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Tags: zeitgeist, Peter Joseph's ego needs stroking, Waiting for PJ's microchips and nat. ID cards, We're coincidence theorists you dick., EDWARD'S TOO CRAZY FOR CRAZY TOWN, Edward is too much of a boy for boy's town, Reality Bitch slap is coming merolas way, Hanoi Jane, Zeitgeist is a conspiracy movement, Kris loves Peter, Kris and Acharya forever, All people are equal, but Peter Joseph is most equal, EDWARD SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR QUESTIONING US! [ Add Tags ]

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anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 11:49

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

"It's very suspicious to me that you work in some area of media publishing, when you apparently have a degree in engineering."

Think harder you may figure that conundrum out...

#121 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 11:53

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

lofi said: >>Is it so hard for you to fathom the idea that Jesus probably existed, but that he was just some guy who got turned in to a legend, and not the son of god/ticket to heaven? Does it have to be one way or the other? <<

Its ok these dupes will get it when their hero worshipping turns their favourite gurus into demigod characters.

#122 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 11:57

Level: 0
CS Original

It is hard for me to fathom that Jesus probably existed, because a lot of evidence suggests otherwise.</p>

Even the page on the Historical Jesus points to the fact that the only primary sources that documented a historical Jesus are the Christian gospel texts. The texts of which don't even provide a consensus on which year he was born.</p>

You're ignoring the power that these myths, which have become institutionalized doctrines, have over people. Remember the Inquisition? How about the fear tactics that condition people into not questioning their beliefs? What about the gross number of miracles "documented" that lead people to become ignorant of physics and science?

#123 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 12:03

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

"What about the gross number of miracles "documented" that lead people to become ignorant of physics and science? "

Ah yes like the neglect of credentialism and academia by Peter, Jacque and Roxanne.
And the claims of mental illness bandied about like candy to babies.
Their miracle city story is enough to believe without any statistical data, evidence or scientific research, it makes complete sense now you put it like that Kris.

#124 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 12:11

Level: 0
CS Original

As said by others above, they see the world in terms of "If you disagree with Peter Joseph, you must love the establishment and hate the Venus Project" and "In order to improve the world, you have to accept The Zeitgeist Movement and Peter Joseph." It's really sad to see so much potential wasted on the pseudo-hero worship of Peter Joseph


If you seriously think my attempts at pointing out factual inaccuracies means that I automatically deem you as loving the establishment and hating the Venus Project then your reasoning skills need a lot of improvement.

I have not stated those things directly.

I do not worship Peter Joseph, anything or anyone. I have never stated this directly either.

It's unfortunate that people can't seem to understand the goals of the Movement and work toward them. Instead, skeptics who try to lead people to conclude that the Movement has been organized by a lying conspiracy nut wacko, who profits off of the sales of DVDs immensely, has fostered a lot of negativity toward the Movement, despite its goals.

I'm sorry if my criticisms of you have been negative as well, I endorse skepticism, but I am more so pissed off at you because you don't stop at being skeptical of an argument.

It's simple, and justified to make a criticism directed at an argument. It's entirely different to paint a picture of the person making the argument to be a total wack job or liar, with the obvious ramification being an illustration that the author can never be right about anything.

#125 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 12:22

Level: 0
CS Original

Their miracle city story is enough to believe without any statistical data, evidence or scientific research, it makes complete sense now you put it like that Kris.

Yeah, right. Continue to perpetuate ignorance of technology and claim that you're right because of your ignorance.

It’s pretty obvious how technology can be implemented to create abundance of necessary goods. Large scale clean energy technologies, vertical farms, intelligent manufacturing, etc. Check out this video, it's all a compilation of corporate demo videos, of current technologies:

If you doubt the feasibility of the central resource database/decision making computer, the evidence of its feasibility can be found in the fields of computation and cybernetics:<br /></p>

Think of the computer as an amalgam of the following current technologies, optimized, of course:<br /><br /><br /><br /></p>

I really don't know what your problem is, anticultist. Just continue to refuse to acknowledge the information. Never once has the Venus Project stated that they have all the designs necessary to do what needs to be done. It is a basic framework for applying science and technology to the redesign of society.

Nothing has to be finalized in Fresco's city designs, but they are logical. When, and if more professionals in scientific disciplines come together to work on the details, that's when you'll have more finalized details.

#126 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 12:39

Level: 0
CS Original

Time to actually accomplish something, even if it's just growing food and having fun with my kids. Hey, even those tiny things will make the world a much better place than Peter Joseph ever has and likely ever will.

Over a year on, and when I turn off my computer, The Zeitgeist Movement ceases to exist. Progress. They'll change the world yet.

Growing food in your own back yard and playing with your kids helps starving populations how, exactly?

The point of a resource based economy is to provide for the Earth's entire human population.

In order for a resource based economy to be able to perform this function, it needs to be a global system. Therefore there needs to be a global Movement.

We don't tell people, hey stop playing with your kids! Hey, stop growing your own food! Don't maintain self-sustenance!

These actions have short-term benefits. The larger picture problems can only be solved with a global movement toward a resource based system. Otherwise there will always be scarcity.

#127 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 04, 2010 - 13:35

Level: 9
CS Original

When asked about TZM, you responded with:

>>"Are there not social problems that exist in the world? Or are you guys deluded in thinking that everything in the world is absolutely fine? "

You responded with:


If you seriously think my attempts at pointing out factual inaccuracies means that I automatically deem you as loving the establishment and hating the Venus Project then your reasoning skills need a lot of improvement."

As so many Zeitgeister's believe, if you don't agree with the venus project then you think the world is perfect!

>>"Hahaha so funny you are! It's even funnier that you assume I won't detect your sarcasm!"

Well, it's worth noting that your detection of sarcasm is pretty terrible when you took Edward's reply without detecting any sarcasm and said:

>>"The only explanation is that her work is so dangerous to society? Sometimes I have a hard time believing what I read from you, and some of the people on here. Such ignorant assumptions."

Well, look at you go!


>>"There may only be a handful who actively post here, but this website has gotten a lot of attention."<<

Really? As has been pointed out, this site gets 1/20th of TZM's views and far less than the bigger skeptic sites. So are you sure it's not just a case of Peter GIVING us attention, and making dopes like you think we're receiving attention instead of us actually receiving any? PJ is nothing more than a drama queen.

>>"Growing food in your own back yard and playing with your kids helps starving populations how, exactly?

The point of a resource based economy is to provide for the Earth's entire human population.

In order for a resource based economy to be able to perform this function, it needs to be a global system. Therefore there needs to be a global Movement.

We don't tell people, hey stop playing with your kids! Hey, stop growing your own food! Don't maintain self-sustenance!

These actions have short-term benefits. The larger picture problems can only be solved with a global movement toward a resource based system. Otherwise there will always be scarcity. "

Posting on an internet forum helps starving populations how, exactly? When was the last time you did ANYTHING to help the world? When was the last time PJ did ANYTHING to help the world? TZM members literally do nothing but post on an internet forum while thinking they're saving the world, they always say something along the lines of "Well, if we go volunteer to feed the homeless or (some other charitable act), it's only a temporary fix... we're looking for a permanent solution." How long will this go on, how long will you guys go on not doing anything? Is it too much to ask to maybe organize a food drive WHILE posting on the forums? It's not like most of you guys have jobs anyways. Oh right, because that would require work! I'm just waiting for the responses from TZM when it inevitably collapses and you guys can no longer say "Well, we're just avoiding these patch fixes, we want a real solution", then you'll realize that you never did anything, to help anyone, at all. (You as a general 'you' in reference to TZM, but probably you too, Kris.)

#128 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 14:21

Level: 0
CS Original

As so many Zeitgeister's believe, if you don't agree with the venus project then you think the world is perfect!

I don't think that.

Your example hardly proves that, either. I was asking a question directed at the body of active posters on this forum, since I have little information available to suggest that any of you realize that there are problems, because a lot of you think that there is nothing conspicuous about certain established institutions.

Well, it's worth noting that your detection of sarcasm is pretty terrible when you took Edward's reply without detecting any sarcasm...

Yes, forgive me.

I thought Edward was trying to make valid claims, not ones of sarcasm.

When anticultist made his comment, his sarcasm and lack of relevant input was totally obvious.

Posting on an internet forum helps starving populations how, exactly? When was the last time you did ANYTHING to help the world? When was the last time PJ did ANYTHING to help the world? TZM members literally do nothing but post on an internet forum while thinking they're saving the world, they always say something along the lines of "Well, if we go volunteer to feed the homeless or (some other charitable act), it's only a temporary fix... we're looking for a permanent solution." How long will this go on, how long will you guys go on not doing anything? Is it too much to ask to maybe organize a food drive WHILE posting on the forums? It's not like most of you guys have jobs anyways. Oh right, because that would require work! I'm just waiting for the responses from TZM when it inevitably collapses and you guys can no longer say "Well, we're just avoiding these patch fixes, we want a real solution", then you'll realize that you never did anything, to help anyone, at all. (You as a general 'you' in reference to TZM, but probably you too, Kris.)

This post is full of extremely broad generalizations.

The Movement is currently spreading awareness of the Venus Project. The Venus Project is a global resource based economy. It begins with the declaration of all resources to be the common heritage of all people.

In order for that to happen, a bulk majority of the people on the globe need to be aware of it, and understand it. That is why the main goal of the Movement is spreading awareness at this point.

In all of the official documentation there has not been one claim that people shouldn't become active in self-sustainability or charity work or anything like that. In fact, a lot of members on the forums are active in these very things. The wiki has a lot of resources for self-sustainability, in fact. Even VTV has brought Open Source Ecology onto his radio show. Of course these things are good! To suggest that because I point out that these things are patchwork, therefore they are totally pointless, is a fallacy. They are patchwork. Understand the term, patchwork? It is repairing something (good) but it is not a permanent sustainable solution. Good to do them now, but all the better to do them and advocate a permanent sustainable solution as well, no?

To suggest that we literally do nothing is just one of many incorrect and broad generalizations that so many of you perpetuate on this forum.

None of us have jobs? None of us do other things than post on forums?

Look. I've been trying to restrain myself as best as I can. But fuck you. Alright. If you don't realize that is a broad generalization that is totally unfair, fuck you.

Do you even realize what you're saying?

I can almost detect that your source of information for these claims and assertions have been entirely from anticultist. If not, I'll be a little surprised. Stop listening to that asshole and look into things for yourself!

#129 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 04, 2010 - 14:38

Level: 9
CS Original

>>"To suggest that we literally do nothing is just one of many incorrect and broad generalizes that so many of you perpetuate on this forum.

None of us have jobs? None of us do other things than post on forums?

Look. I've been trying to restrain myself as best as I can. But fuck you. Alright. If you don't realize that is a broad generalization that is totally unfair, fuck you.

Do you even realize what you're saying?

I can almost detect that your source of information for these claims and assertions have been entirely from anticultist. If not, I'll be a little surprised. Stop listening to that asshole and look into things for yourself! "

Uh oh, must have hit a nerve! I would say of all the regular posters on this forum, I've interacted the least with anticultist just because TZM stuff usually doesn't interest me and that's what he posts most about, and I've never even been to his blog (sorry!). My "source" for what I've said is my interaction with TZM members, either on this forum or reading the occasional thread over at your forum. What does TZM advocate other than "spreading the word"? If you can't see that for the delaying tactic that it is to keep the movement alive while not actually doing anything to help, then you're just a big ol' dummyhead (pardon my language).

So yes, a lot of people on this forum have suggested that your movement does literally nothing. So, prove us wrong? What do you guys do other than "spread the word". Hell, technically we're spreading the word right now! Look at me, what a fucking super hero I am.

#130 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: May 04, 2010 - 14:56

Level: 3
CS Original

In all of the official documentation there has not been one claim that people shouldn't become active in self-sustainability or charity work or anything like that. In fact, a lot of members on the forums are active in these very things.

I've heard Roxanne Meadows refer to non Zeitgeist related activists, such as environmentalists and so on as "masturbating" because they "don't offer a solution to the problems". They might not directly tell people not to contribute to these things but they don't promote much of anything other than spreading awareness. One TZM member who posted here even called the Movement a charity itself, which made me laugh a lot considering all they have to offer is a lame media campaign and a bunch of corny slogans like "the revolution is now". [I don't want to be too hard on this person though because he later changed a lot of his opinions)

#131 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KrisPatersonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:04

Level: 0
CS Original

Again with the generalizations.

We are super heroes for spreading the word?

That is a biased predetermined judgment. Totally unfair.

We never suggest that or any of these things.

What do I have to prove to you? That we haven't told anyone not to do anything else? That the Venus Project starts at declaring the resources of the Earth common heritage? In order for it to start we need mass awareness?

I think I have proven that, haven't I?

I told you to fuck off because you certainly did hit a nerve. You have such a biased inaccurate portrayal of the Movement it is not even funny. You insinuate that the majority of people (including me) don't have jobs or don't try to help people. That pisses me off, I'm sorry.

#132 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:14

Level: 9
CS Original

So literally nothing, got it.

#133 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
lofihigainPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:15

Level: 0
CS Original

Kris: one way that you could show us you are actually doing something would be to put a lot of effort and work into a free/donation based bimonthly workshop about sustainable communal living, farming, and intelligent construction (you know, all that stuff most people don't do anymore). If you have the means one day, buy a property, farm that hell out of it in a smart way, then invite people to come check it out. Educate people on the zoning laws of their area if you want, show them what can be considered a living space by the state/locality (there are plenty of loopholes and workarounds regarding housing).

Build with cob, the hippies will love you for it. They will donate evil money toward your cause. Also, cob housing is awesome.

I hate 90 degree angles, so I think cob is for me. It's every bit as "doable" as building a regular house, and you can get very creative with it. You can make such a dwelling VERY efficient.

This is all good stuff, and it is in line with your movement (it is, right?). This would be great because it would give TZM a different focus; regular people would be interested in it, and you wouldn't put people off by revealing to them that most people in your movement are truthers who don't believe Jesus ever existed. Trust me, telling someone that their god isn't real doesn't get you very far with them, try talking about it at the END of the workshop. Also, just scrap the 9/11 thing, it makes TZM look bad. You guys are into marketing, right? Yeah, then scrap it.

#134 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
lofihigainPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:20

Level: 0
CS Original

One thing you could do that would be way easier than all that would be to either promote your local community garden, or start one yourself. Community gardens are a great way to get like-minded people together. Fuck, I sound like a hippie!!!!

EDIT: I talk about this because this is one of my goals in life: to own a vast farm property that I can open up and let others build dwellings (my extended family, their friends, whoever is hard up). If you are thinking that this sounds like a commune, it's 'cause it is. Of course, the only ideology would be that there is no ideology. There will be no robots, no robot fleshlights, and no regenerating materials; just cob, wood, flesh, blood, chickens, peppers, corn, etc..

No hippies allowed, and I have the final word. No, I'm not dear leader, I just own the place with my evil money. You better produce a surplus and/or get a job, 'cause those taxes don't pay themselves.

Lead by example: if you ever have the means to do so, invest in solar paneling. You may not see a return on your investment while you are alive, but if you can make it through life and hold on to your property, you can leave that super efficient house to your family. You DO wanna be off the grid, dontcha? Help the next generation to do so, because it'll be a while before paneling is affordable and useful for builders and realtors.

#135 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:40

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

>> If you seriously think my attempts at pointing out factual inaccuracies means that I automatically deem you as loving the establishment and hating the Venus Project then your reasoning skills need a lot of improvement.

>> I have not stated those things directly.

No, you didn't, but not everything I have to say is about you, Kris. You have a serious persecution complex. See, I can diagnose people on the Internet without knowing anything about them other than their forum posts. Doesn't feel good does it?

My post was about the broad Zeitgeist Movement, but also about the centralized hardcore members.

>> Growing food in your own back yard and playing with your kids helps starving populations how, exactly?

Did you not see what I said about volunteering? The world isn't black and white, Kris. My volunteering still does more to help starving people than TZM/Peter Joseph do, as there's no plans that I know of to actually help anyone, just spread the word and eventually TZM will get around to helping everyone.

People are staving today not in the future, and there's no active program within TZM to actually help these people. If a member saw someone starving would they just say "I have some food, but it'll have to wait until the resource-based economy comes"?

I was also talking about how when you spend time with your children, you can help them become better people and they can also help others as well by volunteering. I also donate a lot of the food I grow and save resources by growing it myself. Sitting on an Internet forum all day and saying "I'll have time for you when the RBE comes" isn't likely to create great kids that are good to the world.

>> In order for a resource based economy to be able to perform this function, it needs to be a global system. Therefore there needs to be a global Movement.

That's not an excuse for me to do jackshit until the movement takes off.

>> I thought Edward was trying to make valid claims, not ones of sarcasm.

You should read the introduction on

>> This post is full of extremely broad generalizations.

Well, apparently, if anyone talks about certain people it's "defamation" so I guess it needs to stay broad.

>> In order for that to happen, a bulk majority of the people on the globe need to be aware of it, and understand it. That is why the main goal of the Movement is spreading awareness at this point.

You can still do things while you do that. Why do you think so many members get disenchanted and become inactive? People constantly ask on those forums "what's next?"

lofihigain's post is pretty dead on.

Here's my main concern: You're telling people you can make the world a better place, but refuse to actually demonstrate how you (the movement) plan to do that. If you can't show people you're more than just an Internet forum, then they won't care.

>> To suggest that we literally do nothing is just one of many incorrect and broad generalizes that so many of you perpetuate on this forum.

Most people on this forum don't give a shit about TZM and would rather talk about Alex Jones, but when anticultist showed up and then VTV showed up, everything got derailed. I don't give a shit about TZM, Zeitgeist, etc. anymore and I was perfectly fine with the Alex Jones, ATS, Jeff Rense, etc. discussions.

#136 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:48

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

How do you spell KULT Kris ?

You sure do like wiki too dontcha ?

None of that they're even doing son, your great white hope is a castle in the sky.

#137 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 15:55

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Growing food in your own back yard and playing with your kids helps starving populations how, exactly?

The point of a resource based economy is to provide for the Earth's entire human population.

In order for a resource based economy to be able to perform this function, it needs to be a global system. Therefore there needs to be a global Movement.

We don't tell people, hey stop playing with your kids! Hey, stop growing your own food! Don't maintain self-sustenance!

These actions have short-term benefits. The larger picture problems can only be solved with a global movement toward a resource based system. Otherwise there will always be scarcity.

I love it when they say this shit, as if spreading awareness and building up number ranks helps solve the worlds problems and feed the starving.
"In a world where 34,000 children die everyday why not join us and tell everyone about it ?"

Its time to stop with all the lip service eh Kris ?

#138 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 16:09

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

I can almost detect that your source of information for these claims and assertions have been entirely from anticultist. If not, I'll be a little surprised. Stop listening to that asshole and look into things for yourself!

woopsie Krissys had a pissy fit. It seems hes gone off on a big naughty swear word rant.

Speaking of assholes and generalisations Kris, dont you have something to do than post your nonsense here ?

#139 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 16:21

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original
#140 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: May 04, 2010 - 16:24

Level: 12
CS Original


#141 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 16:29

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original


#142 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 16:35

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
#143 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:03

Level: 0
CS Original
#144 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:11

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

hey Brenton thats fucking weird I was just thinking to myself why isn't Brenton here to reply to this guy and there you are.

Hows the charity walk going ?

#145 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:16

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

I was the first caller to bring it up, several called afterward...but then it stopped because it was literally taking over the show,
it really threw him off his game to have caller after caller continue to bring it up. I really think we should start doing this in an organized fashion, not just with the infowars bunch, but with any popular talk show. Have all of us just relentlessly call in and make it a topic of discussion.

Taken from Brentons link...This is the typical thing that happens with ZM members.

They hear something that mentions them and suddenly they bombard it with their tripe, isnt that right Kris ?

I made a post on the internet and it got you emotional - I win!


#146 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:20

Level: 0
CS Original

The road trip begins on Saturday morning. ;)

#147 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:26

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

cool have fun with that !

#148 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:36

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

That's bad ass Brenton!

#149 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: May 04, 2010 - 17:47

Level: 0
CS Original

What is?

Oh, by the way-

#150 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]