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The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 16:32 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Who is Peter Joseph part 3: Charles Robinson August.10.2010 48 66 http://web.archive.org/web/20110901121154/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/08/10/who-is-peter-joseph-part-3-charles-robinson/ Anonymous uncover a dirty little secret of Peter Joseph Merolas, They claimed the video was made by Peter Merola himself, and this appeared to have been a reasonable claim, this prompted Charles Robinson to reply with some extra footage of his voice and him having a dialogue with Peter Merola. One major problem is the guy is American who is talking, he does not have a UK accent at all, so is he a UK student in New York or is he an American citizen lying about being English ? Part 2 link: http://www.tudou.com/v/3uEMT6713dg/v.swf So lets look at this as I have already discussed here: Charles Robinson makes a you tube account and a website using the same creative commons and host sites as his normal zeitgeist productions. He does this all within a few days of me releasing the who is Peter Joseph blog which laid to rest who he was and his little lying hiding escapade. What is most curious about this was at the time I was under the impression Peter had done it because Charles Robinson was never introduced or mentioned anywhere on the zeitgeist forums. There was no advertisement anyone was" interviewing" peter, he was never a member of the forum, Peter never mentioned it, and it was all personal details prior to me releasing the blog. The duration of the time between the "interview" with himself and Charles Robinson and me releasing the blog, Peter kept quiet about his personal details always maintaining that he required anonymity and wanted no one to know who he was. Though we are led to believe that all of a sudden on the release of his name this video came out and he was all happy to let people know. But he didn't make the call about it, he let a complete stranger no one knows or has heard about do it instead ? But the story looks strange when we see in the video above, when you were in New York and Charles was supposed to be in England on February 14th, somehow the very same day when the video was uploaded and completed and put online, There is a section where the screen grabs are of PJ logged into his own amazon account on February 14th looking at a book, with the date showing when another book order is going to arrive. This puts peter Joseph merola at home on his computer looking at his amazon account and taking a screen grab of it for the whoispeterjoseph movie, there is no other possibility of this happening. Therefore the very day the video is uploaded for people Peter Joseph Merola is adding final touches to its production. So he most certainly has a hand in its production its editing and its content structure, so Peter no matter what he says has helped make the video and get it completed even though he is not pjysically in the room with Charles doing it. After Charles responded it appears at least there is a person who made a video with him as you can see and hear a dialogue, but at least in the video we can see that it was released as damage control for my first blog, Charles even mentions it in the video. So at least we know he made his video under the same name as my blog and posted it as quickly as possible to try and prevent any damage it may have done to Peters credibility. For more information; http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/who-is-peter-joseph/ http://conspiracyscience.com/forums/topic/peter-joseph-is-charles-robinson http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/who-is-peter-joseph-part-2/ http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/08/10/who-is-peter-joseph-part-3-charles-robinson/ Other parts to this video can be watched here: Part 1 http://www.tudou.com/v/GVQro3FwsTQ/v.swf Part 2: http://www.tudou.com/v/3uEMT6713dg/v.swf Part 3 http://www.tudou.com/v/UkldK0RPLHQ/v.swf Part 4 http://www.tudou.com/v/uGTKz4jJRY0/v.swf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#91 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 16:41 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Joke Fresco is getting annihalated here September.1.2010 49 67 http://web.archive.org/web/20110902175040/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/09/01/joke-fresco-is-getting-annihalated-here/ UPDATED: Peter has made a new video Also lets see the EPCOT centre of Walt disneys. This was his drawings and philosophy for a Prototype city of Tomorrow, where it housed scientists and and engineers always at the cutting edge of technology designing things for the cities of the future, where a community of people would live like noone else on the planet has ever done before. Walt Disney's Original Plan for EPCOT - Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxC_a7qnGi8 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#92 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 16:44 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter I have taken a few months off from the blog and making any posts October.31.2010 68 http://web.archive.org/web/20110901121324/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2010/10/31/i-have-taken-a-few-months-off-from-the-blog-and-making-any-posts/ I decided to take a few months off from this blog and just leave it stand on the internet and do its thing. I was busy doing my own things in life and getting on with what I actually love doing and applying myself to a few other places on the internet. I pop back here every week or two to check in on the replies people make here, about 80 of them are just sat in my inbox unverified simply because they're a bunch of pro zeitgeisters getting hissy because the blog exists, or repeating already disqualified rationale for zeitgeists existence. And there they will stay unfortunately for the posters because I am in no mood to rekindle debates about topics and points that have been hammered out over the years by us all. So I will be continuing on with my life and leaving the posts here open for people to read and its unlikely there will be anything else to say about zeitgeist as its had no impact on anyones lives in the real world, and its neither progressed in its views or actually brought a single thing to fruition other than accrue more willing patsies to spread the word and sell Jacques toys. For these reasons there is not really a lot more to add to this blog as nothing has happened and probably never will concerning their movement to even report on. So to all the people who posted here regularly take care and perhaps I might come across something worthwhile posting about should they do anything interesting and valuable. The only thing that will happen shortly is more paraphernalia put out in video format for people to sit at home and entertain their confirmation biases. Perhaps something entertaining can be gotten from that to discuss, until then adios . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#93 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:13 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter 0ther blogs on venus project worth reading Decembe.30.2009 51 69 6 part http://web.archive.org/web/20110810214144/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/barbedwiresmile/ Zeitgeist & venus project blog by an ex member http://barbedwiresmile.wordpress.com/2009/01/31/dialogues-with-the-venus-project-zeitgeist-movement/ The venus project bombastic dream or realisable future ? http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com/2009/03/venus-project-bombastic-dream-or.html Flamesong on the venus project http://web.archive.org/web/20100228074055/http://flog.flamesong.com/labels/Venus-Project.html xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx barbedwiresmile blog
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog The Venus Project: Bombastic Dream or Realizable Future?
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX flamesong.com blog The Venus Project and The Raelian Movement When I first saw Jacques Fresco in the film Zeitgeist: Addendum, I was uncomfortably minded of the leader of the UFO cult Heaven's Gate, Marshall Applwhite (aka Bo and Do) who died in the cult's mass suicide in 1997. Jacques Fresco does, however, have UFO cult connections - he was 'bestowed the title of Honorary Guide of the Raelian Movement' in October 2008, the Raelian movement being by far the biggest UFO cult on this planet. I make this point because I started to get the Kool-Aid feeling about the Venus Project when I watched Zeitgeist: Addendum and more so the Zeitgeist Activists Orientation Video (see Zeitgeist and the Venus Project) in which a utopia reminiscent of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is proposed as a solution to the problems of global capitalism and religion. A feeling which grows the more familiar I become with all things Zeitgeist/Venus Project. The Raelians claim to be 'reclaiming the swastika', according to Wikipedia but its incorporation into the Israeli (IsRAELi) Star of David in the same fashion that some have done to promote the concept of ZioNazism is peculiar, if not sinister. ![]() As mentioned previously, the Zeitgeist movement has partially (but successfully) co-opted the the 9/11 Truth and Anti-NWO Movements into supporting a project which ought to be contrary to their instincts. Those hungry for an alternative to the inevitable future of a tyrannical one world government may well be desperately biting into a poisonous fruit. The former racing driver Claude Vorilhon, known to his followers as Raël said in December 2008: 'All the 'Illuminati' myths are distilled through the internet to try to reverse the wonderful trend of globalization, which will lead us to the only way to save humanity: a world government ending nationalism, making all national armies obsolete and ending the huge waste of money which is military spending' Postscript: Other recipients of the dubious honour of being bestowed the title of Honorary Guide of the Raelian Movement are: Noam Chomsky - philosopher and linguist Daniel Barenboim - conductor Jimmy Carter - former US President Sean Penn - film director, actor and activist Warren Buffet - very rich man Nicholas Negroponte - scientist and brother of John Negroponte Thaksin Shinawatra - fugitive former Thai Prime Minister Rosie O'Donnell - former talk show host XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX flamesong.com blog Zeitgeist and the Venus Project I stumbled upon the Zeitgeist Movement's Z-Day website a couple of weeks ago and discovered that there was to be an event which coincided with a visit to Perth in Scotland. I had watched Zeitgeist and found it very interesting as would all but the die-hard fundamentalists of all religions. Earlier this year, I watched Zeitgeist: Addendum and was going along with it until it reached the part about the Venus Project. Something felt very technocratic and sterile about it. Anyway, I watched the Activists' Orientation Video (the title gave me the creeps) and had deep reservations about it but felt that I ought to go to the event anyway - to get a measure of what other people felt. As it happened the event was merely a showing of the AOV again. On second hearing I can only say that my reaction was one of horror. Most people simply disappeared at the end but I stayed to share my concerns with the organiser who seemed to share at least a few of my reservations. Since then I have been expecting to see the usual suspects denouncing the Zeitgeist Movement/Venus Project as a New World Order psy-op - after all, it presents Huxley's Brave New World as a utopia rather than the dystopia which Huxley attempted to portray. Incidentally, anybody who believes that Aldous Huxley was a pro-NWO eugenicist has not read his 1958 book, Brave New World Revisited. It wasn't until a couple of days later that I found a video of the 'sold out' event in New York. I skipped to the end of the presentation of the AOV at which point there was rapturous applause (I assume that the flock were on their feet too). Surely this can't be real? Surely these people who are apparently 'open' to the notion that humankind has been manipulated for centuries cannot seriously fall for this thinly veiled New World Order propaganda. And then, as if any further proof were needed that something wasn't right with this picture, I found this in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/17/nyregion/17zeitgeist.html The tenth paragraph says: 'The former [Zeitgeist: The Movie] may be most famous for alleging that the attacks of Sept. 11 were an 'inside job' perpetrated by a power-hungry government on its witless population, a point of view that Mr. Joseph said he has recently 'moved away from.' Indeed, the second film, the focus of the event, was all but empty of such conspiratorial notions, directing its rhetoric and high production values toward posing a replacement for the evils of the banking system and a perilous economy of scarcity and debt. Do the libertarians who oppose the New World Order really want to surrender their decision making to computers? In the AOV, this is compared to using a pocket calculator to make decisions - except that pocket calculators don't make decisions - they -er calculate. After stating that the Earth's soil is eroding at a rate of 1% per annum earlier in the film, it later says that food will be grown by hydroponics - no irony there? Everything will be plugged into a central computer which will monitor all resources - is there any reason to believe that people will not be regarded as resources in this context? In summary, there was nothing in the Activists' Orientation Video which made me feel comfortable and I am deeply concerned that anybody who has had their eyes opened will think that this is the solution. Zeitgeist: The Movie: eitgeist: Addendum: Zeitgeist Movement: Activists' Orientation Video: Labels: New-World-Order, Venus-Project, Zeitgeist XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX barbedwiresmile blog comments
barbedwiresmile blog comments continued ... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-4337c78a Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#94 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:23 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter barbedwiresmile blog comments continued ...
barbedwiresmile blog comments continued ... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-6402ecbe Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#95 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:26 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter barbedwiresmile blog comments continued ...
sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments continue.... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-9bac2a7c Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#96 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:36 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments....
sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments continue.... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-f297a7f8 Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#97 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:38 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments....
sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments continue.... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-586945e4 Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#98 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:40 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter sfgirl-thealiennextdoor blog comments....
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX flamesong.com comments The Venus Project and The Raelian Movement
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX flamesong.com comments Zeitgeist and the Venus Project
#99 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:51 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter [comedy moments] Classic space cadet quotes from the zeitgeist movement December.30.2009 52 70 http://web.archive.org/web/20110718090604/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/comedy-moments-classic-space-cadet-quotes-from-the-zeitgeist-movement/ "There free energy groups in the movement that are currently building zero-point motors. A lot of this has been done underground due to the threats from agencies from the Alphabet soup group." Nice thats going into the pseudo science/conspiracy section then is it? "The founders are selling everything they have in order to begin building the research center for the cities. This is a priority in that the preparation is tantamount to the success of this movement." ok so all you guys are selling everything to make cash as this is tantamount to the success of the anti monetary movement. "Many communes have sprung up and are currently being planned, which, by the way is not condoned by the tenets of our movement." Good job they don't know about it then or you would all be in trouble "The resource-based economy is based upon the use of the most up-to-date already validated methods" Yes we were just discussing the white paper by Fresco that Chomsky was addressing in the blog "It doesn't matter how valid the science is, it must still be put to the test and the parameters modified until the desired result is achieved". ok so we are studying how to turn poo into gold, Captain Spock lets modify those data findings to make this possible "We have in the english forum, some users that are obviously government shills & agent provocateurs... Users with Remarks defending the status quo...Comparing the Venus project with communism...They are logged many hours, like in a job" Quick Martha pass me that shotgun ! we got us some unemployed readers on the forum. "If people do not understand this direction they should study our material or attend a Tour in Venus...Learn more about this system though our materials - books, videos, booklist, ZM material etc." If you are looking for evidence, dont ask us, just try reading other peoples work, but you are welcome to fund us. "Many technologies from satellite imaging to infrared can be used, among many other intrusive methods. This has been detailed by Fresco in my personal meetings. Also, much of the historical analysis has been done in pockets by the industries and various agencies. B. Fuller also began a similar process. Our "from earth to venus project" will explore this reality as well." Ah yes the generous industrialists ready to hand over their valuable resource data, and the crack team of internet jpg makers stitching it all together. "This is the only response I'm going to be making to this individual because it's incredibly futile. The individual is not interested in looking at the science that we base our arguments on, instead preferring to conclude that the notion of a resource-based economy is a completely new theoretical concept that presently has no peer reviewed science to back it up. What they don't realise is that The Venus Project is the union of the most up-to-date, modern methods, not 'invented' by Jacque but rather understood and advocated." What science and evidence is that ? Those books in the reading list ? Now were going off literature as our evidence are we? Scientific method and principles is it ? You clearly have a philosophical and sociological idea of the science world, try some more magic spells in the hallway while you are it. "I think trademarking is a fantastic approach and (ultimately) long overdue." Sound legal advice from the venus projects 17 year old attorney. More prize winners to come, feel free to add your own. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#100 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 17:53 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Venus Project/Zeitgeist members online Tactics December.31.2009 53 71 http://web.archive.org/web/20120308145703/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2009/12/31/venus-projectzeitgeist-members-online-tactics/ The spread of the Venus Project's political ideologies is an organized effort. If a member is having difficulty "debating" on the internet, they can appeal to the Zeitgeist forum and request backup. On December 30, 2009, The Savage Khan posted a link to this article and discussion with the purpose of soliciting help with dealing with "dissenters." http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=99999&func=view&catid=231&id=213833 Not only is this a questionable tactic, but supports the claim that members believe that by winning a debate on the internet, it somehow proves the Venus Project ideologies to be correct. Luckily the moderator concerned saw fit to be sensible and ignore it. This is certainly not the first time I have witnessed this, in fact I have witnessed calls for backup in their ventrillo server, and it is common practice for moderators and members to report back home to inform of dissenting voices on the internet. While in numbers on their own forum they like to bash and intimidate and sensor, particularly when its a sensitive topic that makes them look ill prepared. I have noted on many occasions while they are not an evil bunch, they certainly are biased/manipulative and like to win any argument through humiliation and active/passive intimidation tactics. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#101 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 18:00 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Noam Chomsky on Zeitgeist & Venus Project December.31.2009 54 72 2 part http://web.archive.org/web/20121005071938/http://anticultist.wordpress.com/2009/12/31/noam-chomsky-on-zeitgeist-venus-project/
This is a response made to an email sent to Noam Chomsky regarding his thoughts about the venus project/zeitgeist movement, interestingly Peter Joseph did attempt to validate his stance with a counter on his radio show dated 30th December 2009 on the website front page, but it was pretty futile. Chomsky has the movement nailed, they are not based in reality, economically, scientifically and even practically. While Chomsky makes a valid point he has no solutions, but neither does the venus project, read my blogs why i say that if you disagree. 0ne important thing to note about this academic making this statement, the fans of this project gladly jump to the conclusion, "Chomsky has not read the materials, and has not watched the movies". While this is an absolutely ignorant argument, since they have no evidence to say otherwise [other than an interaction 12 months earlier], it proves how desperate they are to cling to their values, even if it means discarding one of the worlds foremost academics. Should Chomsky have made a review that agreed with their stance, they would have never made such bold claims, and would be quoting him as a believer everywhere online. Another favourite is to attempt to state the email is false but the fact is, a member who supports zeitgeist mailed Chomsky and asked, in hope of his support, then posted it on their forum. Chances are the more they attempt to secure academic support, the more they will encounter these realistic knock backs. While researching this I remembered another member contacting Chomsky in 2008 and I searched the forums to locate his response and the interaction. Following is a relay of the emails between s.mussared and Chomsky, he also provided Chomskys email in the thread:
Please be aware that Noam's wife Carol died of cancer less than two weeks prior to this interaction in 2008, so this has full bearing on everything he did and did not do. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
Anticultist blog comemnts continue.... http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5539/archiving-anticultist-blog-on-sp/4/#reply-0009d98f Click to get back to topic starter | |||||
#102 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 20, 2013 - 18:04 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Anticultist blog comments continue....
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#103 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 21, 2013 - 18:45 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter Why This Blog ? Group mentality is something that gets silly, people herd together for a cause and end up ignoring the rules of their group, and the rules of society. Most people start off with decent intentions, but get caught up in the chaos and excitement of their movement or cause, and lose themselves with in the group. The defensive nature of group members is quite interesting to observe and study, when it comes to pointing out factors that undermine their cause or their group identity. It is as if one had killed something they loved, or as if they were personally offended by the information due to too much emotional attachment. Members become over confident than they would be on their own and stir up all manner of troubles for "antagonists", and that is where we come in, this blog is to point out the ridiculous nature of group mentality, the problems of groups, the underlying obviousness that is invisble to members of groups. They would call us group antagonists, You can call us anti cultist.
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#104 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 21, 2013 - 18:48 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter The Zeitgeist Movement & The Venus Project - An introduction Introduction to the group The Zeitgeist Movement, aka The activist arm of the Venus Project, is a two-part prong of ideas discussed in two current movies. These being Zeitgeist followed by Zeitgeist:Addendum, I will not provide links to these extremely long movies as you can find them on numerous websites/blogs/fan sites/Facebook's/twitters and myspaces, and of course the obligatory download sites and conspiracy styled host sites. These movies led to the birth of a website and forum that asked all viewers to join and do something about the worlds affairs, in numbers we can change things was the approach. The Zeitgeist Movements forum is the place where everything is discussed, but the venus project is the central site holding all of the ideologies and work. The separatism between the two sites is not particularly clearly defined, as is the bonding between them equally as vague. The initial movie "Zeitgeist" was primarily a documentary discussing the illogical facts about religion, the conspiracy of the government to defraud its people, manipulation of mass minds and control of finances and 911 being an inside job, it has since been abandoned philosophically by its maker. Though he maintains financial ownership and refuses to sell the rights to his patchwork documentaries, composed of footage,clips and quotations from various authors and producers. The owner who goes under the name Peter Joseph [it has since been discovered he is actually called Peter Joseph Merola] has since abandoned discussion and any affiliation with his own work on his own forum, relegating all speech and discussion about certain dubious statements he made to elsewhere, creating a distinct dichotomy in his memberships beliefs and teachings. This has caused a fair amount of individuals to maintain a level of confusion about exactly what Peter Joseph believes, since clearly he has changed his mind publicly, these quotes about his beliefs and being taken back can be found online. Meanwhile "Zeitgeist Addendum" pitched more statements about conspiracy and financial manipulations, but the distinct difference to this patch work documentary was its futurist hopeful ending. The viewer is left with a hopeful feeling that humanity is not all bad, and that we are all joined as one, where we can overcome this tragic state of affairs with spirituality/technology, and by aiming to promote and help the Venus Project. It is here where most people who are familiar with these documentaries will attribute their desire to rush to the forum and help to change the world for the better of all mankind. Personally speaking upon watching it I was impressed by the Venus Projects ideas, not that they were particularly original, since fathers of the social movements and technocratic movements have been saying this kind of thing for 50 years plus. It is also an underlying theme of many idealists that the world could be better if we were just kinder and more helpful to one another, so as you may be aware it is a simple idea. No the reason I was personally impressed was that it was possible this movements forum would allow me to finally meet people of a like mind as myself, and I may gain some more education and insight into fields I had no skills in. The Venus Project leader Jacque Fresco discusses theories of "Social Engineering" "Technological Architecture" "Computerised Democracy" "Automated Civilisation", the usual dreaming of a modern person influenced by science and science fiction. Though with a little background check these ideas and claims he is attributed as being a genius for, are simply taken from books and other historical figures, for example it would only take a brief read of a Herbert Marcuse book to see quotations that appeared identical to the core ideals. Any mention of this would be received with a general clamour, that regardless, the man is a genius for hiding his sources and other such odd defensive statements. Jacque Fresco claims to be an inventor, whilst there is no denying he is an intelligent man who has a long history of experience in business, technology and Art, there are no current or historical patents or inventions in his name listed [other than some fairly mediocre outdated & unrelated 1940's stuff]. This is generally countered by the claim of copyright theft in his past, and his refusal to release any of his current ideas is due to this, currently rendering his inventors claim as obsolete. So enough information on the backgrounds of these people, you can verify this brief introduction on Wikipedia, the forum itself, the venus project website and various external sources. Now I will begin explaining my personal journey and experiences. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#105 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 21, 2013 - 18:51 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Click to get back to topic starter The Zeitgeist Movement - Personal experiences a year of personal experiences Back in 2008 when this forum was introduced I was drawn towards the idea, thinking I may enjoy my time meeting new people with similar ideas about life. I was pleased to arrive and find out that people were open-minded about matters, you could discuss pretty much anything that related to the movies, and generally have a chin wag about all manner of subjects in a funny and informative setting. The seriousness of the material on the forum was always obvious, as in there were always political, religious, anti-war, science, conspiracy, and various fringe subjects. of course the original membership concerns were composed of conspiracy theories, Libertarianism, Socialism, pseudo science, science, religion, meta physics, news, politics, finance, etc ... After plenty of educational months and many new subjects introduced, the forum became tweaked by the management, suddenly particular subjects became announced as off target, and various dissenting members began to ask why this was so. " If it was presented in the movies, and if the movement was supposed to be an open-minded/ none political /none leadership home for its members, why were these topics denied?". This created some level of tension between some very high-profile users at the time, some of who were very important actively inputting to the idea of awareness and spreading knowledge, of course the idea that the knowledge they were now spreading was unimportant to the movement and its members was highly offensive, and rightly so. Many people around this time were infuriated and left, vowing to be an enemy to the movements future and denying its ideals. At the same time there were numerous anti members who frequented the site with various targeted ideas about how the original movie was a complete fallacy and a lot of the claims could not be proven, but there were also the more intelligent dissenting voices calling out for proof and evidence for the claims of the venus project as opposed to the movies. These arguments were the ones the management appeared to want to be focused on, hopefully silencing any of the claims that could not be proven in the movies, these were basically stripped from the future sites discussions. This did not really affect many of its members as they were not interested in this kind of material, so things continued as normal, but I did notice a lot of the sharp and intelligent members disappear slowly but surely after this period. It became obvious right away that a lot of the new content had simply become more focused, the forum was split into sub sections and this gave users places to discuss particular areas within the forum. Strangely though everything suddenly became the activist arm for the venus project, every section had to be directed about the venus project and its resource based economy, or at least the ideas it espoused within that section of the last movie. This was when I began to wonder about the motives of the film maker, since he had publically denied his views on 911 and his conspiracy ideas, he simply refused to discuss them anymore, calling them "unproductive". Again this was a strange move to take, when considering that his case leading up to his conclusions [the venus project] were all built on the premises he had designed. Anyway this was unchangeable and had happened so I carried on, still skeptical of the movement and still skeptical of the venus project and its ideals, always aware that it was something potentially great for humanity, but never forgetting that it was only part of a movie. Currently there are no facts available to prove that a resource based economy is viable, sure there are emotional ideas that it is better for humanity, but there are no scientific studies, or technological validation the venus project is even possible. This infuriates a lot of members when it is mentioned, but it's simply a fact that can not be denied. Generally the members will quote the Merva-Fowles effects of stress paper as if that is enough to validate their entire movement, or throw random ideas and facts based on matters, that are not directly influenced by the venus project. For example science that they have not studied themselves and other researchers materials, trying to validate that it proves the venus project is possible because of second-hand data from unrelated tests and studies. So slowly I began to get into the movement, time passed and I began to understand what they were trying to achieve, I began to research more into technology, reading up on as much self sustainable matters as I could, I began to really get into the idea that we could change peoples perceptions of the world, help people to understand there are better ways, get them into the zeitgeist movement. I even began researching the background articles and books advised by the venus project reading list, many of which were not very easy to find, also i started reading materials similar to them and beyond. This was and still is the current fervour the members have, it is general practice to encourage members to read the research materials put together by the movements leaders, watch their presentations, and put on your own displays of the movies and the leaders presentations anywhere possible. Readers of this may be aware that the movement has its own official day every March 15th [this year it will be a full weekend], where they all congregate in public places and try their hardest to educate the public, giving away the movies for free, handing out paper and documents to inform them and bring them onto the forum, into the movement. The members insist there are no leaders, but in fact there are certainly leaders, the venus project is completely un editable, its objectives and motivations are beyond reproach for any members, they can promote the ideas, they can not affect the change in its objectives, which are written on its website. Likewise the members can not change the rules laid down in the forum, discuss anything but the content applicable, and are generally advised to keep on track and within boundaries, any steps out of them and they are asked to stop/ leave or are forcibly removed. This is not really a problem unless you have an in-depth idea about the movement and you shine the light on it faults, and you then find the leniency becomes less than polite and more politically motivated. Currently there are 34000 members on the forum and apparently there 375000 members in total who are none participants on the forum, how many of these actively participate in "z-days" is unknown, but it is my guessing that there are a hard-core membership of perhaps 10% total of the forum, so roughly 3400 members attending the events perhaps. Anyway I myself began to advertise like i believed it on my blogs, My space,Facebook I discussed it with friends and to be truthful I even defended it online like it was my own idea. Members now can be seen doing this everywhere online, finding anything that discuss the movement in a negative way regardless of facts or not, they are more interested in making the movement look good and protecting its public image, because if its image is ruined, it is not very promotable. I would half expect a barrage of messages attacking me when they find it, so watch this space. [updated & this did happen] So I eventually began to find out about things like earth ships and other attainable methods of living sustainable now, and how cities were being designed in cradle to cradle methods and other such great ideas, how come they manage to do it and the venus project could not yet? I mean they were advertising that it was completely within our reach at first, we could do it today if we wanted to, this is captured in frescos tapes, but again there is little evidence to validate that his ideas can actually be done today. So this began to sink in that I was basically just waiting for them to get their act together, finance and resources is always an issue with this movement as well as the claim they have only been running a year, but anyone doing checks realises the venus project has been running a lot longer than a year, so the fact it has not succeeded in gaining funds and input from experts is unusual. As I began to doubt certain facets of the movement it became more clear that I had been ignoring the negative statements about the movement even though they were factual, and I had been for quite a long time, it was my own bias towards the movement rather than the fact the people were in correct that allowed this to happen. So here I was talking with other members in private finding out how they felt about particular matters,whilst watching people on the forum being bullied into silence or submitting to apathy, if they expressed any opinions about the movement being un provable. This is deemed as "negative" "unconstructive" and a whirlwind of other verbal nonsense and abuses, the fact of the matter is when it comes to facts and scientific data, and any physical proofs they have no legs to stand on, so have to resort to being obtuse and claiming a higher moral ground or understanding. If you were to go to the venus projects website and review their objectives , they have four key phases, these being phase 1 advertise promote recruit...they call it spreading awareness. phase 2 make a movie about the venus project called earth2.0, which will fund a blockbuster movie about the same thing. phase 3 build a test city phase 4 build a technology museum, which they are calling a theme park There is no current timeline for any, and there is certainly no discussion of changing them, changing the order, though the only main objective is to continue doing phase 1 all the time. Phase 2 is currently underway though a hollywood blockbuster seems completely far-fetched and a retarded PR campaign at the least, since it's just another angle for the promotion, recruiting more members and getting more people discussing the zeitgeist movement and the venus project. There is no current answer to the worlds problems on offer only a futurist idea for a city that will make everyone happy, where they all live in bubble houses, but there is also no developement of this occurring, there are no expert members [scientists/architects/engineers] being used to create any evaluations and test data, be it physical or simulated. Even the list of volunteers on the venus project website is composed of 90% graphic designers/artists/3-d artists, basically you have all the people attracted to the fancy artwork and models of the venus project joining the volunteer section to get involved making adverts and movies for the venus project, all for free as well. The Venus project is a registered none profit organisation registered under the name of "future by design" and current funds for the year 2008 were $28-29000, but this was prior to all of the heavy campaigning by the zeitgeist movement, so it will be interesting to see exactly how much they have managed to secure in the 2009 report. Particularly in light of the fact they have all these people working for free for them to achieve the publicity and marketing objectives. Not forgetting it has a profit arm in the name of Venus Projct inc/global cybervisions. While we are also on the subject of profits, the Venus Project has seen fit in attempted trademarking the term Resource Based Economy, which would prevent anyone from using this without the say of the two owners [updated this has failed], so it is pretty much a legal quandary if someone wants to utilise the idea. Likewise nothing can really go forward without the approval of the two owners , therefore there is always a bottleneck in any matters of concern, no action is taken always hindered, inaction is a constant theme of the movement unless you are willing to be a walking advert or do movie work for free. Asking for transparency in finances is not considered polite on the forum and threads have been ignored, derailed and locked when it is brought up, in fact people do not seem to mind and believe that there is no reason to check, but it seems only common sense to watch where all the donations, funds, sales and free work is being put to use. [updated many emails have been sent to Roxanne Meadows about this and she has repeatedly ignored them, see the Venus project is not just none profit thread for evidence] Members are also silently removed, there is no debate given to why they are removed, and it is now current practice not to tolerate any person that dissents on there, this may sound like it is no big deal, but when you consider this movement is a theoretical one and it can't even prove itself on its own page, and removes dissent this should give you an idea why you might worry. Even the owner and his main moderators publically state it is no problem to remove dissenters if they want, it is their website and they can control what content is discussed on there. Now this is true, but it is also a slap in the face to the scientific method and open-mindedness they claim to stand for, and preach they are about everywhere on the internet. Members currently advise anyone with a counter opinion to simply research and get involved, terms "we are doing this for all of humanity", or "you must take a leap of faith" can be seen in posts. Generally though the entire world may not want to live in cities and homes like these, and possibly wont want to participate in this society. There are so many cultural differences between nations that cultures with ownership and vast capital earned from resources are highly unlikely to make the transition easy, particularly if it means a loss of something they consider valuable. Likewise it is unlikely that a culture or local area that has been exploited for its resources will participate without some high rewards. It's quite worrying to note how arrogant this movement is, the high ground they take is profound, where they actually consider they are doing a spiritual and beneficial thing for every human being alive, they have a mission a purpose to achieve by representing the movement. As if they know what you and I want in life and they are going to do their utmost to provide it and let everyone know about it. For those unfamiliar with tendencies of programming and coercion tactics, I suggest the link I provided, it is quite interesting to note the 7 points for coercion and the 8 for thought reform, there are some big similarities when you interact for a while on the forum. http://www.factnet.org/rancho1.htm While the members of the forum are going to retaliate with "this is not the movement, this is just certain members who are uneducated and do not represent the movement", well where is the moderation on these members? Are these members not more damaging than someone questioning the movement? This simply shows two things: 1 That its ok to be pro movement no matter how extreme you seem, but question it and you are a marked man 2 Cult like similarities are not dissuaded, in fact they are encouraged by the action and inaction of moderation. In truth anyone who goes to the forum has no idea what it is, is it the venus projects forum on the zeitgeist forum, is it a few zeitgeist members discussing the venus project, is it a representative of the venus project, is it separate and nothing to do with the venus project, is it not even the zeitgeist movement, what exactly is it ? Intelligent people are literally sucked into the debates, defending their cause and are given the goal of becoming a signpost to the movement, it's quite a shame to watch people who were once individual and less opinionated become so adamant they know what the world needs. How can they expect to be taken seriously, when they simply try to argue they can change the world for everyone, do they expect to be proven right in conversation and debate only ? Basically it boils down to over a years worth of experience in the group observing a focused trend towards fanaticism, cult like tendencies when anyone questions the leaders/ideals/objectives or the movement, extreme emotional defense of the group, and some peculiar actions and links the leaders have. Anyway I will add more to this as I see fit, but for now I have given some insight into some experiences there, a lot of this is visible on their forum in old threads that were moved into miscellaneous section, locked threads, public moderator section, and some of the more recent arguments there. Meanwhile you can even validate my claims on the venus website itself too and even look around online to see what others are saying against it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Anticultist blog comments
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#106 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Clock | Posted: Jun 27, 2013 - 22:03 |
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![]() :') Level: 5 | Good Job king, alot of work has been put into place in this thing.Maybe I should do the same for the Muertos Articles, I'll see when I have more time! | |||||
#107 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 28, 2013 - 08:53 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Yeah thanks for putting in the effort Bill, might be something from all that shit I and others posted that turns out to be of use to someone. | |||||
#108 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 28, 2013 - 14:36 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | Thank you, took some time and still trying to figure out if I'm going to transfer all this over to SP blog section. @Anticultist I was wondering if you would like to give any final thoughts so to say about your blog, I can add it to this, if not that's fine to. | |||||
#109 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Clock | Posted: Jun 28, 2013 - 15:52 |
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![]() :') Level: 5 | Quote from The Burger King | |||||
#110 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 29, 2013 - 02:36 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Quote from The Burger King To be honest mate I am just glad you managed to salvage it, as it seemed like a shame for it to all just disappear because of some butthurt conspiracy theorists. So I am cool whatever happens now it's all here for posterity. | |||||
#111 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: Jun 29, 2013 - 06:37 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @anticultis, though more times than not we did not see eye to eye on things and in all respect we are very different people based on our correspondence on SP throughout the years, at that I've always thought of your blog which dealt mainly with TVP and TZM was the best and most influential for me. Each time I'd see a new post on the blog it managed to hit a home run as far as being fair, balanced, and eloquently written. I'm not saying your blog was the best because it was the first to deal with TVP and TZM, however I'd say more times than not I found it interesting and at that the focus was not on attacking the person but the content. It's the main reason I did not back up any of the other blogs onto SP such as James Kush's, Muertos, and Mario because Anticultist had covered it all before on TVP and TZM, there was no point. I emphasize the fact on Muertos blog which by far Muertos is hands down the best writer but just because he's the best writer I've had the pleasure of reading from does not mean I agree with him all the time on particular topics he blogged about and in this case when he blogged about TVP and TZM. Which is one of the main reasons why I would not of considered archiving Muertos blog on SP (hopefully Muertos does not perceive this as a knock on him). For me at least it's worth the time to archive anticultist blog because it really is that good, not to say Kush, Mario, Muertos did not do a good job as well. I think anticultist blog can help a lot of people get an opinion about TVP and TZM or help those who are still in those particular groups. When I came across some random TVP or TZM person who was conflicted about things they almost always mentioned anticutlist blog in a positive way. I just think access to Anticutlists blog needs to be out there in some form. | |||||
#112 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 29, 2013 - 13:42 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Cheers, yeah in the early stages of the blog I took a bit of pride in making sure that the information was the important part, and I tried to make it so that people could pass through who were looking for more information on the group. It actually surprised me at first that even Muertos didn't agree that there were cult tendencies within the zeitgeist movement for quite a long time, though eventually he came round to seeing exactly why that was being claimed by a few of us. It was good to see him take that subject on and do comparisons on zeitgeist and other known cult groups showing the subtle similarities. I think there wil be some information here that is pretty much only found here regarding zeitgeist, and obviously because you and i and a few other people are members here there is always the chance that anyone who needs to know more can just ask. | |||||
#113 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Clock | Posted: Jul 29, 2013 - 13:44 |
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![]() :') Level: 5 | <bold>Quote from anticultist To be honest mate I am just glad you managed to salvage it, as it seemed like a shame for it to all just disappear because of some butthurt conspiracy theorists. So I am cool whatever happens now it's all here for posterity. Really? I did not know that your blog was taken down by conspiracy theorists. How did this happen? | |||||
#114 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jul 29, 2013 - 16:23 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Not exactly sure how it happened, it was there one day, then was removed the next. The only way this happens is if I delete it or they delete it. Since the blog had not been updated or altered for around a year, I am assuming some butthurt complaining had occurred to have it removed. | |||||
#115 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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