The $100,000 is just to hire a script writer to write the multimillion dollar big budget movie
Tags: scam, the venus project, venus project, fresco, roxanne, tzm, TVP, the zetigeist movement, zeitgeist movement, zeitgeist, movement, project, venus [ Add Tags ]
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The Burger King | Posted: Jun 01, 2012 - 16:44 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Update: Update 12/11/2013: I decided to keep the information within this topic as neat as possible. I'm going to attempt to organize the posts within this document. The best way I feel this can be organized is by editing the first post within this topic and making the first post into a control panel at which a person clicks to read a particular topic more in depth (like the Rick Ross topic). I will to organize the posts within this topic in chronological order by date of when posts were posted in this topic with brief descriptions of the post. Anybody wanting me to add to this topic contact me on my e-mail at cs2012ct at ymail dot com or hop on my mumble server ![]() Update 5/15/2013: TVP now managed to raise $200,000 dollars in donations for the TVP Big budget Movie. TVP has recently raised $100,000 in donations to hire a script writer for their big budget movie. In that I have a prediction I want to give about the $100,000, a writer for hirer, and the big budget movie. I do not think the movie will be made nor do I think the $100,000 will go towards a writer of any sort. I say this mainly because TVP keeps moving the goal post. I have found zero advertisements anywhere on the web of TVP actually looking for a script writer, I mean I'd expect some advertisement on the internet of TVP actively trying to find a writer but upon googling I find nothing. As far as I was able to search on the actually TVP website I could not even find a place where one could apply or send work in for the script writers position on the site itself. At that Roxanne has "changed the goal post" as she just doesn't want a normal script writer she wants a script writer who also is apart of TVP and agrees with the values of TVP and a RBE and is willing to come to the venus project and listen to Fresco lecture on a week to week bases. Ok fine?... No not really what does this exactly mean... From what I see, a die hard TVP member will more than likely write a script and refuse to take the $100,000 because in their dogma belief system money is bad. Why will Fresco and Roxanne get away with this? Easy because many TVPers will say the script writer wants the $100,000 to go towards the movie and also because money doesn't matter because it's bad. In the end Jacque Fresco is the mastermind for this con but Roxanne will follow through with it and keep the $100,000 because no TVPer that is writing a script for the movie will take the money and she will probably spend it on other things besides the movie itself. This is my prediction for the TVP big budget movie. I thought I'd put out a prediction before hand so when something similar to this actually happens I can refer TVPers to this link while I laugh at them. Why Roxanne would move the goal post when looking for a script writer is pretty obvious because simply she's not looking or she's looking for someone to do it for free aka the old bate and switch. Roxanne has not said much about the movie unless asked directly about it in the TVP FAQ each sunday other than that there is nothing. Be prepared to be scammed. The worst or funny part of this scam is TVPers will rationalize the scam off into a positive and not even perceive it as a scam in their twisted logic. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic A: Tracking the progress of The Venus Project Multimillion dollar Big Budget Movie Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. 1. A update on my TVP big budget movie prediction posted on Aug 19, 2012. Within this post Roxanne fired a script writer that no one even new TVP had hired. TVP has changed the goal post when looking for a script writer. How can TVP be looking for a script writer when they are not even advertising for one anywhere and have admitted to not advertising for one? Roxanne claims to of hired a script writer but how do we know if she did or did not based on her word? Anticultists Big budget Movie prediction because pretty accurate. TVP promotes adhearing to people who have more experience in a particular field so why do they not listen to Doug Drexler who has worked on television/movie such as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Starship Troopers, TVP's future by design, when it comes to the TVP big budget movie. Doug Drexler has said TVP needs to start a kickstarted to raid fund for the big budget movie, TVP has yet to do so. CyborgJesus suggests a more practical way to implement TVP's movie. This is posted on Aug 19, 2012 a. A update on my prediction posted on Aug 19, 2012. 2. Roxxane admits they were not advertising for script writers on a audio recording on July 1, 2012. This was posted on Aug 19, 2012 a. TVP admits to not advertising for a script writer posted on Aug 19, 2012 3. TVP fired the script writer. Roxanne says they have 40 to 50% of the big budget movie script done in a Q and A. Posted on Oct 29, 2012 a. Roxanne says 40 to 50% of script is done Posted on Oct 29, 2012 4. TVP now managed to raise $200,000 dollars in donations for the TVP Big budget Movie. Roxanne responds to this topic on indirectly. Posted on Dec 30, 2012 a. TVP now raised $200,000 posted on on Dec 30, 2012 5. Roxanne was asked how the big budget movie is going, Roxanne hesitantly answers that not much progress has been going on do to Fresco's injury. Roxanne claims TVP ahs went through 15-20 script writers and are now doing the script themselves. How can they go through 15-20 script writers if they didn't even put any advertisements out for script writers? I suggest Roxanne should stop talking about the big budget movie before she digs herself even a bigger hole. I suggest zero progress has been made on TVP's big budget movie. Posted on Mar 11, 2013 a. Not much progress on TVP big budget movie posted on on Mar 11, 2013 6. Even more excuses as to why the big budget movie script has not been done. It's been a year since Roxanne made a claim that she has got 50% of the script done. Posted on May 03, 2013. a. More exuses why TVP big budget movie is not done posted on on May 03, 2013 7. TVP claims to have another script writer but neglects to say how much they are paying the script writer or the NAME of the script writer again. They also claim to have a producer for the TVP big budget movie as well but again neglects to mention a NAME of the produce. TVP is making anybody who wants to transcribe the book "The Best the Money Can't Buy" sign a non-disclosure agreement... Posted on May 14, 2013 a. TVP does not say who the script writer is or the name of the script writer posted on on May 14, 2013 8. Roxanne says the TVP script will be done within two months. Posted on Jul 01, 2013 a. TVP bid budget movie script will be done in two months posted on on Jul 01, 2013 9. Shaun a admin on TVP says the TVP big budget movie will get done by 2017 and be out. TVPers need to market to major studios. Posted on Jul 28, 2013 a. TVP big budget movie will get done by 2017 posted on on Jul 28, 2013 10. Roxanne claims the first draft of the TVP big budget movie is done but needs to be rewritten by various people. She neglects again to give a name as to who the script writer is yet she is as she says pleased with the script writer whoever they are... Posted on Aug 26, 2013 a. TVP big budget movie script done but needs to be rewritten posted on on Aug 26, 2013 11. During a Q and A a question was asked to give the name of the script writer and producer of TVP's big budget movie. Michael Holz said no and that they would need permission by the script writer before they can release his name. In next question by Mats asks TVP if they can get a website up or that he would gladly create a website to give more presence for the big Budget movie and give updates on it. Basically Buxton said no and all updates will be given on the TVP site directly, Roxanne responded that she defers to the producer as to if a website should be put up about this and that she will not have much say on this. Posted on Sep 03, 2013. a. Why TVp cannot release the name of the script writer or producer posted on Sep 03, 2013 12. I was listening to some older podcasts on blog talk radio. I happened to listen Cowpote radio at which he called up TVP on april 21, 2011. He asked Roxanne various question about the big budget movie at which one of Roxanne's response is that she had the big budget movie script already developed and is now working on getting a professional script writer now. The thing here is she is telling the guy on April 21 2011 that the script is done and they are looking for a professional script writer and keep in mind that she acknowledge in the radio interview that she didn't know she was on the radio. So lets fast forward two years later to now where apparently she's now done with the rough draft of the script again and apparently has a unnamed script writer looking at it as of August 25 2013. Something weird is going on here. Why would she claim to have the rough draft of the big budget movie script done two years ago (April 21, 2011) as said on cowpote radio and now say she has the rough draft done for the script done two years after that (August 25, 2012)? I think we solved this already TVP is just hooking everybody along for the ride and trying to score as much cash as they can. There are no silver bullets but by far this is the best damning evidence that would suggest TVP big budget movie is a scam and is not going to happen. Posted on on Sep 14, 2013 a. TVP claims to of had the big budget movie script done on april 21, 2011 posted on on Sep 14, 2013 13. TVP is making another movie called "The Choice is Ours" when they have not even finished with the big budget movie yet. Posted on Oct 04, 2013 a. TVP's "The Choice is Ours" posted on Oct 04, 2013 TVP announces on TVP facebook group about the "The Choice is Ours". Posed on on Nov 08, 2013 b. TVP announces "The Choice is Ours". on FB posted on on Nov 08, 2013 TVP raised $75,000 for the "The Choice is Ours" TVP movie. Posted on Nov 12, 2013 c. TVP raised $75,000 Posted on on Nov 12, 2013 14. Roxanne claims to be working with a producer and that they want to get actors and directors. She neglects again to tell us the name of the producer at that she neglects to say what her methods will be to acquire these actors, directors etc... Posted on Oct 07, 2013 a. No name producer is working on the TVP big budget movie Posted on on Oct 07 2013 15. They talks about the "The Choice is Ours" movie and seem to take less focus on the TVP big budget movie. Shaun says this movie he believes is a three part documentary. That will be releases over the next year. Shaun wants to raise money for equipment to do better seminars. Wants better intro's, wants better music. I need flashy graphics not just pure information. a. "The Choice is Ours" documentary, not big budget movie, raise a few thousand dollars for media equipment in TVP Education Presents (22 Dec 2013) 16. Roxanne does a update on the TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie. She says things for the movie are coming along. Roxanne says they decided to spend some of the $75,000 to get interviews for the movie and admits the interviews were not apart of the original plans when raising money for TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie. a. Update on TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie. (9 March 2014) 17. The $75,000 "The choice is ours" movie is coming out within a month or so. No word on the TVP big budget movie. a. Update on TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie. (7 April 2014) 18. TVP update on "The choice is ours" $75,000 movie. a. Update on TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie on facebook on August 22, 2014 19. TVP update on "The choice is ours" $75,000 movie, TVP big budget movie and Fresco's health. a. Update on TVP "The Choice is Ours" $75,000 movie and TVP big budget movie on facebook on Nov 9,2014 20. TVP released preview of the "Choice is Ours" movie. a. TVP released preview of the "Choice is Ours" movie on Jan 27, 2015 21. TVP released parts I and II of "The Choice is Ours" movie. Final part III of "The Choice is Ours" has yet to be released. a. TVP released parts I and II of "The Choice is Ours" movie on March 2, 2015 22. The Choice is ours trailer is up after 9 months. Posted on youtube channel January 3, 2016. The Choice is Ours (2016) Full Feature Parts 1-4 for general release on Youtube January 20th, 2016. a. The Choice is Ours (2016) Official Trailer posted on TVP youtube channel on January 3, 2016 23. The choice is ours TVP movie is finally done. The TVP project started on Oct 04, 2013 and video is finally published on January 23, 2016. So when will they start up on the TVP big budget movie again or will the $200,000 donated for the movie be forgotten... a. The Choice is Ours (2016) is complete posted on youtube on January 23, 2016 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic B: members thoughts on The Venus Project Multimillion dollar Big Budget Movie. Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. 1. JimJesus Goes into why the TVP big Budget movie approach is not practical on Jun 13, 2012 a. TVP big budget movie not practical posted on on Jun 13 2012 The Burger King suggests why the big budget movie would be a interesting concept. Posted on Jun 15, 2012. b. TVP movie a interesting concept posted on on Jun 15 2012 2. CyborgJesus suggests a more reasonable ways to make a TVP Big Budget Movie posted on Jun 02, 2012 a. More reasonable ways to make TVP big budget movie posted on on Jun 02, 2012 3. Anticultist mentions a blog he wrote on January/10/2010 called "Venus Project - Hollywood blockbuster" as well as mentions why TVP is a scam. he posted this on Jun 10, 2012 a. Anticultist blog "Venus Project - Hollywood blockbuster" posted on on Jun 10, 2012 4. TVP member named Nate gets upset at this particular topic I wrote about TVP big budget movie and wanted to voice his frustrations to me when within a TVP TS3 lecture I attended. Posted on Jun 10, 2012 a. Nate gets upset at what I wrote posted on on Jun 10, 2012 Why Nate would be upset Posted on Jun 11, 2012 b. Why Nate may have been upset posted on on Jun 11, 2012 5. Anticultist makes a prediction that Roxanne is milking this for all it's worth so she will eventually sell the TVP compound and run off with the money. Posted on on May 03, 2013. a. TVP going to take the money and run posted on on May 03, 2013 6. JimJesus goes into why and how "Atlas Shrugged" was made, which is that it had investment of two rich people. Posted on Aug 28, 2013 a. TVP is like "Atlas Shrugged" posted on on Aug 28, 2013 7. My predication still holding true. My prediction is they will take the money and just give excuses without actually showing any proof that the movie is actually getting made and hope people will forget about it. Posted on Aug 30, 2013 a. TVP will take the money and strong people along posted on on Aug 30, 2013 CyborgJesus says TVP's big budget movie will not be made. Goes in to depth that they need rich investors to fund the movie. Posted on Aug 30, 2013 b. Need rich investor to get a movie off the ground posted on on Aug 30, 2013 Anticultists gives his prediction again as to why TVP big budget movie will not be made. Posted on Aug 31, 2013. c. Anticultists prediction on TVP big budget movie Aug 31, 2013 8. Anticutlist notes that TVPers wouldn't care what TVP did with the donated money that is suppose to be used for a script writer because of cognitive dissonance. Posted on Sep 14, 2013 a. Cognitive dissonance when it comes to TVPers posted on on Sep 14, 2013 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Topic C: Tracking the progress of The Venus Project Multimillion dollar Big Budget Movie through video/Audio file TVP seminars. Summary: This includes a brief description, dates, and a links to other posts within this topic that when clicked upon shows detailed information of what happened. The information is long to read and at times it can be redundant but it's intentional as to attempt to point out the same actions being repeated in different circumstances multiple times and at that for transparency. 1.August 12 2012 Online Seminar - Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows and July 1 2012 Online Seminar - Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows Here is a brief abstract of a Q & A on TS3 Roxanne most recent response as of August 12 2012 about firing the script writer because there and most script writers work is unacceptable. "24:00 7. Any updates on the motion picture? The motion picture writer they have commissioned with a down payment (sort of), The writing of this script was really not to there liking. So fresco and Roxanne are taking the script and doing it themselves. we're going to pretty much take it and don't have much respect for what they have seen in script writers. We're going to do the script writing ourselves. The good thing about that We won't be paying ourselves so we'll have a lot of fund left over. To further the movie once we get the script writing finished. Perhaps we'll show what we have with other script writers and do a total rewrite of the script. To get a budget it or use the money to travel to pitch the movie concept to other people, so in that way the money will be good. " (voice recording of what she said fully is below start at 24:00)a. mirror b. "Roxanne - what is the name of the script writer who is - working on the film - what is their specific background? We have a right to know as we donated hundreds of dollars..." Recording July 1, 2012 starting at 25:00, (she does not mention who the writer is or where they came from)c. mirror d. Where Roxanne admits that TVP did not advertise for a script writer on any place on record July 1, 2012. start at 39:00e. mirror f. Where this audio or video was referenced on g. h. i. 2. TVP Seminar #61 Sep 30, 2012 00:26:30 Question: Jacque and Roxanne, if you could give us a percentage of how far the script is to completion, what percentage would you give us? (example: 25%) a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 3. TVP seminar 83 Mar 3, 2013 37:40 - 41:18 a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 4. TVP seminar #89 May 12, 2013 00:30 Roxanne talks about how when she says TVP is not doing anything that doesn't mean their not doing anything. a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 5. The Venus Project Seminar (30 June) Updates & Cybernation June 30, 2013 1:15 What's happening with the big budget movie script? a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 6. The Venus Project Seminar - Road Map 1 (28 July 2013) 27:00-35:00 more info on TVP big budget movie a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 7. The Venus Project Seminar (25 August 2013) 12:10 time stamp a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 8. POC Q&A Session 8 Sep 1. 2013 30:50 Time Stamp a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 9. THE THURSDAY NIGHT NEWS AND HANK CARTER FROM THE DESTROYERS April 21, 2011 51:10 Time stamp on April 21, 2011 Cowpote calls tvp Roxanne says she wrote the script already and has got a professional script writer. Roxanne acknowledges that she did not know she was on the cowpote radio show. a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 10. POC Q&A Session #9 Oct 6, 2013 26:50 a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. 11. TVP Education Presents (22 Dec 2013) timestamp 12:36: They talk more about the new "The Choice is Ours" movie. With the funds raised they will conduct more interesting interviews and will leave the donation windows open for anybody that wants to donate more to the movie to give the audience a better experience. With the travel expenses to do the interviews they hope they can make enough to satisfy the travel expenses. Anybody who donates not will get rewards, the same rewards as to the kickstarter campaign. They can't name any names as to the people they want to interview, get music people, whistle blowers etc...a. mirror b. Where this audio or video was referenced on c. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TVP website requesting donations for writer for big budget movie
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Older advertisement requesting donations for big budget movie
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Check out other big money scams involving TVP, TZM and affiliates. The Venus Project Needs $300,000 to write Jaque Fresco Biography! Douglas Mallette needs *pause* 1 million dollars, Muhahahaha! Justintempler Debunk On Douglas Mallette's Omega Volksgarden Scam on James Kush Blog XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
emcada | Posted: Jun 02, 2012 - 01:42 |
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![]() Level: 0 | Why must TVP spend so much money on one movie? Don't they realize that unless they actually have some sort of design for their perfect society that the only following they'd get would be from the same people Alex Jones and PJM attract? Oh and speaking of their FAQ, did you send in those questions from this thread? | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 02, 2012 - 03:06 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | The big budget movie itself is suppose to take several million dollars to make. For one TVP city to be made it's suppose to take several trillion dollars, I heard some say it would take somewhere around 100 Trillion dollars to make just 1 TVP city. How they arrived at such figures I'm not sure but it doesn't really matter as it's so mind blowingly dumb. Why can't they make something lowbudget and put it on the internet? They preach so much about utilizing new technology yet TVP is not utilizing new technology in making this big budget movie. "Oh and speaking of their FAQ, did you send in those questions from this thread?" Actually I had forgotten about that thread mainly because at the time TVP had changed there format to the extent that I thought I would not be able to ask question about topics that were unrelated to a given lecture that day. As being a member of the Skeptic Project paints a target on me from 9/11 truthers, to reptilians, to even smaller groups like TZMers, to TVPers, I have to walk a fine line when I am on such communication outlets. However people still ask off topic question on TVP lecture/Q&A; I'll ask them in the next lecture/Q&A meeting and see what response they give. I may have the shave the questions down some as well as there are character limits on a per question bases of think of something else. | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jun 02, 2012 - 18:27 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Absolutely laughable project. Just to play with the figures for a second: Decent low-budget movies are being made for $25,000-$50,000, less if done partially by volunteers. Good scripts are cheap as hell. Mainstream distribution is expensive, but a social media campaign getting traffic to your site could be launched for $10,000 inception, $20,000 ad budget for 50,000-200,000 targeted viewers, less if you get the agency to work pro bono. If they still want to go commercial, $500,000 should be more than enough to produce, promote and distribute the thing over the web. In any way, allocating $100,000 for the script alone is insanity. I almost hope they're just lying, it'd make my brain hurt less than conceiving of the ignorance and hubris it would take to consider this movie strategically efficient. Btw, they could be talking about this: is supported by Soros with $50M and launches regular research grants and conferences, there's no reason to believe that the same couldn't be done with a smaller budget, no or smaller grants and conferences on the web. Masdar City is a concept city first designed to be carbon & waste neutral, I think they've lowered their original goals slightly, though. It costs a whopping $20B to develop, but the thing does house 50,000 people and 1500 businesses and span 6km². Why not break down the cost and calculate the estimated cost of a TVP city? Oh wait, that's work. Wouldn't want to be doing any of that, would we. | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 03, 2012 - 18:29 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I didn't get the ask the question in this TVP meeting I was busy throughout the day and just didn't have a chance. I will make an effort in the next TVP Q&A meeting to ask those questions. | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 07:51 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | I wrote this article about it 2 years ago:
I have also made the point on numerous occasions that because the donations are non refundable and the finances and use of the money is held behind closed doors, therefore can be for anything Roxanne decides upon. This meaning that Roxanne could quite literally spend a smaller amount on the movie, or as Bill has suggested above spend nothing and there would be absolutely little anyone could do about it. The website had disclaimers saying that the donators had no say in how the money was used or how the movie was made. Literally bait for suckers was how it was put across. Basically they have the perfect opt out possible. They could theoretically make another cheap ass movie like all their previous ones, or get their fans to make it for free and keep the cash. They could even not make a movie, keep the cash and explain it all away without ever having to refund a penny. | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Real Roxette | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 10:18 |
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![]() There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain. Level: 8 CS Original | Quote from anticultistWho's gillian?This is the kind of MTV generation mentality we live in, where people believe they can sell us revolution [thanks gillian], where art can make us fight for our rights, and numbers of people will flock to help out. | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 10:55 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | A poster on the blog who said that, i stole it and acknowledged her for it. | |||||
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 15:31 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Decided to do a quick post by here. Been busy all week/weekend. I attened the TVP TS3 Q&A but unfortunately I was unable to put the SP question up that emcada had found. Reason I was unable to do this is because the lectures start a 2PM EST and usually last 45 minutes to a hour long. When the lectures are going they use some software platform on google to allow people to pose a question to Fresco/Roxanne during the lecture. The problem is it can only be during the lecture that people can post on this google platform when the lecture ends all question that start after the lectures end will be ignored. Long story short I thought it would be another long boring lecture so I went to go to the store and bought some beer, and chips. When I came back (about 30 minutes to and from) the lecture had ended therefore I could not ask any questions. Apparently the lecture lasted 10 minutes. So that's my excuse therefore I'll be ready next time to post up those questions. So I decided to hangout during the Q&A in TVP TS3. Many people were upset that I was there for merely occupying space because they defined me as against TVP/TZM and there RBE or RBEM ideology. One person by the name of Nate got really upset that I had posted the "The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction.". Here is the chat below.
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#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 16:19 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Poor Nate someone is calling his fantasies out for what they are and he doesn't like it. Have to love how he goes off on that little tangential rant, and his dictionary copy n paste. Not exactly sure what he is trying to prove, but he certainly comes across as someone who fell into the cool aid. | |||||
#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jun 10, 2012 - 16:30 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Well, Nate's free to name an existing scientific organization with no research budget that considers movies to be the ideal way to advance science. That should give him a rough idea of where to put TVPs plan. | |||||
#11 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 11, 2012 - 03:10 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | I think Nate got upset about this topic because this could be a realistic scenario. Even though I clearly presented this NOT as fact, he perceived it as so even when I told him this was merely a prediction. I believe Nate among other people know deep down this is a good possibility of what may happen. If what I wrote wasn't a good possibility of what may possibly happen then many of the TVPers wouldn't of got so upset over what I had wrote. Therefore I'm convinced the negative reaction to what I wrote on here from TZMers and TVPers is mainly because there is strong possibility that this TVP big budget movie may play out the way I said it would play out above and the fact that this is such a believable scenario makes them very upset. | |||||
#12 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jun 13, 2012 - 22:17 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Here's a snippet from a friend, who checked out TVP's "Scientific & Technical Database" a while ago: I pulled the registration form off their site and had a bunch of dummy accounts sign up with credible looking data. The choices are really idiotic, there's half a dozen types of game developer you can register as, but only one choice for sociology and nothing at all in economics, politics, etc. Luckily, you can register as a plumber...I'm sure a scientific think tank has huge need for those. Anyway, I received an automated thank you and nothing since then. I still don't think they were ever active at all, so pronouncing them dead seems like checking a rock for pulse, but yeah, there's no science to be found here. | |||||
#13 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Jun 13, 2012 - 23:35 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | I rented a room in the Hollywood Hills when I was making most of my anti-Zeitgeist vids and the guy who owned the house is a producer and his buddy an actor. I used to ask them questions with this first came up and they told me explicitly that this will not happen. If it does happen it will fail. Their reasoning was this: 1. If a script or film has taken in donations, no studio will touch it because there's a huge stigma of them being scams and it's a liability. 2. The script is unsolicited material and can't be taken for insurance reasons. Anyone who's been in a band will tell you this is also true in the recording industry, if you send a tape to a recording studio, they will mail it back w/o listening to it. It's unsolicited and they will be cut from their insurance. Indie companies will often use work arounds and loopholes and but the highest production quality you'll see come out of those is Atlas Shrugged. Think; Made for TV movies. 3. People don't go to see fictional films with political messages. Avatar was an exception because of the budget, and CGI and all that jazz, but even still it's not as blatant as this film proposes. Which judging by the proposal will make Atlas Shrugged seem unbiased. People smell a political agenda in films like a dead fish and won't waste their time to go see it. Especially if it's communist. 4. Most movies lose money. The ones that do make it have small bugets and have great stories or high productions and a brilliant marketing campaigns (epics) but even these aren't guarantees. Being that the movie is about people in a RBE utopia and will spend time talking about how it works, it will be a snoozer just like Atlas Shrugged Pt. 1. And the city designs and all that stuff, it will need to be a high production film and no studio will want it unless they cut the dead fish out of it. BTW, how did that movie pan out at the box office. 5. The only reason Atlas Shrugged even got made is because a guy paid out of pocket for it to be made. It took hem a year to get 100K together to just have a script written. One that they could of just had some Zeitard write for free and it's gong to cost them at least $50 million to have a made for TV quality movie. 6. A script, even if it could be taken unsolicited, doesn't guarantee a movie deal. Most scripts get used as note paper. I used to use the backs of shitty scripts for grocery lists. lol. Yes, it's a scam even if it's no implicitly a scam or has honest intentions. 100K down the shithole. 100K that could of been spent feeding starving kids in Africa, but TZM really doesn't give a shit about that. They only care about conspiracy movies. | |||||
#14 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 15, 2012 - 15:27 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Quote from JimJesus I think if TVP were to make a movie or a televisions series it may have a similar tone like Terra Nova which was recently cancelled by Fox. I actually liked Terra Nova but even though it was successful as it was making some profit as well as increasing ratings it wasn't making enough money for Fox's taste. After watching Terra Nova I do think a TVP fiction based RBE Movie/television series would be interesting to watch and I do think there is a audience out there for that type of genre. I do not think TVP (Fresco and Roxanne) intends to get the job done in my opinion. I agree with Cyborgjesus TVP should really be producing these things not as a big budget movie or even as a television series but more as a web series, to get more for there money. Terra Nova (TV series) | |||||
#15 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Aug 19, 2012 - 03:48 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | So my prediction about the "The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam" is pretty accurate so far although Roxanne is stringing the TVPers along still. She recently fired the supposed writer she had and with Fresco will write the script from scratch. She even mentions that since she will not be paying for her or Fresco to write the script the money will simply go towards the movie somewhere else other than the script writer. Here was my prediction I wrote
Here is a brief abstract of a Q & A on TS3 Roxanne most recent response as of August 12 2012 about firing the script writer because there and most script writers work is unacceptable. (voice recording of what she said fully is below start at 24:00)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX When reviewing my prediction and what has occurred up until this moment with the TVP big budget movie scam: Roxanne has changed the goal post many times within looking for a writer. It was first to raise 100K to find a script writer. Then after they raised the money there was ZERO advertising about finding a script writer anywhere on the internet, even Roxanne and Fresco with a Q & A said they never advertised for a script writer. So how can you expect to find a script writer if you never post up ad's for finding one? Second goal post change was that now TVP wanted a writer who would agree with TVP and would attend all lecture as well as agree with a RBE. So they simply want a writer whose a member of TVP. This would suggest they want a die hard member to write the script at which the possibility of not paying them would increase because of course money is bad within TVP ideological belief system in a RBE. Goal post now is, we just fired the script writer because we didn't like what they were producing (although we have no clue what the script writer even wrote, or even if the script writer even existed besides Roxanne word). Therefore Roxanne and Fresco are going to write a script themsevles free of charge, and this mind you is something I predicated would happen in a way although I had suggested someone from the outside would write in for free that is a member of TVP it just so happens Roxanne and Fresco would make this segment in my prediction come true. The good thing of course is there not paying themsevles to work on the scripts so the money could be used for anything really and no one would have a clue. Then Roxanne continues to lead TVPers on by saying that maybe down the line we'll have a professional script writer look into what we wrote and decide then who will write a script as well as the excess funds can be used for other things such as traveling to places to pitch the movie to other people. As I have said before in the end Jacque Fresco is the mastermind for this con but Roxanne will follow through with it and keep the $100,000 because no TVPer that is writing a script for the movie will take the money and she will probably spend it on other things besides the movie itself. Although the TVP big budget movie is far from starting up we can begin to see the lack of progress as well as very obvious what I deem as stall tactics which include goal post moving to string TVPers along. I'm not saying my prediction if fulfilled but it seems to be going in that direction be becoming fulfilled but only time will tell. References: "Roxanne - what is the name of the script writer who is - working on the film - what is their specific background? We have a right to know as we donated hundreds of dollars..." Recording July 1, 2012 starting at 25:00, (she does not mention who the writer is or where they came from) Where Roxanne admits that TVP did not advertise for a script writer on any place on record July 1, 2012. start at 39:00 "Are you advertising for a script writer for the TVP big budget movie? If so what places online are you advertising for this script writer position besides the TVP website?" No, not at this time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I also have to say Anticultists made a very accurate prediction himself on this thread when he said
I again have to say Anticultist is fairly accurate so far as it seems Roxanne is pretty much in full control of the movie from what it seems. Roxanne seems to be firing people and doing things as she pleases with the money yet there is ZERO accountability besides Roxanne on what that money will be spent on as that money was intended only for a professional script writers. I don't think Fresco nor Roxanne qualify being professional script writers and I find it odd they would take the role of writing the script free of charge (something I had predicted someone would do although I did not directly Roxanne and Fresco would write it themselves). Like Anticultist said all donation are none refundable and Roxanne could pretty much spend the donations on anything she really wanted to besides what she was suppose to spend the money on which is a professional write for the big budget movie. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to get more into this, Doug Drexler who is a professional in visual effects and been involved with such televisions series as Star Trec, Battlestar Galactica, and various other sci-fy works, who has visited TVP numerous times has criticisms towards TVP big budget movie as well. A guy who actually works in the industry offers criticism as well as help and TVP still does not listen to him. Whatever happen to listening to the individual who has the most experience in a particular area? Doug even suggested that they start the Big Budget movie on kick starter and raise funds, get help for free or cheap, similar to what he is doing with his space command project as he wants to help developed a film that isn't dictated by a major industry.
![]() References: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CyborgJesus had suggested the very same thing Doug Drexler suggested to do within this thread. It just makes sense to make there movie on the internet where it could potentially be seen by more and even the TZm linguistic team would translate all that stuff free of charge rather than making a big budget multimillion dollar movie.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX For me at least it's clear to see that TVP has no intention of ever making this Big Budget Movie and that it's a simply ruse to squeeze more cash out of its users as well leading TVPers and TZMers along. As my prediction hasn't totally happen as I was accurate that no money would be given to a script writer as the script writer whoever it may be (Fresco and Roxanne) would do it for free the other half of the prediction would be they must take the money and spend it on thing others than a script writer. The big budget movie is still fresh and only time will tell before we can see if the prediction will be accurate or not. I'd like to note that even if they do find a individual to rework the scripts they write I doubt they will pay this individual or pay him a low amount and not the full 100K; If this were to be a accurate statement this does not make my prediction inaccurate at all, matter in fact it still be falling in line with my prediction I stated above. | |||||
#16 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Aug 19, 2012 - 08:59 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | You make two good points above: "I don't think Fresco nor Roxanne qualify being professional script writers and I find it odd they would take the role of writing the script free of charge" Indeed they don't and this leads me to believe that this was likely the plan or fall back plan they had in mind anyway. It is well known that Fresco and Meadows are not team players, and they are what I would term hypocritical control freaks who don't follow the advice they dish out for others to follow. So them taking over the role and likely making an absolute amateur comedy with the task should be expected. Whilst taking all those lovely dollars and using them for their own gains. "Whatever happen to listening to the individual who has the most experience in a particular area?" This is the most important point you made, since it categorically shows how they refuse to follow the tenets of their own program. I mean in their world one should listen to the knowledgeable facts that are given by science, dished out by a computer. Facts that originate through knowledgeable individuals/experiment and scientists. They also throw the direct opposite to cover their asses in such situations, where they claim that appeals to authority or academics is not an acceptable behaviour in their society. I would not be surprised if they claim they took on the roles and didn't listen to others for this very reason, and members will lap it up because it goes with Fresco & Meadows historic behaviour. They will also claim that they alone are the experts on making movies about the Venus Project so why should they listen to anyone else on the topic. This in itself negates the point of making a script writer work for them in the first place, showing the whole thing to be a money making scheme. | |||||
#17 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Aug 19, 2012 - 10:05 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultist , I agree with that. I believe I first had a problem with the big budget movie because I could not find any job AD's of TVP looking for a script writer for it's big budget movie. If they were actually serious about looking they would be posting up ad's on websites (other than the TVP website), actively looking for script writers but there not. Roxanne in few words admitted they were not advertising for script writers and kind of blew the question off like it wasn't that big of a deal she wasn't putting out job ad's for script writers. How else does one advertise for a job without posting up jobs? How can a person take this TVP big budget movie seriously if there are not job ad's being posted looking for a writer. Not that I'm saying looking for a writer by posting up AD's will prove the big budget movie is being worked on as Roxanne could simply post AD's up and not get back to the callers. Not that I'm surprised that TVP would do this but even when they have the support to do the right thing they continually do the wrong things. Like TZm there not out to help society they are there to stuff there pockets with the sweet money earned by people who work HARD for a living with a real job. It just disgusts me that Fresco and Roxanne can defend what there doing and TVPers could still believe in this stuff. TZM and TVPers are not looking for the best abd brightst of society there attracting the most gullible, fringe believing, uneducated individuals of society, at that TZM is forming a conspiratorial religion around there ideology. Where Roxanne admits that TVP did not advertise for a script writer on any place on record July 1, 2012. start at 39:00 "Are you advertising for a script writer for the TVP big budget movie? If so what places online are you advertising for this script writer position besides the TVP website?" No, not at this time. | |||||
#18 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Aug 19, 2012 - 16:44 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | Like a good studio will ever pick this up. They'll be lucky if it even gets made and screened at an art house there. Assuming it even gets written, which it probably won't. Too bad because I'm out of scrap paper. A fool and his money are easily parted. | |||||
#19 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Evil Elvis | Posted: Aug 20, 2012 - 02:58 |
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![]() STFU! Level: 1 CS Original | wait, all fresco does all his life is write nonsense and now they want to pay another writer to write nonsense for the movie. this probably makes sense, before money is abolished let's sell as many coffee mugs and tshirts as possible. | |||||
#20 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Oct 29, 2012 - 07:49 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Quote from Evil Elvis XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Not anymore they fired the script writer and are taking the role of writing the nonsense now. Apparently Roxanne claims to have 40 to 50 percent of the script written already. 40 or 50 percent seems like to big of a number as TVP only weeks ago fired there script writer and all of a sudden 40 to 50 percent of the script is done? I don't believe it until I see it, talk about stringing people a long. Why don't they release this script out to the public at least to 40 to 50 percent of the script that's done? Also what is happening to the 100K now? My guess is the 100K will be going in there back pockets. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TVP Seminar #61 00:26:30 Question: Jacque and Roxanne, if you could give us a percentage of how far the script is to completion, what percentage would you give us? (example: 25%) Response: Roxanne said 40 to 50%. In reference to | |||||
#21 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Dec 30, 2012 - 06:55 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Decided to put a follow up on this. Apparently TVP has now raised $198,000 dollars for the big budget movie as said on the website. Simply mind blowing how much they have made... Roxanne responds to this topic indirectly. Here is what they had to say.
So all we have is her word that she's not taking donations I'm sorry that's not good enough when your dealing with this amount of money. I thought you should of stopped taking donations at $100,000 after meeting your goal. I had no clue the donations were still open.
1 year and you only found two script writers. pathetic. What are the script writers names? who was the professional script writer at least? I predicted Roxanne would do this when looking for a script writer when i said "Why Roxanne would move the goal post when looking for a script writer is pretty obvious because simply she's not looking or she's looking for someone to do it for free aka the old bate and switch. ". Reference: My predication of why they would not find a script writer back for TVP big budget movie in June 2012
So we'll take your word for it? How about no. First of all where the hell were you advertising for script writers? To my understanding there There were no advertising for script writers and Roxanne even admit this. At no point did Roxanne say go here if you want to be a script writer for TVP, not one time and I went to all of the TVP meetings. Why wouldn't you allow your own community to write a script? At that as far as the two script writers hired, one of the script writers Roxanne claimed to of hired has a PHD but didn't know they hired another one. Why wouldn't you tell the community what your doing? This is information people need to know when there is hundreds of thousands of dollars involved now. Why can't The TVP community take a look at what the two script writers produced? Just two script writers when you had a a few months to find someone you could only come up with two? There is so much going on that people are intentionally kept in the fog when it comes to TVP's building blue prints, to TVPs big budget movie/where is the money going towards. Reference: Roxanne admits to not adverting for script writers.
Way to to continue to string people along still.
The money is suppose to be used for a script writer... My end thought on this is that I'm starting to understand why TVP doesn't use kickstarter to raise funds as it would require TVP to be accountable to the backers of this project by showing there work. Why not show what there doing for the big budget movie? Why keep people in the dark? Well of course the reason is because there going to continue to make money off there donators to fund there Utopian lifestyle. I predict they will always be in some type of mode and have some type of problem in that no content for the big budget movie will be produced besides TVP screaming for more money so they can start producing things. Eventually the gig will be up, and people will come to a realization that the movie will never be made. By this time TVP will be using the money for personal things like paying off utilities, or gas. However they may take a small percentage of the funds made to produce a low budget webseries coming to a conclusion that they need to string there followers along some more among other ways to but will continue to always be raising money for the Big budget movie that will never be made. I guess the title of this topic should be changed to the $198,000 TVP big budget movie but I'll keep it the same so people can still find this. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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#22 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Mar 11, 2013 - 01:14 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | More updates on TVP Big budget movie. In seminar 83 around 37:40 to 41:18 during the Q&A Roxanne was asked to give a update on the big budget movie project. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, she used "ummm" a lot along with pauses to formulate the next sentences. There was a lot of hesitation to really go into detail but from what was said in short she said there hasn't been much work on script writing in months do to Fresco's getting injured. She then goes into that they went through something of around 15 to 20 script writers, and then decided to take on the script writing themsevles. TVP has been putting announcement out for script writers. The problem with this however is that isn't what TVP had been telling people matter in fact on July 1, 2012 audio recording Roxanne had said she was not putting out any advertising and at that she hired a writer then fired the script writer on August 12 2012 as it wasn't good enough, they also hired anothe script writer but apparently that was not good enough as well. So if you don't advertise for script writers and are only telling about the script writer position in these audio seminars how the hell do you claim to of had 15 to 20 individuals who were script writers for the big budget movie.... I mean seriously you continue to string these people along... Are you seriously considering having none U.S. script writers who speak English as a second language write a script for your fantasy Multimillion dollar big budget movie? I means seriously, use your head... Roxanne your wise to stop talking about the movie now as you keep digging a pretty deep hole for yourself each time you do, I predict you'll stop talking about the movie altogether eventually. I've been following this from the start and over 1 year since the money was raised which is now $200,000 donated to the big budget movie and ZERO progress has been done but as a predicted TVP continues to string people along. I had on numerous occasions (before I was in bad standing with TVP for writing this topic) contacted Roxanne about the TVP big budget movie script writing though I did not want to write the script, I did want to see if I could contact a few people who may be interested in helping out as I generally think there is a market, as well as room for this type of a genre that people would be interested in. In the numerous times I tried to contact Roxanne she did not return 1 e-mail about my interest in the big budget movie, I also received a e-mail from a individual who claims not one person had a interest in helping TVP big budget movie within TVP as based on what Andrew Buxton had said. So again how in the hell does she claim to have 15-20 script writers before Fresco and Roxanne decided to write it themsevles? Show your members proof that 15-20 script writers wrote scripts by showing there scripts to the public. My baloney radar just had a stroke and died from the amount of BS said. As I keep saying TVP will get away with this because members deem money is bad. I will continue to sit back and enjoy the popcorn in the meantime. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Refernces
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#23 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: Mar 11, 2013 - 09:46 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | ||||||
#24 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 03, 2013 - 16:49 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | In TVP facebook group on behalf of Roxanne Vixie fills everybody in nearly a month and a half later as to what's going on with the script and even more excuses as to why the script is not done yet. Didn't Roxanne say she had 50% of the script done nearly a year ago?!? Why couldn't you finish the last half of the script off within a year... So scammy... I can just hear the $200,000 for this movie being flushed down the toilet. My prediction is still pretty much dead on. Roxanne sayingshe had written 50% of the script. Roxanne saying had written 50% of the script on Sept, 30, 2013 in TVP lecture. Vixi Returns | |||||
#25 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 03, 2013 - 19:44 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | I get the feeling they know Jacque is ill and won't survive very long, so she is holding back on spending money so when it comes time to fold the business and sell off the assets she has plenty to fall back on. Just saying. | |||||
#26 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 03, 2013 - 22:40 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultist I'd agree with that. Sounds like a nice prediction. I suppose we will see how this plays out eventually. Just noticed the 1 year anniversary of this topic is coming up on June 1, pretty sad on my part lol... Have to say the progress of the big budget movie is the same since the day I started this topic. I've not seen any proof there has been any progress going on this, and I simply cannot take Roxanne word for it either... | |||||
#27 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 14, 2013 - 14:08 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | In seminar #89 TVP claims to have another script writer but neglects to say how much they are paying the script writer or the NAME of the script writer again. They also claim to have a producer for the TVP big budget movie as well but again neglects to mention a NAME of the producer. At that they talk about the Fresco biography being made and in this circumstance they mention the writer of the biography who is Wilson Hathorn. Why is it Roxanne is unable to give a name ANY potential TVP script writer yet she can give a name to the Fresco biography writer. The Fresco biography has been known for only a month yet TVP big budget movie has been known for over a year now, yet a name is given to who is doing the biography and no name to the script writer... I found it interesting TVP is utilizing the TZM linguistic team to translate "The Best That Money Can't Buy". My thing has always been if TVP is making money off something that someone else did for free then shouldn't for example the translators who translate the material that is being sold be compensated with some coin? The leader of TZM is doing a similar action as well with the TZM LTI. TVP is making anybody who wants to transcribe the book "The Best the Money Can't Buy" sign a non-disclosure agreement... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TVP Time stamp TVP seminar #89 00:30 Roxanne talks about how when she says TVP is not doing anything that doesn't mean their not doing anything. 1:00 TZM LTI is having a transcirbathon to transcribe Fresco's book called the best that money can't buy. TVP is asking that people who want to transcribe sign a non-disclosure agreement before they transcribe. She then mentions to contact Gman to transcribe. 2:30 Roxanne says the script is coming along and that they have hired a script writer. That the script writer is working very closely with TVP. They also found a producer. Roxanne emphasizes they they really need to refine the script. 3:15 Talks about Fresco biography and that their working on that. The person doing the biography is Wilson Hawthorne. References: The leader of TZM Peter Joseph doing something similar like TVP to make money off LTI. | |||||
#28 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Wyboth | Posted: May 14, 2013 - 20:54 |
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![]() The Proper One Level: 0 | I really doubt that the big budget movie and the biography are ever going to happen, especially since the kickstarter was a flop and the movie just hasn't been worked on. | |||||
#29 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jul 01, 2013 - 03:24 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | More on the TVP script. Roxanne says it will be done in two months. She neglects to tell us the name of the script writer or the name of the producer, therefore we have to take Roxanne word for it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Venus Project Seminar (30 June) Updates & Cybernation 1:15 What's happening with the big budget movie script? Roxanne says the script is coming along it will take a couple more months to finish. TVP has a producer now as well. | |||||
#30 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |