catered to or they'll leave. VTV argues that conspiracy theories have nothing to do with a resource based economy. In one sense he's right: organically the two concepts are totally different. The only reason they've become entertwined is that Peter Merola, a conspiracy theorist and 9/11 Truther, decided to latch on to the Venus Project. Since he's the star of their movement and he refuses to repudiate conspiracy theories, the two are now inextricably linked. From what he has posted here, I believe VTV is a conspiracy theorist. He's said he doubts the "official story" of 9/11--no one who is NOT a conspiracy theorist uses those words "official story"--not to mention other buzzwords like "false flag." Certainly the position he's taken about 9/11, either that what happened is unclear or that it's debating it is irrelevant, is a position commonly taken by 9/11 Truthers who don't want to appear overtly "Truthy" for one reason or another. What he has not done is to make unequivocally clear that he is NOT a 9/11 Truther, which I find very telling. So what we have is a probable conspiracy theorist (VTV) as the official (?) spokesman of the Zeitgeist Movement, which was founded by a conspiracy theorist and named for a movie that strongly promotes conspiracy theories, and he is here trying to convince us that our focus on conspiracy theories is a misjudgment of the ZM. And as several people have pointed out, the ZM continues to promote conspiracy theories and continues to use Zeitgeist 1 as a recruiting tool. This is eerily the kind of Bizarro world you end up in when you ask an Amway distributor what the deal is with all those books and tapes. | |||||
#61 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:02 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | @Muertos nicely assessed and also more than likely correct Just a quickie he is the 'unofficial official' rep of the venus project. And he was helping run 'a dogs body' for the Ron Paul campaign, thats usually part of the whole conspiracy backpack correct ? | |||||
#62 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:29 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "Now I am going to go actually participate in my life. Later. "Re:Note from BrentonEccles regarding ban. 20 Minutes ago" - VTV on the ZM forums. "Re:Note from BrentonEccles regarding ban. 6 Minutes ago" - VTV on the ZM forums. Well, at least we know what VTV's life consists of: avoiding questions here. | |||||
#63 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:34 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | haha I love how he mutters on making assumptions and claims about things and people. He is truly entertaining, thanks for getting him to bite and come over here and make an ass of himself in public. Next up we need to get Tanktop and Peter to come over and start a fight with us. | |||||
#64 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:38 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | I think VTV has an honesty problem. It might explain his constant accusations of everyone else being liars. | |||||
#65 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:41 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | anticultist, just how many questions do I have to answer before I am not "avoiding questions here"? I spent three hours here earlier. I was once again waiting for my wife to get ready to go do the errands we need to do. I will get back to you guys on the points you have made. However, I didn't make an ass of myself here. You did a spectacular job of doing so. The reason you keep repeating that I supposedly "lost" here is because if you repeat a lie often enough it might just become true in the perception of the people. But I called you on it. Leaving now. Later. | |||||
#66 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:44 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "However, I didn't make an ass of myself here." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect If the Movement had any semblance of competence, it would kick you to the curb. This angry conspiracy theorist act you put on totally betrays the image of TVP. If ZM has any hope of success if will boot all the VTVs and just keep the Brentons. At least with Brenton I believe he actually has good intentions. I wouldn't want you anywhere near any power. You have a pretty long tack record of being associated with fringe, crazy stuff. In some cases rightwing crazy stuff like Ron Paul. | |||||
#67 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 15:44 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Yah well he seems to love the political game. Must be painfully infuriating for his wife having to deal with him. At least she is relatively safe in the knowledge he will have problems cheating on her, so I guess thats about the only level of honesty he may possess. | |||||
#68 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 16:31 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | VTV Just because you reply to someone doesn't mean you are addressing peoples points. I also think you are evading the issues because when you reply to me you ignore what I'm actually saying to you! The only point you have ever properly dealt with that I have brought up has been regarding the Venus Project's promotion of Zeitgeist 1 (and therefore conspiracies) and that merely consisted of saying you'll ask them. You have NOT explained what Peter meant in his ban message to me. (see page one again for my reply you ignored for more details. You have NOT explained how the Zeitgeist Movement is open to criticism on their forums when they say if you are not a member you will be banned. You have NOT explained how Zeitgeist Movement isn't about conspiracies when you also are fine with promotions of conspiracies both with Zeitgeist 1 being shown on Z-Day and other Zeitgeist events, by Peter himself saying its the number one marketing tool and by people on the forum that are allowed to say whatever they like so long as its PROMOTING conspiracy theories. You have NOT explained how yours and the Zeitgeist Movements rhetoric that charity work is pointless and a waste of time DOESN'T mean that the environment and people's lives will be ruined and wasted if more and more people involved in charity work are convinced of this view and shift their attention to promoting the ZGM. | |||||
#69 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:28 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > Also, there is a project coming together to get the Venus Project on Oh good, I had wondered if it was going ahead or not, first I've heard since the subject was asked about on your radio show and the little chat afterwards. > (* btw on the subject of renewable energies, the ZGM is trying to get the I guess it took so long before Fresco/Roxanne heard my suggestion about the idea.. (Reading their own forums might help there, but at least VTV didn't ignore my question and passed it on, so he's got up a peg in my book.) > And who's the lucky people that get to donate the money to get THEM on it I wonder! Or donate equipment.. I would donate, I haven't previously as I didn't see them spending the money on anything I considered worthwhile, but this I would. I would prefer to donate equipment if I could/was able. My hope is, and it is perhaps a hope.. That by forming a group that can get organised enough to solve Fresco's electricity generation needs, the same group could then be used to fix others needs in the same area. (Thats fair right? its not just for Fresco..) I have this vision to see Z members making solar cells in their sheds, or putting together solar panels, freighting them from car to car as people travel ordinarly around the USA, so that no extra money is spent than is absolutely necessary and that the great resource of people is put to use helping each other. Its all I've ever wanted to see achieved. > This is the same reason why Fresco doesn't use renewable energies, they don't To be fair, it is expensive to start up, if you've limited funds, you go for the easy option of a grid connection and pay the electric company. Its hard to tell if they think that or not, unless one actually speaks with Fresco for a while about the issue, I'm not sure, as I get the impression everyone else below him might think its a waste of time. But at least now, its considered acceptable. (Perhaps due to Roxannes loss of job, money is really suddenly important to them. Pity they didn't think everyone else has the same problems..) But hey, if the ball can finally get rolling, thats the important thing. > Virtually all of the charitable work I have seen has been temporary solutions that Same here. I'm very keen on instead of giving people fish to eat, to give them a fishing rod and teach them how to fish to solve things.. > I can start a soup kitchen for the homeless and it might help them get meals Agreed :-) Its funny as on the UK Z forums, several folk suggested that solution to help, and I pointed out it would be more helpful to build homes and create jobs for the homeless than just to give them soup. (At that point no one was interested in doing anything more..) My hope is that in time, we can spread from solving peoples electricity generation needs to solving their housing needs. | |||||
#70 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:47 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @Nanos: --------------- "I'm very keen on instead of giving people fish to eat, to give them a fishing rod and teach them how to fish to solve things." - nanos --------------- Well following that analogy then... if your plan is to give some starving person a fishing rod I think he'd much rather take the frozen fish from the store thank you very much if you are going to take a hundred years or more to give him the means to catch his own. (Ie. he'll be long dead by then.) I'm sure the people in need of urgent medical attention in Haiti would be very sympathetic to that argument... don't you think? How many people do you estimate would have died in Hati or New Orleans alone if no charitable people helped any of them on the principle that it was a waste of time to just "patch work" the problem? --------------- "To be fair, it is expensive to start up, if you've limited funds, you go for the easy option of a grid connection and pay the electric company." - nanos --------------- Yes it may be expensive. But Fresco is meant to be some big shot designer / engineer right? Why has he not actually done anything to get money to get renewable energies that he promotes in his own movement? He could even design his own! But no it has to wait for the Zeitgeist Movement members to get together and get him that stuff out of their own pocket. Because getting them to use renewable energies THAT way looks GREAT for their credibility, doesn't it? But it goes on, why hasn't he earned the money to be able to afford to make working prototypes? Ah but that's because its a "waste of time" of course, just like everything else I suggest that makes perfect logical sense apparently. Its obviously far better to toil away for decades in virtual obscurity making little models, drawing pictures and doing tours explaining your hypothetical society until some conspiracy theorist finds you and has a vast following of conspiracy fans and wants to help you so forms a "Movement" around your ideas. Instead of using that as an opportunity to change your ways the most logical decision is you just tell them to do what you've been doing for years, spread the word... and yes, please make some CGI models for us so we can make a movie to spread the word even more. etc. Fresco is either not such a great engineer or he is incredibly incompetent. Take your pick or provide a good explanation that makes sense, any kind of sense. | |||||
#71 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:50 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @Anticultist "Yah well he seems to love the political game. Must be painfully infuriating for his wife having to deal with him. At least she is relatively safe in the knowledge he will have problems cheating on her, so I guess thats about the only level of honesty he may possess." It's funny how much you guys hammer on Peter for in your opinion being debunked for "conspiracy theories" based on nonsense when all I keep hearing is "theories" about who I am, what my life is like, etc. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Yes I have a wife. I doubt you even have a girlfriend. But I recognize that this is just a theory on my part. | |||||
#72 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:52 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @VTV, "It's funny how much you guys hammer on Peter for in your opinion being debunked for "conspiracy theories" based on nonsense when all I keep hearing is "theories" about who I am" - VTV ---------- "You guys" refers to exactly 2 people on this forum... Stop using this as an excuse to evade and ignore real issues and if you say "what issues?" that will be a case in point, I even layed some of them out for you A-G-A-I-N on a post on this very page. | |||||
#73 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:53 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | @VTV You forget I am an ex member I watched your useless banter over the year day in day out on the forums chatrooms and radio shows [you have utterly exposed yourself to the outside world in your personal life and your character], thats given me a pretty sharp insight into you as an individual. | |||||
#74 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Plautus Satire | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 18:56 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | I'd like to know why VTV is such a greasy fat fuck. | |||||
#75 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 19:01 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Seriously, can the people posting random stupid insults please cut it out? I'll suggest to Edward that people be issued warnings if they keep it up, oh look I guess I just did... | |||||
#76 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 19:27 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @Ed This is one of the reasons I don't like forums for communication. I have answered your points over and over again and it's easy to just say I haven't three pages later because it takes a lot of work and effort for me to prove you wrong. Particularly since this forum does not have a quote function. But to set this straight I am once again going to requote myself. "The only point you have ever properly dealt with that I have brought up has been regarding the Venus Project's promotion of Zeitgeist 1 (and therefore conspiracies) and that merely consisted of saying you'll ask them." I did more then that. I linked you video backing up my statement about Jacque's position. The rest I can't deal with until they come home. "You have NOT explained what Peter meant in his ban message to me. (see page one again for my reply you ignored for more details." Now, here is a collection of the answers I have already given to you that I can find. 1. (From Page 2) Again Ed, nobody banned you for making false claims, namecalling, or any of that. You were banned because it was clear you were not a member of the movement anymore and that you had no purpose on the forum other then to detract from the movement. You keep putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that are not there. You can feel free to say it is bullshit over and over again but I gave you the answer. 2. (Also from page 2) I didn't say you were namecalling anyone. Meurtos suggested that supposedly Peter has been totally debunked on everything and I said that I have seen a lot of "debunking" that amounts to little more then namecalling. I didn't say "ed was namecalling" at any point during my post. I also didn't say you were banned for namecalling. I explained why you were banned. 3. (From page 1) Ed was banned as it was clear his only purpose on the forum was his anti-conspiracy agenda. He had no interest in the movement and didn't contribute anything else. 4. (Also from page 1) If you no longer considered yourself a member of the movement then what purpose did you have to be on the forums other then to detract from it? (Same post) (Same Post again) Found this one while I was composing other answers, but this is from another page: 5. Yes, I have addressed it. Over and over and over. You just admitted that you stopped being a member of the movement about five months ago. YOUR WORDS. The forum is for members of the movement or people who are thinking about joining but want to know more first. Since you don't fit into either category you were banned. Regardless of whatever else went on that is the policy that caused you to be banned. You don't like the answer. But stop repeating that I supposedly haven't addressed it as that is actually the UNTRUE thing. 6. (From Page two) Again Ed, nobody banned you for making false claims, namecalling, or any of that. You were banned because it was clear you were not a member of the movement anymore and that you had no purpose on the forum other then to detract from the movement. You keep putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that are not there. You can feel free to say it is bullshit over and over again but I gave you the answer. So that is a collection of six different places in this very thread I have already answered this question. You may not like or agree with the answer but your attempt to continually say that I have not addressed it is a lie. Period. Your next question you have lied about saying I have not answered: "You have NOT explained how the Zeitgeist Movement is open to criticism on their forums when they say if you are not a member you will be banned." So here all the times I have answered this: 1. (From Page 1) First of all, I would say that the vast majority of people I have seen claiming that they were banned for politely disagreeing have turned out to be lying. Most of them are banned for engaging in personal attacks and ad hominem. We do discuss our disagreements with people who are actually there to learn. Eventually if they just keep posting anti-ZM stuff and it's clear that is all they are posting for we ban them. The forum is for members of the movement and perspective members of the movement. 2. (Also from page 1) I already explained this position and I agree with it. If people want to come there to question things that is fine. Once it becomes clear that they are just there to spread an anti-ZM agenda then there is no reason for them to be on our forums. There is a whole internet where people can do that. And it is a huge waste of our energy to deal with people who are clearly so brainwashed by the current system that they do not get what we are doing and likely will never. We still hear criticisms. It takes a while before people are kicked out generally depending on how destructive they are being. Our forums are for members to discuss the goings on of the movement and how to communicate our ideas better. Not for detractors who in most cases haven't even bothered to actually research. Next question you have lied in claiming that I didn't answer or address it: "You have NOT explained how Zeitgeist Movement isn't about conspiracies when you also are fine with promotions of conspiracies both with Zeitgeist 1 being shown on Z-Day and other Zeitgeist events, by Peter himself saying its the number one marketing tool and by people on the forum that are allowed to say whatever they like so long as its PROMOTING conspiracy theories." 1. (From Page 1) I have already provided video of Jacque's opinion of the first Zeitgeist film. (Posted link to the video of Jacque Fresco stating that Zeitgeist 1 was a conspiracy theory he could not get behind. 2. (Also from Page 1) I actually actively discourage people from using that film in promotion of the movement. I have addressed the issue of it being mentioned on the Venus Project website and can't get you any more information on that until Jacque and Roxanne come home. 3. (Alsom from Page 1) I have already made my opinion on the matter known in the forums. And spoken to him personally about it. I also don't feel it was "THE" prime motivator. 4. Again. All of that stuff gets moved to the Miscellaneous section where other material irrelevant to the movement goes. Pro-conspiracy theory or against it. 5. I really don't care about any of that Ed. My opinions of the 911 issue have nothing to do with the Venus Project. Jacque Fresco doesn't care about these things either. It's not relevant. And even if 911 truth were absolutely true or absolutely false it does not validate or invalidate the Resource Based Economy model. Five answers there. The final question you lied and claim I didn't address or answer: "You have NOT explained how yours and the Zeitgeist Movements rhetoric that charity work is pointless and a waste of time DOESN'T mean that the environment and people's lives will be ruined and wasted if more and more people involved in charity work are convinced of this view and shift their attention to promoting the ZGM." 1. (From Page two) Ed, your basically creating a scenerio that is never going to occur and then asking me to justify a position I don't have. This is a strawman. We don't tell people in the ZM to stop being involved in whatever other activism they are part of. It is just not what the ZM itself is focused on. I have members in my own chapter who are Environmental activists, members of the Green Party, Civil Rights organizations, etc. We don't do what we are doing in exclusion of these things but it is not what our organization is about. You don't show up at a Civil rights organization meeting and insist that they help you save whales or they won't be effective. There is nothing wrong however with you being in "Save the Whales" AND the "Civil Rights" group. 2. (Also from page 2) If it is a solution it will end the problem. Not perpetuate it. 3. (Also from page 2) Ed, I think we are getting to the point that you are so upset that we are not really exchanging information. Your kind of arguing with yourself and your not really listening to my responses all the while claiming that I am not listening to you. If for some reason every activist on the planet stopped doing the charity work they were doing I think you over-estimate the effect this would have. If the charity work continued I think you also over-estimate what effect it is having. We do care about all of these things. The problem is the dam needs to be re-built entirely. Not patched. So here I have answered all of these things you are claiming that I did not MULTIPLE TIMES. Then you have the gall to go on to say that I am ignoring everything that YOU say. It sounds to me like nothing short of me just agreeing with everything you say will satisfy you. You have become irrational as is obvious from what I just had to spend all this time quoting. Let me know when you have new questions. | |||||
#77 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 19:32 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @Muertos Going to quote your post here for emphasis: "Jimbo, you make a good point, and it's an illustration of what I think VTV has demonstrated we are dealing with regarding the Zeitgeist Movement. The movement says it's about one thing, but it's really about something else. This is sort of like Amway. Talk to an Amway distributor and you'll hear lots of stuff about how you're going to be independently wealthy selling soap and nutritional supplements. But the real business is selling motivational books and tapes. I believe there are people in the ZM who honestly believe the Venus Project is a good idea. But because it owes almost all of its publicity to a conspiracy film created by a 9/11 Truther, that clientele has to be catered to or they'll leave. VTV argues that conspiracy theories have nothing to do with a resource based economy. In one sense he's right: organically the two concepts are totally different. The only reason they've become entertwined is that Peter Merola, a conspiracy theorist and 9/11 Truther, decided to latch on to the Venus Project. Since he's the star of their movement and he refuses to repudiate conspiracy theories, the two are now inextricably linked. From what he has posted here, I believe VTV is a conspiracy theorist. He's said he doubts the "official story" of 9/11--no one who is NOT a conspiracy theorist uses those words "official story"--not to mention other buzzwords like "false flag." Certainly the position he's taken about 9/11, either that what happened is unclear or that it's debating it is irrelevant, is a position commonly taken by 9/11 Truthers who don't want to appear overtly "Truthy" for one reason or another. What he has not done is to make unequivocally clear that he is NOT a 9/11 Truther, which I find very telling. So what we have is a probable conspiracy theorist (VTV) as the official (?) spokesman of the Zeitgeist Movement, which was founded by a conspiracy theorist and named for a movie that strongly promotes conspiracy theories, and he is here trying to convince us that our focus on conspiracy theories is a misjudgment of the ZM. And as several people have pointed out, the ZM continues to promote conspiracy theories and continues to use Zeitgeist 1 as a recruiting tool. This is eerily the kind of Bizarro world you end up in when you ask an Amway distributor what the deal is with all those books and tapes." Everything you just posted here is speculative and theoretical. You are basically inventing a conspiracy theory about my motivations, my beliefs, etc. Once again the hypocrisy around here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. | |||||
#78 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 19:34 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @Anticultist "@VTV You forget I am an ex member I watched your useless banter over the year day in day out on the forums chatrooms and radio shows [you have utterly exposed yourself to the outside world in your personal life and your character], thats given me a pretty sharp insight into you as an individual." The funny thing is you claim my banter is useless but I get far more positive feedback about it then I ever get negative. (Far more positive in the HUNDREDS and negative in the less then a dozen) And most of the negative is from insecure little children like you who can't stand how useless you really are and feel the need to lash out. All the while projecting that it is the people your attacking who have fragile egos and whatever. What a sad wee little troll you are. | |||||
#79 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 19:56 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Are you the official spokesman for the Venus Project? | |||||
#80 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 20:20 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @VTV: Actually the forum does have quote function but I don't know how to use it either :) --------------------- VTV says: --------------------- See this is what I'm saying about ignoring what I'm saying... I already told you back on the very thread I was banned on that I already am aware of Fresco's opinions on 911. I already knew he said he didn't agree with the 911 conspiracies for example. I based my position on the principle that he didn't agree with it, why is proving that to me more going to help that? So yes thanks for showing me that video for making it more CLEAR what his views are, but I also said that IF HE DOESN'T agree that conspiracy theories are factual that almost makes him worse than Peter in that Peter probably at least believes his own bullshit, yet Fresco apparently has no problem promoting a film like Zeitgeist anyway even if he thinks its promoting false claims. --------------------- (Regarding my banning.) <snipped comments by VTV> Yes I saw all those comments you said at the time and you ignored by FOLLOW UP comments, you even went back to page 1 to copy and paste your own quotes here so why didn't you scroll down to see if I actually replied to them? What you said about me was a LIE, what Peter wrote was a LIE and hypocritical. Go back and look for my post, to make it easy I even took a picture of it for you: --------------- This answer isn't at all what Peter said but you're trying to twist to sound slightly better in your head, its interesting watching you rationalise this. ----------------- Because if you are not a member you are banned. If you have criticisms you are banned, that's what I keep saying. ----------------- Thats a lie and you know it. And btw Peter said that's ALL I had been doing the ENTIRE time I was there and ignored everything I had done and didn't even acknowledged I was ever a member. Why do you have no problem with that? ----------------- Stop throwing the word lie around when you don't know what it means. When I said you were ignoring my responses I said what I MEANT when I said you haven't addressed the point. That is still true and the fact that you had to do it again writing your post here says a lot. ----------------- What have some random trolls got to do with it? Its NOW in the RECENTLY UPDATED rules that if you are not a member you will be tolerated only and then Peter comes right and and says that I am banned because I am not a member. You even admitted it in this very post, but for some reason you can't remember what you say. ----------------- But you just said that if you aren't a member you will be banned unless you are newcomer looking for answers. How can you say you agree with the point being made when you actively agree with the exact OPPOSITE of the point and defend a guy like Peter Joseph who is clearly 100% against any reasonable questioning of the Movement or his films? I mean come on he even admitted in his post that he thinks that if his films bring in members, how can they be bad? Therefore factual accuracy is irrelevant to him, how does that make you feel? ----------------- Firstly, as you keep talking about the Zeitgeist Movement NOT being the Venus Project, which is why you said you cant find any conspiracy stuff on the Venus Project website (only... there was). But if the Venus Project and Zeitgeist are comparable NOW as you are doing here, then they are also just as guilty as Zeitgeist is in promoting conspiracy theories BECAUSE Zeitgeist does it. Secondly, as I said earlier (again), if someone makes claims or supports the promotion of claims they KNOW are false that makes them a liar by definition. Do you really want to admit that Fresco is a dishonest liar or do you want to rethink using this point against what I said? ----------------- But why discourage people from showing it? That's completely against what Peter says and one of the reasons he thinks I'm so very wrong about it, remember? He says its the number one reason people join the Zeitgeist Movement, so Zeitgeist: The Movie is the Movement's number 1 marketing tool! You should be promoting the hell out of it, or maybe you should all tell Peter why he shouldn't actually be promoting it? Even the Venus Project agree with Peter, which is why they promote it on their reading list and tell people to screen both films. What answer do you think they are going to give you that can possibly be different to that? A "mistake" maybe? Are they that stupid? Also don't forget Peter acted like I was some kind of idiot for suggesting Zeitgeist 1 is a "blight" on the Movement and yet here you are also suggesting people shouldn't promote it. Why didn't you say you disagreed with him on the forum? Worried you might get banned as well? ----------------- And what did he say? Did he agree with you or did he explain that Zeitgeist will continue to be promoted because it brings in so many people? There's no way you can rationalise using Zeitgeist AT ALL. All of the conspiracy crap has to go by default. You say you are a Movement based on science and yet you have so much irrelevant credibility destroying crap. Peter claims I'm "wasting bandwidth" talking about 911, yet allows all kinds of retarded threads especially in the religion section to go on and on and on and also allows people to promote conspiracy theories as much as they like apparently. How does that make sense to you? ----------------- How many anti-conspiracy threads did I start VTV? 99% of all my debates about 911 were RESPONCES to pro-conspiracy posts. The only one I started to debunk 911 conspiracy theories was locked straight away. Peter also said that people should go somewhere else to talk about 911, yet only bans me and allows the conspiracy theorists to continue posting about 911 even letting one guy continue to post an argument directly to me even though he knew I couldn't reply. And you can't see any hypocrisy or contradiction in that at all? And finally you say I "lied" about you ignoring what I said about charities then reposted all the same evasive crap you did before. I already replied to all that VTV, THAT IS WHAT I am telling you you are ignoring. Stop telling people they are lying when they clearly aren't. You say... "So here I have answered all of these things you are claiming that I did not MULTIPLE TIMES."... all you really did here VTV is show all the things I've already replied to that you ignored in the first place. Like the charity thing, the first response you gave completely ignored my actual point, I then explained it to you and then you didn't reply. Now you're claiming you answered me anyway. I mean... do you even understand how discussions WORK? | |||||
#81 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 20:23 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | This guy believes his own hype, and the delusional teenage fan club he has built up about himself isnt helping calm him down either. Narcissists are often the worst kind of personalities there are on Earth, VTV is a prime example. | |||||
#82 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 22:58 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > if you are going to take a hundred years or more to give him the means to I think in total it may well take that long to help the entire world, but we can start today to help at least some people, thats better than doing nothing as we are at the moment. > How many people do you estimate would have died in Hati or New Orleans alone if I don't particularly have a problem with urgent patchwork, emergency situations that is. But I would hope that along with those patches for things such as feeding people, we might include some long term solutions. An example of that might be instead of tents to use concrete canvas structures because they last longer. http://www.concretecanvas.co.uk > Why has he not actually done anything to get money to get renewable energies I don't think he knows how to be honest. > why hasn't he earned the money to be able to afford to make working prototypes? I don't think he has that ability. I've met talented folk like him before, genuises in one area, but duds in others. Is why they work best as part of a team, where they can focus on what they are good at, whilst someone else can help with the money making aspects. > please make some CGI models for us so we can make a movie to spread the word To be fair, they might have listened to my suggestion about producing a film, so that ultimately might be my fault :-) Now if they would just listen to my other money making ideas, then we might get someplace too.. > Fresco is either not such a great engineer or he is incredibly incompetent. Incompetent as I mentioned above. | |||||
#83 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 23:07 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I'm new to these forums therefore I'm going to infroduce myself; My name is Bill Matriark, graduated with a bachelors in mechanical engineering, now currently a medical student at NEOUCOM in hopes to be a surgeon and at that helping perfect mechanical appendages (such as arms, legs etc...). I'm also a hobby reverse engineer, into automation, into AI, programmaring, and I like to run outside :), ok lets get to it. VTV beleives in aliens and UFO's, as well as he is a wiccan which I'm not against that once to ever but yet doesn't understand nor wants to understand something that is as rational and proven functional as open source. This individual would rather believe in mythological wonders that are a long shot to be proven than what is functioning and WORKS as of right now for example open source... My thing is that VTV and not just him he's just a drop in a bucket, but most people today do not understand how to create how to seek new paradigms and therefore lack the sophistication to understand new things that work. Unfortunately it's the environment for example as to what VTV is condition to think in. Meaning VTV was apart of the libertarian party, and at that in 2009 even now tried running in the tea party. This individual obviously gets the majority of his influences, and thinking from the political organizations he was interacting with. Now he's in a position of power in both Venus and TMZ places, he tries to incorporate political values into to those places thinking it's a good thing. I define these people as evil do gooders, meaning they think their doing a good thing when in reality their ignorance is bliss or to put it more bluntly they do not know what they do is bad. Again it's not just him it's the people in a position of power in the zeitgeist movement that makes it what it. I get tired of people when they quote Peter Merola or Fresco and say soemthing like, well Peter said or Fresco said.... These people are not the bible, they certainly don't know everything. Why is everybody hanging onto these peoples every word? Peter is a movie maker bottom line. Fresco Venus project is closed source so if i wanted to examine the guys work I couldn't which obviously slows progress to a crawl but also i question if any of his work is even relevant or even of importance to be honest. When you have more people helping and working on a project more things get done and the more it becomes a reality, then you can point to the Venus project and say well we have active people not only working on the Venus project but are living in communities actively work on new technology with little to no monetary effort incorporated in it. It;s simply not happening and Fresco has said to a individual who asked a question during Zday if he could help out in any way, be a apprenticeship to to venus project under Fresco's wing so to say and Fresco totally side step the question and told the guy to buy his books and dvd's. bottom line their are many problem with the zeitgeist movement and maybe they will succeed at which great I mean granted I myself am globally banned from the movement if they do succeed I have comfort in knowing that they will not try to kill me, or try to oppressed me because obviously that goes against' there tenets in killing people at least I hope so even if we do lose out so to say we still win by default :) bottom line they ant' going to kill people who disagree with them they can just bann them and nothing else. I'm just a guy with an opinion that's why I was banned mainly. anybody wanting to talk about this head towards rbose website, mumble server, or irc RBOSE website http://www.rbose.org Server: rbose.org Port: 64738 rbose IRC Server: rbose.org Port: 6677 | |||||
#84 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sky | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 23:14 |
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![]() Level: 3 CS Original | It looks like members/former members of TZM are joining this group just to ask VTV questions. hahaha | |||||
#85 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 05, 2010 - 23:49 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | I still don't even understand how VTV got in a position of power in the first place because he keeps ignoring questions regarding it. Can anyone just declare themselves the official spokesman of The Venus Project? If so, I am now the official spokesman for The Venus Project. Fresco is full of baloney and everyone should go on with their lives. There. That was an official statement from The Venus Project. My claim to the position seems just as valid as VTV's. | |||||
#86 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Apr 06, 2010 - 00:20 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > It looks like members/former members of TZM are joining this group just to ask Yep! Having repeatedly asked similar questions on the TZM forums and not always got much in the way of a reply, I thought perhaps I might make more progress here. At the very least there are intelligent folk around here who will critise me and give valuable feedback who aren't allowed on the TZM site, whose input would be most valuable. (Particularly to keep me in check and stop me acting like an idiot, which is so easy to do when your surrounded by yesmen.) > Can anyone just declare themselves the official spokesman of The Venus Project? I believe thats how it works yes, if your first in the queue, then you get to decide.. Well, I imagine Fresco had something to do with it as well, but I get the impression he isn't necessarly good at spotting good/bad eggs and just goes with whoever wants to help. To be fair, VTV doesn't do a completely awful job, in many ways his help is better than nothing at all, which we had before. (It is my hope he will learn to improve, or that we'll find someone better, but it always seems hard to replace staff in organisations with better folk, but then no one else has really stepped up to say they can do it better and is willing to help..) Anyhow, my hope is that rather than we spend our money on rents and mortgages, we can instead spend them on building communities around the world, so instead of landlords getting rich off our fat, we can invest the money in reducing our costs and helping others at the same time. Until the day that everyone has moved into our neighbourhood and the other world is a ghost town.. | |||||
#87 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 06, 2010 - 07:47 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "To be fair, VTV doesn't do a completely awful job, in many ways his help is better than nothing at all, which we had before." I think you'd be better off with nothing at all. This guy is an embarrassment to everything he touches. "but then no one else has really stepped up to say they can do it better and is willing to help." I did. I appointed myself the new official spokesman. "so instead of landlords getting rich off our fat, we can invest the money in reducing our costs and helping others at the same time." My landlord is a nice guy, a much nicer guy than VTV is. Who says I'd rather have a TVP future in the first place? In fact, I can tell you right now that I don't. | |||||
#88 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Apr 06, 2010 - 08:57 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > I think you'd be better off with nothing at all. See, I remember the days before VTV, when we didn't get Fresco on Radio shows at all really, nor did we have the chance to get our questions so easily put to him. > I did. I appointed myself the new official spokesman. Well, if your serious about that.. Do you by chance live near to Fresco ? > My landlord is a nice guy, a much nicer guy than VTV is. Thats a pretty rare landlord then :-) As to the question of how nice is VTV, well, my analysis, born from years of chatting with political folk is that VTV talks like one of those kind. Those folk live in a quite a combative environment with people always slagging them off, and he's quite able to fight back with words to defend his position, so appears at times not to be nice. When you talk to him in a more civil manner (Like I do most of the time..), he is actually quite nice back. Now, his failings, are that for some reason (Maybe his time in politics, who can tell, I don't know what he was like before that.) anyone anyone disagrees with him, he takes it as a personal attack very easily, and goes guns blazing to defend himself, or what he stands for. (A very political response.) Sometimes I see a glimar of hope in that he doesn't misunderstand a situation straight away and everythings fine, but so often discussions are heated and the other side says something less than civil towards him, and he's at their throat in an instant. Its perhaps, because in his world, people are at each others throats all the time, lets say its his environment that at fault :-) Now, once he and others are into that slanging match, it doesn't really stop, he says something nasty, someone else responds, and this only reinforces his belief that everyones out to get him and hate him and what he stands for. When in truth, its just a storm in the teacup most of the time thats got out of hand. He would be ideal for dealing with journalists, just less than ideal for dealing with joe public who ask awkward questions.. | |||||
#89 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 06, 2010 - 10:01 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "See, I remember the days before VTV, when we didn't get Fresco on Radio shows at all really, nor did we have the chance to get our questions so easily put to him." What good did it do you? The Movement is still just as ineffectual as it was before Fresco started doing shows. "Sometimes I see a glimar of hope in that he doesn't misunderstand a situation straight away and everythings fine, but so often discussions are heated and the other side says something less than civil towards him, and he's at their throat in an instant." If you are a morbidly obese thirty five year old man who sends his wife off to work at Burger King so you can sit at home to post on conspiracy forums, you deserve it. | |||||
#90 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |